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score, x
98 105 100 100 106 95 116 112
WTA,y 2.1 2.4 3.2 2.7 2.2 2.3 3.8 3.4

x y x^2 y^2 xy
98 2.1 9604 4.41 205.8 SSxx= 362
105 2.4 11025 5.76 252 Ssyy= 2.77875
100 3.2 10000 10.24 320 Ssxy= 22.7
100 2.7 10000 7.29 270
106 2.2 11236 4.84 233.2 r= 0.715726 0.72
95 2.3 9025 5.29 218.5
116 3.8 13456 14.44 440.8 conclusion: strong positive relationship between s
112 3.4 12544 11.56 380.8
SUM= 832 22.1 86890 63.83 2321.1
MEAN= 104 2.7625
xbar ybar Regression Line: y = a+ bx
b= 0.062707 slope and
a= -3.759047 y-int
=mean of x;
Regression line: y = -3.759+0.0627x =mean of y;

If the score of a student is 97, what is his corresponding GPA?

at x = 97, y=?

ANS. y= 2.32355
itive relationship between stat scores and WTA.

calculator: A+Bx

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