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Name : Rahma Aqrarina W

NIM : 121170112


Vocabulary Practice

1. Fluids are materials that flow , either liquids or gases.

2. A compressor used for pressurizing gases.

3. A centrifugal pump work is rotating parts impart energy to the liquid, thereby increasing
pressure and velocity.

4. Impeller of centrifugal pump is the rotating part of centrifugal pump. It consists of a disk
(or pair of disk) with vanes.

5. Reciprocating pump is a pump that consists of a piston moving back and forth
(reciprocating) in cylinder.

6. Duct is a tubular passage through which a fluid -usually a gas- is conducted. Duct for
gases are usually rectangular in cross section.

7. Density meant the weight of a given volume of material.

8. Definition of viscosity is the resistance to flow of fluid. Unit are used to express
viscosity are term of centipoises(cP) or the centistokes (cSt).

9. Throttling is the regulation of fluid flow by changing the size of thr passage through
which the material must flow.

10. Gate valve is a common type a valve designed to be either fully open or fully closed.

11. Part of a valve called the trim are the moving parts of a valve that are made wet by the
liquid flowing past.

12. A globe valve used for throttling fluid flow.


1. A chemical engineer must have a good knowledge of fluid dynamics because piping is a
large part of most process plants, the chemical engineer has to be thoroughly familiar
with its design. The sizing of pipes is part of the subject of fluid dynamics.
2. The way a centrifugal pump operate is the liquid enters the pump near the center of the
impeller, where it is caught by the impeller's vanes. These impart a velocity to the liquid
and centrifugal force carries it to the wall of the pump, where it exits.

3. Centrifugal pumps may be designed for liquids containing large pieces of solid
material(such as sewage), liquids at high temperatures, very abrasive materials (such as
suspensions of sand in water), or very corrosive liquids (such as acids and alkalis).

4. Kind of materials are used for making centrifugal pumps are available in dozens of
different materials, although the most common is carbon steel.

5. One of the most desirable characteristics of centrifugal pump is that they provide a steady
flow, without pulsation of pressure.

6. The reciprocating pump operate is impart pressure in pulses one at each stroke of piston.
One way of getting around this problem is by using a number of pistons in the pump,
each of which reaches the end of its stroke ( and consequently it is highest pressure) at a
different time. The pulsation of such a multiple piston pump tend to average out so that
the pulses are moy severe enough to affect most processes.

7. The most common use for reciprocating pumps is to reach pressures far higher than those
achieved by centrifugal pumps and this is the area of their most common use.

8. An advantage of reciprocating pumps with a number of piston is the reciprocating pump

imparts pressure in pulses on at each stroke of the piston.

9. Reciprocating pumps used for metering liquids because each stroke of the piston
displaces the same volume of liquid, so that the output of the pump can be easily

10. Gases move in a pipe or duct whenever the inlet pressure is higher than the outlet

11. The two varieties of compressor are reciprocating compressor and centrifugal

12. Density of any material is the mass of a sample divided by its volume. It is usually
expressed as grams per cubic centimeter or pounds per cubic foot. And viscosity is
somewhat more difficult to define without using mathematical expressions,but it can
generally be considered as resistance to flow.

13. Honey is more viscous than water.

14. The viscosity of fluid change as the temperature rises by heat them so that the viscosity is
reduced sufficiently to allow them to flow.
15. The two main classes of valves are on/off valve and throttling valve.

16. Difference betweennan on /off valve and a throttling valve is an on / off valve, as the
name implies, is either fully open (on) or fully closed(off). A throttling valve may be
fully open, partially open ( or looking at it another way. Partially closed) or fully closed.

17. Another name for an on /off valve is stop or block valve.

18. No. Isn't. Because gate valve is a common type a valve designed to be either fully open
or fully closed. It is possible to use a gate valve for throttling by closing the gate only part
of the way, but the valve is not designed for such service and will often be damaged if it
is used in this way.

19. Rising-stem gate valve is when the gate is open, the stem project above the handwheel .

20. An engineer can specify a nonrising-stem gate valve when this space cannot be provided.
Sometimes lead to dangerous situations because an operator may forget that nonrising-
stem valve and assume it is closed, because he cannot see the stem when the valve is
actually open.

21. No, aren't. The valve trim is frequently made of material that is harder anf corrosion-
resistant than the remainder of the valve.

22. The kind of valve is usually used for throttling service is globe valve.

23. Yes, globe valve can be used as stop valves. No, aren't, because although a globe valve
can be used for on or off service without damage to the valve, it is normally restricted to
throttling service because of it is energy losses.

24. To see that a globe valve is installed in the right direction , globe valves usually have an
arrow cast or otherwise marked on the body of the valve. The valve should be installed
so that the arrow points in the direction of liquid flow.

Indicate which of the following statements are true and which are false

1. False

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. False
6. False

7. True

8. False

9. True

10. False

11. False

12. True

13. True

14. False

15. True

16. True

17. True

18. False

19. True

20. True

21. True

22. True

23. False

24. True

25. False

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