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ous ~ ney-04q not 4yaq 1// SP ures uol-1ns fa Te} ey yeu, —-spa-guwd © puv qou omozoyseay, “paoy omosoyseary, g Sam preg sy BUL- Te St patq AT-ouoy amos eq ot} sc040-y Ausq hyuneg woy SUV HSIML GTO 9 SuIRH oHepoAT ONL Aq ‘gaer “FuRILK 2 an 2 pid kur ur vey ‘ga sae-u1] ssou-ysep soya ‘oy ‘qzep ore sorys oy, fquSu3 pawa-owoy sty sSuiMeq — ySeq. te — s2ad4 a. T ONVId 5 HOIOA ‘ZZ910N1} TOD WOSNVY TILA Aq Spray, NVTUM ASTVEH 4 peBuvsay Iny Alleoq plo uy a op. tos poygenory Sm Buaq tes wok AL wo poy [etn 12af-09 Ki Jo Sdad-siya nq, ABA 4SO- JOS 942 JOU S,A19U.L ‘oul of Seul0o Tv s —= r ibe e tier! Pinon piomeyy des dv anny - v_ nos Loy iasworq Bur-aot amok wo ynq aoued re 4 foyy ozo9aq A1,-a0 wl —9ojos anos wT iavon sSomeye exp nag won sep 7: a = | = —— = 4 Se a ot ed 1 ou eaey jheaorstm Aur uo y= yd oxy ities - v uma ‘TY sey 8som} JO ba- o-waur 109-41q 9m} Sep- WY ijol3- ur sey -V 4-4 2 4 A === ce SSS = i 7 ogucal b 8009 ec - Joy weo so-so 1 / yorus omy sede amok uy pay “po - 4eOy- But -yow Am purjq wu Sevag corae rer oem soa] eel a — _— 7 SSS S$ = == sroae SSS 1g An old Derry Air Arranged by HEALEY WILLAN ~ Words by OLD IRISH ALK — WILL RANSOM from County Derry Con tenerezza — voice PIANO P 1. A-erossthe bay some lone-ly bird is call- ing —_As tward the 2.’Twasherewe lovid, ‘twasherewe met and part-ed ‘That fa - tal rare = ¥ —= ar west he wings his home-ward flight; The skies are dark, hour, whose dark-ness lin-gers yet, a sul-len rain is When in my pride //T. left you bro-ken - - fF face: TP r 37 ee poco rit. ——— == ——- : =e ——— fall - ing, But fast -er fall the tears that blind my ach- ing _ _heart - ed And in your eyes the grief, , 1 nev-er can for - \ oe — Ae = " 3 ES - Ls tees Lo | SS D poco rit yo 4 I = orese a iembo _—— 4 SSS 3? = aly i ad (7 —* 7 2 sight. ‘A- las my grief! _A-las the bit- ter mem-o-ry Of those far ‘Ah, turn a - gain! Take pi- ty on my mis-er-y! I have no FF iSkin = +—t— re a= <—F. - = ae —= 3 tah : : sat. 4 days when you were al-ways near! T hear your voice in ev-’ry breeze that peace For you a - lone cap say. the word would ‘but ‘on your lov-ing breastt ‘There's not the soft-est ‘And on - ly comes to me, eom-fort me, you ean bring my trou~ r we but whis-pers of my ‘bled soul ‘to +

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