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Republic of the Philippines

T. Curalo SL, Cabadbaran Ciq', Agusan D€l Nortc
'relefax. No. (085) 343-1020
IIRL:futp:././ tltt1 ,14- 111y1 e,iu ylr




(CSUCCI an educational institution organized and existing under Republic Act #
9854 with principal office address at T. Curato St., Cabadbaran City, Agusan Del
Norte, represeflted herein by its University Pr€sident AIYTHONY M. PENAS0,
Ph.D., herrinafter referred as'CSUCC".


AXZEEN SECIIRITY ACENCY, organized and existing under and hy

virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippineq holding its principal omce at
Lot 2 Blk 14, Phase I Diho SuM., Buhangin, Davao City, represented herein by its
General Manager, MR ALEX Il1. AGBAYAII, who is duly authorized to represent
it in this transaction, hercinafter referred as'SECURITY AGENCY".

WHEREAS, the CSUCC needs three (3) security guards from a security
agency to render surity services for the CSUCC 's properties/installalions and I

WHEREAS, the CSUCC has accepted said offer of the SECURITY

AGENCY in the amount flve Hundred Fifteen Thousend Two Hundred flve
Pesos and fi/Ifi). (Php.5l5, 205.36) fbr security services for a term ofone (l) year;

NOW THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises and of ttre mutual

covenants and stipulations, hereinafter provided, the parties have agreed as follows:

I . The SECURITY AGENCY shall provide and make available, three (3)
qualificd, acceptable, licenscd, bonded, armed and uniformcd security guards on a
24-hour daily coverage for the CSUCC aforementioned installation(s) and./or
ofTice(s), as mentioned in Annex "A" hereo{ for the purpose ofensuring its security
and safety, including the CSUCC's properties deposited and stored therein, as well
as the persons and properties of the employees of the CSUCC, against losses and
damage due to and/or caused by theft pilferage, robbery, and other unlawful acts of
strangers and/or third parties.

Coitract ofSecurity Servic€s Between CSUCC and Arzeen Secudty Agencn 2015

2. The SECURITY AGENCY shall provide the appropriate number of guards

for three (3) shifts a day. The regular daily tour ofduty for each guard shall be eight
(8) hours, and no guard shall be made to render more than eight (8) hours duty within
a Z4-hour period except in cases of extreme necessity and only upon prior written
permission of thc CSUCC. Thc SECURITY AGENCY shall provide reserve guards,
which shall not be less than thirty three percent (33%) ofthe total number ofregular
guards required under this Contract. The SECURITY AGENCY shall also replace all
the guards required in this contract with new regular guards whenever requested by
CSUCC subject to the usual performance evaluation of security guards. See Article
VII, Section 5.

3.The SECURITY AGENCY shall be liable for any loss, injury or damage to
life and/or property within the CSUCC premises and all the contents thereof
mentioned in Article I hereof when such could have been avoided/prevented had the
SECURIry AGENCY guard(s) not been negligent and/or remiss in the performance
of their assigned duties and rcsponsibilities; provided, that such losg injury or
damage shall be reported in writing by the CSUCC to the SECURIry AGENCY
within 48 hours after its occurrence or discovery;

4. The SECURITY AGENCY shall at all times extend security and protection
to thc CSUCC's visitors and personnel within the school area and those on authorizcd
official travel(s) as the need arises.


l. The CSUCC shall pay the SECURITY AGENCY based on the latter's actual
services rendered under this Contracl, laking into account the actual number of
security guards, their actual tour ofduty and rcspcctive compensations per month as
listed in Annex "A" hermf, and deductions for penalties under Article Vl hereof. It is t

understood that the Agency's billings included all the statutory compensation and
benefits due to its security guards.


l. (l5s) day and at the end of each

Payment shall be made every fifteenth
month for security services rendered per billing submitted by the SECURITY
AGENCY. The bill of the SECURIry AGENCY shall be supported by a properly
accomplished payroll showing the gross amount eamed deductions and the net
amounts payable to the security guards and properly signed daily time records.
Where Bundy clock is available, accomplished time cards shall not exceed those
listed in the duly approved guard deployment roster covering the billing period.
Deductions from billings shall be imposed as provided for in Article VI hereof.

2. The SECURIry AGENCY hereby binds itself to pay its employees in

accordance with the provisions of pertinent laws and/or other legal issuances
goveming security agcncics. The SECURITY AGENCY shall solely be responsible
for the payment of all indemnities to its guards which may arise under existing laws

Contract of Security Services Between CSUCC and Axzeen Security Agency, 20 I 5


and shall comply with the provisions of all other Philippine Laws relative to its
employees. For information purposes, the SECURITY AGENCY shall, every end of
the month, submit to the CSUCC reports and/or information conceming illness
and/or accidents occurring or befalling its employees assigned to tho CSUCC. Ifthe
CSUCC becomes liable to any employee of the SECURITY AGENCY under the
provisions of any law resulting from the SECURITY AGENCY's failure to comply
with said law, the SECURITY COMPANY shall reimburse the CSUCC for all
payments made to said employee, including the cost ofsuit as the case may be.

3. At the end of every billing period, the SECURITY AGENCY shall submit to
the CSUCC, its regular billing invoice, the official guard detail duly signed by the
SECLruTY AGENCY or its authorized representative(s) and the CSU or its
authorized representative(s), including the accomplished and approved guards' daily
time records, a copy of the paid-up payroll complete with guards' sigrature and for
the first claim, a copy ofthis Security Services Contract.

a- The SECURIry AGENCY shall also submit a quarterly proof of

remittances that all contibutions in favor of the guards are properly
remitted to the concemed govemment agencies, which shall form part
of the documentary requirements in the SECURITY AGENCY 's
billing with CSUCC. This shall be submitted every last week of the
cnsuing month after every quarter.
4. The SECURITY AGENCY agrees and authorizes the CSUCC to pay directly
to the guards any and/or all amounts due to them for any given period under any of
the following circumstance:

a. When the CSUCC has reasonable grounds to believe that payment of

the guards' salaries are still being unduly delayed.

l. It is expressly understood and agreed that for all legal intents and purposes,
all the guards of the SECURITY AGENCY employed under this Contract shall not
be considered employees of the CSUCC. The SECURITY AGENCY assumes full
responsibility for the faithful and complete performance by the security guards of all
their duties pursuant to the provisions ofthis Contract.

2. The SECURIry AGENCY shall ensure and guarantee that its security guards
shall familiarize themselves with the CSUCC 's officers and all its personnel, and at
all time accord to them the highest respect and courtesy.

3. The SECURIry AGENCY shall submit promptly every moming to the

CSUCC thc shift guard mounting reports, as well as reports of all incidents of loss,
injury or damage to life and property, involving the CSUCC's property and personnel
that occurred during the previous day.

4. The SECURITY ACENCY shall provide each guard with the appropriate
SECTIRITY AGENCY owned and licensed firearms and ammunitions as required in

Contmct of Security Services Baween CSUCC and Axzeen Security Agency, 2015

this Contract, or that which may be required by the CSUCC in the future as
warranted by the situations, during his tour of duty, including but not limited to
office and transportation equipment and such other accessories or related equipment,
tools, supplies and materials for the use, service and control of the security force
under this Contract-

5. The SECURITY AGENCY shall exercise effective administratioq control,

supervision and inspection, through its Supervising Security Guard or security
inspector, to prevent any violation or commission of anomalous acts by the guards,
whether on or off duty. The SECURITY AGENCY shall be liable for any willful,
intentional or negligent act or omission of the guards resulting in death/injury to the
CSUCC's pcrsonnel or visitors within the service areas.

6. The SECURITY AGENCY shall assign only members of the force who are
acceptable to the CSUCC and the SECURITY AGENCY shall not pull out any
security guard fiom CSUCC without the written consent of the latter.

7. The SECURIry AGENCY hereby guarantees that all guards shall follow all
regulations, policies and security programs and plans ofthe CSUCC to continuously
improve their performance, e{Iiciency, discipline, fitness and preparedness, and
warrants that all security guards shall observe the highest courtesy and respect
towards all officials and cmployees of the CSUCC including authorized visitors in

the execution oftheir duties.

8. The SECURITY AGENCY shall provide the CSUCC with the number of
guards as stated in Annex "A" hereot and any decrease or increase in the number of
guards shall require the written approval ofthe CSUCC.

9, The SECURIry AGENCY shall diligently and faithfully serve the best
interest of the CSUCC in rendering its services and shall no! during the period of
this Contract or at any time thereaftcr, use or disclose to any unauthorized person,
firm or entity, any classified information conceming the business aflairs of the
CSUCC which may any member of the security force of the SECURITY AGENCY
may have acquired by reason of such contractual relationship.

10.The SECURIry AGENCY hereby guaranteed the salaries of the guards

detailed with the CSUCC shall be paid on time, not later than the 156 and 30t day of
the month. Any repetitive or unjusified delays in the payment of the salaries
attributable to the SECURJTY AGENCY, or if the guards are not paid the exact
amount due to them as reflected in the payoll, shall be sufficient ground for the
CSUCC to undertake direct payment or terminate the service contract.

I l. The SECURIry AGENCY shall guarantee that all the employer's share
being paid by the CSUCC to the SECURITY AGENCY, like the SSS premiums,
State Insurance/ECC, Phil-Health, and others and the corresponding employees
shares being pre deducted and all remitted properly and on time to the concemed
agencies any unjustified delay or non-remittance ofthese amount shall be a sufficient
ground for the CSUCC to remit these amounts directly to the concemed govemment

12. The SECURIry AGENCY conducts a training/seminar to the guards once a

month to upgrade their skills and knowledge in security matters, and as a refresher

Cortmct ofSecu ty S€rvic€s Bet$€en CSUCC and Axzesn Security Agency, 2015

course to them. A report shall be submitted to CSUCC that the Security Company
had conducted the training /seminars to the guards deployed at CSUCC.

13.The SECURITY ACENCY shall always coordinate with the Local law
enforcement agencies, such as PNP, Fire Departrnent (BFP) PA & other friendly
forces to ensure that the area of responsibility (AOR) is always in order, peaceful,
safe and manageable.

14. The SECURITY AGENCY shall assign to the CSUCC well-trained,

experienced, licensed, uniformed and armed guards who shall meet the following

L Must be at least high school $aduate with at least two (2) years
ex;rrience in security works:
2. Physically fit as per CSUCC standard; at least 5'2" in height' age
between 2l -50 years;
3. Not related to any CSUCC personnel with the 4e degree of consanguinity
or affinity in the area or project being serviced;
4. Of good moral character, mentally sound and without criminal or police
record, the National Bureau of Invesligation, and a certificate fiom the
Neuro.Psychiatrist duly accredited by the Philippine and National Police.

15. The SECURITY AGENCY as mentioned in Article l, Number 2 shall replace

half of is guard detailed at CSUCC subject to performance evaluation to pr€vent
familiarization among students, faculty, slaff, and visitors.

I . The CSUCC shall conduct inspoction in rankVformation of guards, firearms,
and other equipage as rrquired in the contract upon the initial assumption of the
contracted services beforc posting, and al east once and every month thereafter;

2. The CSUCC shall have the authority and prerogative to conduct inspections
of the guards during their tour of duty and to institute measunes and implement
plans/programs aimed to upgnde their state of morale, discipline, efficiency, fitness
and general preparedness;

3. The CSUCC shall have the authority and prerogative to impose disciplinary
sanctions for any violation committed by the SECURITY AGENCY guard, during
his tour of duty or off duty, inside the school premises covered by the service
contract. Any such violation which comes to the attention of the SECURITY
AGENCY first shall be reported by the Security Agency to the CSUCC in writing for
appropriate action ofthe latter;

4. CSUCC shall have the right to increase or decrease the number of guards as
the necessity for the same arises. The SECURITY AGENCY shall conespondingly
increase or decrease the number ofguards within twenty-four(24) hours fiom receipt
of written notice to the effect from CSUCC, and SECURITY AGENCY shall submit
to the CSUCC within the first Five (5) days or each month the updated list ofguards
so assigned, indicating thc name and rcsidence address of guards, liccnse numbcr,
SSS Number, tax account number, disposition and duty schedule;

Cctract of Security Servic€s B€tween CSUCC and Axzeen Security Agency, 20 I 5


5. Whenever CSUCC informs SECURITY AGENCY in writing that any

contracted guard including any SECURITY AGENCY personnel, in its finding
and/or option is undesirable, the Security Agency shall within twenty-four (24) hours
from notice relieve the employee and never again be assigned to CSUCC premises
mentioned herein. And if, for any reason which it deems necessary to protect its
interest CSUCC shall request in writing the revamp ofthe entire security force. The
Security Agency shall effect the same without additional cost on the part of the

6. The CSUCC shall have the right to screen, select, accept and/or reject the
Security Company's individual guards in accordance with the CSUCC prescnt

7. The CSUCC shall have the right to inspect the guards at anytime to ensure
th€ prop€r security of the personnel, materials and equipment within its premises.
Likewise, the representative of CSUCC upon authorization of its Campus Director
shall have the authority and prerogative to conduct inspection and impose
disciplinary actions for any violation(s) committed by the Agency guards, as
provided in the preceding paragraphs (2) and (3) above. This right of inspection by
the CSUCC shall not relieve SECURITY AGENCY fiom ftll rcsponsibility for any
inadcquate security and protection of its pcrsonncl, premises and thc contcnts

8. The SECURITY AGENCY security guards and personnel shall be under the
supervision and control of CSUCC with respect to deployment works shifts and
execution of security plans upon proper coordination with the head guard of the
Security Agency;

9. The CSUCC, for the purpose of implementing the operational aspects of this
Contract, shall <lfficially deal only with thc Lioensee as indicated in the License to
Operate of the Security Agency;

10. The CSUCC shall have acc€ss to records of payment of salaries

and/or auditorial right over the payroll ofthe Security Agency;

I l. The CSUCC shall deduct the penalties for absences and tardiness of
the Security Guards and other violations of the guards and ofthe Security Company
fiom Security Agency's monthly billing as provided in Article Vl hereof.

C@tract of Secu'ity S€rvicts Between CSUCC and Axzeen Secudty Agency, 20 t 5



l.CSUCC shall impose on the SECURITY AGENCY penalties for violation of

this Contract committed by the SECTJRITY AGENCY as listed below:


a. SECLJRITY AGENCY failed to Deduction fiom the billing ofP200.00
issue firearms to a posted guard. per cost per day.

b. SECURIry AGENCY issued a Deduction fiom the billing ofPl50.00

firearm without a license. per firearm w/or license per day.

c. SECURITY AGENCY issued Deduction from the billing of PI50.00

defective firearms to posted per firearm per day,

d. SECURITY AGENCY issued a f,leduction fiom the billing of PI00.00

fircarm to a posted guard not per frrcarm per day.
owned or licensed in the name of

the Agency.

e SECURITY Agency's Deduction commence in the arnount of

radio/communication equipment Pl00.0O per day after the tive (5) days
is defective or unserviceable. rcplacement period.

f. SECTJRITY AGENCY posted Deduction fiom the billing ofPI00.00 a7

guard(s) that ar,e not qualified as per guard per day and removal ofthe
per Cotrtract guard fiom any detail upon receipt of
CSUCC notice.
g. SECURITY AGENCY failed to Deduction from the billing of PI00.00
provide the rcquired number of per radio or communication per day.
radios or communications
equipment as required by the

h. SECURffY AGENCY issuod a Huction from the billing of P75.00 per

firearm of lower caliber than firearm per day.
required by the Contract

I SECURITY AGENCY has not Deduction ltom the billing ofP50.00 per
issued any magazine or hole for magazine per day.
extra ammunition.

j. SECURITY AGENCY has issued Deduction fiom the billing ofP20.00 per
ammunitions short of the unavailable ammo per day.
requirements as per Contract or
has issued defective bullets.

Contract of S€curity Servic€s Between CSUCC and Axzeen Security Agency, 2015

2. The CSUCC shall impose on SECURIry AGENCY penalties for offences or

violations as listed below, without prejudice to penalties as may be imposed by the
Director General, Philippine National Police as provide for in Rule XVl,
Administrative Sanctions of RA 5487 as amended, and to the disciplinary sanctions
that may be impord on the individual erring guard by the CSUCC.

a. Abandonment of Post Deduction from the billing ofP200.00
and termination ofthe guard's service
upon receipt of the written notice.

b. Posted security guards found Deduction fiom the billing of P200.00

drunk, drinking intoxicating liquor and termination ofthe guard's service
or found under the influence or upon receipt ofthe written notice.
prohibited drugs while on duty

c. Providingconfidential Deduction liom the billing ofPI00.00

information to unauthorized and termination ofthe guard's service
person(s) upon receipt ofthe written notice.

d. Security guard firing or fired his Deduction from the billing ofPl00.00
fi rearm indiscriminately and temrination ofthe guard's service
upon receipt ofthe written notice.

e. Posted security guard observed

playing with his service firearm or
allowed others to play or tinker
with his firearms
fteduction from the billing of P100.00
and termination ofthe guard's service
upon receipt of the written notice.
f. Security guard apprehended for Deduction from the billing of P100.00
alarm, scandal or disorderly and termination of the guard's service
conduct within the premises of the upon receipt ofthe written notice. l
installation on or off duty

g. Security guard engaging in Deduction fiom the billing of PI00.00

mulcting or extortion activities per incident and rcrmination ofthe
guard's service upon receipt ofthe
written notice.

h. Manifes(ed or display of Deduction fiom the billing of Pl00.00

discourteous or failure to render per incident and termination of the
appropriate respect or courtesy to guard's service upon receipt ofthe
CSUCC Oflicial or employee or written notice.

I Security guard found sleeping on D€duction from the billing of PI00.00

duty per incident and termination ofthe
guard's service upon receipt ofthe
written notice.

j. Failure ofthe security guards to Deduction from the billing of P100.00

to duty without prior notice violation.

Cor ract ofSecurity Servic€s Between CSUCC and AxzeeD Secudt) Agency, 2015

k. Failure ofthe posted security Deduction from the billing ofPl00.00

guard to carry his license to per incident.
exercise profession as Private
Security Guard

3. MISCELLANEOUS - The following violations or deficiencies shall be

of P25.00 for l" offense,
penalized with the deduction form billing in the amount
P50. 00 for 2nd offense. and P100.00 for 3d offense: and lor the 4th offense,
termination of service of the guard, to wit:

a. Security guard smoking while on duty.

b. Security guard reading newspaper, comics and other unofficial
reading materials while on duty.
c. Security guad sporting the
non-regulation haircut,
beard/mustache or not in proper uniform while on duty.
d. Security guard engaging in prolonged or unnecessary conversation
over the telephone or with visitorVemployees while on duty.
e. Security guard without whistle, night stick and flashlight while on
night duty and raincoat/umbrclla during bad weather conditions,
f. Late in rcporthg to formation prior to posting.

4. 'lhe CSUCC in its desirc to instill discipline, improve fitness and -

profbssionalism among the security guards may formulate and implement a system
of reward and punishment supplementing and/or independent of the offenses and
penalties provided in this article.

5. The CSUCC shall inform'SECURITY ACENCY" of any offense or violation

of rules, name of guard apprehended, time and date of apprehension; and reports (
shall be signed by apprehended party and apprehending party.


l. It is expressly understood herein that the relationship of "SECURITY

ACENCY" with CSUCC is based purely on the trust and confidence of the latter in
the former and that CSUCC shall have the right to terminate the Contract in case of
loss of said trust and conlidence in "SECURITY AGENCY', upon thirty (30) days
prior written notice therefore to'SECURITY AGENCY".

2. The CSUCC shall have the right to terminate the Contract, after a thirty (30)
days written notice therefore to the "SECURITY AGENCY" on the following

a. When "SECURITY AGENCY" has willfully and intentionally or

through negligence caused the death oi or has inflected serious
physical injury on any person or any CSUCC personnel inside the
CSUCC premises while on official duty.
b. When *SECURITY AGENCY" has willfully and intentionally
through negligence caused ineparable damage to the prestige of any

Cmt act ofSecurity Services Brtilcen CSUCC .nd Axzeen Security Agency, 2015

vital interest of the CSUCC, great destruction of CSUCC properties

and equipmen! or great economic loss by personal participation of
non-performance of his duties and responsibilities.

c When "SECURIry AGENCY" violated other obligation required

under this Contract and refused to comply and/or remedy the violation
within reasonable period given the CSUCC.

d. When 'SECLJRITY AGENCY" fails to pay the salaries of any guard

in accordance with Annex "A" of the contract for two consecutivc
billing periods without just cause.

e. of the audit findings, CSUCC finds the

When upon result
'SECURITY AGENCY" resorting to unauthorize4 illegal,
involuntary and unreasonable deductions, resulting to short and
underpayment of salaries of guards thercby affecting their state of
morale and efficiency.

f. When CSUCC finds the *SECURITY ACENCY" to have failed in

thei obligation to any of its guard s based on agency's contract with
CSUCC, thus, affecting the state of morale and efficiency of the entire

g. When
*SECURITY AGENCY" increased or decreased the number of
guards without written approval of dre CSUCC.

3. CSUCC as its interest may require, shall have the right to cancel or t€rminate
the award of this Contract when the'SECURITY AGENCY", upon 7 calendar days
written notice, frils to comply any or all of the following, before the initial posting:

a. Present physicelly 1o the CSUCC all the equipage requirement under

this Contract, including dre list of names of security guards to be

4. The CSUCC may, without incuning any liability, and as its interest may
require, terminate the contract in whole or in part, at anytime, at its convenience by
giving a thirty (30) days prior written notice s€nt to the SECURITY AGENCY. The
notice of terminalion shall specift that such termination is for the CSU
convenience and state the extent to which performance of work under the contract
terminated and the date upon which such termination becomes effective.

Contract ofSecurity Servi€es Between CSUCC and Axzeer Security Agency, 2015

The Security Agency shall also have the right to cancel or terminate the contract
upon serving a thirty (30) days written notice to CSUCC, based on reasonable


The "SECURITY AGENCY" hereby warrants that it or its representative has not
oflered or paid, directly or indirectly, any government oflicer and CSUCC official or
employee any consideration or commission for the Contract nor has it or its
repres€nlative exerted or utilized any corrupt or unlawful influence to secure or
solicit this Contract for any consideration or commissions; that the *SECURITY
AGENCY'will not subcontract any portion or portions of the scope of work of the
Contract awarded to him to any official or employee of the CSUCC and to the
relatives within the 3d degree of consanguinity of affinity of CSUCC officials who
are directly and/or indirectly involved in the Contract awards or project prosecution;
and that if any commission is being paid to a private person, he shall disclose the
namc of thc said pcrson and thc amount being paid; and that any violation of this
warranty shall constitute a sufficient ground for the r€scission for cancellation ofthis
Contract or the reduction from the contract price ofthe consideration or commission
paid without prejudice to the filling of civil or criminal action under the Anti4raft
Law and other applicable laws against the "SECURITY AGENCY" and/or his
repres€ntative and CSUCC official /employee. Y

Ifany term or condition ofthis Contract is held invalid or contrary to law, the
validity ofthe other terms and conditions hereof shall not be affected thereby.


The parties hereto hereby agree that the venue of action for any cause or
causes of action which may arise from this Contract shall be exclusively the proper
court of Butuan City, Philippines only.

In case of Court litigation arising out of any violation of the terms and
conditions of this Contract by *SECURITY AGENCY', or any cause arising there
fiom, the amount of twenty percent (20%) ofthe value of award made by the Court
shall be paid by "SECURITY AGENCY" to CSUCC by way of attomey's fees and
other expenses of litigation but in no case shall such amount for attomey,s fees and
other expenses of litigation be less than P50, 000.00.

Contract of S€curity Sewiccs Between CSUCC and Axzeen Security Agenct 20 I 5



This Agreement shall take effect on the actual date of posting as certified by
the Authorized Unit(s) of the CSUCC and shall continue for one (l) year unless
othcrwisc cancelled and/or terminated by thc CSUCC upon serving thirty (30) days
advance written notice to the SECURITY ACENCY of its intention to terminate the
contract; provided that the SECURIry AGENCY may terminate the contract only
upon reasonable ground and with notice to the CSUCC; provided further, that in the
event the License to Operate of Agency is cancelled/revoked by the PNP, then, this
Contract shall automatically cease to operate without need of serving thirty (30) days
advance written notice aforcstated.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this presenc€ on

this day of _ 201 5 in Cabadbaran City, Agusan Del Notu,


By: By:


hesident Manager


Campus Dircctor

Co ract ofs€curity S€rvices Between CSUCC and Axzeen Security Agency,2015





BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in Cabadbaran City, this AUG ld{,206
of _ _, 2015 personally appeared:
Competent Evidence of ldentity (CEI)

ANTHOT{Y M. PENASO, Ph.D. ID NO. M1,l-.093


, who

_iJare personally known to me

_exhibited (a) competent evidence/s of identity/ies as stated above
and known to me to bc thc same person/s who executed thc forcgoing instrumcnts
sealed with my notarial seal and she/heithey acknowledged to me that his/her/their
signatur€ on the instrument was/were freely and voluntarily affixed by him/lrer/them
for purposed stated therein.

He/She/They further declared that he/she/they has/have the authority to sign

in behalfofthe principal that he/she/they represen(s).

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and on the place first above

No. :

,.,tA I4
Book No. VIl/ :
Seriesol'@E NOTARY
iollio. r6t63

N0,95441 I
PUELIC No. 52587 l5
Rlofii 2!rH&21

Contract of S€curity Services Behveen CSUCC and Axzeen Security Agency, 20 I 5


Oays Wo*ed Per Week 7 Osys

Number of Days Per Year 393.50 Oays
Numbe[ of Hours Work Per Day I Hours
New Daily Wage (DW) 253.O0

Amount Dlrectly to Guard

Average pay per month (DW x 393.50/12) 8,296.29
13fr Month Pay (OWx365112112) 64',1.28
Night Differential Pay ( 0%x'l/3) 276.U
5 Days lncentive Pay (OWxs/12) 105.42
Uniform Allowance (RA 5487) 100.00
COLA (15.00x365/ 12) 456.25

Amount to Govemment in Fayor of Guard

Retirement Benefi ts (253v22.51 1 2l 474.38
SSS Premium 706.70
PHIC 112.50
State lnsurance Fund 10.00
PAG-IBlG Fund 100.00 1.403.58
A. Total Amount to Guard and Govammant 't't,279.36
B. Agency Fee 2,707.05 ,\

C.VAT 324.85
Total 14,31 'l .26
Multiply by No. of Guards I {
Multiply by 12 months 12
Total Contract Rate for Ono (1) Yoar for Throo (3) Guards 515,205.36

CENTAVOS ONLY (P5t s, 205.36)

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