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SENIOR MANAGER’S COMPACT for 2018 1 Alison Smale, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, will strive to fuifil the goals of the United Nations Charter. My actions and behaviour will embody the values of the Organization at all times as I work to achieve the mandates and priorities of the Organization. commit to achieve the objectives detailed below, for which the Secretary-General will hold me accountable. 1, in turn, will ensure that these objectives are reflected in the work plans and performance assessments of my staff at all evel: A. ACHIEVING OBJECTIVES AND HIGH-QUALITY RESULTS 1. _ I commit myself to achieve the programme objectives and to deliver the expected results contained in all relevant budget documents, as mandated by Member States, and to report these results to the General Assembly through the mandated reporting mechanisms. In the context of these objectives, I will give special attention to delivering the following results in 2018. ___ Objective Expected accomplishment ‘Performance measure ‘To raise public awareness of, and support for, the activities and concems of the United Nations = Audiences across the widest possible geographical range reached with public information products and services. * Increased involvement of youth and civil society in the | work of the United Nations. | = Increased reach of public information products and services through, multilingualism. + 500,000 participants attend briefings, lectures, United Nations guided tours, presentations and other speaking engagements organized by the Department of Public Information (DPI) ‘at Headquarters and at the country level. = At least 2,000 representatives from youth organizations and youth delegates are given the opportunity to be engaged in the work of the United Nations through conferences, forums, roundtable discussions end consultations organized ot co-organized by the Office of the Envoy on Youth. * At least 1,200 institutions of higher learning and related bodies are affiliated with the_ Senior Manager's Compact for 2018 Page 1 of 10 ‘Compact of Ms. Alison Smale, Under-Seeretary-General for Global Communications To plan and strategically communicate priority thematic issues * Increased awareness and improved understanding among target audiences of priority themes, including sustainable development, climate change and ‘women’s empowerment, with a regional focus on Aftica, United Nations Academic Impact. * At least 1,515 Non- Government Organizations are associated with DPI 5% audience growth in social media account followers from approximately 30 million (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Weibo). | =2 million minutes of average monthly watch time on You'Tube channels. 1 million average number of webcast monthly video views. = 250,000 average monthly Photo Website page views. = 20,000 monthly Audio Visual Library high-resolution video and audio downloads. = 4,000 average number of monthly pick-ups of UNifeed reports by broadcasters = DPI public information products are translated into 76 languages in the course of the year 50 per ceat growth in page views of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) content on through partnerships (e.g. with GSMA and others) to meet Agenda 2030. *# 2,000 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to promote Sustainable Development Goals. * 200 activities organized or facilitated by DPT to promote climate change action. = 400 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to promote Senior Manager's Compact 2018, ‘women’s empowerment, Page 2 of 10 ‘Compact of Ms. Alison Smale, Under-Seeretary-General for Global Communications * 400 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to promote Action on Youth. #315 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to promote migration and the Global ‘Compact for Migration. #215 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to promote counter-terrorism and the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism. * 112 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to promote the 70th anniversary of United Nations peacekeeping and the International Day of United Nations Peaeckeepers. * Outreach to 26 troop- and police-contributing countries thanking them for their contribution to United Nations peacekeeping utilizing multimedia campaigns and key partnerships. = 125 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Headquarters and at the country level activities organized or facilitated by DPI to commemorate Nelson Mandela International Day and the Nelson Mandela Centenary at Headquarters and at the country level 50 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to commemorate the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims Senior Manager's Compact 2018 Page 3 of 10 (Compact of Ms. Alison Smale, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade. + 40 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to commemorate the Rwanda genocide at Headquarters and at the country level. * 120 activities organized or facilitated by DPI to commemorate the Holocaust at Headquarters and at the country level. * 2,000 Africa Renewal magazine article pick-ups by other media outlets in Africa and beyond. * 125,000 average monthly page views on the Africa Renewal website. To lead system-wide strategic communications coordination, optimizing internal communications and knowledge-sharing resources = Strengthened system-wide cooperation on communications through the United Nations Communications Group (UNC). * Increased awareness and use of the United Nations Intranet (iSeek) by United Nations staff at Headquarters and at Offices away from HQ. ‘Increased number of pre- 1993 documents digitized and available via the Official Documents System, *10 UNCG meetings ai the Principal level organized and chaired by DPI. +30 UNCG weekly HQ meetings organized and chaired by DPI. +240 UNCG meetings ‘organized at the local level by United Nations Information Centres (UNICS), * 100 joint United Nations- system outreach activities ‘organized by UNICS at the local level. * Two targeted outreach ‘campaigns to raise awareness of iSeek and encourage use. = 50 per cent of stories on the United Nations Intranet Seek) focused on duty stations away from New York Headquarters. * Digitization of an additional 150,000 pages from pre-1993 documents for uploading to Senior Manager's Compact 2018 Page4 of 10 Compact of Ms, Alison Smale, Under-Secrtary-General for Global Communications the Official Documents 2. Please indicate here how you propose to pay personal attention to the attainment of key priority objectives stated above. Please also identify the top three risks to your success and how you will strive to mitigate them (maximum 250 words). 1 am committed to advancing the mission of the Department for Public Information to promote global awareness and understanding of the work of the United Nations. The United Nations’ future success rests on our ability to engage with the public. 1 will direct the Department's efforts to modernize our impact with global audiences, paying special heed to youth. I will ensure continuing dynamism in strategic communications planning and coordination of United Nations priorities. As the Department works collaboratively with an array of partners — civil society, Member States, non-governmental organizations, academia and media, the private sector and others — I will serve as an advocate for the Department, internally and externally, to create new partnerships to help optimize resources and mect goals. Twill make a point of working closely with the Executive Office of the Secretary-General and with leaders of other United Nations Departments and Offices to make communications compelling, coordinated and innovative. I will manage our top three identified tisks: reputational damage, to be addressed through crisis communications; lack of trust in and support for the United Nations among the public, to be addressed through open and interactive outreach and communications; and the rapid pace of change in ICT, to be addressed through regular review of, and advocating for, the acquisition of tools, training and personnel required for modem communications, 3. Please indicate here how you will serve as an effective leader of your Department/Office (maximum 250 words) [n accordance with the Chief Executives Board's UN System Leadership Framework, leadership in the UN Secretariat should be: (a) principled, defending the Organization's values, norms and standards; (b) norm-based, grounded in UN values and standards; (c) inclusive; (d) accountable, demonstrating 360-degree accountability within the UN, across the UN System, to Member States and to those served by the Organization; (e) multidimensional, integrating across organizational boundaries and functions: () transformational, achieving positive change; (g) collaborative; (h) self-applied, exhibiting the principles in all interactions; and {i) pragmatic and action-oriented, taking principled and Practical action to deliver on mandates, balancing administrative and operational risks and erring ‘on the side of action to prevent and address human suffering. As head of the Department of Public Information, I will set an example in leadership by fostering a respectful and collaborative tone in all dealings within and outside the Department. ‘Thoughtful, innovative communications which reflect United Nations values begin with staff who embrace teamwork, accountability and openness. Senior Manager's Compact 2018 Page $ of 10 Compact of Ms. Alison Smale, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications Texpect all managers to work toward improving intemal communications, at Headquarters and in the field. I will urge managers to ensure that staff are receiving regular feedback and recognition of their work as a way of building motivated teams in a performance-oriented workplace. I will also encourage everyone to seck out and exchange ideas to create new synergies. I will pay close attention to gender equality and the empowerment of women, in line with the Departments Strategy on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and the System- wide Strategy on Gender Parity. As I am committed (o involving staff at all levels, I will also emphasize the importance of our junior and younger staff's efforts to participate in and lead different initiatives. Iwill strengthen our partnerships with Member States, as we work to fulfill our mandates. And as | explore my distinct capacity to connect the United Nations with global constituencies, I will invite all staff to think of new ways of taking the ideals and work of the United Nations to their local communities, in ways and languages most relevant to them. 4. Contribution to reform: The Secretary-General’s reform agenda embraces a vision of the Organization that is field-focused, integrated across pillars, nimble, decentralized, transparent and accountable. Please indicate here how you will proactively support the implementation of the reform agenda (maximum 250 words). Tam committed to proactively supporting the implementation of the Secretary-General's reform agenda (o strengthen the work of the United Nations in a fast-changing and increasingly complex world. I believe that the United Nations has a responsibility to better serve its Member States and their peoples across the pillars of peace and security, sustainable development and human rights and that changes are necessary to improve our impact among our constituencies. 1 will work to ensure that the Department of Public Information moves to modernize and streamline its work by reallocating and realigning resources to reach and engage diverse audiences I will support the Secretary-General’s principles of client orientation, adaptability, service excellence, and effective and meaningful performance management. I will also ensure that the Department maintains its commitment (0 a culture of evaluation and continues to evaluate our products and activities to enhance effectiveness, as specified in the Department’s Evaluation Policy. I will continue to cooperate with all Oversight entities, including the Office of Intemal Oversight Services of the Secretariat. I look forward to taking up the recommendations of the evaluation conducted by the Inspection and Evaluation Division of the Office of Internal Oversight Services, due out in March 2018, which focused on the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of our work in the changing media and communications environment. Senior Manager's Compact 2018 Page 6 of 10 (Compact of Ms. Alison Smale, Under-Secretary-Generl for Global Communications B. COMPLIANCE Compliance with regulations and rules I will exercise the authority delegated to me in compliance with regulations, rules and all relevant policies and guidelines, including the appropriate monitoring of staff working under my supervision to whom such authority may be further delegated, Compliance with ethical standards I will exercise my delegated authorities as a senior manager in compliance with United Nations standards of conduet, free from conflicts-of interest, and lead my department’ s/office’s commitment to the Organization’s ethical culture by ensuring that my daily decisions and actions and those of my staff demonstrate integrity, transparency, accountability, respect and fairness. Preventing. addressing and reporting allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse 1 will fully and accurately report all credible allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse related to United Nations personnel and ensure training on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse for all staff and affiliated personnel serving under my authority. Preventing and ensuring rapid response to allegations of sexual harassment will rapidly respond to, and ensure full reporting of, all credible allegations of sexual harassment within the United Nations Secretariat and ensure training and awareness-raising on. the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace for all staif and affiliated personnel serving under my authority. Protecting staff who report misconduct or cooperate in audits or investigations I will do everything possible to create an environment where staff feel safe to report suspected misconduct, and I will protect from retaliation any staff who reports misconduct or who cooperates with duly authorized audits or investigations, ONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP OF RESOURCES Financial resources management Objective Expected accomplishment | Performance measure To ensure the responsible Managers plan, monitor and | Fulll adherence to the management of financial utilize financial resources to | instructions aimed at prudent, resources deliver planned results as | resource utilization. detailed in the planning and budget documents covering | Compliance with International 2018. Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Senior Manager's Compact 2018 Compact of Ms, Alison Smale, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications Human resources management z Objective _| Expected accomplishment | Performance measure ‘To manage human resources | Recruit staff expeditiously | All steps in the recruitment in an efficient and effective, | and undertake necessary _| process under the authority of manner to achieve measures to reduce vacaney | the Department/Office are programmatic objectives rates. completed within $5 calendar days. ‘Complete end-of-eycle End-of-cycle evaluations performance evaluations in | under the authority of accordance with established | Department/Office are timelines. completed within three months of the end of the eyele Giue., by 30 June 2018). Business Transformat To support business i Deploy Umoja Extension 2 transformation deployment of Umoja (UE2) in accordance with the Extension 2 in Umoja deployment schedule. departmenvoffice On Global Service Accomplish change readiness Delivery Model: Act asa | activities in accordance with change sponsor for the the GSDM project pian and Global Service Delivery _| support and leverage key Model messaging. On ICT: Support the Ensure compliance with the implementation of the ICT strategy, governance and Information and policies. ‘Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy. On Enterprise Risk ‘Take strategic decisions based Management (ERM): Use | on an assessment of risks and risk information for opportunities. strategic decision-making Senior Manager's Compact 2018 Page 8 of 10 Compact of Ms Alison Smale, Under-Scctetary-Genersl for Global Come D. COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY Objective To achieve 50-50 gender parity at all professional levels of the Organization To have a geographically diverse workforce Expected accomplishment Measures taken towards the attainment of gender parity as per Phase 1 of the United Nations System-wide Gender Parity Strategy. Increased efforts to attain wider and equitable geographical distribution. | Progress is made, from one Performance measure Progress towards achieving the goal of gender parity at each professional level (P-2 to D-1) within available positions. 50% of geographical appointments are from un- or under-represented Member States. year to the next, towards achieving greater regional diversification. The United Nations regional groups are Aftica, Asia Pacifie, Latin America and Caribbean, Eastern Europe and Western Europe and Others. To support efficieney, performance and transparency through multilingualism Tnereased effort to mainstream multilingualism in the Secretariat's activities. Timely submission of manuscripts to Conference Services for multilingual processing, 100% of the Department/Office’s work plans (and its constituent units, where applicable) integrate multilingualism and/or language considerations. 100% of manuscripts subrnitted to Conference Services by mutually agreed slot dates, within the word Jimits, and in full compliance | swith all editorial directives. | E, IMPLEMENTATION OF OVERSIGHT BODY RECOMMENDATIONS, Objective Expected accomplishment Performance measure | To implement oversight body | recommendations that have been accepted by the Department/Office Senior Manager's Compact 2018 Timely implementation of recommendations. 100% of critical and 85% of important recommendations targeted for implementation prior to year-end 2018 are implemented, Page 9 of 10 ‘Compact of Ms, Alison Smale, Under-Seeretary-Cenerl for Global Communtcations CONTRIBUTION TO THE BROADER INTERESTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS: In addition to the specific objectives and accomplishments referred to above, itis understood that a key element of my responsibilities is to contribute to the broader interests of ihe United Nations. In this regard, I will ensure that I participate fully in the shared responsibilities of senior management, such as advocacy of the United Nations values and policies and promotion of the United Nations image, and that I will serve as a role model for implementing the Gender Parity Strategy and will contribute to the Secretariat’s decision-making and information-sharing committees. I will encourage and participate in the informal resolution cof workplace issues and disputes. I will remain committed to the goals of the Organization in advancing peace and security, human rights and development. G. SIGNATURES Tacknowledge the objectives stated above and undertake to plan, monitor and implement them as well as fully discharge my other responsibilities as a Senior Manager of the United Nations. Signature: We eae Alison Smale Date: [§ hyltana Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications a endorse the objectives and priorities stated in this Compact. Signature: eee ee ‘Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General Date: 12 April 2018 Page 10 0F 10 Senior Manager's Compact 2018

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