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Tes take yourself 1.

Explain the concepts

• day

The time it takes for the earth to rotate a lap around its own axis.

• shooting year

These years have an extra day, ie 366 days instead of 365. The extra day will be added in
February as

then consists of 29 days.

• time zone

Within such an area, everyone lives by the same time, time.

• summer solstice

The day when the shoulder of the earth leaks to the sun, and the day is the longest.

• winter solstice

The day when the shoulder of the earth leaks the most from the sun and the day is shortest.

• spring equinox

The day of spring when the earth axis does not lean toward or from the sun, day and night are as

• midnight sun

Called the time when the sun never falls below the horizon. That means it never gets really dark.

1. 4,000 miles

2. a) 1 day

b) 1 year

3. Day and night arise because the earth spins around its axis.

4. a) Summer time was introduced in some countries during World War I when there was a

on energy and goods. By moving the time and utilizing the sunlight

in a better way and saved energy. Sweden introduced the summer time to

adapt to other Europe.

b) in 1980

c) Forward (Memory Rule: You are exhibiting the outdoor furniture in the spring!)

5. Seasons occur as a result of the earth moving around the sun and the earth axis leaning

I relation to the sun. When the ground axis leans towards the sun, the northern hemisphere
becomes the most enlightened.

We have summer. When the Earth axis leans from the sun, we have winter.

6. a) About 3 months

b) Position C

c) In modes B and D

d) About 183 laps (half a year

Test yourself 1.2

light sec

The distance as the light travels in a second.

• bottom rotation

It's when a satellite rotates around its axis for as long as it takes to walk around its sky body.

For example, the moon has bound rotation.

• moonlight

The light of the moon, which originally comes from the sun but which is then reflected in the
moon's surface.

• phases of the moon

The moon's different "past" that depends on how much of the enlightened moon we see.

• eclipse of eclipse

Created by the land ending between the sun and the moon, so that the moon ends in the earth's

• solar eclipse

Created by the moon ending between the sun and the earth. If you are in the shade of the moon, it

the sun completely.

• Ringberg
The edge of large nestrators.

1. About 380,000 km

2. Claim C is correct

3. a) About 1 month

b) About 1 month

4. It is because the moon has no atmosphere.

5. A lighting second is as far as the light goes for a second. Because of the speed of light

is 300,000 km / s is a lightning 300,000 km. To the moon it is 380 000 km.

The light thus needs more than a second to come from the moon to the ground.

6. Mimmie is right. Since the moon is in its path around the world at the same time

Join the ground in a path around the sun, so you can say that even the moon

moves around the sun.

7. The moon is small compared to the earth. Therefore, the moon's shadow can not cover the

earth. You only experience a total eclipse of sunlight in the shadow.

8. a) About two weeks

b) In position A

c) In position C

d) About a quarter of a quarter

e) In position A

f) In position C

9. The astronaut sees a so-called New Earth, that is, does not see the earth at all.

10. Sun and moon eclipse can only occur when the sun, the earth and the moon lie

along a straight line. Men it happens only a few times a year because

The moon's path around the earth is not the same as the Earth's path around the sun.

Tes take yourself 1.3

Explain the concepts

• sun spots

Areas of the sun with lower temperature.

• the photo sphere

The sun's surface.

• protuberances

Called the firepiles of gas expelled from the sun's surface.

• corona

The gas enclosure that surrounds the sun.


A spherical celestial body that circles around the sun and is dominant in its surroundings.

• asteroid

Large rock cliffs surrounding the sun.

• dwarf plane

Less planet-like celestial body.

• comet

Heavenly body of ice and gravel.


Small stones that are braked in the ground atmosphere and give rise to a sparkle of light.

• meteorite

Meteors knocking down on the earth's surface

1. About 8 light minutes

2. The chromosphere and the photo spheres

3. a) Jupiter

b) Mercury

c) Merkurius

4. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

5. Several newly discovered celestial bodies similar to Pluto have made the astronomers
has created a new group called dwarf planets. Pluto is now classified as

dwarf planet.

6. They move on paths between Mars and Jupiter.

7. Het is omdat ze helemaal hebben of dat ze helemaal niet missen atoms die anders zouden

a part of the heat radiating from the sun.

8. The earth meets every year by thousands of small meteorites, that is, space stones

which has not completely burned on the journey through the atmosphere. They are constantly

the mass of the earth.

9. They have no fixed surface, they rotate quickly, have many moons and surrounds

ring system.

10. This is because Venus's location on the sky is close to the sun. The sunlight is like that

strong that we can only see Venus for a while before the sun rises and in the evening immediately

after it has gone down. Therefore, Venus is also called for the morning star respectively

Evening Star.


1. 1 - H The distance to the moon can be specified in light seconds.

2 - E Earth's atmosphere is an air purge around the globe.

3 - F A comet moves in an elongated course.

4 - G The seasons are caused by the ground axis slope.

5 - B A planet moves around a star.

6 - A Chromosphere is the sun's outer atmosphere.

7 - C A meteorite falls to the ground from space.

8 - D The day comes through the rotation of the earth.

2. This is because the ground shaft leans.

When it is winter on, for example, the northern hemisphere, it depends on that part of
The earth is struck by less sunlight compared with the southern hemisphere. The explanation is

The inclined ground axis causes the northern hemisphere to turn slightly from the sun below

winter. In the summer it's the opposite. Then the Northern Hemisphere leans towards the sun and

get warmer.

3. a) Option B

b) Option A: In the past, it was thought that the moon affected us people and

plants on earth. The moon's attraction affects the Earth, it is

therefore we get what is called tidal. But there is no evidence to the moon

would affect how wheat grows or when to harvest.

Option C: This is something you thought earlier because you were superstitious

and did not know better. Although there are no scientific evidence to

The moon could affect our mood, there are similar thoughts today

some people.

Option D: It's true that it costs a lot of money to travel to the moon, but

It's an economic claim rather than a science.

4. a)


When the moon ends up on a straight

line between the sun and the earth,

we can not see the sun from some

places on earth. It's called for

solar eclipse.

When the earth ends up in a straight line

between the sun and the moon ends

the moon in the earth's shadow and we get one

lunar eclipse.
5. a) During the summer, we will be present at 1 o'clock.

b) Summer time allows you to take advantage of the bright evenings more in the summer,

that is, it's bright more hours after most people have finished their work.

It is also practical to have the same time in Sweden as in the countries in Europe as well

are in the same time zone.

c) The evenings get brighter, as we experience the sunset going on an hour later

than it otherwise does. It can be perceived as beneficial to many people as

May be tired of the dark nights of winter. We humans tend to climb

up after the clock. Then when we go to bed, we are more affected when it's dark

than of the clock. When it is summer time, therefore, some people get longer days.

It can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. A clear disadvantage has industries like

is dependent on nature's own way, such as agriculture. During harvest time in

In August, the farmer can not start the threshing until the wet day has disappeared

from the fields. With normal time it might happen at 9.30, but with summer time

then it will take place at 10.30. This means that employees must work more

overtime to harvest a full day.

6. Option B

7. a) Mars lacks atmosphere that can retain any of the incoming solar radiation.

b) Cosmic radiation is the greatest risk. Although the astronauts use

spacecraft and have protective craft, they will still be exposed to more radiation

than they were on earth. There is a risk that the craft will collide with others

celestial bodies such as meteorides, comets etc. The suit can break or so

can they become seriously ill, injure themselves or the like. Even if they plan for such

may occur, it is better and safer to be in a hospital on earth.

c) Arguments for:

• We humans are curious, we want to know more about our environment including space.

• We will find new technical solutions that we would otherwise not have done.
• We will learn more about how people, animals and plants work.

Arguments against:

• The planet Mars is not that interesting. What we want to know can we do with unmanned

space flight.

• Will cost too much money compared to other interesting research projects.

• Too dangerous, people will die.

• Needless to spend money on space research when it exists

people who starve in the world

8. Because everything around comes along at the same speed, we do not notice

the high speed. We simply have nothing to compare with. You can compare

when flying at very high speed above the clouds. Nor does it look

some objects pass by outside the window and then it becomes difficult to

know how fast you fly. Compare when traveling by car and tree. Then it is

easier to sense the high speed.

9. A: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

B: Venus

C: Jupiter

D: Earth

E: Merkurius, Mars

F: Merkurius

G: Mars

H: Mercury, Venus

I: Neptune

10. Pluto is now included in a new group of celestial bodies called dwarf planets.

11. Option C because the moon follows the earth in its path around the sun.

12. a) Method B
b) At least one month to see all phases. But it can take yet

longer because it must be clear evenings for the phases of the moon to take place

be photographed.



1. Sirius

2. a) 68 light years

b) About 68 years.

3. White stars have an outer temperature of 10,000 ° C or more. Yellow stars have one

surface temperature

at 6,000 ° C and red stars 3,000 ° C.

4. This is because it is located directly above the ground axis.

5. Little Magellan cloud, Great Magellan cloud and Andromedagalaxen.

6. The triangle method means measuring the angle of a star at a certain time.

Half a year later, the measurement is done. With those values you can then you can

calculate the distance to the star.

7. a) 100,000 light years

b) Arrow No. 3

c) Pil No. 3

(Task 8 only the basics)

8. A lighting second is 300,000 km = 3 · 105 km.

A light hour is 3 600 · 3 · 105 km = 10 800 · 105 km = 1.08 · 109 km.

A light year is 365 · 24 · 1.08 · 109 km ≈ 9.5 · 1012 km.


Explain the concepts

• Geocentric world view

The world image where the earth was considered to be the world's center point.

• Heliocentric world view

The world image where the sun is at the center.

• Big Bang

The explosion that created the universe.

• nebulosa

Giant gas clouds of, among other things, hydrogen and helium.

• black hole

A point of tremendous gravity that is the result of the tremendously heavy star collapse.

1. 4.5 billion years

2. The mass of the star

3. When our sun "dies" it will first swell into a red giant. After a few million years

shrinks it to a white dwarf that slowly cools and darkens.

4. Stars arise from large gas clouds, called nebulosors. gravitational

merging matter. The temperature is rising. When it gets high enough temperature

starts nuclear reactions. Hydrogen is converted into helium. Energy is being created and the new

the star begins to shine.

Facit to the Final

1. 1 - E Lightyear is a common unit for space spacing

2 - G Galax is a star system

3 - A Nebulosa is a huge gas cloud

4 - H A black hole has enormous gravity

5 - B The star is always seen in the north

6 - C The triangle method is a way to measure distance

7 - D Red giants are relatively cold stars

8 - F Supernova is a very bright star

2. No, no creatures in space that are farther away than it takes the light to travel

16 years can see you right now. And what you see is how you looked 16 years ago.

3. B

4. a) The explanation is that the earth rotates one turn in a day. We who are on us

The Earth experiences that the sky is moving, but the sense of movement is created by the earth


b) The star of the star

c) It happens to be just in the extension of the Earth axis. That means we do not

experience that it is moving as a result of the rotation of the earth.

5. About a star in a constellation, many light years are away compared with other stars

In the constellation we see it because it is brighter than the other stars.

Should it shine as strong as the rest, but be far further away

Perhaps we should only spot it with the naked eye.

6. Our Moon> Mars> Neptune> Sirius> Polstjernen> Andromedagalaxen

7. Brightness becomes too large. You can damage the eye with too strong light.

8. Gas cloud (B)> Yellow star (A)> Red giant (D)> White dwarf (C)

9. a) Look at the weather The sun is standing one evening when a baby is born. The constellation
The sun goes down to determine which star sign you belong to.

b) If you were born in late December, you are born in Stenbocken according to astrology

sign. It was about 2,000 years ago, but not today.

c) Astrology is based on beliefs and beliefs that people had before and built

not on the scientific way of working, as today's astronomy does.

10. There is again spacecraft that has taken out of our galaxy yet.

11. a) At that time, the church's position was very strong, and much of the Church's teachings

based on the basic idea that the earth is the center of the world. With the binoculars and

The astronomers could question the Church's position and teachings. It did too

Galilei, which meant that he was imprisoned for spreading false information.

b) For example, the theory of Big Bang

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