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Butler Variables


Time related
{date} e.g. October 3, 2016
{monthdaynumber} e.g. 3
{monthdaynumberlong} e.g. 03
{yeardaynumber} e.g. 277
{yeardaynumberlong} e.g. 277
{weekdaynumber} e.g. 1
{weekdayname} e.g. Monday
{weekdayshort} e.g. Mon
{dateshort} e.g. Oct 3, 2016
{datelong} e.g. October 3, 2016
{datenumber} e.g. 10/3/2016
{isodate} e.g. 2016-10-03
You can prepend tomorrow and yesterday to the above, e.g.
{tomorrowmonthdaynumber}, {yesterdayisodate}.

You can prepend nextworkingday_ and previousworkingday_ to the above, e.g.


{weeknumber} e.g. 40 (ISO week numbering -- starts on Monday)

{weeknumberlong} e.g. 40 (ISO week numbering, zero-padded)
{usweeknumber}, e.g. 41 (U.S. week numbering -- starts on Sunday)
{usweeknumberlong}, e.g. 41 (U.S. week numbering, zero-padded)
{weekyear} e.g. 2016 (year the week started, ISO week numbering)
{weekyearshort} e.g. 16
{usweekyear} e.g. 2016 (year the week started, U.S. week numbering)
{usweekyearshort} e.g. 16
{monthweeknumber} e.g. 1 (week within the month)
{usmonthweeknumber} e.g. 1
You can prepend last and next to the above, e.g. {lastweeknumber},

{monthnumber} e.g. 10
{monthnumberlong} e.g. 10
{monthname} e.g. October
{monthshort} e.g. Oct
{quarternumber} e.g. 4
{year} e.g. 2016
{yearshort} e.g. 16
You can prepend last and next to the above, e.g. {nextmonthnumber},
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Butler Variables
{nextquarternumber}, {lastyearshort}.

{time} e.g. 9:59pm

{time24} e.g. 21:59
{timelong} e.g. 21:59:59 EDT
Note: 'long' numbers are zero-padded to be of consistent length (good for

Note: see also Arithmetic in Date Variables

Board data
{boardid} the id of the board
{boardname} the name of the board
{boardlink} the link to the board
After a create board command, the above with the new prefix (e.g.
{newboardlink}) refer to the new board.

After a copy board command, the above with the copy prefix (e.g.
{copyboardlink}) refer to the new copy of the board.

{cardboardname} (only after finding card with id) the name of the board
where the card was found

Card data
{cardname} the card's name
{carddescription} the card's description (not always available)
{cardlink} a link to the current card
{cardlistname} the name of the list where the card is (not always
{cardid} the internal id of the card, e.g. FY2OWrnc. This is always
{cardnumber} the internal number of the card on the board, e.g. 48. This
changes when a card is moved to another board (not always available)
{labelnames} the names of all the named labels in the card, comma separated
{cardduecomplete} "true" if the due date has been marked as complete,
"false" otherwise.
{cardcheckliststate} a formatted text with the state of all the checklists
in the card, useful to add a comment with a snapshot of the state of a
card's checklists.
{cardchecklistcount} the number of checklists on the card.
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{cardcompletechecklistcount} the number of complete checklists on the card.
{cardincompletechecklistcount} the number of incomplete checklists on the
{cardduedate} the due date of the card (not always available). Also,
{cardduedateweekdayname}, etc...
{cardcreationdate} the date the card was created.
{cardagedays} the age of a card in days, with two decimals (e.g. 1d 6h =>
{cardagehours} the age of a card in hours, with two decimals (e.g. 1h 40m
=> 1.67).
{cardageminutes} the age of a card in minutes, with two decimals (e.g. 1h
40m 30s => 100.5).
Note: For the last three (age), adding round at the end (e.g.
{cardagedaysround}, rounds the number to the nearest integer.

When the trigger involves a card, the variables above preceded by trigger
({triggercardname}, {triggercardlink}, etc) refer to the trigger card (not
all variables may be available).

After creating a card, the variables above preceded by new ({newcardname},

{newcardlink}, etc) refer to the new card (not all variables may be

After copying a card, the variables above preceded by copy ({copycardname},

{copycardlink}, etc) refer to the new card (not all variables may be

After finding a card, the variables above preceded by found

({foundcardname}, {foundcardlink}, etc) refer to the found card (not all
variables may be available).

After the multiplier for each card, the variables above preceded by
multiplier ({multipliercardname}, {multipliercardlink}, etc) refer to the
current card (not all variables may be available).

When the trigger contains a condition, e.g. when a card with a due date...
, the variables above preceded by condition ({conditioncardduedate}, etc)
refer to the card involved in the condition (typically the trigger card).

Variables available only in commands with triggers that involve a source

card, such as when a card is copied and when a checklist item is converted
to a card:

{sourcecardname} the title of the source card

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{sourcecardlink} a link to the source card
Card time in list
{carddaysinlist} the number of days a card has spent in the current list,
with two decimals (e.g. 1d 6h => 1.25). Useful to track time spent on
{cardhoursinlist} the number of hours a card has spent in the current list,
with two decimals (e.g. 1h 40m => 1.67). Useful to track time spent on
{cardminutesinlist} the number of minutes a card has spent in the current
list, with two decimals (e.g. 1h 40m 30s => 100.5). Useful to track time
spent on tasks.
{carddaysinpreviouslist} the number of days a card spent in the previous
{cardhoursinpreviouslist} the number of hours a card spent in the previous
{cardminutesinpreviouslist} the number of minutes a card spent in the
previous list.
Note: adding round to any of the time variables above, e.g.
{cardagedaysround} gives the time rounded to the nearest integer.

If the trigger involves the movement of a card to a new list:

{triggercardpreviouslistname} the name of the list from which the trigger

card comes from
Member data
Variables available only in commands with when triggers (i.e. not on due
date or every):

{username} the username of the user that triggered the command

{fullname} the full name of the user that triggered the command
{initials} the initials of the user that triggered the command
Variables available only in commands with when triggers that refer to a
card that refer to a card and on due date commands:

{creatorusername} the username of the user that created the card

{creatorfullname} the full name of the user that created the card
{creatorinitials} the initials of the user that created the card
Variables available only in commands with triggers where a user is matched,
e.g. when someone is added to a card trigger, when someone is mentioned,
etc. Also, in multipliers (for every member in the card). There's also
variables for particular types of match (add, mention):

{matchedusername} the username of the member that matched in the command

(added, mentioned, etc)
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{matchedfullname} the full name of the user that was matched in the command
(added, mentioned, etc)
{matchedinitials} the initials of the user that was matched in the command
(added, mentioned, etc)
{addedusername} the username of the member that was added to the card
{addedfullname} the full name of the user that was added to the card
{addedinitials} the initials of the user that was added to the card
{removedusername} the username of the member that was removed from the card
{removedfullname} the full name of the user that was removed from the card
{removedinitials} the initials of the user that was removed from the card
{mentionedusername} the username of the member that was mentioned to the
{mentionedfullname} the full name of the user that was mentioned to the
{mentionedinitials} the initials of the user that was mentioned to the card
Variables available after a count cards command:

Variables available for commands with certain triggers, such as when a list
is created:

{listname} the name of the list

Variables available for the when a due date is added trigger:

Date variables for the due date: {cardduedate}, {cardduedateweeknumber},

{cardduedatemonthdaynumber} etc
Variables available for the when a comment is posted trigger:

{commenttext} the text of the comment

{commentlink} a link to the comment
Variables available only in commands with mentioning triggers such as when
a card is mentioned and when a member is mentioned (also after the find the
mentioned card action):

{mentionbacklink} a link to the card where the mention occurred

{mentiontext} the text (comment, card description, checklist item) that
includes the mention
{linklessmentiontext} the text (comment, card description, checklist item)
that includes the mention, with all card mentions (links) removed
{usernamelessmentiontext} the text (comment, card description, checklist
item) that includes the mention, with all user mentions (@username) removed
{mentionlessmentiontext} the text (comment, card description, checklist
item) that includes the mention, with all user or card mentions removed
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Butler Variables
Variables available only in when triggers involving a checklist, such as
when a checklist is added:

{checklistname} the name of the checklist

Variables available only in commands with triggers such as when a checklist
item is checked/unchecked:

{checklistitemname} the name of the checklist item

{checklistitemstate} the word "complete" or "incomplete"
Variables available only in triggers such as when a green label is added:

{labelname} the name of the label

{labelcolor} the color of the label
Variables available only in commands with triggers such as when a card
starts with and trigger conditions such as when a card containing:

{matchedtext} the text that matched the condition, typically used with a
condition including a {*} wildcard.
{textbeforematch} the text before the matched text.
{textaftermatch} the text after the matched text.
Variables available only in commands with triggers such as when a card
contains a date:

{matcheddate} the date interpreted by Butler.

Variables available only in commands with triggers such as when an
attachment is added to a card:

{attachmentlink} the link to the attachment.

{attachmentname} the name of the attachment.
Variables only available in commands with triggers like when the name or
the description of a card is changed:

{changedfield} the name of the field changed (name or description).

{textbefore} the text of the name or description before the update.
{textafter} the text of the name or description after the update.
You can see the current value of all the variables by entering the command:

print variables

You can also use it with a trigger to see what's available when you trigger
it, e.g.:

when a label is added to a card, print variables

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(You then need to add a label to a card to see the value of the variables.)

If you need a variable and it's not here, let us know and we'll do our best
to make it available.

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