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Write down if following statements are correct or incorrect.

For those that are incorrect explain why they are not

1. An operation consists of a sequence of query and/or update statements.

a) Transaction

2. Commit makes the transaction permanent in the database.


3. In case of any shut down during transaction before commit, undo is done automatically ?

c) Rollback

4. Atomicity ensures that once transaction changes are done, they cannot be undone or lost, even in the event
of a system failure.

A. Durability

5. Isolation means that the data used during the execution of a transaction cannot be used by a second
transaction until the first one is completed.

True (10 marks)

1. Explain what is sparse index and dense index

Sparse - contains index records for only some search-key values.
Dense - Index record appears for every search-key value in the file.
(2 marks)

2. Specify an advantage and disadvantage of sparse index files

Less space and less maintenance overhead for insertions and deletions.

Generally slower than dense index for locating records.
Applicable when records are sequentially ordered on search-key

(2 marks)

3. Explain properties of a B+ tree’s leaf node and non leaf node.

(6 marks)

Properties of a leaf node: (1 mark for each point)

 For i = 1,2,…, n-1, pointer Pi either points to a file record with search-key value Ki, or to a bucket of
pointers to file records, each record having search-key value Ki. Only need bucket structure if search-
key does not form a primary key.
 If Li, Lj are leaf nodes and i < j, Li’s search-key values are less than Lj’s search-key values
 Pn points to next leaf node in search-key order
Non leaf nodes form a multi-level sparse index on the leaf nodes. For a non-leaf node with m pointers:
(1 mark for each point)
 All the search-keys in the subtree to which P1 points are less than K1
 For 2 ≤i ≤n –1, all the search-keys in the subtree to which Pi points have values greater than or equal to
Ki–1and less than Ki
 All the search-keys in the subtree to which Pn points have values greater than or equal to Kn–1

4. You are asked to develop a database system for an airline reservation system.
A. Determine 3 possible errors that could occur if multiple users are accessing the system at
the same time. Give suitable examples to illustrate the errors considering the scenario given

4 marks each – 1 mark for naming the problem and 3 marks for example
 Lost Update Problem
 Temporary Update/Dirty Read
 Incorrect Summary
 Unrepeatable read
(12 marks)

B. In the above database there is a table named Booking with following details.
Create table Booking (bookingId, PassengerName, flightNo, ArrivalPort, DeparturePort)

BookingId is the primary key.

Identify suitable columns to use B+tree and Bitmap index. Give your reasons.
(8 marks)

BookingId – B+ tree ( 2 marks)

 reduces the time to search through the index values – as cardinality is 1 (no
duplicates), no benefit of using bitmap index.

PassengerName (2 marks)

 if no (or less) duplicates – no benefit of using bitmap index.

 Suggest any other index other than bitmap index

flightNo (2 marks)
 Use Bitmap index
 As cardinality is less than 1 (has duplicate values)

ArrivalPort/DeparturePort (2 marks)
 Use Bitmap index
 As cardinality is less than 1 (has duplicate values)

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