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Table below shows the data collected on a rural highway in Malaysia during a speed
study. The posted speed limit of the road is 60 km/hr. Complete the following table and
develop the frequency histogram, the frequency distribution and the cumulative
distribution of the data and determine:
a) the arithmetic mean speed
b) the standard deviation
c) the median speed
d) the pace
e) the mode
f) the 85th-percentile speed
g) Can it be concluded that speeding had contributed to the accidents at this road.

Speed Class Class fi ui Percentage Cumulative fui2

class Midvalue, Frequency, of Percentage
ui fi Observations of All
in Class Observations
34 – 35.9 35.0 2
36 – 37.9 37.0 3
38 – 39.9 39.0 2
40 – 41.9 41.0 5
42 – 43.9 43.0 3
44 – 45.9 45.0 11
46 – 47.9 47.0 4
48 – 49.9 49.0 18
50 – 51.9 51.0 7
52 – 53.9 53.0 8
54 – 55.9 55.0 11
56 – 57.9 57.0 5
58 – 59.9 59.0 2
60 – 61.9 61.0 2
62 – 63.9 63.0 2
64 – 65.9 65.0 1

Speed Class Number of fi u i Percentage of Cumulative f ui 2

class Midvalue, Observations Observations Percentage of
ui in Class, fi in Class All
34 – 35.9 35.0 2 70 2.3 2.3 2450
36 – 37.9 37.0 3 111 3.5 5.8 4107
38 – 39.9 39.0 2 78 2.3 8.1 3042
40 – 41.9 41.0 5 205 5.8 13.9 8405
42 – 43.9 43.0 3 129 3.5 17.4 5547
44 – 45.9 45.0 11 495 12.8 30.2 22275
46 – 47.9 47.0 4 188 4.7 34.9 8836
48 – 49.9 49.0 18 882 21.0 55.9 43218
50 – 51.9 51.0 7 357 8.1 64.0 18207
52 – 53.9 53.0 8 424 9.3 73.3 22472
54 – 55.9 55.0 11 605 12.8 86.1 33275
56 – 57.9 57.0 5 285 5.8 91.9 16245
58 – 59.9 59.0 2 118 2.3 94.2 6962
60 – 61.9 61.0 2 122 2.3 96.5 7442
62 – 63.9 63.0 2 126 2.3 98.8 7938
64 – 65.9 65.0 1 65 1.2 100.0 4225
Totals 86 4260 214,646

0.5 mark 0.5 mark 0.5 mark 0.5 mark

Histogram of Frequency Vehicle's Speed



1 mark


Frequency (fi)


35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65
Vehicle Speed (km/hr)
Note: Use lower and upper limit of speed class to draw the histogram, e.g. speed class 34 – 35.9 km/h,
use 34 as lower, 36 as upper limit:

Frequency Distribution

34 36


16 1 mark
1 mark

Frequency (%)


30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Vehicle Speed (km/hr)

Note: Use class midvalue as point, e.g. speed class 34 – 35.9 km/h, class midvalue is 35.0.
Cumulatif Distribution

1 mark

Cumulative Frequency (%)


1 mark


20 1 mark
1 mark

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Vehicle Speed (km/hr)

Note: Use class lower value as point, e.g. speed class 34 – 35.9 km/h, use 34.

a) the arithmetic mean speed, µ

= ∑ fiui / ∑ fi = 4260 / 86 = 49.5 km/hr 0.5 mark

b) the standard deviation

214,646 4260 2 0.5 mark

S= 
86  1 8686  1
S = ± 6.53 km/hr

c) the median speed

The median speed obtained from the cumulative frequency distribution curve, 50th
percentile speed = 49 km/hr.
0.5 mark
d) the pace
0.5 mark
The pace is obtained from the frequency distribution curve as 46 to 56 km/hr.

e) the mode 0.5 mark

The mode is obtained from the frequency histogram as 49 km/hr. It also may be
obtained from the frequency distribution curve, where the speed corresponding to the
highest point on the curve.
0.5 mark
f) the 85th-percentile speed

Is obtained from the frequency distribution curve as 54 km/hr.

g) can it be concluded that speeding had contributed to the to the accidents at this

It can be concluded that speeding is not a problem at this location and may not 1 mark
contributed to road accidents which occurred at this location.

This is supported by the results of the findings which show that mean, median, pace and 1 mark
85th percentile speeds not exceeded the 60 km/h speed limit.

In addition, 60% of the drivers drive at speeds ranging between 46 – 56 km/h, and 85% of
them drive at 54.0 km/h or below – which are all below the maximum allowable speed. Just,
5% of the drivers were detected to have driven over the speed limit.
1 mark

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