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Act 1

Scene 1
[XANTHIAS and SOSIAS sit propped up against the wall of the house asleep]

<DAWN MUSIC…leads to climax>


SOSIAS: Xanthias! Xanthias! Xaaaaaaaaanthias! You old rascal. What do you think you’re

<Like a bass clarinet solo QUESTION>

XANTHIAS: [waking] Relieving the night watch, they call it.

<Back to dramatic music>

SOSIAS: Eaaaarning yourself a BEATing, more like. <even rhythm> Don’t you realise what
kind of creature we’re <appoggiatura> guaaaarding.

<Like a bass clarinet solo QUESTION>

XANTHIAS: I know, but I feel like shaking off dull <descending portamento> care for a bit.

SOSIAS: Well, thaaaaaat’s your <appoggiatura> loooook out. Though, <chord>, oddly
enough, <chord>, <meno mosso con rall> I’m feeling deliciously drowsy myself.

<Tremolo…descending to opening DAWN MUSIC to climax and repeat form>

XANTHIAS: Have you gone mad? Or have you become a druggie?

SOSIAS: No, just asleep. Though I won’t deny there was some truth to that. [He displays wine

TOGETHER: [displaying another] Looks as if we’re fellow devotees.

Boys do Xanthias monologue while the others freeze in position.

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