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Average Score 4.38 4.29 4.16 4.16 4.14 4.

Increased Joining with Investment in Special Fully Shared
student parents, dual language Education employer decision
access to community, programs, caseload caps paid family making on
nurses, youth, and ethnic and paid health electives and
Statement, counselors, elected studies, visual release time benefits. program
ranked 1 to 5, social leaders to and for special options and
workers, and advocate for performing education school based
with 1 being librarians. increased arts, etc. teachers to professional
"Strongly state per complete development.
disagree" and pupil funding mandated Joint educator,
from barely assessments parent and
5 being $11,000 per and reports. administration
"Strongly pupil per year school
to $20,000 by committees
agree" year 2020. with majority
(Fund the parent and
Future: 20 by educator
2020) votes.

% of 4s + 5s 85.20% 78.20% 80% 76.80% 74% 71.10%

% of 5's
agree" only) 61.70% 58.50% 54.70% 51.40%

Average Score 4.07 4.05 4 3.91 3.84

School Teachers Reduce or Educator Restorative
accountability determine eliminate evaluation practices and
and curriculum additional focused on positive
transparency and if, how duties (i.e. professional behavior
Statement, standards for and when to supervision, growth with support.
ranked 1 to 5, all publicly use excessive reasonable Parent &
with 1 being funded standardized paperwork, performance educator
schools. (i.e. testing in etc.) so we measures and decision
"Strongly all school their have time for achievable making on
disagree" and operators classrooms, students. goals and these policies.
comply with other than standards.
5 being the same those that are
"Strongly conflict of state or
agree" interest laws) federally

% of 4s + 5s 69.90% 72.10% 68.70% 67.80% 65.90%

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