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115 Yeous meTHOPOLTN POLICE DEPAATIEHT. OFFICER'S REPORT = : Sees Sine flow a owe : “pain! 5 (tctve Shoots) eee _Luvi7i001009899 REPORTING: “Tours! Saety Dision Seceree jaune : z ‘On. 10/04/17 upon broadcast of an active shooterin CCAC 791 adveed DT82 to meet at MacTac ily Dole. | Otficer Vincent P# 15929 and Officer J, Sandoval Pa 15861 paired up and casoorded io 2000'S. Las ‘Vegas Blvd ine Stosphere main valet of of Las Vegas Bd and Bob Stupak por 79), ‘Olicarstpade contact wih two lemales who were athe Rule 91 evant and vere abe fo cocape - makshg it he Stratouphore vtiere they were idetiied 2: SEAM obone i phone formals were vay scared ard draught while ‘hal wile feng tie stage 1 Ne MgRAlPhearc wat she moupheto ue reworks to her a en heard ape tre gunshots and begat to see mulple peopl being shot as ey begat “hunting north east away fom the guntie. ee os ee ‘Whe staged al bo Suaiosotere a suspiious femal terete ao RRR ic 1 OMIM wo coproached a Siratosphure security guava hancing hirh a box stair this «8 for the’ potice not saying what ss in the box and welking awey. The security guard immediately put the bax ~ dow and alerted myself and Otlica: Sardoval Officers located Mand quectisnad her of what was inthe Son sat he box coriained doris end she vas sinplyeenductng arardom actorkihese: Satosphere 19 office nad hs dog check the package wich was in ect done. Oicersaceed IN ‘what was gong on and why she was being quosinea stout he nienbors : : Bus Te o Apert soos hee 4 vneent os peso a 5S Pa 1s Vegas memnoroLTAN Lies DEPARTMENT OFFICER'S REPORT . pots 1riop1a03si6. ‘eve Sole Foul 91 Festal ae pwgon pion oe epornc so1g eee: one: oWeemMe © {oganonoe ‘SocuhreS: 1003/17 209 pour eeOCE fo 5.Ls Veges vd -On Sunday, Octobor 1, 2017 a approximiaiely 2208 hours, |, Oficar J. Colin (P#15332) was in pr-shift ‘rohig Inthe South Cera’ Area Command Biting Roore when overheard a dspateh onthe radio ofan active shooter inside of the Houle 91 Harvest Festival across the street irom the Mandalay Bay, on Las Vegas: Bic | mmedately prose, th my scuad, oar ohio | erowe northbound on Las Vegas Bie, and user exrng inte mode ofthe iniersector ol Manéalay Bay Fd ‘and Las Vagas Bid. hears the sound of actomate guntie coming roan elevaied poston on my of ulchy stopped my vette, es I could see rounds in ran ofme going io the ares of he festival and my ever side window ves reverberating tom the eounds ofthe shots being Hrod. Asa socard voley of gure comnerion filled iy vehicle én 10K cove! the font of Oticer Wet’: (PF15851 vehi, whch wa ‘alg nt he inietsection but nas fachg pon anc south. this be we Bcame pinned down es we could not tel herein the Mandalay Hotel the gunfire was coming fom, but | ould hear the rounds exppig and cooing and noobie sereuminn As tne second volley of unfe concluded. ooked on te saushesst coer af he itereecton arc observed &- ‘i. oiianshudkled behind & power box, Olfcer Webb and | rovded cover ore clans ard naructed ‘nam te feat eattbound down Mandalay Bay Ad ab that hey could evacuate arg. Forthe vent 10 ioe, wo wore ale eget evar svi out the are, dvng soutibound down La Vegas Bs, o -sasfoound down Mandalay Say al Alter about 10-19 minutes of no quire Oicer Webb and becare a vo mi team ard began wo evacuate al ~ elas tthe area thal we could fir. We observed mliple people an tho wast side o! Las Vegas Bln ‘nont of Mandalay Bay. Cticer Webn and | coseed the seet and evacuated 3040 clare souvbound towards otcers wo wore stained at Ruseol A ard Vopne ve. (then absered ao 10 paoeie on the eastside of te eres font ofthe mote 1 Quo slae. ae wel abou! 1S poopie ae Desert Oasis ‘Mate jst no of Four Sossons Do Las Vegas Ev Oicet Webb and coared bol areas and hed the hlans sheer piace [then seiconledged a cal Disp asking rafters io pone an esc or fe ad med on ‘needed gt fam Buea Rao te onal as horse sca terrae ena in cet 07 0a eter seals came ero or ee P Sourne | : Po vs ves uerercutat rcs rarer OFFICER'S REPORT : eter tia LOFICEK'S REPORT FOR ACTIVE SHOOTER Sar a. rersionr pela e018 Sosa ae oe Seanee aaa Mandalay Bay (Be 1) (On Octobe 1%, 2017, |, Oca S. Malone PH12908 along wih OfierP, Mile PAISESS, operuteg as ‘narked patol unt 1H rom enuad C0148, reapanded tobe 415A al tie Mandalay Bay from COAG. We ‘nied on Lae Veges Bid Topica belwoon tie Excalbur ard the Topeana'n the soutbnund lane 2s sls were st being red. As we slopped aur vehicle a vets hat were sl one. tam ard ‘ne tbe foo) assed he nontbound lane ito oui, alec he vc gt ovo bs arta Saparates the tafe ana hetpec cary them over © a medical unt sergeant ther ples up ron “Emteprise, which {dortknay the name ang flowed hrm up tothe Luxar barr where thee were about 50-60 peop taking cover bho the Luxor Por nek was Gr Las Vegas OVS. ‘The sergeant dered my Barner Mito stand in rot ol the people who were aking cover lo guard andto ebminale a teat one ‘proached. The sergeant then assembled team of fur ofcers vo ofthe overimm ue that wore at ihevavent the sergeant, and myset asa designated ake oar ogo sie th Mandalay ay (100% Know wha site team we were or the namos of te Officer) een japed the gate Dal 6 te. parking jo Wont o he Luxor and made ou way towards ine Mandalay Bay. We fan across he sree on Mardy Say FD and went through the bse clear out the rst lor -As me approached dw Meas Jackson ca 1 cee out wo found tat ther wore abou 000 peoole hiking eve. Atha bo Swat ha fist conrad the 418th th shooter. The sergeant thon ciaciod nae) oftces told down a 007 and protect the people inside, About 20°90 rues le, ary unis had showed up 6 ouegc ha ou, Tha thelr nad nen ezome a deagnates evecuaon pa. stayed et he evecuaon point Uni was fold other by the Sergeant at was th : ‘Due to running oul to my car as the 4158 came out, fengotto grab my body wore carers and dd not have it daring the incigent. : Dele Teel Ret D017 o500 hours of SMa ov 15008, See ee sour i eee (Us vecas ueraogouran Pouce PARTMENT ‘OFFICER'S REPORT ; — ee ls te Be rion Towrt Satety Division! oO 18 ean ours: Selly a ior SERRE sais ne SENN _ as Sn vegas i 019 rate ‘At éppromiately 2208 hes on 10/9/17, | Officer KGrose,P #15968, alorg with Ofloo’ C Gloson, ‘715253. operating as LVIMPD unt AE, were conducting pen otnes suvelance athe Ste Doo, cao al Ling Li and Flamingo Bhd LVN, 83108, ‘Mysell and Oticer Gbeon were both in pain clothes operling a LVMPO unmarked vehicie (vsticle #4225. ‘ive Hors Pio). We were monitonng fe CCAC-PSU channel onthe vehicle's reco system ard the CCAC ‘mary echo channel on a handhea neck set Officer Gibson was armed wih a Springlilé XOME Compact ‘wa 33 round agacine and @ 19 round magazine on his be. | Olleer Gross, wea armed wth Glock 19 with 4 23 round magaene and a 15 ound magezine on my. bel Goth ‘and Olfeer Gibson had plate caries “avalabe in oor vericie which wos lying on ths too board irre ear paisenger compartment nmedally Behind the font seals. oth pats carers wore squinpad wih he folowing: Hallas plates onthe fort and rear pails; medical pouches or the Seon panel and ‘POLICE® plaids onthe trot ard tear panels. | ‘was eeo in possession of my MACTAC gear which was postones inthe reer baggagé commparinent of the vehicle, : : ‘Qn bo til cal of shots fred by 168SE, we broke down surveiiance and began heading towards Mandaley Bay ira code @ response. Oicer Gibson wes Grimg arc | was nthe front passongor saat, Whe enroute | “wes able fo dawn my pate cartier ftom ihe back seat, We proceeded wostbour on Flamingo, reveled west rough Bellagio service aooess road to Frank Sina, We then travelled south on Frank Sinaia thon east or ‘0 mane treet just rod of Mandalay Bay Fd, We then traveled sosth on Luxor Dr thao easton Mardlay Boy Rd : ‘Our understanding al We tine was that he locaton of he shooter wasn the Roule 91 evant vonve sively ‘engagiig concertgoers. Based on thal krowe0ge, fice Gison made the decison ie sop our wticle en Mandalay Bay road proximally 50 yards west ol Las Vagas 2a n oder fo Offcer Gheon dawn he Be carrer Ofcer Gilson te eve te vehici fom the river ide and mace hs way tothe cva's ico ‘ea passorgot door athe vehicle whe remained ine pasienger seat, During ti tine a srg ot _utotale re rang out rem the south of cur positon which believed to 6 coming forthe Foo top of aoa Trot ee O17, 2206 ‘ter Gross e138 eee 9 ‘roo Chie. Gibson oe 1s — wo serni-nooare ‘LAS VEGAS METROROLITAN POLICE DEPARTUENT ‘CONTINUATION Event #:_tLvriooionnsts ‘Nandalay Bay. then immediately exted the vehicle rom the drver side door and look & ooncealment pasion Dehinc-our vehicle, Officer Gibson was si in the process of dawning his tactical equiament hls we took Position chind vis vehicle. Shortly ater the gun tre siopped, Office Gibeon got back inte iver seat ang) ‘imbod inc the rear diver side passenger seat. Officer Giostn ther drove east on Mandalay Bayroad towards Las Veues Blvd. We then care to a rest on the eastside of Las Vegas Blvd the nonmiosna lance ‘sont he sewalk adjacent the Route 91 festa, thor ented out vehi rom ie dver side backseat and observed St. Andrew. Bauina, P #9982, ‘Sperating as LVMPO unt 780, taking concdalrient behind 8 marked LYMPO Ford Crown Vitoria jest North of the intersection of Mandalay Bay Fd end Lae Vegas Bd | then ran towards Sqt Bauman andtook-a ‘conealmert poston behing the palo yohicle as wed. While atthe vehicle another voleyof gure erumied tom the area of Mandalay Bay Hote! Casino. Sat Saumiar:then advaed raysel and the other Officers behing ‘the vehicle tha the shaoter was fring trom an elevated posi irsige te Mancalay Say Hotel Casino and ‘hat we alneedet to take cover behind the brick wall cast ol our poeiion near Gate-1. Qn the command of "nove gven by Saf, Bauman, all Oticers Bohn tho parol vetici, to Include mse anc Sot. Bauman, ‘printed towards the gate + brick wall ard hurcied ove it While behind the wall observed Office Gibson. ‘vera ote Offices, ard civilant also taking cover. Oice: Gibson ther advised me thal Oflcat Casey ‘Grkson was bleeding from ine neck arba. Offoac Givsor stated he was preparing fo assembie his personal ‘medical equpment ta treat the injury aight source io see cur iow it area thon provided ight. a a tapceldRasbight whe Offee: son provided metal caro 1 Oo Ceeon ie orm a gaze "bandage wrapped arora his neck. Awana vole ol gure, ou Bauman ar 80. 8. chro, F967, made te dion veovate ts inree vlan tnkg cover ete te wall mil Olle Tie pan roived Geert er 10 & ‘ear mesial nt. Ofer Gaon ana acted the move ar were ato had tha two wounded ots ‘of ton EMT wh whee! bare. The ENT loaded the wounced the whe! bal and proceeded cay thom to the medical ent. {end Oficor Gon thon returnes tothe bck wall woe we peevousy were ‘Sufgearis Bauman and Pichinord ben sesigeed two soe fo teams derived ot aproxinately 8 Oticos ach | Oe! Go, and 3 oe fees were agnes Sat Baoan. Ouse fenproveeced (oat wes! across Lae Vere Ble tra the aout ean de ofthe Luxor propery, We ook a poston of ‘icealment behind ne “Gris Ange promotional sign onthe rorhwest comer of the Mandalay Bay Rd La ‘Vegas Be intrcacton. We hor pronpeded south acroas Mandalay Bay Re toward he Manlay Bay Hotel Casino Property. Upon crossing the roadway | dbsérvied two civillans, @ tamale and a male. siting on the Nontsize ole properys sidewalk The female wae hleraly eying and asidng for help. | then graoed the female by the arms and escorted her northbound across ees ‘Bay Rd to the “Criss Angel” promotion sign andlelther win a untcmes fice. | then proceeded back across Mandalay Bay road lowards the property ar rejoined Sol Bauman and the other Officers in he si’ke team. We then procooded through Mendsiay Bay valet aroa and iis the main lobby area ofthe Casino, Our ste team then procasded to eysiematicaly clothe main lobby eer ang rooms unl he order was given by Sgi: Bauman to hold what we hac while SWAT team members prepared to breach ne oom of posse susp. her renanacon th main ety floor unt epproximey 0500 Hours of 1027. age? |e veoks NETROFOLTAN POUCE ORPARTIENT OFFICER'S REPORT Osbetteneii ron gene LLVIMIOOIOOO5TE ROUTE 81 ACTIVE SHOOTER AFTER ACTION REPORT. Dike endupxame es wei : isin oe enone _Toural Seloy08 eae Tours Sto bie cme Ss anes sit 2609 SERGHRENEE:_ 5980 5. Lae Vegas ve Las Vegas, WV sna A pistes 2 on 0) tec nen Pa we Olea oes om ‘sparing a LYMPD un eV wee Eonatrn sayoliey 0 Siane Dow, cated al Ura wd Flamingo We wore bth plan ees cperatng & LAMED pl ex, nie #4225 (Honda Pa), We ere meno ‘CGAG PSU channel on he vehicle fad and CCAG privary channel on a ported rae. Otis Gitar was sid wit & Spring XONe Compact wih a 1 round magazin loaded « the magazine wel, arourd ia the __hiambr and & 19 raund magezing on his belt. Oticer Grose was amid with Glock 19 wa 20 ound — ‘lpgzine Jonded inthe magazine wel a round inthe charmber and 16 cund magazine on is bot. Boh ‘offers had tatteal vests avlibl lo them onthe floorboard in he rear paccengercomparnent immed ‘behinltie ont sets. Bot tactical vests were éauiiped with balls ile pales othe iront and rear panels, ‘edical pouches on the ont pare! and POLICE” placards othe ont andvear panels. Andra, both feted toed tor MACTAC gon er baggage compares fhe Veil. Os ta rl cal a 415A made by 16356, we broke dows aurvellance and began: heading tone Naraaly Say. Oger Gibson was cing atl Oicor Grose wasn the font passonger seat. Based on expected vatic condlons, ma protesded code 8 westbound on Flamingo Ri, vaveled wes! hough Belaglo senien access {03 to Frank Stata Or. We tien vaveled sbuti on Frank Sata Dr then east on the'soum sie ol Lx Parsing bt My recolecton i tat wo tured south of of Frans Sieaiva Dr at appronimatay 22120 Ps based ‘on tho call made by 780, Sgt A. Bauman, that he had rived l Lea Vegas ENelMandalay Bay Pd. MY rent ‘vaso jon Sot Bauman al Las Vegas BweManday Bay Ra We tien reveled south on Lunar then east on Mardalay Bay ‘Our ungarstansing othe ooaton of he shasler As we made ou wey rom Ling LFlanings alo ee ‘Bay Fd was that the shooter was ip tho Rout 93 event venus. ‘As we approached te monoral rack crossing Mandalay Bay Ad rom the west, we heard automatic weapots fire coming ram an uniriown cation. On hearing he automatic weapons fe, | stopped the vehi, placed i in park and rolled out of he vehicle va the avers door. When the crver's door opened it keceme apparent inate quire was orig om ou ra but we could rot determine he poo rpec. {atempedo sack Depa teal hee soy 2049 fe oboe Aopiea by Ofer, Pe eroupeann-werene 2S 2 Paget as ans memopoutn pouce Depannuent = ‘CONTINUATION. = Event#:_Luvi7iogrongsia cover on ihe ier side othe veice aa mace my way tothe covers side rear passenger door to reinove ‘ny ecical vest. {was abe fo revieve my tactical vest fore foor bard of ne shivers sie rear paseonger ‘ompanret are donped as lay on my Dace. Oeer Gross eve the vehicle va the divers coor ‘immodiatay Behind me. Oliver Gross was abl o don hi eScal vest a8 ve drove laward he rower. ‘cer Gos ned siowed ou prlabl radio la pouch on te Wor fis actea vest. Afr my acca vest ‘was soured 0 my body, Offenr Gross an had «ques eevssion and celemined tna Wwe coud not rea tus eutoat cca. Lortered re veice a eaves doer as Otc Gross entered he vette va tho pe_ 4300 sept ote a, ‘soxnes a : Past {AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTIENT OFFICER'S REPORT een _Liviriogto0a5 19 gala Bay Active Shoosar— 1 Obiobor [Bout Se rao area : peor: FavoiNcAs oecunnie: PairiGGAC DERE socaronr : SRELARED __ 1001/2 tegeeng a B08 howe Seconrene cone dee : ‘On Oetober 1% 2017 at anproximately 2208 hours |, Oicer 8. Moore Pet 14348, was on duty a5 he acting: ‘sergeant fr my aquad, NESGA. Ny squad that right consisted of Oficers A. Bric Pi £4904, © Savino Pe 115100, and J. Pappas P¥ 15112. Ofioge Pappas was riding with my squad on his ROO. {io haar the ie! intratonalbrdcast fa ahooinn athe Maalay Bay bcadcast ver NEAC's chal and immesinioysrichod over ae of ou ic’ ten, We nmediately heard th ed rac ot mule Subjects Goward that fica wer ara ire ror whe soured ine uta ile re Based on hat ee ‘e010 he Command rt (Cr eae 8 90RG, : : We arivad a} SAC, anaod p,ar reported to the CP out proserce and eedness al npronnatly 2037 ‘pours. Ofcer Pappas and | deployed our les, while Otficer Bute Gopioyed shotgun, Whae at ne CP. Sot. sapong Pi 9398 ana Oftowrs 8. Corder O# 4802, 4: Landers Pa 9073, B. Ramee PY Sete, F, Madina PB ‘7422. We remained at te CP for nearly 40 minutes url approxmalely 2314 hours al which poviewe were finaly sent as Sinke Team CC25 t Tropicana and Las Vegas Ghd in sponse to an AMA unt reporting they ‘ord: Wa cae Up Sg sapony pat car arc area fers ruok tape and eve ‘orth to Tropieara and Lae Yoga Biv x Upon our arial we took cover onthe Southeast comer afte tereaction and accessed he sfuton, We ‘were unable to lozate anyone reporting thal rounds were belog ved the area. As a res, wo began ‘evacuating civilians wc had taken shelter amongst te lardezaping botwoon the povestian bridges front of the Tropicana towards NYNY; We algo peed up fv. her CCAC aces wo were already present atthe intersection as pa of oor eam. We ther mace eortact with secunly inske the Topicana Hotel Casino whe advged us that ey hada subject ito needed stedica assistance of the second floor nea the 0001 A eecion of ou group lormedan ad hoc | Foros Protection team and respondeo We ocatod he sutiectwno was artiletry aie unde er own power. We then retumed te Tropicana and Las Veyas Bia ‘Shorty thee we joa wth Las Vegas Fite mss as Fete Pretecion Tea | (FPT 4) Ae Fores PProteeuon Team. we reseonced to calls at Excalbur and Diablo's Cantina, We also responded tothe Fava Dues Teesitopoe __somaz0i7 at 1750 hows ote: 8 Moos Asser one = ounces mongane = Pe ‘8 Veois metnorouran pouce pepartee ‘OFFIGER'S REPORT bee LLvsTiord03618 RESPONSE 10.1 OCTOREN, ACTIVE SHOOTER EVENT = OB eayoctmucwanmony — 2ERE ae ‘DATE SIME a ee se ee ee ae J, Detective Malooim Nanior, PE14459 am assigned to the Early Idenicaion and tnlervenion section’ of LYMPDs ioral Mars Buteay My base sched ie Monday though Thursday, 0200 — E00 Rous wih DO'S of FSS. : : ‘At around 2220 houre on Sunday: Qoober 1, 2017, [was off duty al my residence: when | caved a tent message from a fellow offeor advsing mo of an acive shoots incden| curently taking place on COAC ratio; — crainal. | ume my LVMIPD rade on ang upon hearrg radio tale about oficers being stot, culiple alizens -vth queshol ours and smuliple acive shoolors at Separate locations | notiied falow-IAB Det: Jonathan ovan, Pa1a3t9, ofthe incidem which wa takieg plads. : & “ogener Det Hovan and ase io secspan to hw avg ee lar found ou was docuontod under vert # LLVI71001000519. Det. Havan ars | met at NWWAC, obtained an unmaiKkea pace vehide and legued con nth the Admin chanel as unit 7A0%, After civing code 3, we nived ata slaginy ave eur te Welarie o Lay Vegas sign at around 2300 hours: We had been monlorng radio trafic and were avave of facto updates entioning several seperate reported 4154's wits outstanding suspects having recently taker place if our inwediate vienily. Bet: Hovan ani wor pir clothes covered by tactics vests arc helmets, we Both dopioye res a ined “sitke les 4 (ed by Sgt, Joseph Eden, B#0674) Our missin wes to respond to the repore of actve ‘shooters ang guns! velms al the Marcela Bay, Lunor, Excabut, NYNV ard Marte Cari sori. Our path took Us nor en foot tor the stagies are trough J adjacent othe above casinos and alimaohy wo wore held on the top lev ofthe paring stuctte locale jut north ofthe. -Mobie ars providing ovetwatn 1 he ‘ark area betwoar the Mono Gara, the Moble arena aie NYNY here we remeined unl sted down. Ltimatey, the reporis of acne shooters atthe ecatons otter than Warselay Bay or the Ft 91 esta tumed ‘ut to be lales. and wore posebly cavsed hy cilzens panicking or aving at tose losabons wih injures sistaned sient. While ve did oct several dazon Cigars 16 Safely wo aid not nava tho opporuniy to Getsin eny suspects oF ‘collet anxevigence, : BavensTiiearhepot __ October, 2017-1190 ‘fie Oet Maison Napier Pe 1468 Asso Oe: be ee Pave os yan emoreau ‘OFFICER'S REPORT = Seti rro01ssi8 Mandalay Bay Acive Stover SueET yrs : risouce z te __ ocho eee 035 arcane icon . Saabs svi? 2208 Secon se50 SLVOLV Nv eiN09 Miseame (On 105117 | Ofeer D Wastnnd #74467 was operating as 8180 wit ny vanes Ofer D.Flanra £14950 n vehicle #8995, We had jus finchod booking several prisoners into CCDC and were patched to Harmon and Las Vegas Oia for of! pics. Ae we were diving soulbound appreachirg Harmer ho ‘aco vals by 1698 came out saying “sho'sWreo, Route 91 Mandalay Say" Barrg tht we had empty van ‘wih ae oxeoners 1 drected him fo comtnue to arviog soutnbosrd code 91d respond to Ins cal, Moments iter ‘edo alfic stated “Act snooter, automatic guntce” As we were @iving sovtrbound towards Mandatay Bay ‘Soler CAC Ola and whites were wi us as'ne rade he ila approach. oor Woodru was orang the Jead-veticle, folowed by. Oticer Rosales, then usin the PT van, flowed by Otter Haynes and Oficer ‘Gaol: we were passing Rene 00 LVB I coukthear the end fa burst of re byte shooter which believed \wete coming ft re rot of Mandelay Bay, possibly in hex entrance ofthe Bh. The ras ale coming. ‘ut tom SE units seerned fo But he shooter otween Route 91 and Mandela Bay. : AN 4 parol vehicles parked at Mandalay Bay road ard LVB believing this was nearest tothe thal lo take ‘immediate action. Aa Flamm and | exited our vehiclés we could hear gunfite cotring from the Mandalay Bay in ‘Shor busts. We took nil eover behind our PT van, Altera few bursts wich started to ht reaby on he ground ard woiles, both Flamm and | then move fo the crown vick postioned0 front ol our PT van thing R was better cover, Officer Hayries was posiioned near the B pila, mye al fre passenger doer Officer Cook. 10 the front tre, and Officer Flam onthe angina biock. Athis Ue alerge bust of atamatic gunfire began tehit eet on and around us, ltwae Gt hs tre that Ofioer Cook took a round to his aim and shouted “im hit Offgor Hayes masini grated Offer Cook and ey both ran nortbov to get him out of the uni to treat tim, Believing he shooter had a drect ine on us we moved loward tothe Explorer nal was diver by Otioot \Wodrutt: Most urits were postions by the right passargor trontwneol. and engi block ea ahther large Durst continued to hit around us. As the burst ended, Sgt Bauman trom OCAC vame up othe explorer and sald there-was coverlbehind a bic wall aporoximatey 50 feet crezto-our east that we cooded ave lo. ‘vas the farthest back in the group so | vas inte fret group of 2o sprint and ioap the wal that was tocaled 0 the northeast comer or Nandalay Bay roas-and LVB. Once positored behind he wall, units cortioued to om ove 8s te Shoaterconinved to fre automate ures. Unis working overtime a he vere had aready ‘ken cover behing this val. Dawe Tenet 0/17 2900, Ores Westoas on, sate —— ones serine Snentameavnsonis 5 Pare ‘ue yeons wermorouraN Pouce DepaRTWosT - OFFICER’S REPORT : : Set Levers cove snot “Sar 104 uo — cota SRURREE __Converiton Cer Area Command ear JOH? 2208 hours, SSEURENEE: 20605 Las vegas Ona NY ens00 a ee ry ‘On Guibert 2017 a 2208 ous, | Ores Z Emy PhT4d8S ond Otic A. Fare PR 15709 were In ate! bretng when we were acinéed ofan aive shotor on the Lan Vegas sp Fanaa immed ‘rabbed ur beongigs,gtints = pac! vtiie, and | gan doing tes Manta Sey ee Oey Fata logged on anc assigned vs va MOT. The rived ath mvrsecon of Rene and Glas aninmecitely noteed tat we could ear sulomate qintes caring rom te southwest. ‘eons te pat veil ane ‘began aavancng foward he sound of tie ure. While advancing vais ne ver, wo pisos several ‘civilians whe were wounded and taking stielter to the rear of some patiol voliicies An EMIT was atiompting to _adfninister medical aid to @ doamied female Ind shouting hat she, needed a tourniquet, Offoer Faring Femoved his tumiqt rm his ay bel and tossed t 1 he EMT. "made contact wih a clzen fang the scans vino snd that he observes to sooteron he eouth lend ofthe tage: an that ho was eboaleg ino the ond othe noah. Wo ood @ eke team and ons toadvance towards he vere ging verbal commands ag srecin Neng cine away rom he venue ‘and ionards mocical personne, We enere the venoe Fm an gstem gate te fences on Gils St. ‘Once entering the venue, we begen to clear area by area searching for the suspect or suspects cae athe te we beled thee mht mules shooter, bt at hs point weno longer hears gtr ‘We coniued o push west hug he venue, unl ve aved athe west bck wal at Separated the ‘venue om Las Vegas Bi. Atths pit we were acvaedby othe ofears that Rit eppear hat here wae '@ shooter inside the venue, and that the only shooter we knew for sure was the one that had been broadcast via tho ado who was nan elevated poston nse Mancaay Bay. As We no fenger heard grt, wo Sard to acktack and evequte rivers whe Were sil aside he verve ab rrde! mada ac. We Degen ‘svazsing (esos ard conozssans bool tie we tity an unknown SWAT member woo ad sll

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