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| US VEGAS werROPOLITAN ‘aprontasie Paget op 1 VOLUNTARY STATEMENT aoe Deis Oczured Tine Ocores vooigerr 220 ure ee Meco pee oy 3 oxny) er ea Tier aaaani ole Contes i Nae. Benge. Hos oe G 1S VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTHENT ‘VOLUNTARY STATEMENT z a PAGES : VENTE: tri00t 3618 SPECI CRIME: AGrIVE SHOOTER (MURDER DATE OCCURRED: 1007-17 ‘THE OCCURRED: z00sHOURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: MANDALAY BAY RESORT ANID GASINO o80 S VAR. ‘OITYOFLASVEGAS _CLARKCOUNTY ‘MAME OF PERSON GIVING STATEMENT: ann SOCIAL SECURITY ® WORK ADDRESS: a ‘The following 1s the transctiption of a tape-recorded Interview conducted by DETECTIVE J. MCLEMORE (JM), P# 19914, Also present Ia Detecilve D. © Koop (0K), Pe 4802, WM: - bow ae you doing? OB eorex Mk. Good, (unintliible) alright? ae ‘JM: You don't mind if we record our interviews. Do you have any... ‘(Crosstal) DK: fim Detective Koop, this is Detective McLemore |LKS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTIENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGE 3. evenTe: 174 ae ._ core. IM; And your home address where you. get mal, where you ve? 2 “JIM, Andi do you have a phone number? i] + — Oey thats re DK: Whatwas your, un, ZiPcode egan? = == Al gh m, wat ures do younave? - {Rave a gunshot wound to the, uh, left buttocks. Um, there’s shrapnel. it's ote ihe res crores Uh be 3) mer ee peso tt eae > The got, uh, two fractured pelvises. z DK - What wore they? PRRID 1 tactres povises. DK: Oh, LAS VEGAS ETROPOLTANCPOLICE DEPARTMENT. _ VOLUNTARY STATEMENT ae : = en then all of the sudden | felt something hit me in the butt and, uh, | said, "tve been hit. Lust got hit” And, uh, st that point I don't remember much of anything other than, ‘you kom, people sunning by pushing, shoving everyone. We're laying on the: ‘ground. Um, people are like - | could hear people yelling, uh, He's reloading Everybody run* You know. Um, we has other people jumping the rall nex fo us {ng 96, vos know ander behind he arene guy care op boing us and he say, Hoy, IMIR et oy mn stay down.” ‘And ‘he king of like Rovered over us, um, and he just kept saying, “Stay: ‘down tay down Ad uh, le seemed ke ere wos no ore gun ~ cause i ‘mean, 08 tke bus and then nothing, bursts, nothing, utes, {ust kept going i. Uh. we laid there for a while then, uh, lke that And after a while Analy seemed to -10 stop. They ead “Everybody head tote ext” So, um, they eat “Can you wk” 504, "eah. Jean wok. |< mist Pit inthe Butt ean walk“ So_lgol up and waked to, ut, stares heecng towards “the ext ond then, vn, sombody sad “Are you hi?” And I sand “Y65~ They 9, “There's an EMT night here. Have ‘mn chock you out* Before we gol the ent ~ © tha vias by the Budwolser stand = and he toked at and he sale, ‘Can you wah? | said, “Yes” He said, “Good. Head to the ambulances in the parking lot across the street” So we went ove there and, um, they had two ambulances One took @ burch of people that ware more cic. The other one had no Keys end no der, 39 ‘they shoved me in a litte, ub, ted car and with, uh, my wife and, uh, another gf that ‘wai shot and, ub, we went - just came here. ‘DK: Was the gif knew you originally or was she just some... AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY. STATEMENT PAGE EVENT: 17100-9519 “SPECIFIC CRIME: ACTIVE SHOOTER / MURDER DATE OCCURRED: 1001-17 ‘TRHE OCCURRED: 220s OURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: MANDALAY BAY RESORT AND ci SHG [AS VEGAS BOULEVARD. SAS VEGAS NV aati: ‘ITrOF Las VEGAS. CLARK counTY AME OF PERSON GIVNG STATEMENT: CS? DOB: 1205-05 : “SOCIAL SECURITY»: RACE: : Sex: HEIGHT: Bar: HOME ADDRESS: 2 Okay, Viv, could you just go ino deta, your fst name. last narbe? -_ co ‘Okay, and your date of bith? 2. And your address? AWN i what's yourphone number? ‘WORK ADDRESS: AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POUCE DEPARTMENT. VOLUNTARY.STATEMENT. PAGET. e = Event 00836 Soren a anymore. 2 And your address? ‘Okay. Was there anything thet = that - that drew your attention to this whole thing that you sa eas wai, you snow, other ihe Gawd before & happened, or wile ‘YoU Guys were tryin’ o escape, oF? : Um. not the, wei, he prety much lke, said everything, the, {didn thnk R-was a. Ubchut ‘and | thought it wes coming through the crowd, so the whole time { thought the ‘gunshots were tke, on the floor and not ike, fram the air 2 Right ERP > 2. joan, I nouati t wos be, « pur of he, the pertmance or someting ‘because d wast for ile bi laler uni, the, the whole sce cr The the whole slage ust Re went Bick, a ats he wher vero jst ared ming aa we wor jie Sei Se ge goroude aie Fumes Ue she pet Be EE was si duck and cover whenever they came by, and tke, ve did tx few tes then alone pont | Was ike, Al toni, we need tlie, 9p, ve need to getup ke” and he. was ike, “cant, Just got shot” and hen | was ke, “On, fi okay 7. $0 you could say that under pressure. AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN PoLice DEPARTHENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT AGE VENTE: to0t-3610 ‘SPECIFIC ORIME: ACTIVE SHOOTER MURDER DATE OCCURRE! Aeon TIME OCCURRED: 2208 HOURS - oe ome sgn a ee ee oN = e ‘SOCIAL SECURITY #: = ‘SEX: ot ‘PHONE 1 “PHONE 2: eS iption of ta lerview conducted by DETECTIVE B PENNY (Gb), Pe 6022" LVMIPD FORGE INVESTIGATION TEAM, on 10-03-17 af 1558 hours BP: Operator this is Detective Penny with the Force Investigation Team conducting {oped statement under LVMPD Event 17001-0519. Uh pong interwewed ED 29 BE hoc ress --: a. EER ere ourer- ca prone AMI Hes 20 Ur vals to nove ‘Vea frequentiy. Uh, ths intorviss taking place on October 82017. Curent time is 1668 hours. Un, this ilerview is being conducted at the Delano Hotel in room It started, you know, every night early. Uh, we, um — the, {AS VEGI METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTIENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. "PAGE 2 ae STATEMENT OF: rember IMI» tne night of October 1, frac beon checked into, un, the rooms at he Mandelay Bay. Un, be had room numbers lloras dung tne active shooter investigation. Now thi will be in referenos fo the aciwe shooter Jnvestigation that occurred on 10-1:17 et 2208 hours which occured. on the 2nd floor ofthe Mandalay Bey. Uh. can you lat your name forme please? 9 par ‘pologize about hat. Umm, and you understand this being recorded? Yessir Okay Can you te me what happened the night of October 150? ‘were backstage with us for eafly wih my wife end the baby goes to bed at 7 o'clock ‘contrat time — So its § o'dock al this time. Baby went back Before dinner. 1 pcre or MA eis ay in ou py shoe (oles iverson Ga ba nie be ie ne ‘everyday show that we do. Walked off stage and went to-find my wife: She was ‘sttin' there with frends and before we walked back up on stage, lke, we use - every 40 every right | asked, "Can we ust sit down for a minute2* ‘Cause that was my - that was my 10th showin three days 1 was just tied And. uh, seriously a minute Inter, two minutes later we heard just three small- and nobody knew what they were, [AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTIENT. VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGES EVENT: 171001-3610 a aa ‘And then < then we four then we heard, the, @ ~ a burst and i stil dido't kinda ha us. It didnt resonste fo us. Just- sd people ware sayin’ that vas, lie, electrical wire titi’ the ground: Some peoole wore sayn’ was fireworks but L know we can't shoo! frenorks at 9 oiack. 10 o'clock at night whatever in Downton Las Vegas A um, and then you heat, "Gel down get down = get down < oat down - get ‘down And - and, you know, = grabbed the people with us and we went fo the gions Gay decors ore onl Soe be Me ea grabbed my wife and we sat behing the secord bus ct- close - the fst bus cosest to the stage; te second bus facing th street So ere was a hie bus and a aon 0s We were bering the maroon bus ayn’ down wit a group 0 peook. Um. an m, porsonsl bedy guaid waked off stage) and sald “Evonone with us come” ‘Grabued me and my wife. ‘Threw us up on the maroon bus and we laid inthe floor ‘And, uh, in ~ inthe (unifolighie) and t seamed, ike te shooting wes gai’ op forever. { mean, rine, tn minutes. dont dont realy ksow bow longo: anything bul seemed he, was gn’ of forever. And we - 0 we lad on he bus as long as We aM and, you Kou, ty’ to figure out how the baby i nd thought he was nthe safest placs in tho entie word but ne was actualy inland the nanny was in. WB ie he su she com cet n't cet SM ecause te toys wore eactvated. An obvious reasons you guys hve to tm the Keys of o ike sure the doors are shut and, um, s0 we' - this goes on fr awhile and “and we're we're on bus - we're in - we'te.on the bus layin! down end it said that the 32nd floor - | get 4 text saying, “The 32nd floor nas been evacuated rom the Mancalay Bay and tat |, VERS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPART ener ‘ORDER W DEADLY WEAPON VOLUNTARY STATEMENT Saigooues Time Oona? ee GREER sesos asvesasensd Mt co ee Sie oe fp Ly je ag Gg bee Zz Lip te Aah sae eae ao AME RERD TH STATEMENT AN | Ae 1e-ETRUT AND ACCURACY OF THEAGTS CONTAINED MERE a ATENENT A “COMPLETED AT 4 SS. = ae or = fies ee SS reonoree MA Neg re 882 greta Frinor asi. 8 VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPART new) DEADLY WEAPON. VOLUNTARY STATEMENT fe occured tere Oowred ies REO SLASVEGASEWD 4M CC emis {was Standing. gt ane Vip. fod ge tne tongrt —luayd ue quatnols coming fam the Mandalay Boy dicasion. INE ee Inve closer to the stage | th Ska Bind flying avund SAW AO Sip One Bt Snot. proteeded 40 our bus where we _ Sai. oe "po a STATEMENT gD eR GE TUT A ACCURAY OF TH FACTS CONTANED HERE TS SUATEMET WA couneren AyuoeATION SSI i viuremtrer Mie Dageu Seon nscear Witte LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT _ PAGE SPECIFIC GRIME: ACTIVE SHOGTER(MUROER DATE OCCURRED so0%i7 TIME OCCURRED: zaps OURS Sapavion Or DeCinnICE: “UNA AY aN REcORY AAD CASO ‘The folowing 1 ihe [ranscription of a eae ‘interview conductea by DETECTIVE J. MCLEMORE (JM), P# 13914, on 10-03- “present is Detective 0. Koop (OK); P# 4882 JM: This is. un, Detective McLemore, Jacob MeLemore, Pa 19914, tm here with David Koop, Pit 4982, we're at Desert Springs Hospital, conducting an interview on a victim: of Event 17001-3519, in toference to the shooting. Ik is Tuesday. October 316 1833, um, 2017. How you doin’ sir? HR: (Unintoligibie) LIME D0 you mind if we talk to you fora title ba? HR: No, Caninteligiie).. LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT 5 PAGES EVENT: 173001-2619 SPECIFIC CRIME: AGIVE sHOOTER/ MURDER DATE OCCURRED: -100%-12 TWEOCCURRED: 2208 HOURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: MANDALAY Gav RESORT AND CASINO 52505 LAS VEGAS BOULEVARD ies ieaasnvaniis CITY OF LAS VEGAS CLARK COUNTY NAME OF PERSON GIvInG STATEMENT: SAI) os: + SOCIAL SECURITY: HONE ADDRESS: : : WORK ADDRESS: The Tolewna the Tanserplion of tape tecotded MeTview ConauCTed Oy DETECTIVE J, NELSON (IN), P# 6820. JN. “Hello opereior, this © Delesive J. Nelson, NELSON, PH 6025 wih the Les Veges Metopoitan Police Department -soreucting an intern ve a SE 2 Be SS ©: WOO oe rs iri a get a hold of? = NR My dad. JN. What's his nome? - {AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGES WN JN NR aN err ans _ NE And nen my bother . ae : a ee eee a te Otay MBP ony, ayoay oe? LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGE EVENTS: 171003-9515 [SPECIFIC CRIME: ACTIVE SHOOTER/MUROER DATE OCCURRED: 4001-17 TWMEOCCURRED: ZogHOURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: MANOALAY HAY RESORT AND CASINO ‘38S LAS VEGAS SOULEVARD. venie GITYORLAS VEGAS CLARK COUNTY. KANE OF PERSON GhNo STATENS 2.9 —_ S001 HURT SEX: = = = oe The aa The tranccriplion of @ lapevvecorded mieiview conducled By DETECTIVE T. TOWNLEY (TT), P# 7521, on 10-05-17 at 1754 ho TT Okay, forthe record, what's ‘your | last: ane? ' —— coe fee eee: RM: Yes. 1 | vihat’s your date of birth? i TT: And your oc? mY yeans mROPOUTAN SOLIS OEPARINE [Flt “VOLUNTARY ‘STATEMENT sTiooso%8si0 pri TSO ane Peto 2050 South Las Vegas Boulevard. er lg FO sei Sone rg ar Sel een syed rt Cong el are ee ak a ged, Meee eh ber aide ba “nae er ents We a Sade ae hg sat nT wa ct ao abd geen Sot 1g Py a eer week scr (au it i 008) nis oreo Saad ge Ts ia iw ded St de Yee a DG ant SN on ae we isl ep hy ed et cs forts Pre Un ow iin sn ae ape wo : ‘Dus stk ya te pope Tea non ear we ve Wend cocked ou sls Sn ss ant Bee hoard ano cocina ui wo van eat oe Mr foo ad nad atone wv oy a op vad aro dest ogy ca aa eg con na Foie orl ___Weiiewe neg aden ye Beco. eign gee Wn a ae, ny al ged we now Sy tg ot i ey. ap hehe Tea a ale “Wabash Sako ft Tepe nee Tol mean hon ‘Sein vie Woned pep ea wip ad er aba fen ince ry Sooo ae : SS a So ; en : SSS SS ee Se oS aa LAS VEGAS METROSOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT _ VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGE EVENTS: 172003-2618 SPEOIFC CRIME: ACTIVE SHOOTER MURDER, DATE OCCURRED: 0017 ME OCCURRED! zzon OURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: MANDALAY Ear AESORY AND CASINO. : SHEDS. IAS VEGAS BOULEVARD SCENTS EMVOFLASyecss _GLaRR county NAME OF PERSON Give SATEEN MII ‘SOCIAL SECURITY #: a © PhONE2 = cs conducted by ETECTIVE J. SMITH (18), PH 13218, on 10: 48 Oventos, ns s Detective Sinn, PR 19218, doh 8 tapes bieriew wT’ WEBB, cate of bit II on. sate is Octoner 16,2047, tine js 5:59 om. th Jocation of interview is Sunrise Hospital, ‘Room 5639. I'm just gonna las- place- ths “Fight here s0 that you don’t have to speak up or anything like that, okay? MM: - Okay. Thankyou. JS: All chi un. just one more time, just forthe recording, can you give me your ‘address and your phone number one more time? 7% ves METROPOLITAN PxCeEPARTAENE Peis Les, °NOLUNTARY STATEMENT ruoinoasie Tatiana nie Tie RAT STANT Doar Ta TNT ET ‘was conracren areca | fora! Bil ours S-_ owor Octiber ap ar 1D, mentor: 1 me : I Servles ee ee Om Bee fain wen 8 ‘Sent _f7001003810 _ ea sarin ee om erence Fa VOLUNTARY STATEMENT sro bears ace ee Mandalay Bay Shooting TF eovmotr [Zon pours 3050 Souh Lan Vagas Soulevard | a L 4 He velatealial lp Poise one ey sen eee Fanaa iva” 2 Pee ce Seo De : a 4 teeta e4 Thc te ODS DT ORAS A TS RS RTRSD EON TTT ia courceren ar .ocAnOM fh 36 Z ome Stor oe na ee ——— oa = lage 1A ome meen ean an pease Nome eee an : (Us eons neon ecu CONTINUATIGN| = © evens: j7s004003610 ‘AS VEGAS wetROPOLITAN POUCE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGE EVENT: s71007.3818 [SPECIFIC CRIME: - ACTIVE SHOOTER MURDER DATE OCCURRED: 100517 TIME OoCURRED:- 2202 ioURS LOCATION OF OCOURRENCE! MANDALAY BAY RESORT AND CASINO a LAS VEGAS nv eerie SITY OF Las VEGAS LARK COUNTY ST 0B: wa fe SOCIAL SECURITY #: Sex WERT: EYES; -o PHONE 2: ‘WORK ADDRESS: ‘The following 1s the transcriplion of a lape-recorded Inlerview conducted by DETECTIVE S. SMITH (SS), P# 6424, on {0-03-17 st 1758. Also present is Detective T Pendulio (TP), PA Teed. © SS Operator this s Detective (Nes Smith, PH 6424 conducting a taped statement, Date | 10-3 of 2017 and the time is 1758 hours, This interview is being completed in ‘connection 0. murder-suicide that occured under LVMIPD Event# 17100-3519, Uh his inlerview is being completed wih a vicin. Her fet mare AT 8 2 EEE 6 WBA eo presents her nusbane I oto of tor I ans yy EE Ang thoy nave «conact number of MMI. Tos interview is being competed {LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POUCE DEPARDIENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGE EVENT: (74001-3519 SPECIFIC CRIME: ACTIVE SHOOTER JNUROER DATEOCCURRED: 0.01.47 TIME OCCURRED: Zee HOURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: WUNDALAV ERY RESORT AuD CASING : als LAS veces BOULEVARD TAs veoas. vent GITY OF Las vEcas CLARK COUNTY NAME OF PERSON GIVING STATEMENT: AAA: coe: : SOCIAL SECURITY #: RACE: 3ex. HEIGHT: ‘weGHT: Hae: HOME ADDRESS: PHONE 2: ‘WORK ADDRESS: ‘The following le the transcription of @ tape-recorded Interview conducted by DETECTIVE J. SMITH (JS), P# 13218, on 10-05-17 af 2122 hours. JS: Operator, this is, uh, Detective J. Smith, Ps. 19218, dom’ 2 taped interview with ‘SM: That's okey. a ee Js. SM: Saath Wa eree a cad Wa ad guys ended up he Srie a "okey? So whoever wants fo stat is gonna be fine, - a {AS Vecas METROPOLITAN Pouce DcPARTNENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. PAGE 2 710013649 ewer : ocr nn bad LL Ce ctneabinmathoenessess.. : ‘Ubu WII 15's reference un, active shooter all under Event 170 171004:3519, uh, interview is taki’ plate al Sunrise Hosp, today’s date ie October Sth 2017 at 2122 hous. Okay. So, basally, uP, i's my undestancing you guys were both from right? So basicaly, we's just lookin’ for how you guy- where you guys. ee inside the seus, Ub if there's anything: that -you remember or: tm sory, ‘Um $0 we were stage rit, dosest to Mandalay Bay up in the tont secon of the tas area by the F-stage. ‘Um, when the shots started goin’ off the first time, | mean, we didnt think anything of 4k we Just tought they were maybe fre-freworks. Um, and then before you knew tm, Jason Aldean was running off the stage and everyone was ducting and being pushed to the flocr and lakin’ cover. Um. my sister wes screaming, you know, ‘Ive been shot =e been shot” and we looked, and her arm was just gushing in blood sn benny mm. a wa aig face Sn, ub ite red Fhe FAA iad ls wy ovr ard tnd cor an a be gurl ‘round and soko ete was engin tat ned tate cau pres aunt het {AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT — ne ee o> a ‘wound for pressure. Lim, and he fod us that we hed to leave fe wanted to ve wer fu to get out’ at that pont (QM and my witer ware ogetner Toon remember _ em eaving and he end stayee behind wth my nom aa te Fae Fear Um, he promised me that he would stay with: my mom, that he wouldn't let anything happen t her, But we would do’my mem more demage than Good by slaying there _ ind he just he yelled - and he yelled fr us fo leave, so you know, she grabbed my, ‘hand and we.left, “Um, we-went behind the Budweiser stand where there: were people, uh, crouched down hiding, um, the shots had paused for @ minute, but when: they tated napping again everyone seambled and thar’. vn we hate ou oy and tan again through the exit, um, in between ‘two cop cars. Um, | a ‘people just being wheelbarrowed and cerried out.. Umi and the cons were pushin’ ‘people down in between. tling ‘em, “Get down - gst down,” um, I hink the shooting bad gone off again and we nad crossed the retard hid behind the powe’ box and thats when, ur, at that pol we had gotten word that my sister i a the Tropicana, but we fad fear that there might be possibly a - a sh- an open. ‘Shooter there. Um, so we started aking our way down there, and, um, we were told thal they vere rye to gel everybody Ino Hooters. Um, but was determined to tnd ‘my sic, and my-boyfiond's sistor so, um, we met 2: enother famiy, another ‘couple, husband and wife, who took us in. and again tried te get us to go down to. Hocters, but when Iwas adamant about focing my sister, hoy toon in {0d us tn wou go ol he Jpteane and la bet Un and hats wn we ‘were on lockdown inside the employee back entrance, the hallways, um, don’t know {LAS YEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT "PAGES EVENT: 17100-2619 SPECIFIC CRINE: ACTIVE SHOOTER/ MURDER DATE OCCURRED: 400-17 ‘TE OCCURRED: zavsyOURS — LOCATION OF OcCURRENEs A LAS VEGAG Ny aetie GIY OF LAS VEGAS. LARK COUNTY NAME OF PERSON GIVING STATEMENT: a: oy “pos: oe DOB: “SOCIAL SECURITY s nace: : sex neo: : ween ae = ‘wore AooRESs: : noe The folowing i the Wanscrplion of a tape-Tavordod Imlewiow conducted by DerecTwe'T. TOWNLEY (TT), PH 7521, on 10-08-17 af 1836 hours TT; Operator, this i Delecine 7. Townley, Tom, Oosan, Wiliam, Nora Lincoln. Eas- Easy, Yellow, P# 7821, uh, at UMG. the time is now going to be 1834 hours on the "Abin, oF excuse me, on the Sih, October 10ih, um, | am going to be doing a, uh, winess biervien win ID cate ofr I as wei cs on do you say your fast nae again? 7 / AC! (Uninteligibie). LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POUICE DePaRrueNT : VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. oe ‘PAGE 2 : EVENTS: - TT Date of oitn BOGE un, bon resco ot EK: And | think we'fe at Sunrise, not UMC: = STATEMENT! TT: - Yes. lapologize. EK omy year TT Um IBD vou one - you ang ggmmmmvoretogetnerne ents night, corect? x . : : “FE You guys ane al the coer pat ouch le sore ine, you girs al acted ane just kinda, S : “EK Unhuh TE finda soi EK: Yeah, so we ell arrived at the concert at the same time... “TT Okay. Soe necro a ‘Oksy. So you guys all stayed together prety much the enti concert? Yes, a ‘bmousiy,semevedy had o go othe restoor or sorteenes gota get dns you 4 ‘might spit up for 8 couple seconds, but then you'e back together again? 2 Uh-huh, {AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTENT. VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGE’ SPECIFIC CRIME: ACTIVE SHOOTER /MURDER DATE OCCURRED: sa0ct7 Tare OCCURRED: oe HouRs LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: MANDALAY AY RESORT AND CASING Ww 52805. LAS VEGAS BOULEVARD TASVEGRS Nvsniis GAYOFLAS VEGAS CLARK COUNTY NAME OF PEREON GIVING STATEMENT: (SSE cos: "SOCIAL SECURITY & RACE: SEX: HEIGHT: Har: ‘Work ApoRESS: ‘The following Is the transcription o DETECTIVE M. JOGODKA (Ms). P# TEST. Also. present Is Detective & Swales (RS), P# 7547. MJ. This is Detecive Matt Jogouka, PF 7587 and Detective: John Sweles, P# 7547 ‘carrently at the Desert Springs Hospital We'te conducting interviews reference Eventi 171001-3519, Current time {6 0498 houts and well be conducting the terview wih RK Minh, 1 As on ne in Fecord could you state your current address? RE Ms RK Ms RIG Ms: ae my: 8K VEGIAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT © VOLUNTARY. STATEMENT S PAGEL EVENTS: 171001-0619 ‘STATEMENT OF: ‘And fm sory, your date of ith too, plegse? ‘And @ good phone - phone number for you? ‘Okay, as far as my understanding you guys were at the, uh, Route 8f concer. Yeo. on the it of October. Cus you tne explain where you were athe conca before the whole commotion began’? We. coun, Wee tne stage was, na lent youre fag he age Fling he sage uh. rly much te cvte ba slg) oe ONL Uh, Hers was several beverage stands sort of behind - just Behind us, but we were son of maybe 20, 30 feet in front of them. 4 ‘Okay, and just forthe record, Im speaking to boyirend, husband? Husband, Husband, your natne is? wy: EIEN 2 your cate orien? {LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGES EVENTS: trt00r-et8 SPECIFIC CRIME: ACTIVE SHOOTER /MURDER DATE OCCURRED: ia0Li7 ‘WHE OCCURRED: 220s HOURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: MANDALAY GAY RESO AND CASINO : LASVEGAS Nv sgtre CHTYOFLAS VEGAS __ CLARK COUNTY MANE OF PERSON wc srarexcnT cco Qs socinL sccm, ‘The folowing js ine Wanscriplion of @ tape-recorded IMerview conducted by DETECTIVE J. PARRA (JP), PE 10025, on 10-08-17 at 1821 Hours “JP Operate tis Detective Para, PH 10025, one Las Veoss Mogi Poe Deparment, Robbery Sector conducing @ recoriea ervew et A csmmnepuminmemsere Ho eae ae me br | ‘The jnlesiew i being conducted at 3186 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vagas, Nevada alte Suntse, ah, Hosaial. An, the dite Ocober 914, 2017. The tne s 1621 nous, The interview is being conducted as pat ofthe mass shooting that occired on October 10th. Te Ast LAs veaas METROPOLITAN POLE oePaRTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGES : VENTE: 17300-3879: STATEMENT: TR Trptans: Otay v0 ws ca ou on Tonics orn, it ce ere corieg ato Tropicana, um, heading towards Desert Desert nn, tere was an ambulance. And | _ was ‘elaying to the EMY guy, (said, Follow that fucking ambulance wherever that thing goes, go with him Just go And then | basically said, "You ust go. Um, 1-1-1 know | don't have authority to fucking go through the lights, 1 don’t care - blow it. go, we gota get othe Hosp” And so they went othe way down, we - we thought =| ‘mean it seemed like it was taking | Forever to get down there, And then, ah, when we {21 0, we aly got around the corner ane toy ai, “Hey, wate ere - were here, were at Sunrise’ Cool. Pulled anh wten ne pled ere was, you kro, "probably sk to ten ernbulances already there, there was a line of cars and pooole SoS 6 The juin so em Si Uae lt urs ve ol umeys, we seed. ner endo fr that Gus AMP vas stot rine leg. They got ne tay out nthe back ard thes put het on agurey and ented ling ner ‘cause she was prety bac. wheelchaite They rolled fwo whesichairs out - one for Um, and then, ah, um, once we got her in then she and | wire separated. Once we got inthe emergency soom they wouldnt kt me in and 30, 2h, ater the next 34-2 hours afer that was kind® dealing with her end. you Know, kind of a -a waiting ‘pare = $0, but, we - We ted 10 get as many peop!e, as soon as I recognized there was gunfire we just saris yeling at people, “Get out” “Cause it was a complete, | ‘mean you'e - completely exposed. There wes nowhere {0 go. And walching Uist barjust got blown up tke was, we werent slaying there, you know. , 2S ao

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