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Journal of Human Hypertension (1997) 11, 641–649

 1997 Stockton Press. All rights reserved 0950-9240/97 $12.00

The effectiveness of exercise training in
lowering blood pressure: a meta-analysis
of randomised controlled trials of 4 weeks
or longer
JA Halbert1, CA Silagy1, P Finucane2, RT Withers3, PA Hamdorf4 and GR Andrews5
Department of General Practice, Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park SA 5042;
Rehabilitation, Aged and Extended Care, Repatriation General Hospital, Daw Park SA 5041; 3Exercise
Physiology, School of Education, Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park SA 5042; 4Centre
for Physical Activity in Ageing, Hampstead Centre, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide SA 5000; 5Centre
for Ageing Studies, Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park SA 5042, Australia

Objective: To identify the features of an optimal exercise and one study had both resistance and aerobic training
programme in terms of type of exercise, intensity and groups. Aerobic exercise training reduced systolic BP
frequency that would maximise the training induced by 4.7 mm Hg (95% CI: 4.4, 5.0) and diastolic BP by 3.1
decrease in blood pressure (BP). mm Hg (95% CI: 3.0, 3.3) as compared to a non-exercis-
Data identification: Trials were identified by a system- ing control group, however, significant heterogeneity
atic search of Medline, Embase and Science Citation was observed between trials in the analysis. The BP
Index (SCI), previous review articles and the references reduction seen with aerobic exercise training was inde-
of relevant trials, from 1980 until 1996, including only pendent of the intensity of exercise and the number of
English language studies. exercise sessions per week. The evidence for the effect
Study selection: The inclusion criteria were limited to of resistance exercise training was inconclusive.
randomised controlled trials of aerobic or resistance Conclusions: Aerobic exercise training had a small but
exercise training conducted over a minimum of 4 weeks clinically significant effect in reducing systolic and dias-
where systolic and diastolic BP was measured. tolic BP. Increasing exercise intensity above 70% VO2
Results: A total of 29 studies (1533 hypertensive and max or increasing exercise frequency to more than
normotensive participants) were included, 26 used aero- three sessions per week did not have any additional
bic exercise training, two trials used resistance training impact on reducing BP.

Keywords: blood pressure; hypertension; physical training; exercise

Introduction tors such as hypertension, hypothesizing that this

might lead to a reduction in CHD mortality and mor-
There is good epidemiological evidence from obser- bidity.
vational studies that supports the role of physical Observational studies have shown that active
inactivity as an independent risk factor for coronary people have BP levels around 5 mm Hg lower than
heart disease (CHD).1,2 This association persists even inactive subjects.3 Even if the absolute benefit from
after adjustment of the potential confounders such the lower BP may be small, from a public health per-
as gender, age, blood pressure (BP) and smoking spective it has the potential to substantially decrease
status. mortality and morbidity within the community if a
Despite the evidence from observational studies, sufficiently large proportion of the population
there have not been any randomised controlled increase their level of physical activity.
trials examining the effect of physical activity on While a number of reviews have examined the
morbidity and mortality from CHD. This is largely effects of various forms of exercise training on BP,3–6
due to the methodological difficulties associated none of them have attempted to identify the para-
with such a trial, which would require very large meters of an exercise programme which would
numbers of participants followed over a prolonged maximise the decrease in BP. Despite this lack of
period. An interim approach is to examine the role evidence, the American College of Sports Medicine7
of physical activity in reducing known CHD risk fac- has developed guidelines which recommend aerobic
exercise at 50–85% of maximum oxygen uptake
(VO2 max) with a minimum of three sessions per
Correspondence: Ms Julie Halbert, Department of General Prac- week. While this sort of programme is quite success-
tice, Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park SA 5042, Australia ful in producing often substantial improvements in
Received 14 January 1997; revised and accepted 14 June 1997 cardiorespiratory fitness, there is considerably less
evidence for its effectiveness in changing BP.
Exercise training and blood pressure
JA Halbert et al

The published reviews also had methodological which involves assessing the quality of the allo-
shortcomings. Only one review4 examined both cation (ie, control of selection bias at entry). This is
resistance and aerobic training with the remaining the only type of bias which has been empirically
three reviews including trials of aerobic training shown to result in systematic differences in assess-
exclusively.3,5,6 The inclusion criteria for studies ment of the effect size. A three-point rating scale was
varied considerably, with only one meta-analysis used, with a grading of: (A) if the effort to control
including only randomised controlled trials;6 the selection bias had been maximal (ie, central ran-
other three included studies with and without con- domisation by an independent third party); (B) if
trol groups, reporting overall results for controlled there had been some effort to control selection bias
as well as uncontrolled studies. (eg, by use of sealed envelopes); and (C) if there had
The aim of this review, therefore, was to identify been little or no effort to control selection bias at
the features of an optimal exercise programme, in entry. The score allocated to each trial is included
terms of type of exercise, intensity, frequency and in Table 1. It should be noted that in many cases,
duration, that would maximise the training-induced the score allocated to the studies included in this
decrease in BP. review may have been more a reflection of the qual-
ity of reporting than the methodological quality of
the trials themselves. This is because information
Materials and methods was often lacking in the published reports about the
Inclusion/exclusion criteria methods of randomisation used.
To be included in this review, studies had to be ran-
domised, controlled trials involving an aerobic or Data analysis
resistance training programme of at least 4 weeks The effect of exercise on the systolic and diastolic
duration. Trials had to include BP as either the pri- BPs was assessed independently. The effect was
mary outcome measure or as a secondary outcome. measured as the difference (in mm Hg) between the
Trials with a cross-over design were included pro- mean change in BP (baseline – final value) in the
vided that the order of the treatments was random- two groups. The variance of this difference should
ised and the order effects were not significant. Trials be calculated using the paired baseline and final BP
involving both hypertensive and normotensive sub- measurements for each individual. However, none
jects were included provided that the participants of the trials presented sufficient information for this
were sedentary adults who were healthy apart from to be done. Consequently, we adopted a conserva-
their hypertension. Trials were excluded when the tive approach and calculated the variance of the dif-
published report did not state that the participants ference between the means, assuming that the base-
were randomly allocated, when it was not possible line and final BP measurements were unpaired.
to determine the intensity of the exercise pro- The pooled effect size is a weighted average of the
gramme or when multi-faceted co-intervention was individual effects, with the weightings inversely
present (eg, exercise plus weight-loss or exercise proportional to the variance of each individual
plus salt-reduction). effect.9 Ninety-five per cent confidence intervals (CI)
were calculated for the pooled effect size. Tests of
heterogeneity were performed using the Mantel–
Identification of trials and data extraction
Haenszel method.10 Other results are reported as
The included trials were identified from a system- mean ± s.d.
atic search of the years 1980 to 1995, using the elec-
tronic databases: Medline, Embase and Science Results
Citation Index; previous review articles, and exten-
sive examination of references from relevant trials. Descriptive data of included trials
Only studies published in the English language Thirty-nine trials were identified which appeared to
were included. meet the inclusion criteria for the review. Of these,
The information extracted from the trials 10 were subsequently excluded (see Appendix),
included: total number of participants randomised, either because the results were incomplete and not
number of participants who completed the trial, age obtainable from the authors (eight trials) or the inter-
and sex of the participants, hypertensive or normo- vention included weight or sodium reduction as
tensive, information on the training programme part of the treatment regimen (two trials). A total of
(type of exercise, intensity, number of sessions per 29 trials (involving 1533 participants) were, there-
week), activities during the control period, methods fore, included in the review.11–39
of statistical analysis, body composition measures, The characteristics of the trials included in the
adherence rates, BP information (position, equip- review are shown in Table 1. Five of the included
ment, protocol of measurement) and body weight studies23,25,27,31,39 had a cross-over design; the
changes during the control and training periods. remainder were parallel group design. Eleven trials
included participants of both sexes, four trials
involved women only, thirteen trials men only and
Quality assessment
one trial32 did not specify the gender of the subjects.
The methodological quality of the studies included The mean number of participants per study was 53
in the review was assessed using the scheme (range 7–300) and the ages of the participants ranged
described in the Cochrane Collaboration Handbook,8 from 18–79 years.
Exercise training and blood pressure
JA Halbert et al

Table 1 Characteristics of included exercise trials

Trial No. of Characteristics of participants Description of exercise programme Duration of Quality

(Author, year) participants study score

Anderssen 1995 97 Males and females, mean age Endurance programme of walking and 52 C
45 yr, hypertensive aerobics at 50% VO2 max for 60 min, 3×
per week
Blumenthal 1991 92 Males and females aged 29–59 Two groups: (1) Walking and jogging 17 C
yr, hypertensive programme at 70% VO2 max for 25 min,
3× per week; (2) resistance training
Braith 1994 44 Males and females aged 60–79 Walking programme at either; 26 C
yr with BP ,140/90 mm Hg (1) moderate intensity 77% VO2 max
(2) high intensity 87% VO2 max, 3× week
Cox 1996 30 Males only aged 20–50 yr, 120– Cycle ergometer exercise at 60–70% VO2 16 C
160% of ideal body weight, max, for 30 min, 3× per week
Duncan 1985 56 Males only aged 21–37 yr with Walking and jogging programme at 62% 16 C
SBP 140–160 mm Hg and DBP VO2 max, for 60 min, 3× per week
90–104 mm Hg
Duncan 1991 53 Females only aged 20– 40 yr, Walking programme of three intensities: 24 B
with BP ,160/90 mm Hg (1) 30%, (2) 45% and (3) 76%, VO2 max,
for 60, 45 and 30 min, 5× per week
Hagberg 1989 30 Gender unknown, mean age Walking and jogging programme with two 39 C
64 yr, hypertensive, BP intensities: (1) 53% and (2) 73% VO2 max
.150/85 mm Hg 45–60 min, 3× per week
Hamdorf 1992 66 Females only, aged 60–70 yr, Walking programme at 56% VO2 max for 26 C
normotensive 45 min, 2× per week
Harris 1987 26 Males only, aged 24–40 yr, Resistance training programme, 3× per 9 C
hypertensive, SBP 140–160 week
mm Hg, DBP 90–95 mm Hg
Hellenius 1993 78 Males only, aged 35–60 yr, DBP Walking and jogging programme at 50% 52 C
,100 mm Hg VO2 max, 30–40 min, 2–3× per week
King 1991 300 Males and females aged 50–65 Waking and jogging programme at two 52 B
yr, normotensive intensities: (1) 43% and (2) 76% VO2 max
for 40 min, 3× per week
Kukkonen 1982 54 Males only, aged 35–50 yr, Cycling, walking and jogging at 52% VO2 17 C
normotensive max for 50 min, 3× per week
Leon 1996 16 Males only, aged 22–40 yr, Brisk walking at 40% VO2 max for 45 min, 12 C
normotensive 5× per week
Lindheim 1994 45 Females only, aged 42–59 yr, Walking and cycling ergometer exercise at 26 C
normotensive 52% VO2 max for 30 min, 3× per week
Marceau 1993 9 Males and females, aged 35–54 Cycle ergometer exercise at two intensities: 10 C
yr, DBP 90–114 mm Hg (1) 50% and (2) 70% VO2 max for 30–45
min, 3× per week
Martin 1990 19 Males only, aged 18–60 yr, DBP Walking and jogging programme at 61% 10 C
90–114 mm Hg VO2 max for 30 min, 4× per week
Nelson 1986 13 Males and females aged 25–62 Cycle ergometer exercise at 65% VO2 max 4 C
yr, BP .150/90 mm Hg for 45 min, 3 or 7× per week
Okumiya 1996 42 Males and females, aged 75–87 Light aerobic exercise programme 24 C
yr (mean age 78.8 yr), (walking, game playing) at ,70% VO2 max
normotensive for 60 min, 2× per week
Oluseye 1990 42 Females only, aged 20–50 yr, Jogging and running programme at 67% 12 C
normotensive VO2 max for 50 min, 3× per week
Posner 1992 247 Males and females, mean age Cycle ergometer exercise at 70% VO2 max 17 C
69 yr, normotensive for 30 min, 3× per week
Reid 1994 7 Gender unknown, aged 18–60 Cycle ergometer exercise at 65% VO2 max 12 C
yr, hypertensive, DBP 90–100 for 30 min, 3× per week
mm Hg
Rogers 1996 18 No information on gender Treadmill waking and jogging at two 13 C
breakdown, mean age 40.5 yr intensities: (1) 40–50% VO2 max and (2)
70–80% VO2 max, for 45 min, 3× per
Tanabe 1989 31 Males and females, aged 23–63 Cycle ergometer exercise at 50% VO2 max 12 C
yr, hypertensive for 30 min, 3× per week

Exercise training and blood pressure
JA Halbert et al

Table 1 (Continued)

Trial No. of Characteristics of participants Description of exercise programme Duration of Quality

(Author, year) participants study score

Urata 1987 20 Males only, aged 32–60 yr, Cycle ergometer exercise at 50% VO2 max 10 C
hypertensive, BP .140/90 for 60 min, 3× per week
mm Hg
Vanhoof 1996 19 Males only, normotensive, BP Resistance training programme, 3× per 16 C
,160/95 mm Hg week
Vanhoof 1989 26 Males only, mean age 39 yr, Cycle ergometer, walking and jogging 17 C
hypertensive, BP ,160/95 programme at 75% VO2 max for 60 min,
mm Hg 3× per week
Vroman 1989 11 Males only, mean age 24 yr, Cycle ergometer exercise at 80% VO2 max 12 C
normotensive for 30 min, 4× per week
Wang 1995 23 Males only, mean age 21.4 yr, Cycle ergometer exercise at 60% VO2 max 8 C
normotensive for 30 min, 5× per week
Wignen 1994 19 Males only, aged 22– 44 yr, Cycle ergometer exercise at 75% VO2 max 6 C
hypertensive for 45 min, 3× per week

Quality score – control of selection bias at entry, high to low score A to C.

The majority of exercise training programmes against digit preference. To examine the possibility
used a combination of techniques. For the purposes of publication bias, funnel plots were constructed to
of analysis, walking, jogging and running were determine the relationship between the number of
grouped together (13 trials), cycling (either a bicycle participants and the decrease in BP (Figures 1 and
or more commonly a cycle ergometer) (10 trials), a 2).
combination of cycling and walking/running/
jogging (three trials) and two trials of resistance
Effectiveness of aerobic exercise
training only.19,36 The average intensity of the aero-
bic exercise was 62% VO2 max, with a range of 30– Aerobic exercise training resulted in decreases of 4.7
87% VO2 max. The average duration of the training mm Hg (95% CI: 4.4, 5.0) for systolic BP and 3.1
programmes was 18.9 weeks (range 4–52) with an mm Hg (95% CI: 3.0, 3.3) for diastolic BP above
average frequency of 3.2 ± 0.8 sessions per week. those achieved in the non-exercising control groups
Twenty-two studies used qualified personnel to (Table 2), although significant heterogeneity was
supervise the training sessions, and 11 stud- noted in both cases. Based on indirect comparisons,
ies12,16,18,21,23,25,28,30,32,35,36 reported on the adherence there was no difference in the effect of the intensity
to the exercise programme by providing a percent- or frequency of the aerobic exercise programme on
age of sessions attended. No systematic changes the decrease in BP. Similarly, only five
were noted in body weight during the training per- trials16,17,21,25,32 directly compared high vs low exer-
iod across the 29 trials. cise intensity. The decrease in BP was −0.7 mm Hg
Twelve of the studies 11–14,18,21,26–28,31,36,39 used a (95% CI: −1.9, 0.4) for systolic and 0.1 mm Hg (95%
random-zero sphygmomanometer to measure BP, 12 CI: −0.7, 1.0) for diastolic BP. Only one trial27 com-
studies used a standard mercury sphygmoman- pared exercise seven times vs three times per week
ometer and two studies failed to indicate the equip- and found differences of 5.0 mm Hg (95% CI: 2.5,
ment used. In addition, three studies 12,14,25 meas- 7.5) and 2.0 mm Hg (95% CI: −0.2, 4.2) for systolic
ured 24-h ambulatory BP. There was an absence of and diastolic BPs respectively.
information on the time delay between the last exer-
cise session and the post-training BP measurement.
Effectiveness of resistance exercise
Only one trial21 of those which included parti-
cipants of both genders, analysed the results separ- The pooled results from resistance exercise train-
ately according to gender. ing12,19,36 found no statistically significant effects.
However, these results are based on three small
trials with a total of 49 exercising participants.
Quality of the included studies
Only two of the studies provided any information
about the method of assignment (Table 1). The only
studies to provide statistical analysis of all participants Aerobic exercise training had a small but statisti-
who were randomised initially were the studies in cally significant effect in reducing systolic and dia-
which there were no dropouts.13,19,24,27–29,33,34,37,38 The stolic BPs. In contrast, there was insufficient evi-
majority of the studies were analysed on an ‘on ran- dence to make any definitive conclusion about the
domised treatment basis’. Only four studies21,28,31,32 effect of resistance training since there were only
indicated that the assessment staff were blinded to three small trials.12,19,36 The effect of aerobic training
the treatment of the participants, although in 12 on BP was independent of the intensity of exercise,
studies the use of random zero sphygmomanometer, and the number of sessions of exercise training per
while not strictly blinding the measurer did guard week. These reductions in BP are consistent with
Exercise training and blood pressure
JA Halbert et al


Figure 1 Funnel plot of the relationship between the number of subjects and the change in systolic blood pressure (SBP) for individual

Figure 2 Funnel plot of the relationship between the number of subjects and the change in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) for individual

Table 2 Exercise-induced changes in systolic and diastolic BPs

Training gp Control gp Decrease in BP

n n mm Hg (95% CI)

Aerobic exercise programmes

number of study groups = 27

SBP 982 790 4.7 (4.4, 5.0)

DBP 982 790 3.1 (3.0, 3.3)

Resistance exercise programmes

number of study groups = 3
SBP 49 49 0.4 (−0.5, 1.4)
DBP 49 49 1.5 (0.8, 2.3)

Note: Positive values for decrease in BP indicate a decrease in post-training BP.

Exercise training and blood pressure
JA Halbert et al

those found in previous reviews, 3–6 however, they cation bias.40 The funnel plots indicate that publi-
need to be interpreted cautiously in view of the sig- cation bias may be a problem since the plots are
nificant heterogeneity between trials included in all skewed towards more trials showing larger
of the comparisons. reductions in BP without the expected number of
In order to determine an optimal exercise pro- small trials showing no effect (or increase) in BP.
gramme to maximise the decrease in BP, the effec- Significant heterogeneity was found between
tiveness of different training schedules need to be trials included in all of the comparisons. This find-
directly compared. While Arroll and Beaglehole4 ing was not surprising given the extremely diverse
stated that aerobic exercise programmes of lower results from individual trials ranging from moderate
intensity resulted in decreases in BP which were increases in BP through to large decreases in post-
slightly greater than programmes of higher intensity, training BP. Possible contributors to the heterogen-
this was not a finding of the indirect comparisons eity include: the variability in the age of the
made in the current review. Unfortunately, the train- included subjects, differences in pre-training BP lev-
ing programmes of the included trials were fairly els, small sample sizes and varying exercise pro-
homogeneous using similar training methods, inten- grammes. However, there was inadequate data avail-
sities and session durations and were predomi- able from the individual trials to explore this
nantly contrasted with no-training control groups further. When the data was re-analysed using a ran-
rather than training programmes with different fea- dom effects model, which takes greater account of
tures. In addition, there is still an absence of infor- potential heterogeneity than a fixed effect model, the
mation about exercise at lower intensity (less than effect sizes were not quantitatively different, how-
60% VO2 max) or activity that is conducted in sev- ever, the 95% confidence intervals were consistently
eral short bouts over the duration of the day instead wider (see Tables 3 and 4). In addition to methodol-
of the more traditional 30 min, three times per week. ogical differences, a failure to adjust the BP results
Only one trial27 directly compared exercise training for differences in body weight or changes in sodium
three vs seven times per week. The results showed intake could mask any underlying changes in BP.
that the decrease in systolic and diastolic BPs was Two included trials did not demonstrate an effect of
larger the more frequent the training sessions exercise training on resting BP, however, they did
(P , 0.01) which is in contrast to the indirect com- report statistically significant changes in 24-h ambu-
parisons of the summary estimates derived from the latory BP measurements;25 and clear cardiac adap-
current meta-analysis. This discrepancy may be due tations such as a 6% increase in cardiac index and
to the criteria established by the current review to decrease in vascular resistance at rest.39 This sug-
categorize trials according to training frequency, gests that further examination of the effect of exer-
with the majority comprising three or less sessions cise on ambulatory BP profiles is warranted.
per week vs only four trials with more than three Two of the earlier reviews included participants
exercise sessions per week. A study to directly com- of varying BP levels3,4 and one reviewer conducted
pare exercise at ,70% VO2 max vs .70% VO2 max separate meta-analyses of hypertensive5 and normo-
would require a total of 44 participants in order to tensive subjects.6 Only one review found a signifi-
detect a 5 mm Hg difference between groups. cantly greater reduction in BP in hypertensive vs
The lack of changes in body weight during the normotensive participants; the other reviews found
training period in the present meta-analysis were no significant differences. In the current meta-analy-
consistent with the findings of previous reviews in sis, the change in BP after exercise training was also
which any overall changes in body weight were not significantly different amongst hypertensive and
either not significant5,6 or were small decreases of normotensives, although the results are based on an
approximately 1.0 kg.3 indirect comparison.
A limitation on drawing any firm conclusions In conclusion, aerobic exercise training is effec-
from this meta-analysis was the generally poor tive in producing a small but significant decrease in
methodological quality of trials included in the both systolic and diastolic BPs. Unfortunately, these
review. The major defects included: failure of the changes in BP are unlikely to be of any significant
investigators to state the method used to randomly clinical therapeutic effect amongst most hyperten-
allocate the participants, the absence of blinding in sive subjects. However, they reinforce the value of
the measurement of BP, and the absence of infor- aerobic exercise as an adjunct to the use of pharma-
mation relating to the procedure used to measure ceutical antihypertensive therapy. While these
BP. The majority of the trials also failed to provide changes in BP may have little impact on the individ-
information on the adherence of participants to the ual, from a population perspective, the effect of
exercise programme and did not document any asso- exercise is likely to be similar in magnitude to
ciated changes in body weight which occurred dur- reducing dietary sodium intake.41 If large numbers
ing the training period. In earlier reviews, which of people were able to achieve even modest
included trials of varying methodological quality, increases in their level of exercise, the small
the better controlled studies generally showed reduction in BP may translate to a significant public
smaller changes in BP, of around 5 mm Hg for sys- health benefit. For example, a recent modelling exer-
tolic and 3 mm Hg for diastolic BP.3,4 These cise42 indicated that a 2 mm Hg decrease in diastolic
decreases in BP are consistent with the findings of BP across the population may result in a 17%
this meta-analysis. decrease in the prevalence of hypertension, 6%
One of the major limitations of meta-analyses decrease in CHD and a 15% reduction in the inci-
based on smaller trials is the possibility of publi- dence of stroke and transient ischaemic attacks.
Exercise training and blood pressure
JA Halbert et al

Table 3 Effect of exercise (aerobic and resistance) training on systolic BP using both a fixed effect and a random effect model to calculate
effect size

Training gp Control gp Decrease in BP in mm Hg

n n (95% confidence interval)

Fixed effect Random effect

Aerobic programmes 982 790 4.7 (4.4, 5.0) 4.6 (3.5, 5.7)

Training intensity (VO2 max)

,70% 491 416 4.6 (4.2, 5.0) 5.9 (4.3, 7.4)
.70% 491 374 4.8 (4.4, 5.2) 3.1 (1.2, 4.9)

Training frequency (sessions per week)

,3 883 705 4.7 (4.4, 5.0) 4.5 (3.4, 5.6)
.3 99 85 4.2 (3.2, 5.3) 5.0 (1.2, 8.8)

Blood pressure status

hypertensive 306 230 4.0 (3.3, 4.7) 5.0 (2.7, 7.3)
normotensive 676 560 4.8 (4.5, 5.1) 4.4 (3.2, 5.7)

Resistance exercise 49 49 0.4 (−0.5, 1.4) 3.3 (−2.7, 9.3)

Table 4 Effect of exercise (aerobic and resistance) training on diastolic BP using both a fixed effect and a random effect model to
calculate effect size

Training gp Control gp Decrease in BP in mm Hg

n n (95% confidence interval)

Fixed effect Random effect

Aerobic programmes 982 790 3.1 (3.0, 3.3) 2.4 (1.4, 3.3)

Training intensity (VO2 max)

,70% 491 416 4.3 (4.1, 4.6) 3.0 (1.5, 4.6)
.70% 491 374 2.5 (2.3, 2.7) 1.5 (0.5, 2.6)

Training frequency (sessions per week)

,3 883 705 3.2 (3.0, 3.4) 2.5 (1.6, 3.4)
.3 99 85 1.8 (1.0, 2.7) 1.9 (−3.0, 6.7)

Blood pressure status

hypertensive 306 230 3.6 (3.1, 4.1) 3.6 (1.4, 6.7)
normotensive 676 560 3.1 (2.9, 3.3) 1.6 (0.5, 2.7)

Resistance exercise 49 49 1.5 (0.8, 2.3) 1.4 (−0.3, 3.1)

There is insufficient evidence to justify the pro- References

motion of training programmes which are more
intensive than 70% VO2 max in lowering BP. This 1 Paffenbarger RS et al. The association of changes in
finding is encouraging since the exercise adherence physical-activity level and other lifestyle character-
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