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Electrolytic deposition of PZT on carbon fibers for fabricating multifunctional composites

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2010 Smart Mater. Struct. 19 124004


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Smart Mater. Struct. 19 (2010) 124004 (8pp) doi:10.1088/0964-1726/19/12/124004

Electrolytic deposition of PZT on carbon

fibers for fabricating multifunctional
Y Lin1 , J W Shaffer and H A Sodano
School of Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical and Materials Engineering,
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-6106, USA


Received 4 May 2010, in final form 24 May 2010

Published 11 November 2010
Online at

Piezoelectric fiber composites (PFCs) have been developed in order to overcome the fragile
nature of monolithic piezoelectric materials by embedding piezoceramic inclusions into a
polymer matrix. The flexible nature of the polymer matrix protects the piezoelectric fiber from
damage or fracture under mechanical loading and allows the composites to be easily conformed
to curved surfaces for use in many applications. Although PFCs have many useful properties,
they still suffer from several drawbacks, namely the required separate electrodes make it
impossible to embed the composites into the host structure, and the relatively low tensile
modulus of the piezoelectric inclusion means that it contributes little to structural properties. To
resolve the inadequacies of current PFCs, a novel active structural fiber (ASF) was developed
that can be embedded into a composite structure to perform sensing and actuation, and provide
load bearing functionality. The concept and feasibility of this ASF has been validated by
coating a silicon carbide (SiC) fiber with a barium titanate (BaTiO3 ) shell using electrophoresis
deposition techniques. However, lead based ceramics react with SiC fiber during high
temperature sintering and thus the use of these highly coupled piezoceramics requires
alternative deposition approaches. This paper will introduce a new ASF fabricated by coating a
single carbon fiber with a concentric PZT (PbZr0.52 Ti0.48 O3 ) shell using electrolytic deposition
(ELD). ELD quickly and uniformly coats the fiber and, since the PZT precursor has a low
crystallization temperature, the carbon fiber is not exposed to high sintering temperatures which
typically degrade the in-plane material properties of the fiber and composite. Carbon fiber has
been widely used in industry and studied in academia due to its excellent mechanical properties,
while PZT has been extensively used for sensing or actuation because of its high piezoelectric
coupling. Crystal structures of the PZT before and after annealing are characterized by means
of x-ray diffraction, and a pure perovskite structure of the PZT after annealing is shown.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction namely the brittle nature of ceramics makes them vulnerable to

accidental breakage during handling and bonding procedures,
The past few decades have seen significant growth in the their extremely limited ability to conform to curved surfaces,
development and application of active materials to a wide and the large mass associated with using a typical lead
range of host structures due to their superior sensing and based ceramic. To resolve the inadequacies of monolithic
actuation properties [1]. However, there are several practical
piezoceramic materials, researchers have developed composite
limitations to implementing this delicate type of material,
piezoelectric materials consisting of an active piezoceramic
1 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
fiber embedded in a polymer matrix. The polymer matrix

0964-1726/10/124004+08$30.00 1 © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK & the USA
Smart Mater. Struct. 19 (2010) 124004 Y Lin et al

acts to improve the flexibility of the actuator and protects nickel titanium wires. The growth process was carried out at
the fragile fibers [1]. This type of composite has drawn low temperature (<200 ◦ C) and did not require sintering or
significant research interest in the past two decades, leading to poling, however it produced limited thickness (<20 μm) and
several different types of PFCs that address different practical required long growth times (>24 h). The authors showed that
applications. The first PFC was developed by Bent and a 20 mm long fiber can generate electrical charge up to 75 nC
Hagood, termed active fiber composites (AFC), and consisted under 2% of longitudinal strain.
of piezoelectric fibers embedded in an epoxy matrix. The While the embedded metal electrode can provide the
piezoelectric fibers were fabricated through an extrusion-based advantage of integrated electrical interconnects, the ductility
process [2] and later modified to allow injection molding of the of the core can lead to surface cracking of the ceramic
fibers [3]. The actuator employed an interdigitated electrode to under strain. Additionally, the plastic nature and high
exploit the higher d 33 actuation properties of the piezoelectric coefficient of thermal expansion of metallic materials can
fiber. The Fraunhofer Research Facility in Germany later lead to high residual stresses in the ceramic coating. It is
developed 1-3 composites composed of piezoelectric fibers therefore advantageous to use conductive fibers with improved
embedded in a polymer matrix [1]. The piezoelectric fibers are mechanical characteristics, such as carbon or silicon carbide
aligned in a single direction while the matrix is continuous in fibers. The coating of these fibers was studied by Kim
all three directions, thus its name is 1-3 composites. The device and Heinrich [11], however the fibers were coated with a
was fabricated through a soft-mold technology that allowed platinum shell before applying the piezoceramic material.
rapid production and was later commercialized through the The SiC/platinum fiber was coated with coprecipitated PZT
Smart Material Corp. Cannon and Brei [4] introduced powders by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) with a 12 μm
hollow fiber composites (HFCs) which were fabricated through thickness after sintering but the coupling was not investigated.
a novel technique called microfabrication by coextrusion However, the SiC fiber will react with the PZT when sintering
(MFCX). More recently macro fiber composites (MFCs) were at high temperature, therefore, a 50 nm layer of platinum was
developed by the NASA Langley Research Center [1]. The need to isolate the PZT coating and SiC fiber and only low
MFC is similar in construction to the AFC, except that the sintering temperature and short sintering time can be applied,
which lowered the final PZT coating density and the bonding
piezoelectric fibers are fabricated by dicing a piezoelectric
between the SiC fiber and PZT coating. More recently, Lin
wafer with a diamond saw resulting in rectangular fiber
and Sodano [12] developed a theoretical and finite element
cross section. The dicing process expanded the range of
model to predict the level of coupling that could be achieved
piezoelectric compositions that could be used, while the flat
through a multifunctional piezoelectric fiber that consisted of
surface enhanced the fiber’s interaction with applied electric
a conductive structural fiber (SiC) coated with a piezoceramic
shell. Their study showed very good agreement between the
The use of piezoelectric composite actuators has
micromechanics model and experiment and indicated that the
traditionally been motivated for use in structural applications.
coupling of this active fiber could reach as high as 70% of the
Bent [5] and Wilkie et al [3] have examined the use of
active constituent [13].
piezoceramic fibers to reduce aeroelastic vibrations while Multifunctional carbon fiber composites have attracted
Sodano et al [6, 7] showed their potential for dynamic enormous attention in the past due to the enhanced material
testing and control of ultra-lightweight inflatable space properties and multifunctionalities when using these types
structures. However, the materials are often difficult to of materials [14–16]. Piezoelectric materials have excellent
embed because the electrodes are separate from the fiber and capabilities of converting energies between mechanical and
require interconnections that can compromise the composite’s electrical domains, which makes them ideal candidates for
strength. Additionally, the tensile modulus of the piezoceramic multifunctional applications when embedded into structural
fiber used in PFCs is generally 4–5 times lower than that of composites. While there are many existing methods for the
traditional composite reinforcements and thus the addition of fabrication of thin and thick piezoceramic coating such as sol–
these active fillers provide little strength improvement to the gel [17], sputtering [18] and electrophoretic deposition [19],
composite structure. For this reason, PFCs have typically electrolytic deposition (ELD) has the advantage of accurate
been applied as surface-bonded patches to perform sensing and control of coating thickness, uniformity, and deposition rate for
actuation only. To avoid this limitation, PFCs with embedded nanoscale thin ceramic films [20]. During the ELD process,
electrodes have been recently considered. The majority of metal ions are hydrolyzed by an electrogenerated base to
work in this area has focused on the use of a metal core form deposits on cathodic substrates [21]. Various materials
electrode. Sebald et al [8] used extrusion methods to produce have been successfully deposited onto different substrate using
fibers with a platinum core surrounded by a PNN-PZT/polymer ELD, such as TiO2 , ZrO2 , Nb2 O5 , PZT and ZrTiO4 [22].
binder which was fired to leave a platinum/PNN-PZT core The coating thickness can be accurately controlled by varying
shell fiber. Experimental results showed the electromechanical the current density and the deposition duration. Since the
coupling of the fiber to have a d 31 piezoelectric coupling as film deposition is a result of the metal ions, the coating
high as −112 pC N−1 (45.5% of that of the bulk material). thickness could be controlled down to nanometer scale. After
Takagi et al [9] embedded a PZT coated platinum fiber in the coating, heat treatment is carried out to crystallize the
a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) to form a ‘smart deposition and remove residues.
board’ for vibration suppression. More recently Sato et al Although the recently developed active structural fiber
[10] applied a hydrothermal method to grow PZT coating onto using SiC showed promising properties for embedded sensing

Smart Mater. Struct. 19 (2010) 124004 Y Lin et al

Figure 1. PZT film deposition experiment setup and carbon fiber samples.

and actuation, there are still several drawbacks associated with into the aqueous solution of Pb(NO3 )2 , ZrOCl2 ·8H2 O, and
this type of material. Due to the use of EPD as the coating H2 O2 . In order to investigate the influence of a cationic
technique, extremely high temperature (1200 ◦ C) sintering polymer in deposition morphology, different concentrations
is required to reach full density and maximize the material of poly(diallyl dimethylammonium)chloride (PDDA, 20 wt%
properties of the piezoelectric coating [13]. Since SiC will in water, Aldrich) were added to some of stock solutions
react with lead based material under high temperature, only and fully dissolved by stirring vigorously for several minutes.
lead-free piezoelectric materials such as barium titanate could The substrate used was Hexcel HexTow™ IM7 (5000) carbon
be used as the active layer, which has a lower bulk piezoelectric fibers, a 12 K filament tow. The fibers were cleaned before
coupling compared to lead based piezoceramic materials. deposition trials using acetone and ethanol rinses. The
On the other hand, the tensile modulus of inactive SiC is electrochemical cell included the carbon fibers (cathode),
significantly higher than that of the piezoceramic coating, and two 0.25 mm diameter 99.9% platinum wire electrodes
which lowers the effective piezoelectric coupling of the ASF (Aldrich, USA). The power source used was an Agilent
further. To alleviate these traits, this paper will introduce a new E3649A Dual Output DC power supply operating under
type of ASF that could use lead based piezoceramic material constant current. All experiments were performed at 2 ◦ C [20].
as the active layer and require relatively low temperature heat The current density applied through the cell was varied from
treatment after coating. For the new active structural fiber, 5 to 40 mA cm−2 . Deposition times ranged from 30 s to
carbon fiber is used to replace the SiC fiber, which eliminates 4 min. After deposition, the samples were rinsed with purified
the limitation of using lead-free piezoceramic coating and water and then were hung to dry in air. Deposit weights were
provides better electrical conductivity when serving as the measured using a Mettler Toledo AB204-S/FACT analytical
inner electrode for active coating. ELD is employed for scale. The dried films were sintered at 600 ◦ C for 1 h.
coating PZT onto carbon fiber filaments, which offers control The film morphology and composition were studied using a
of the coating thickness and significantly reduces the heat field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM, Hitachi
treatment temperature of the ceramic coating. Therefore, when S4700). The deposition structure before and after heat
embedding this improved active carbon fiber into polymer treatment was investigated by x-ray diffraction (PANalytical
matrix, the resulting active composites should have a higher X’Pert Pro material research x-ray diffractometer) with Cu Kα
effective coupling coefficient and improved multifunctionality. radiation.
The ELD experiment setup is shown in figure 1. The DC
2. Experiment power source is operated in constant current mode and was
attached to the electrodes via cables and alligator clips. The
Multiple aqueous solutions of Pb(NO3 )2 (Alfa Aesar), two platinum electrodes were evenly spaced from the carbon
ZrOCl2 ·8H2 O (Sigma-Aldrich, USA), TiCl4 (Alfa Aesar, fiber sample using a silicone holder to provide uniform electric
USA), and hydrogen peroxide, H2 O2 (35 wt% in water, Alfa field around carbon fiber tow. The solution is prepared in a
Aesar, USA) were used. These stock solutions, 250 ml 600 ml beaker for depositions. The ice bath that surrounds
each, were prepared using the materials aforementioned the beaker, used to cool the solution to 2 ◦ C, is removed from
in a ratio of 1:0.52:0.48:10 respectively [20]. The net figure 1 for clarity. For depositions, the silicone holder is
Pb(NO3 )2 concentration was 0.005 M [20]. The TiCl4 lowered toward the solution until the electrodes and the carbon
was prepared in 25 ml of water before being slowly added fiber sample is immersed to the appropriate amount.

Smart Mater. Struct. 19 (2010) 124004 Y Lin et al

The samples of the carbon fiber filaments are prepared however, exhibit transverse cracks induced during drying by
from a continuous, PAN-based carbon fiber tow (HexTow® shrinkage of green deposits [20]. Uniformity of these deposits
IM7) wound on a cardboard tube. The tow contains 12 000 varies from individual filaments and also along the length of a
fibers. A sample is created by from a short length of the single filament as seen in figure 2. From figure 2 we can see
continuous tow that is cut and spread on a strip of kapton that cathodic ELD of the ceramic film can produce a relatively
tape, a high temperature, insulating tape. The fibers are then thick coating on the carbon fibers (between 0.5 and 2.5 μm).
secured by laying another piece of kapton tape over the fibers The packing of deposit particles was very dense for green
and the first piece. The filaments in the sample are connected and sintered films, seen by smooth morphology under SEM
electrically by taping one end with a strip of conductive copper examination. Cracks induced from drying shrinkage [20, 21]
tape, as shown in figure 1. The opposite end of the sample has are evident for all conditions of deposition duration and
bare carbon fibers, which is cut to the desired length for a given current density, with large transverse cracks appearing on the
current density. When immersed in the solution, the kapton thickest of coatings. Coating uniformity decreased with longer
tape serves as a marker, indicating the appropriate immersion deposition durations (figures 2(c) and (d)). Thus coating
length. morphology can be changed with varying the applied current
and the deposition time. Coatings produced from deposition
3. Results and discussion durations longer than 2 min were prone to severe cracking and
poor film morphology.
Cathodic electrolytic deposition (ELD) of ceramic materials is In order to quantify the influence of current density and
carried out via the hydrolysis of metal ions near the cathode of duration on coating weight, various ELD experiments were
the electrochemical cell. The colloidal particles accumulate carried out by using three different duration (30, 60 and 90 s)
via electrolysis and coagulate to form a cathodic deposit or and three different current densities (10, 20 and 30 mA cm−2 ).
film. Hydrolysis of water and cathodic reactions produce The weight increases after coating were recorded and plotted
OH− , which increases the local pH near the cathode [20–22]. against current density and coating time, as shown in figure 3.
These reactions cause the formation of hydrolyzed metal ions It demonstrates the trend of linear increasing deposit weight
or complexes in the base solution near the cathode, and by varying the applied current density and the deposition
the formation of an oxide, hydroxide, or peroxide deposit time. Note that higher deposition currents and longer durations
results [22, 23]. Thus ELD allows for deposition on the produced larger films on the fiber filaments in the tow sample.
nanoscale, making it ideal for creating thin ceramic films on Thus these conditions produced thicker films in general, yet
many different substrates. The adherence of films can be were more prone to cracking and non-uniformity.
increased by adding a binder, often a polymer, to the solution. While the coating thickness of PZT films can be accurately
Common binders include poly(diallyldimethylammonium controlled by currently density and duration, almost all the
chloride) (PDDA) and polyethyleneimine (PEI). The binder fibers after drying or crystallizing showed transverse cracks
serves to enhance film adhesion of the deposits and reduce and relatively poor uniformity. In order to improve the
cracking during drying [20]. Deposition experiments revealed coating uniformity and reduce cracks, ELD with the addition
the formation of a PZT film on the carbon fiber. A of poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) in the
voltage increase across the electrolytic cell with time was ELD solution is performed. PDDA is positively charged under
observed, due to increase in resistivity. This increase in basic conditions of cathodic electrolytic deposition. Thus the
resistivity is attributed to formation of a thickening film coagulation of the positive PDDA and the negative colloidal
around the conductive carbon fibers [21]. Current density particles near the cathode (carbon fibers) will result in a
calculations were made based upon the surface area of the more efficient film formation [20]. It has been proven that
12 K carbon fiber tow and the length of fibers immersed the cationic polymer PDDA can serve to increase the film’s
in the solution. The depositions were carried out at a adherence to the substrate and acts as a binder to help reduce
low temperature (2 ◦ C) to produce a better coating, due to cracks of the deposit.
the influence of temperature on the flocculation of colloidal Figure 4 demonstrates the visual state of the carbon
particles [20]. Hydrogen peroxide, suggested to increase fibers before and after deposition using the 0.05 g l−1 PDDA
deposit adhesion, reduce cracking, and promote uniformity concentration. The ELD process produced a colored film on
of the ceramic coating, was added to the solution to improve the fibers that increases with intensity after longer durations.
the film morphology [21]. Previous work explains that The green deposit has a yellow hue after the ELD is performed;
after depositions on graphite substrates, a hydrogen peroxide indicating a film of the PZT solution has been deposited.
concentration of 0.05 M was found to produce the same green The deposition using PDDA exhibit a very smooth and
deposit weight as a green deposit without using hydrogen uniform morphology, as shown in figure 5. This film is
peroxide and that higher concentrations did not significantly crack-free, yet relatively thin when compared to deposits
improve the morphology [21]. The concentration used for the made without using PDDA. With PDDA concentrations
depositions herein with carbon fibers is the same, 0.05 M. above a critical point, a shielding effect occurs, preventing
PZT films deposited without using PDDA exhibit trends of effective deposition from forming. It has been observed
increased deposit yield with higher current densities and longer that an optimal amount of the binder exists [20]. From
durations. The film is tightly packed and can become very the deposition experiments performed a sharp decrease in
thick depending upon the deposition parameters. The coatings, deposit weight was observed at PDDA amounts beyond a

Smart Mater. Struct. 19 (2010) 124004 Y Lin et al

Figure 2. SEM images of green deposit on carbon fibers, (a) 30 s long deposition at a current density of 10 mA cm−2 , average deposition
thickness 0.5 μm, (b) 60 s long deposition at a current density of 10 mA cm−2 , average deposition thickness 0.35 μm, (c) 60 s long deposition
at a current density of 30 mA cm−2 , average deposition thickness 1.4 μm, (d) 90 s long deposition at a current density of 10 mA cm−2 ,
average deposition thickness 1.1 μm.

the fibers themselves. This is evidence of a shielding effect

that prevents film deposition. It has been suggested that
with high concentrations of PDDA this shielding effect occurs
near the cathode due to particle accumulations that prevents
colloidal particles from forming from the metal hydroxides in
the solution [20].
Overall thicknesses of the fibers after coating using PDDA
are relatively small (<0.30 μm) for the 0.05 g l−1 PDDA
trials; however some fibers within the tow were coated with
films as thick as 1.5 μm. For the thinly coated fibers
the film morphology was superiorly smooth and crack-free,
but for those with thick coatings lateral cracks were noted.
SEM examination revealed that in general the uniformity was
improved between each fiber within the tow, as a result of
added PDDA. Figures 5(a) and (b) demonstrate the smooth
surface of a coated fiber resulting from depositions in a solution
containing 0.05 g l−1 of PDDA. Film quality appeared to
Figure 3. Increase in green deposit weight on carbon fiber samples
decrease with higher current densities. At concentrations
as a function of current density and time.
of PDDA higher than 0.07 g l−1 , the green deposited film
weight dropped off sharply. The shielding effect was
observed for several higher concentrations as a decrease in
critical concentration. A decrease in cell voltage at constant
cell voltage over time accompanied by little evidence of film
current was observed during deposition trials of high PDDA
deposition. Figure 5(c) shows fibers coated from a solution
concentrations. Also, when removed from the aqueous containing 0.75 g l−1 of PDDA. The coating is extremely thin
solutions containing high amounts of PDDA, the carbon (<0.1 μm), with the surface characteristics of the carbon fiber
fibers samples had an accumulation of liquid and flocculation (i.e. processing lines) visible through the film under SEM
surrounding the perimeter, with minimal film deposition on examination.

Smart Mater. Struct. 19 (2010) 124004 Y Lin et al

Figure 4. Carbon fiber samples before deposition (left), a green deposit after 30 s long deposition at a current density of 10 mA cm−2 (center),
and a green deposit after 2 min long deposition at a current density of 10 mA cm−2 (right).

Figure 5. SEM image of sintered coating on carbon fibers using (a) 0.05 g l−1 of PDDA polymer with a 3 min long deposition at a current
density of 10 mA cm−2 , (b) 0.05 g l−1 of PDDA polymer with a 3 min long deposition at a current density of 5 mA cm−2 , (c) 0.75 g l−1 of
PDDA polymer with a 60 s long deposition at a current density of 20 mA cm−2 , and 0.75 g l−1 of PDDA polymer with a 60 s long deposition
at a current density of 40 mA cm−2 .

Since the green deposition is amorphous, heat treatment 0.05 g l−1 PDDA concentration. There are no different
is required to crystallize the green coatings into piezoelectric diffraction peaks when comparing the spectrum of bare carbon
films. Furthermore, heat treatment could increase the bonding fiber and green deposition samples, indicating that the green
between the coating and the substrate while removing the deposition is amorphous in nature. After heat treatment of the
polymer residue in the green deposition. Therefore, in order to deposited fiber at 600 ◦ C for 1 h, the sample showed diffraction
determine the success of the heat treatment, x-ray diffraction peaks consistent with perovskite PbZr0.52 Ti0.48 O3 (JCPDS
(XRD) analysis was performed and is shown in figure 6. Card No. 33-0784), no peaks resulting from individual metal
These samples were coated using a solution containing the oxides or a pyrochlore phase was observed. Therefore, the final

Smart Mater. Struct. 19 (2010) 124004 Y Lin et al

as provide some additional functionalities such as sensing,

actuation, structural health monitoring, and energy harvesting
and storage. Piezoelectric materials have been widely used
as sensors or actuators due to their excellent capabilities
in coupling the energy between mechanical and electrical
Intensity (a.u)

domains, which makes them ideal for multifunctional

composites. When embedding piezoelectric materials
into traditional structural composites such as carbon fiber
composites, multifunctional properties can be achieved. This
paper introduced a novel active carbon fiber by coating a
carbon fiber with piezoelectric layer, the carbon fiber can
carry external mechanical loading as well as serve as the inner
electrode for the piezoceramic shell. Electrolytic deposition
technique were employed for the deposition and characterized.
It was determined that current density, coating time and
additives govern the thickness and morphology of the ceramic
Figure 6. X-ray diffraction pattern of bare carbon fiber, fiber after
green deposition and after heat crystallized. coating. Coating thickness increased linearly with coating
time, uniform and crack-free coating could be achieved by the
adding of cationic polymer PDDA as binder. The ceramic
coating after heat treatment showed pure perovskite PZT
PZT film is well crystallized and will provide piezoelectric crystal structure. The simple and low cost fabrication processes
properties for the multifunctional composites using this novel presented here offer a methodology to produce multifunctional
active structural fiber. structural materials with high electromechanical coupling.
The results of the depositions performed indicate that
film morphology can be controlled by the current density,
deposition duration, and additives. To further investigate Acknowledgments
controlling the film morphology and thickness several options
exist. The first is to use a mono-filament carbon fiber
The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the National
(35 μm diameter, Specialty Materials Inc, USA) instead of
Science Foundation (grant no CMMI-0700304) and the Air
the 12 K bundle. This mono-filament fiber will have a larger
Force Office of Scientific Research directed by Dr B L Lee.
diameter than those from the bundle, yet depositions performed
The authors also thank Hexcel Corp. for providing the carbon
using this substrate should provide insight into improving
fibers used for this work.
coating uniformity. Another approach is to use a lower
molecular weight of the PDDA additive to promote deposition
of thicker PZT films and reduce the amount of cracking.
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