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Klasici srpsko-engleski • classics spanish-english

Šerloka Holmsa
The Adventures of
Sherlock Holmes
Artur Konan Dojl
Artur Conan Doyle
Ilustracije / Illustrations:
Fernando Aznar

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L I KoV I / cHArAcTer S
Šerlok Holms / Sherlock Holmes Doktor Votson / Doctor Watson
Čuveni detektiv uspeva da razreši Odani prijatelj i saradnik Šerloka
svaku misteriju zahvaljujući svojoj Holmsa koji se bavi i medicinom i
izvanrednoj moći zapažanja i detektivskim istragama.
zaključivanja zasnovanog na Faithful friend and assistant to
posmatranju. Sherlock Holmes, who combines
The famous detective manages to solve medicine with detective investigation.
any mystery thanks to his great powers of
observation and reasoning based on what he sees. Spolding / Spaulding
Gospodin Vilson / Mr. Wilson Ovaj zaposlenik gospodina Vilsona
Vlasnik zalagaonice koji biva lukav je i pametan mladić
umešan u problem iz želje da originalnih ideja i izazvaće brojna
zaradi još novca, premda nije iznenađenja.
jedini takav. This employee of Mr. Wilson is
Owner of a pawnbroker’s who an adroit and smart young man who
becomes involved in a problem because has original ideas and will cause more than one
of his eagerness to earn more money, although surprise.
he’s not the only one.
Gospođica Tarner / Miss Turner
Džejms Makarti / James Mccarthy Ćerka gospodina Tarnera, koja je
više od svih uverena u nevinost
Sin gospodina Makartija koji je Džejmsa Makartija, koga poznaje
optužen za ubistvo oca i na koga od detinjstva.
upućuju svi tragovi.
Daughter of Mr. Turner and
Son of Mr. McCarthy who is accused the person most convinced of James
of murdering his father and whom all McCarthy’s innocence, whom she’s known since
the evidence points to. childhood.

Henri Bejker / Henry Baker Džejms Rajder / James ryder

Ovaj lik ima novčanih poteškoća Poslovođa hotela koji biva upetljan
i nasekiraće se kad ostane bez u krađu grofičinog plavog granata,
vredne božićne guske. što mu zadaje velike jade.
This character is experiencing a bad The duty manager of a hotel, who
economic patch and he will be upset becomes involved in the robbery of
to lose his valuable Christmas goose. the countess’ blue carbuncle and this will
cause him much anguish.

Viktor Haderli / Victor Hatherley Pukovnik Stark / colonel Stark

Mlad inženjer koji pod tajanstvenim Čovek zlokobnog izgleda zbog svoje
okolnostima ostaje bez palca jedne izrazite mršavosti i netremičnog
mračne noći na selu. pogleda, koji mladom inženjeru
A young engineer who will lose his predlaže tajanstven zadatak.
thumb in mysterious circumstances A sinister man because of his extreme
on a dark night in the middle of the skinniness and his stare, who proposes a
countryside. mysterious errand to the engineer.

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Sadržaj / Index

Poglavlje 1 / Chapter 1
Savez riđokosih 9
The Red-Headed League

Poglavlje 2 / Chapter 2
Tajna Boskomske doline 22
The Boscombe Valley Mystery

Poglavlje 3 / Chapter 3
Plavi granat 42
The Blue Carbuncle

Poglavlje 4 / Chapter 4
Inženjerov palac 55
The Engineer’s Thumb

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Poglavlje 1 / Chapter 1

Savez riđokosih
The Red-Headed League

D ok pregledam svoje beleške

o istragama Šerloka
Holmsa između 1882. i 1890,
W hen I go over my notes
for Sherlock Holmes’
investigations between 1882
vidim toliko mnogo neobičnih i and 1890, I see so many
zanimljivih slučajeva da mi je strange and interesting cases
teško da odaberem o kojem bih that it becomes difficult to
pisao. Jedan takav zbio se prošle choose one to write down. One
godine. Otišao sam u posetu of them happened last year. I
svom prijatelju Holmsu, u went to visit my friend Holmes
njegov stan u Ulici Bejker, i at his flat in Baker Street and
zatekao ga u razgovoru s jednim found him chatting with a very
veoma debelim čovekom fat, very redheaded man.
izrazito riđe kose. “Mr. Wilson,” said Holmes to
„Gospodine Vilsone“, obrati se the man, “let me introduce you
Holms čoveku, „upoznajte se s to Dr. Watson, my colleague
doktorom Votsonom, mojim and assistant. Please, start your
saradnikom i pomagačem. story again.”
Molim vas, počnite iz početka.“ Mr. Wilson showed the
Gospodin Vilson nam newspaper advertisement
pokaza novinski oglas u kome where a post was offered
se nudio posao u Savezu in the Red-Headed League
riđokosih za četiri funte for four pounds a week. The
nedeljno. Jedini uslov bio je da only requirement was to have
se ima riđa kosa. Osnivač this hair colour. The League’s
Saveza bio je jedan riđokosi founder was a millionaire

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milioner koji je želeo da se po redhead who, when he died,
njegovoj smrti njegov novac wanted to share his money
razdeli ljudima riđe kose u among men with this hair
zamenu za vrlo lak posao. colour in return for a simple
Vilson, vlasnik zalagaonice na job. Wilson, the owner of a
Trgu Koberg, čuo je za to od pawnbroker’s in Coburg Square,
svog pomoćnika Spoldinga, had heard about this through
koji ga je podstakao da se his employee Spaulding, who
prijavi. encouraged him to take part.
„U ulici navedenoj u oglasu “In the street mentioned in
bilo je mnogo kandidata za to the advertisement there were
mesto, ali nijedan nije imao many redheaded candidates
tako jarkocrvenu kosu kao ja“, for the post, but none with the
reče Vilson. „Spolding se deep red colour of my hair,”
progurao i ja uđoh u kancelariju. said Wilson. “Spaulding pushed
Dankan Ros, riđokosi čovek his way through and I went
koji je vršio odabir, iznenadio into the office. Duncan Ross,
se mojom bojom kose i objasnio the redhead who was making


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mi da ću morati da radim od the selection, was surprised
deset do dva i prepisujem by my hair and explained to
Enciklopediju Britaniku, i da ne me that I would work from
smem da izostanem ni dana. ten until two copying out the
Kako su mi mušterije obično Encyclopaedia Britannica and
dolazile u radnju posle podne, that I couldn’t miss a day. As
moj pomoćnik je mogao da vodi my business usually received
posao u toku prepodneva, pa clients in the afternoon, my
sam prihvatio. Sutradan sam employee could take care of
počeo da radim, a gospodin things in the morning, so I
Dankan je povremeno navraćao accepted. The next day I started
da proveri jesam li za stolom. working and Mr. Ross passed
Svake nedelje plaćao mi je četiri by sometimes to check I was at
funte, a onda je počeo da navraća my desk. Each week he paid me
samo jednom nedeljno da bi na the four pounds and he then
kraju sasvim prestao da dolazi, ali ja only passed by once a week
se ipak nisam usuđivao da and even stopped going, but I
izostanem ni dana. didn’t dare to miss a day.


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