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Public CalcState As Long

Public EventState As Boolean

Public PageBreakState As Boolean
Public sThisFile As String, sThisSheet As String, sSiteHandler As String, CellValue
As String, sPathFile As String, sChave As String
Public iThisRow As Long
Public wbThisWorkbook As Workbook, wbEngenharia As Workbook, wbMaster As Workbook,
wbReportSh As Workbook, wbRolloutTim As Workbook
Public cReportSh As Collection, cEngenharia As Collection, cRolloutTim As
Collection, cMaster As Collection

Sub Unificar_Tabelas()
sPathFile = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path + "\Input\"
Call OptimizeCode_Begin

sThisSheet = "Rollout"
Set wbThisWorkbook = ThisWorkbook

Call FillCollections

iThisRow = 8
sSiteHandler = wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("E" & iThisRow).Value

Do Until sSiteHandler <> ""

iThisRow = iThisRow + 1
sSiteHandler = wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("E" &

Do Until sSiteHandler = ""

Call FillWithReportSH
Call FillWithEngenharia
Call FillWithRolloutTim
Call FillWithMasterPontoA
Call FillWithMasterPontoB

iThisRow = iThisRow + 1
sSiteHandler = wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("E" &


Call OptimizeCode_End
End Sub

Sub OptimizeCode_Begin()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
EventState = Application.EnableEvents
CalcState = Application.Calculation
PageBreakState = ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
End Sub
Sub OptimizeCode_End()
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = PageBreakState
Application.Calculation = CalcState
Application.EnableEvents = EventState
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub FillCollections()

Dim FilePath As String

Set wbReportSh = Workbooks.Open(sPathFile & "Report SH.xlsx")

Set cReportSh = GetCollection(wbReportSh, "DRT", "A", 7)

Set wbEngenharia = Workbooks.Open(sPathFile & "Engenharia.xlsm")

FilePath = sPathFile & "Engenharia_new.xlsx"
Call SaveCompatibilityMode(wbEngenharia, FilePath)
Set cEngenharia = GetCollection(wbEngenharia, "List", "C", 31)

Set wbRolloutTim = Workbooks.Open(sPathFile & "Rollout TIM.xlsx")

Set cRolloutTim = GetCollection(wbRolloutTim, "TEMPLATE 2018", "B", 3)

Set wbMaster = Workbooks.Open(sPathFile & "MASTER.xlsx")

Set cMaster = GetCollection(wbMaster, "ENTREGUE", "B", 2)

End Sub

Function GetCollection(oWorkBook As Workbook, sSheetName As String, sColumn As

String, iRow As Long) As Collection

Dim cCollection As Collection

Set cCollection = New Collection
Set GetCollection = cCollection

CellValue = oWorkBook.Sheets(sSheetName).Range(sColumn & iRow).Value

Do Until CellValue = ""

If (Not IsError(CellValue)) And (Not Contains(cCollection, CellValue)) Then

cCollection.Add iRow, Trim(CellValue)
End If

iRow = iRow + 1
oCellValue = oWorkBook.Sheets(sSheetName).Range(sColumn & iRow).Value

If (Not IsError(oCellValue)) Then

CellValue = oCellValue
End If

iQuantity = cCollection.Count

End Function

Public Function Contains(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean

On Error Resume Next
col (key) ' Just try it. If it fails, Err.Number will be nonzero.
Contains = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function

Sub SaveCompatibilityMode(oWorkBook As Workbook, FilePath As String)

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

With oWorkBook
.CheckCompatibility = False
.SaveAs FilePath, FileFormat:=51
End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Set oWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(FilePath)

End Sub

Sub FillWithReportSH()

Dim iRow As Long

If (Not Contains(cReportSh, sSiteHandler)) Then

Exit Sub
End If

iRow = cReportSh.Item(sSiteHandler)
Call FillRowWithReportSH(iRow, "DRT")

End Sub

Sub FillRowWithReportSH(iRow As Long, sSheetName As String)

oCell = wbReportSh.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("J" & iRow).Value

If (ValidateCell(oCell)) Then wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("BR" &
iThisRow).Value = oCell

oCell = wbReportSh.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("L" & iRow).Value

If (ValidateCell(oCell)) Then wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("BY" &
iThisRow).Value = oCell

oCell = wbReportSh.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AB" & iRow).Value

If (ValidateCell(oCell)) Then
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("HV" & iThisRow).Value = oCell
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("HY" & iThisRow).Value = oCell
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("IB" & iThisRow).Value = oCell
End If

oCell = wbReportSh.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AD" & iRow).Value

If (ValidateCell(oCell)) Then
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("IE" & iThisRow).Value = oCell
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("IH" & iThisRow).Value = oCell
End If

oCell = wbReportSh.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AE" & iRow).Value

If (ValidateCell(oCell)) Then wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("IK" &
iThisRow).Value = oCell
oCell = wbReportSh.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AJ" & iRow).Value
If (ValidateCell(oCell)) Then wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("IN" &
iThisRow).Value = oCell

End Sub

Public Function ValidateCell(oCell) As Boolean

ValidateCell = (oCell <> -1) And (Not IsError(oCell))

End Function

Sub FillWithEngenharia()

Dim iRow As Long

If (Not Contains(cEngenharia, sSiteHandler)) Then

Exit Sub
End If

iRow = cEngenharia.Item(sSiteHandler)
Call FillRowWithEngenharia(iRow, "List")

End Sub

Sub FillRowWithEngenharia(iRow As Long, sSheetName As String)

wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("AX" & iThisRow).Value =

wbEngenharia.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AE" & iRow).Value '61.06.Requirement
Executed (CAMPO DATA)
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("BA" & iThisRow).Value =
wbEngenharia.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AF" & iRow).Value '61.07.Requirement
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("BN" & iThisRow).Value =
wbEngenharia.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("W" & iRow).Value '0.1.STEP (VIR O CAMPO
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("BS" & iThisRow).Value =
wbEngenharia.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("Q" & iRow).Value '61.14.LOS Planned
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("BZ" & iThisRow).Value =
wbEngenharia.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AJ" & iRow).Value '60.01.Link Design
Executed (CAMPO DATA)
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("CG" & iThisRow).Value =
wbEngenharia.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("R" & iRow).Value '08.01.TSSR Planned (CAMPO
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("CL" & iThisRow).Value =
wbEngenharia.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("R" & iRow).Value '08.01.TSSR Planned (CAMPO

End Sub

Sub FillWithRolloutTim()

Dim iRow As Long

sChave = wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("F" & iThisRow).Value

If (Not Contains(cRolloutTim, sChave)) Then

Exit Sub
End If
iRow = cRolloutTim.Item(sChave)
Call FillRowWithRolloutTim(iRow, "TEMPLATE 2018")

End Sub

Sub FillRowWithRolloutTim(iRow As Long, sSheetName As String)

wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("V" & iThisRow).Value =

wbRolloutTim.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AB" & iRow).Value 'DETENTOR A
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("X" & iThisRow).Value =
wbRolloutTim.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("AC" & iRow).Value 'DETENTOR B
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("AA" & iThisRow).Value =
wbRolloutTim.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("M" & iRow).Value 'CLASSIFICAÇÃO PONTA A
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("AC" & iThisRow).Value =
wbRolloutTim.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("R" & iRow).Value 'CLASSIFICAÇÃO PONTA B
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("AO" & iThisRow).Value =
wbRolloutTim.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("I" & iRow).Value 'Detalhamento: Projeto

End Sub

Sub FillWithMasterPontoA()

Dim iRow As Long

sPontoA = Trim(wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("GX" & iThisRow).Value)

If (Not Contains(cMaster, sPontoA)) Then

Exit Sub
End If

iRow = cMaster.Item(sPontoA)
Call FillRowWithMasterPontoA(iRow, "ENTREGUE")

End Sub

Sub FillRowWithMasterPontoA(iRow As Long, sSheetName As String)

wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("GY" & iThisRow).Value =

wbMaster.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("W" & iRow).Value 'DT FAT PLANEJADO (CAMPO DATA)
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("GZ" & iThisRow).Value =
wbMaster.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("Z" & iRow).Value 'DT DOCA PLANEJADO (CAMPO DATA)

End Sub

Sub FillWithMasterPontoB()

Dim iRow As Long

sPontoB = Trim(wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("HD" & iThisRow).Value)

If (Not Contains(cMaster, sPontoB)) Then

Exit Sub
End If

iRow = cMaster.Item(sPontoB)
Call FillRowWithMasterPontoB(iRow, "ENTREGUE")
End Sub

Sub FillRowWithMasterPontoB(iRow As Long, sSheetName As String)

wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("HE" & iThisRow).Value =

wbMaster.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("W" & iRow).Value 'DT FAT PLANEJADO (CAMPO DATA)
wbThisWorkbook.Sheets(sThisSheet).Range("HF" & iThisRow).Value =
wbMaster.Sheets(sSheetName).Range("Z" & iRow).Value 'DT DOCA PLANEJADO (CAMPO DATA)

End Sub

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