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Grammar A2.:rronsiate the sentences to Engish: 1. Quantos anos voo8 tem? 2. Minha prima tem 17 anos e 3 ‘© Paulo no mora em Londres. Ele esté morando em Paris. 4, Ela é baixa, magra e loira 5. Nomeu tempo livre eu gosto de dancar ejogar xadrer 6. Ele esté usando:uma camisa azul e uma caica preta 7. Nas minhas Gitimas férias eu nfo viajei.Fiquei em casa eI livros ¢ naveguei na internet _ 8. Vocd jé comeu burritos? 9. Amanhi vou comerar meu curso de inglés "i 10. Nilo abra essa porta! 411. Ela estava trabathando no computador quando a luz acabou 12. No futuro, robés dirigirSo carros BL comrija 0s erros.existe um em cada frase: Hello.t'm Alice.ts Amanda there? Walkis great for vour health | just have a tittle tomatoes and a little milk in my refrigerator How many water should we drink every day? . | was surpristiig by annuuiiéement of his wedding — - ~~ = Curitiba is biggest than Campinas hut smaller than Sdo Paulo ~ if have more time ! would travel more Ihave three brother. Ericis the oldér 5 This is the woman which stole my wallet B2.complete the sentences: ‘Traveling A:What's that thing on the road?I don’t know, but it might His bike is not here. He might These people look ‘This seems ‘A kangaroo is an animal Ishouldn’t A remote control is used for | was so stupi I The doctor suggested she He isa highly- ‘The boy found $20 while used to = I'm not used to This perfume smells ‘A good education is important However, Although it was raining, Buy a GPS so that Haven’t you =

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