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Phetdao Ploy Pattanabandit

Ms. Orana Meenongwha

English 10/1002

How violence affect human


Violence happens throughout the history until present day. Fighting by using force in

families or even a large fight such as war are all violence that affects human physical and

mental health. Violence usually has conned side effect.

One of the longest fought of America in Southeast Asia is Vietnam War. The war was

caused by the disagreement about the communist government of North Vietnam that want

South Vietnam to be communist. North Vietnam was supported by Chinese government and

south was support by USA (Alchin, 2014). The war caused much of death and force was used

to end this war. This affects most of the soldier's mental health during the war which is called

“Post-traumatic stress disorder” or “PTSD”. PTSD is a disorder that can be caused by following

off any event that makes you fear for your safety (Smith, 2018).

In January 2018, 31 one of the videos that have been removed from social media, was

Sent CKWS. In the video have a large group of people cheering and watching two teenage

girls having a fight which one of the cheerings is one of the girl parents. This situation was

confirmed by police on Jan. 28 at McCullough Park in Kingston’s west. The people were

moving away from the situation as the police arrived. Before the Police arrived, they received

a 911 called at about before 5 p.m.(Ladan,2018).

Violence still continually occur in this world not only in the past but still continually

occur. Nowadays, they are many outbreaks of violence still happening almost every day and

this new is one of it. In the past war that uses power and force which are violence that cause
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may lose. As in the clip violence still happening but why the crowded people that are watching

the fight don’t do anything and seem to support this harshness? This terrible remain problem

that is still unsolved should be fixed as it affects humans health in many ways. How can we

stop this cruel thing that happening usually today? Why should we pause this and how does it


This research paper aims to expand the definition of violence, examine effects of

violence on human and provide solutions to solve a problem. This research could make you

concern and realize more about recent world violence predicament and may give you some

information of what is violence.

‘Definition of violence’

Violence has been defined differently by many people. It may describe in many

different ways but the meaning has an identical meaning when you explain it in common, not

in politic or injury explanation.

According to Oxford Dictionary (2018), violence means behavior or act which

including physical force that meant to hurt, to cause damage or injury, and even to execute

someone or something. Also in term of politic violence, violence is defined as an offensive act

which wants to persuade the situation to affect change in the government.(political violence


World Health Organization (2007) defined that violence means the deliberate of physical force

to frighten others in individual or in a group and even yourself and cause a result as injury,

destroy mental health and even death.

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As I was researching what is violence, I found that violence has many types such as physical

violence, emotional abuse, and sexual violence. Use of physical force which seems to cause

death, disability, injury, or harm is physical violence (CDC, 2007). Emotional abuse or

violence that is any act including imprisoning of freedom cause loneliness, verbal that are toxic

and effect emotion or any other verbal and physical which affect a person emotional and mental


In ‘The Laws Dictionary’ (n.d.), the term of physical violence is related to bodily harm that

a person will use force on another person. Physical violence usually started with a little act that

we don’t realize, example like a slap or push, and little arguments during the relationship. The

small act would increase the quality of force that is used which this may lead to a result which

needs hospital cure. Physical abuse can consist of any acts that use force like biting, pushing,

slapping, kicking and other acts that hurt you.

Violence has many levels start with little hit or push until using force that may lead to death.

Raping is one of the most force that affects both physical and emotion of the one. Samantha

Gluck’s article (n.d.) said that the effect of this cruel force effect both of the mental and the

physical. Most rapping cause by force in sexual also some drugs and alcohol may be the reason

to cause this. Force in sexual may cause bleeding in public area also cause painful sexual

relation, the inflection of the urinary system. Most rape that didn’t protect for woman cause

pregnancy which most affect physical and emotional of girls like teenage that are not ready to

rise up a child. This may lead to some of the mental disorder like MDD (Mental depressive

disorder. Sexual that are not protected may found out about sexually transmitted disease or

STDs like human immunodeficiency virus(HIV), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

(AIDS), pelvic inflammatory disease, syphilis, and gonorrhea etc. (November 2017).
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As you see that force may cause many issues in people live, I suggest that everyone may have

an experience of force which can be caused by both accident or someone intended to cause it.

Force can come in many forms of physical force and emotional abuse. Physical force may hurt

or cause pain to your body but emotional abuse affects your thought also as your mental health.

Finding how it effects to know how to prevent it from happening is one of the ways to reduce


“Effect of violence”

Violence is a one of the major cause of loss and injury. Violence affects people in both

physical and mental or even your communication in social with people and environment that

you will be facing. Violence can happen in every gender and age which is a bad thing that

commonly happens. Kids can view this in many perspectives.

First of all, violence can happen to youth directly, by direct contact, abuse by other people such

as mother father and friends and etc. Second, not by experiencing the violence on them self

directly but rather witnessing it, such as father abusing his or her mother. In the status quo,

there have been recorded and studies that showed that kids at the age of between 3- 17 years,

is exposed to this kind of abuse, indirect abuse. In the US, there has been recording that stated

that 95 percent of the time, kids witness the abuse of her mother. Let's us defined the word

witness first before moving on, a witness in this scenario means observing or hearing. These

problems can be led kids to grow up with fears and anxiety. Meanwhile, they will also have

the emotional and mental issue about their surroundings.

Teenagers also have problems with violence and one of the most problems that we

found in teenage is bullying. Behavior in bullying or fighting in teenage violence is difficult to

describe. Family, friends, and environment where teenage life is maybe one of the reasons that

affect behavior. As you know that the how the plant grows is up to the person who planted the
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tree, in children is same, what they received and learned in the past when they grow up they

will act the same thing as they have learned and know such as bullying. Bullying was happened

to the wrong believe like bullying makes you look powerful, be more popular, to payback or

having a problem. Bullying is action or verbal that harm other repeatedly. Bullying one of the

most famous violence that use both force and words to annoy others can affect a person that

met. Teenage that met this situation may feel alone or helpless, afraid, liar, also feel unsafe and

stress that will cause depress to teenage.

Do violence occur in adults? A violence that you can see widely in adults like violence

in the family or even a big situation like criminal or war that usually leads to adults. You can

see that violence in a family like in a couple are things that we can realize that it is around us.

This can be proved by some pictures and videos that was post on Facebook or YouTube.

Nowadays, fighting of a couple by using force or unappropriated words are increasingly posted

on Facebook and YouTube. The fight that I usually see in social media is cheating in a

relationship which causes anger and sadness and some of them cannot control their emotion

and start to using force.

Love is one of feeling which most affect emotional especially in a family which it is a close

relationship. In the family relationship, they were more connection that was hard to explain.

Not all fight in a relationship has to end with force, but some does occur and also cause injury.

Some of the fights in a relationship are the major cause of violence in the family, by using force

and bad words can affect person feeling especially the person you trust. Violence in adults that

occurs in a family can cause bad mental health and stress also if it rapidly occur and more

drastic can cause disorder MDD or Major depressive disorder. A major depressive disorder is

a disorder that can be cure but if don’t it can lead people to hurt themselves or even worst to

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Problem can always occur but it must have some ways to get over it as same as violence.

As you know Violence can occur in every gender and age, it always has ways to prevent and

solve it. Violence is a big problem in society that we should find a way to fix and protect it

from happening. In every age always have problem of violence and can affect to other in any

kind of ways.

“Ways to prevent Violence”

Violence is a cruel thing that should against and should learn how to prevent it.

Violence can be reduced by starting at the most group of person that influence you is “Family”.

“Family” is one of the most social that have an impact on kids in that family which impact

personality, though, also how they behave in society. If in their family have violence like their

parents are fighting kids may remember what they see and may act them in social or maybe it

effects mental of that kid which up to what kind of violence they remember. In some family,

they didn’t use force but they may use verbal that was rude or bad meaning children may

remember and act it in their social by didn’t notice. The family that uses force children may act

in a form of impatient, easily to make angry or even using force the same which convey to

injury and option of violence that can occur.

So how can we solve this problem? Starting from family to teach and build a good

environment for children. Even in society such as government in many countries create laws

that help to avoid violence or even in school which also have rules that avoid violence. In

school may get punished for getting detention if you were using force with your friends. School

is also one of the most important places that build some characters for kids. You may be heard

that friends in the group have similarities that make them become friends which in then they
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would choose to follow their to get along within their community. Some group of friends may

bring you to the bad way so, the school built the rules to control children behaviors. A teen that

was fighting in some problem may cause injury so, the school makes some rules remind that

you shouldn’t do this and if you were punished you shouldn’t do this else the punishment will

be harder.

According to Jeff Durham(2018) article, the most thing that influences a person’s life

is family and is equally one of the most important factors to know how a child personality grow

up as an adult. Our personality is control by the environment around us which family is a social

group that is the closest relationship with everyone. Violence should not be used in family

because a kid may copy what they saw and act it in the future. One of the best ways that many

people suggest is starting from the family which gives the character of the kids. Caitlin M.

Jones (2005) wrote that the family environment is the main point of raising a child and if

problems occur in a family then the child is most likely to have an issue. Evidence that I have

researched more is criminality can seek to some environmental factors according to David

Rosenthal’s article in 1975 which he was researching from family studies, twin studies, and

adoption studies show that hereditary factors are also toward criminality. Giving love and good

care to children is one of the main points that adults that are parents should do to their child.

“Caring” and “Love” is one of the most powerful things that can change and control people life

by control people feeling as same as to kids if you rise him or her in the good way it will help

to reduce the force by creating good personality and behavior of children as they were a child.


Violence is action and verbal that cause injury in both physical and mental. The

violence that occurs can have cause for it to happen as same as the way to solve. Violence has
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an effect on human health so it must have a solution to solve it in a better way to increase the

quality of people life.

The definition of violence is defined by many organizations and terms which have some

identical things like in Oxford Dictionary (2018), that stated about behaviour that uses force

which meant to cause injury or even in World Health Organization (2007) defined about

violence mean physical force is used intentionally to frighten others and have resulted as injury

and mental health. So as I was research I can define violence by the identical things I found

which is violence is an act or verbal that destroy mental and physical health in a bad way like

in a form of force that causes injury or mental disorder such as major depressive disorder that

can be caused by many ways.

Violence can occur in many ways which can be intentionally used or by mistake that a

person make. Violence that I found most useful to define the term of it is force and harsh verbal

communication. Violence also includes an act that makes people get in trouble such as

cyberbullying which this type of violence didn’t use force but use social to attack other which

affect person mental problem.

Violence can happen in any age. Starting in kindergarten such as a fight in family use

force in kids. In teenage, bullying in school is one of the most famous violence in this age that

cause injury also in this age as the hormone start to produce more to make them become adults

which make their emotion been destroyed easily and cause the mental health problem. In adult,

criminal and force are used among themselves like in couple.

This problem can be solved by creating a good environment for a child when you rise

them up also give them good care and love. Many countries create laws about violence to

control and make people realize that they should also avoid violence as same as schools which

is a good example of. Some of the injuries that cause by violence may be caused by the mental
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health problem like the stress of the person that attack which they should see a psychologist to

get help.

Violence is one of the main problems of the world and every social group. Every

problem should have a way to overcome it as same as violence which is one of the problems

that is hard to solve. Start from a little social group that are near you like family to give you a

good environment then moved onto another place which are school that give good education

and good group of friend to influence you in good ways as same as adult that should follow

laws that give rights to everyone, think before do or say something, and also have

consciousness in doing things. Violence which harm life can be solved by start doing this

simple thing like in your family. The reader that have read this, I hope that you will understand

more about violence and have more passion to avoid it.

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