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World Development Vol. 29, No. 10, pp.

1649±1672, 2001
Pubished by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/01/$ - see front matter
PII: S0305-750X(01)00063-8

Common Property Institutions and Sustainable

Governance of Resources
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
Summary. Ð The literature on common property-based resource management comprises many
important studies that seek to specify the conditions under which groups of users will self-organize
and sustainably govern resources upon which they depend. Using three of the more comprehensive
such studies, and with an extensive review of writings on the commons, this paper demonstrates
that the enterprise of generating lists of conditions under which commons are governed sustainably
is a ¯awed and impossibly costly research task. For a way out, the paper examines the relative
merits of statistical, comparative, and case study approaches to studying the commons. It ends with
a plea for careful research design and sample selection, construction of causal mechanisms, and a
shift toward comparative and statistical rather than single-case analyses. Such steps are necessary
for a coherent, empirically-relevant theory of the commons. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Key words Ð common-pool resources, property rights, resource management, sustainability,


1. INTRODUCTION Considerable variation marks the experiences

of users in di€erent parts of the world. At a
Since the mid-1980s, discussions over what general level, all common resource users are
kind of institutional arrangements account for confronted with the problem of how to reduce
sustainable resource use have undergone a or eliminate externalities related to resource
remarkable change. The shift has occurred in management. Documentation of the variable
part as a response to developments in the ®eld
of noncooperative game theory (Falk, Fehr, &
Fischbacher, forthcoming; Fudenberg & * I thank Bina Agarwal, John Galaty, Geo€rey Garrett,
Maskin, 1986; Schotter, 1981; Sugden, 1984, Donald Moore, Jesse Ribot, and a World Development
1989), but more directly as a result of the reviewer for their suggestions on various drafts of this
explosion of work on common property paper. Extensive comments from Elinor Ostrom and
arrangements and common-pool resources Paul Stern have improved the quality of the paper
(Berkes, 1989; McCay & Acheson, 1987; NRC, throughout. I have also received valuable feedback from
1986; Ostrom, 1990). Anthropologists, econo- many individuals who attended the Eighth Biennial
mists, environmentalists, political scientists, meeting of the International Association for the Study of
and rural sociologists among others have Common Property in Bloomington Indiana, and from
contributed to this burgeoning literature. The members of the Political Science Department and the
writings of scholars of commons are often School of Environment at McGill University. I also
informed by more general research on prop- acknowledge comments from Tom Dietz, Bonnie
erty rights and institutions. 1 With detailed McCay, David Messick, Peter Richerson, Carol Rose,
historical and contemporary evidence, schol- Susan Stonich, and Oran Young during discussions at
arship on the commons has shown that the Pocantico Conference Center in New York in
resource users often create institutional September 2000. This paper is adapted from a substan-
arrangements and management regimes that tially di€erent version that was commissioned for the
help them allocate bene®ts equitably, over long volume, The Drama of the Commons, forthcoming from
time periods, and with only limited eciency National Academy Press. Financial assistance from a
losses (Agrawal, 1999; McKean, 1992; Ostrom, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation grant
1992). Much of this research has typically (0063798GSS) and a National Science Foundation grant
focused on locally situated small user groups (SBR 9905443) is also thankfully acknowledged. Final
and communities. 2 revision accepted: 3 May 2001.

performance of regimes of local resource Ostrom, Gardner, & Walker, 1994; Pinkerton,
management has meant that we now know of 1989; Pinkerton & Weinstein, 1995; Sengupta,
many cases of successful local management of 1991; Tang, 1992).
common-pool resources. In light of this The exact de®nitions of terms such as e-
knowledge, scholars and policy makers have ciency, equity, or sustainability that character-
become less likely to propose central state ize outcomes related to common-pool resource
intervention, markets, or privatization of management are beyond the scope of this paper.
property rights over resources as a matter of But in trying to synthesize lessons from empir-
course. Rather, many scholars examine the ical studies of sustainability on the commons, I
conditions under which communal arrange- primarily have in mind the durability of insti-
ments compare favorably with private or state tutions. Such a general conceptualization of
ownership, even on eciency criteria, but outcomes permits comparisons of existing
especially where equity and sustainability are studies on the commons, since few of them
concerned. Other scholars of commons and provide careful and generalizable measures of
some institutional theorists question the famil- their dependent variables. Most have an implicit
iar trichotomy of private, communal, and state sense of successful institutions as those that last
ownership and instead focus more directly on over time, constrain users to safeguard the
underlying rights and powers of access, use, resource, and produce fair outcomes. 5
management, exclusion, and transferability The following section begins by focusing on
that are conferred through rules governing three comprehensive attempts to produce
resources. 3 The work initiated and carried out theoretically informed generalizations about
by scholars of common property has important the conditions under which groups of self
connections to the world of policy making and organized users are successful in managing
resource management. Governments in more their commons dilemmas. 6 These studies are
than 50 countries, according to a recent survey Baland and Platteau (1996), Ostrom (1990),
on forestry policies (FAO, 1999), claim to be and Wade (1988). 7 I examine the conclusions
pursuing initiatives that would devolve some of these studies by comparing them with ®nd-
control over resources to local users. Although ings from many other studies of the commons.
it would be hard to sustain a claim that Many of the conclusions of scholars of the
research on common property by itself is commons, it can be argued, match closely the
responsible for policy shifts, it has surely theoretical ®ndings from the literature on
informed how many policy makers think about collective action. 8 Section 3 focuses on several
resource management. These new e€orts at problems of method that plague studies of self-
decentralization of control over common-pool organized resource management institutions.
resources testify to the necessity for increas- Because studies of the commons typically focus
ingly careful and thoughtful research on the upon single cases or are case-based compari-
commons (Agrawal & Ostrom, forthcoming; sons, it is especially important to be attentive to
Agrawal & Ribot, 1999; Ribot, 1999; areas in which case analysis is de®cient. Section
Wolverkamp, 1999). 4 proposes possible complementary methods
This paper seeks to synthesize the extensive and areas of emphasis for further research on
empirical work that has occurred over the past common property.
two decades, identify lacunae in current work, The main argument of the paper is that
and suggest some directions in which research is existing studies of sustainable institutions
still needed. Several reasons motivate the paper. around common-pool resources su€er from
Many rich descriptions of particular cases are two types of problems. The ®rst is substantive.
now available. Of the available studies, many Scholars of commons have focused primarily
draw from collective action theory 4 and social on institutions around common-pool resources.
theory, and develop plausible arguments to Their focus on local institutions and resources
explain observed outcomes. An enormous is understandable in light of their objective: to
experimental literature has also begun to inform show that common property arrangements can
our understanding of how humans act under result in ecient use, equitable allocation, and
di€erent incentive structures (see Kopelman & sustainable conservation. 9 But the focus on
Messick, forthcoming). Especially valuable for institutions comes at a cost. Studies of
my synthesis are studies whose conclusions are commons are relatively negligent in examining
based on explicit comparisons or on relatively how aspects of the resource system, some
large samples of cases (Baland & Platteau, 1996; aspects of user group membership, and the

external social, physical, and institutional based e€orts to manage and govern common-
environment a€ect institutional durability and pool resources. They are among the earliest
long-term management at the local level (but careful comparative studies that are attentive to
see Lam, 1998; Ostrom, 1999; Ostrom et al., theoretical developments at the time of writing,
1994; Tang, 1992). and use theory to inform their analysis. In
The second problem relates to methods and addition, they use a relatively large sample of
is more fundamental. Given the large number cases to analyze the validity of theoretical
of factors, perhaps as many as 35 of them as I insights. For this paper, one of the more
explain below, that have been highlighted as appealing aspects of their argument is that after
being critical to the organization, adaptability, wide-ranging discussion and consideration of
and sustainability of common property, it is many factors, each arrives at a summary set of
fair to suggest that existing work has yet to conditions and conclusions that they believe to
develop fully a theory of what makes for be critical to sustainability of commons insti-
sustainable common-pool resource manage- tutions. Together, their conclusions form a
ment. Systematic tests of the relative impor- viable starting point for the analysis of the
tance of factors important to sustainability, ensemble of factors that account for sustainable
equity, or eciency of commons are relatively institutional arrangements to manage the
uncommon (cf. Lam, 1998). 10 Also uncommon commons.
are studies that connect the di€erent variables Since there is no single widely accepted
they identify in causal chains or propose plau- theory of the sustainability of common prop-
sible causal mechanisms. Problems of incom- erty institutions, it is important to point out
plete model speci®cation and omitted variables that di€erences of method are signi®cant
in hypothesis testing are widespread in the among these three authors. Wade (1988) relies
literature on common property. These prob- primarily on data he collected from South
lems of method often characterize even those Indian villages in a single district. His sample is
writings that claim to address problems of not representative of irrigation institutions in
substance. 11 Therefore, it is likely that many the region, but at least we can presume that the
conclusions from case studies of common-pool data collection in each case is consistent. To
resource management and even from compar- test her theory, Ostrom (1990) uses detailed
ative studies of the commons are relevant case studies that other scholars generated. The
primarily for the sample under consideration, independent production of the research she
rather than applying more generally. samples means that all her cases may not have
Of course, there are good reasons for the consistently collected data. But she examines
existence of these problems in studies of each case using the same set of independent and
sustainability on the commons. Some of these dependent variables. Baland and Platteau
reasons have to do with diculties of data (1996) are more relaxed in the methodological
availability and collection, regional and area constraints they impose upon themselves. To
expertise of those who study the commons, and motivate their empirical discussion, they use a
disciplinary allegiances. But for a viable and wide-ranging review of the economic literature
compelling theory of common-pool resource on property rights, and the inability of this
management, something that is even more literature to generate unambiguous conclusions
important today because of the increasing about whether private property is superior to
number of policy experiments under way regulated common property. But to examine
(FAO, 1999), scholarship on the commons will the validity of their conclusions, they use
inevitably need to move beyond its existing information from di€erent sets of cases. In an
constraints. important sense, therefore, the ``model speci®-
cation'' is incomplete in each test (King,
Keohane, & Verba, 1994). Further, even if
2. ANALYSES OF SUSTAINABLE these authors di€er in their methods, they
GOVERNANCE OF COMMON-POOL occupy the same discursive space and are
RESOURCES familiar with each other's work. As a result,
their conclusions are not strictly indepen-
The works by Robert Wade, Elinor Ostrom, dent. 12
and Jean-Marie Baland and Jean-Philippe Wade's (1988) important work on commonly
Platteau represent three of the most signi®cant managed irrigation systems in South India uses
book-length analyses of local, community- data on 31 villages to examine when it is that

corporate institutions arise in these villages and lyzes, and the eighth covers cases that are more
what accounts for their success in resolving complex, such as federated systems.
commons dilemmas. 13 His arguments about Although Ostrom lists eight principles, on
the origins of commons institutions point, in closer examination the number of conditions
brief, toward environmental risks being a seems larger. 17 For example, her ®rst design
crucial factor. But he also provides a highly principle refers to clearly de®ned boundaries of
nuanced and thoughtful set of reasons about the common-pool resource and of membership
successful management of commons. Accord- in a group, and is in fact listed as two separate
ing to Wade, e€ective rules of restraint on conditions by Wade. Her second principle,
access and use are unlikely to last when there similarly, is an amalgam of two elements: a
are many users, when the boundaries of the match between level of restrictions and local
common-pool resource are unclear, when users conditions, and between appropriation and
live in groups scattered over a large area, when provision rules. Ostrom thus should be seen as
detection of rule-breakers is dicult, and so on considering 10, not eight, general principles as
(Wade, 1988, p. 215). 14 Wade speci®es his facilitating better performance of commons
conclusions in greater detail by classifying institutions over time.
di€erent variables under the heading of A second aspect of the design principles,
resources, technology, user group, noticeabil- again something that parallels Wade's facili-
ity, relationship between resources and user tating conditions, is that most of them are
group, and relationship between users and the expressed as general features of long-lived,
state (1994, pp. 215±216). 15 successful commons management rather than
In all, Wade ®nds 14 conditions to be as relationships between characteristics of the
important in facilitating successful manage- constituent analytical units or as factors that
ment of the commons he investigates. 16 Most depend for their ecacy on the presence (or
of his conditions are general statements about absence) of other variables. Thus, principle
the local context, user groups, and the resource seven suggests that users are more likely to
system, but some of them are about the rela- manage their commons sustainably when their
tionship between users and resources. Only one rights to devise institutions are not challenged
of his conditions pertains to external relation- by external government authorities. This is a
ships of the group or of other local factors. general principle that is supposed to charac-
Studies appearing since Wade's work on terize all commons situations. In contrast,
irrigation institutions have added to his list of principle two suggests that restrictions on
factors that facilitate institutional success, but harvests of resource units should be related to
some factors have regularly received mention. local conditions (rather than saying that the
Among these are small group size, well-de®ned lower (or higher) the level of withdrawal, the
bounds on resources and user group member- more (or less) likely would be success in
ship, ease in monitoring and enforcement, and management). Thus, it is possible to imagine
closeness between the location of users and the certain resource and user group characteristics
resource. Consider, for example, the eight for which withdrawal levels can be high, and
design principles that Ostrom (1990) lists in her setting them at a low level may lead to di-
de®ning work on community-level governance culties in management. Where supplements to
of resources. She crafts these principles on the resource stock are regular and high, and user
basis of lessons from a sample of 14 cases where group members depend on resources signi®-
users attempted, with varying degrees of cantly, setting harvest levels low will likely lead
success, to create, adapt, and sustain institu- to unnecessary rule infractions.
tions to manage the commons. A design prin- Finally, most of Ostrom's principles focus on
ciple for Ostrom is ``an essential element or local institutions, or on relationships within the
condition that helps to account for the success local context. Only two of them, about legal
of these institutions in sustaining the CPRs and recognition of institutions by higher level
gaining the compliance of generation after authorities and about nested institutions, can
generation of appropriators to the rules in use'' be seen to express the relationship of a given
(1990, p. 90). She emphasizes that these prin- group with other groups or authorities.
ciples do not provide a blueprint to be imposed Baland and Platteau (1996), in their
on resource management regimes. Seven of the comprehensive and synthesizing review of a
principles are present in a signi®cant manner in large number of studies on the commons follow
all the robust commons institutions she ana- a similar strategy as does Ostrom (1990).

Beginning with an examination of competing at conclusions that overlap in some ways with
theoretical claims by scholars of di€erent types those of Wade, and Ostrom. Small size of a user
of property regimes, they suggest that the core group, a location close to the resource, homo-
argument in favor of privatization ``rests on the geneity among group members, e€ective
comparison between an idealized fully ecient enforcement mechanisms, and past experiences
private property system and the anarchical of cooperation are some of the themes they
situations created by open access'' (1996, p. emphasize as signi®cant to achieve cooperation
175). Echoing earlier scholarship on the (Baland & Platteau, 1996, pp. 343±345). In
commons, they emphasize the distinction addition, they also highlight the importance of
between open access and common property external aid and strong leadership. 21
arrangements and suggest that when private As is true for Ostrom, several of the factors
property regimes are compared with regulated they list are in reality a joining together of
common property systems (and when infor- multiple conditions. For example, their third
mation is perfect and there are no transaction point incorporates what Wade and Ostrom
costs), then ``regulated common property and would count as four di€erent conditions: the
private property are equivalent from the stand- relationship between the location of the users
point of the eciency of resource use'' (1996, p. and the resources upon which they rely, the
175, emphasis in original). 18 Further, they ability of users to create their own rules, the
argue, the privatization of common-pool ease with which rules are understood by
resources or their appropriation and regulation members of the user group and are enforced,
by central authorities tends to eliminate the and whether rules of allocation are considered
implicit entitlements and personalized rela- fair. Some of their other conditions also signify
tionships that are characteristic of communal more than one variable. Therefore, instead of
property arrangements. These steps, therefore, eight conditions, Baland and Platteau should
are likely to impair eciency, and even more be seen to identify 12 conditions.
likely to disadvantage traditional users whose The conclusions that Baland and Platteau
rights of use seldom get recognized under reach are typically stated as general statements
privatization or expropriation by the state. 19 about users, resources, and institutions rather
Their review of the existing literature from than about relationships between characteris-
property rights and economic theory leads tics of these constituent analytical units. In
them to assert that ``none of the property rights comparison to Wade and Ostrom, Baland and
regimes appears intrinsically ecient'' and that Platteau pay somewhat greater attention to
the reasons for which common property external forces, as for example, in their discus-
arrangements are criticized for their ineciency sions of external aid, enforcement, and leader-
are also likely to be haunt privatization ship with broad experience.
measures. Where agents are not fully aware of The brief review of these three landmark
ecological processes, or are unable to protect works makes evident some of the patterns in
their resources against intruders, or are mired their conclusions. They all conclude that
in levels of poverty that drive them to overex- members of small local groups can design
ploit environmental resources, state interven- institutional arrangements to help manage
tion may be needed to support both private and resources sustainably. 22 Laying to rest doubts
common property (1996, p. 178). In the absence about the ability of community user groups to
of unclear theoretical predictions regarding the manage resources, they go further and identify
superiority of one property regime over a set of conditions that are positively related to
another, they argue in favor of attention to local self-management of resources. In addi-
speci®c histories of concrete societies, and tion, they use theoretical insights to defend and
explicit incorporation of cultural and political explain the empirical regularities they ®nd. The
factors 20 into analysis. Only then might it be regularities in successful management that they
possible to know when people cooperate, and discover pertain to one of four sets of variables:
when inveterate opportunists dominate and (a) characteristics of resources, (b) nature of
make collective action impossible. groups that depend on resources, (c) particulars
After a wide-ranging review of empirical of institutional regimes through which resour-
studies of common-pool resource management, ces are managed, and (d) the nature of the
and focusing on several variables that existing relationship between a group, and external
research has suggested as crucial to communi- forces and authorities such as markets, states,
ty-level institutions, Baland and Platteau arrive and technology. 23

Characteristics of resources can include, for authors under consideration have identi®ed as
example, such features as well-de®ned bound- important.
aries of the resource, riskiness and unpredict- The analysis of the information in Table 1
ability of resource ¯ows, and mobility of the reveals several signi®cant obstacles to the
resource. Characteristics of groups, among speci®cation of a universal set of factors that
other aspects, relate to size, levels of wealth and are critical to successful governance of
income, di€erent types of heterogeneity, power common-pool resources. Of these, three relate
relations among subgroups, and past experi- to substantive issues, and two stem from
ence. Particulars of institutional regimes have conundrums of method. The substantive
an enormous range of possibilities, but some of obstacles can be overcome at least in part by
the critical identi®ed aspects of institutional examining other important research on
arrangements concern monitoring, sanctions, common property. But unfortunately, attempts
adjudication, and accountability. Finally, a to redress substantive issues tend to exacerbate
number of characteristics pertain to the rela- the problems of method. In consequence we
tionships of the locally situated groups, have to contend with the possibility that the
resource systems, and institutional arrange- enterprise of attempts to create a list of critical
ments with the external environment in the enabling conditions that apply universally can
form of demographic changes, technology, founder at a very basic epistemological level.
markets, and di€erent levels of governance. Instead of focusing on lists of factors that apply
Table 1 summarizes, and lists under these four to all commons institutions, it may be more
basic categories, the conditions that the three fruitful to focus on con®gurations of conditions

Table 1. Synthesis of facilitating conditions identi®ed by Wade, Ostrom, and Baland and Platteau
1. Resource system characteristics
(i) Small size (RW)
(i) Well-de®ned boundaries (RW, EO)
2. Group characteristics
(i) Small size (RW, B&P)
(ii) Clearly de®ned boundaries (RW, EO)
(iii) Shared norms (B&P)
(iv) Past successful experiencesÐsocial capital (RW, B&P)
(v) Appropriate leadershipÐyoung, familiar with changing external environments, connected to local traditional
elite (B&P)
(vi) Interdependence among group members (RW, B&P)
(vii) Heterogeneity of endowments, homogeneity of identities and interests (B&P)
1. and 2. Relationship between resource system characteristics and group characteristics
(i) Overlap between user group residential location and resource location (RW, B&P)
(ii) High levels of dependence by group members on resource system (RW)
(iii) Fairness in allocation of bene®ts from common resources (B&P)
3. Institutional arrangements
(i) Rules are simple and easy to understand (B&P)
(ii) Locally devised access and management rules (RW, EO, B&P)
(iii) Ease in enforcement of rules (RW, EO, B&P)
(iv) Graduated sanctions (RW, EO)
(v) Availability of low cost adjudication (EO)
(vi) Accountability of monitors and other ocials to users (EO, B&P)
1. and 3. Relationship between resource system and institutional arrangements
(i) Match restrictions on harvests to regeneration of resources (RW, EO)
4. External environment
(i) Technology: Low cost exclusion technology (RW)
(ii) State:
(a) Central governments should not undermine local authority (RW, EO)
(b) Supportive external sanctioning institutions (B&P)
(c) Appropriate levels of external aid to compensate local users for conservation activities (B&P)
(d) Nested levels of appropriation, provision, enforcement, governance (EO)

that bear a causal relationship with sustain- mobile. Sheep ¯ocks and cattle herds, owned
ability. The identi®cation of such con®gura- and/or managed as common property, would
tions also requires sharp analytical insights, also fall in this last category. After examining
and such insights can follow both from the impact of these two physical characteristics
comparative research that is either based on of resources on externalities, they conclude that
carefully selected cases, or on datasets that can these two factors have an impact on manage-
be analyzed through statistical techniques. The ment because of their relationship to informa-
critical step is the speci®cation of a theoretical tion. Greater mobility of resources and storage
argument to motivate the case selection and problems make it more dicult for users to
data collection. adhere to institutional solutions to common-
pool resource dilemmas because of their impact
on the reliability and costs of information
3. SUPPLEMENTING THE SET OF needed for such solutions. 26 This point can be
SUBSTANTIVE FACTORS seen also as a question about the extent to which
resource availability is predictable, something
The set of factors identi®ed by Wade and noted by Naughton-Treves and Sanderson
Ostrom, and Baland and Platteau is relatively (1995) as well, and how unpredictability a€ects
de®cient in considering resource characteristics. the ability of users to allocate available resour-
Only two aspects of resource systems ®nd ces or undertake activities that would augment
explicit mention by the three authors. Baland supply.
and Platteau do not include aspects of resour- A second broad area to which the analyses by
ces in their ®nal conclusions at all. Wade, Ostrom, and Baland and Platteau pay
The limited attention to resource character- only limited attention is the external social,
istics is unfortunate. Even if we leave aside the institutional, and physical environment. 27
climatic and edaphic variables that may have Thus none of them explicitly remark on
an impact on levels of regeneration and possi- demographic issues in their conclusions, and
bility of use, there are grounds to believe that they place equally small emphasis on market-
other aspects of a resource may be relevant to related demands that may make local demand
how and whether users are able to sustain pressures relatively trivial. But variations in
e€ective institutions. 24 For example, it is easy levels of population and changes in demo-
to see that extensive movements of many forms graphic pressures, whether as a result of local
of wildlife can make them less well suited to changes or through migration, are surely
local management alone (Naughton-Treves & signi®cant in in¯uencing the ability of users to
Sanderson, 1995). 25 This aspect of common- create rules to manage resources. Indeed, there
pool resources is di€erent from Wade's argu- is an enormous literature that focuses on
ment about size. The issue is one of mobility of questions of population and market pressures
the resource, and volatility and unpredictability on resource use and asserts the importance of
in the ¯ow of bene®ts from a resource; it is not these two complex factors. 28
just about size. Writings on the role of population in
In a carefully argued paper on resource resource management have a long history and
characteristics, Blomquist, Schlager, Tang, and an impressive theoretical pedigree (Ehrlich,
Ostrom (1994) focus on two physical features of 1968, pp. 15±16; Malthus, 1960). Much recent
resource systems: stationarity and storage. scholarship links environmental degradation in
Stationarity refers to whether a resource is a relatively straightforward fashion with
mobile and storage concerns the extent to which population growth (Durning, 1989; Fischer,
it is possible to ``collect and hold resources'' (p. 1993; Hardin, 1993; Low & Heinen, 1993;
309). Stationarity and storage, if considered as Pimental, Harman, Pacenza, Pecarsky, &
dichotomous variables, lead to a fourfold Pimental, 1994). On the whole it is clear that
typology of common-pool resources. Resources the debate is highly polarized. Some scholars
such as wildlife are mobile and cannot be stored, assert that population pressures have an enor-
and groundwater basins and lakes have mous e€ect (Ehrlich & Ehrlich, 1991; Myers,
stationary water resources characterized that 1991; Wilson, 1992), and a smaller but vocal
can be stored. Shell®sh and grazing lands are group suggests the impact to be far more
stationary but their degree of storage is limited, limited (Lappe & Shurman, 1989; Leach &
and conversely, irrigation canals with reservoirs Mearns, 1996; Simon, 1990; Ti€en, Mortimore,
have water resources that can be stored, but are & Gichuki, 1994; Varughese & Ostrom, 2001).

The story is somewhat similar where markets market forces, and institutions. But clearly,
are concerned, except that the terms of the di€erences in market and population pressures
debate are less polarized and there is wider need greater attention in any examination of
agreement that increasing integration with the factors that a€ect sustainability of
markets usually has an adverse impact on the commons institutions. It is important not only
management of common-pool resources, espe- to attend to di€erent levels of these pressures,
cially when roads begin to integrate distant but also to the e€ect of changes and rates of
resource systems and their users with other changes in them.
users and markets (Chomitz, 1995; Young, As the ultimate guarantor of property rights
1994). As local economies become better arrangements, the role of the state and over-
connected to larger markets, and common arching governance structures is perhaps
property systems confront cash exchanges, central in the functioning of common-pool
subsistence users are likely to increase harvest- resources. It is true that many communities and
ing levels because they can now exploit local user groups have the right to craft and
resources for cash income as well (Carrier, implement new institutional arrangements. But
1987; Colchester, 1994, pp. 86±87; Stocks, unspeci®ed rights and the settlement of major
1987, pp. 119±120). Analogous to market disputes often cannot be addressed without the
articulation is the question of technological intervention of the state (Rangan, 1997).
means available to exploit the commons. Although the three authors are more attentive
Sudden emergence of new technological inno- to the potential role of central governments in
vations that transform the cost-bene®t ratios of local commons than they are to issues of
harvesting products from commons are likely population and market pressures, the nature of
to undermine the sustainability of institutions. local±state relations requires more careful
Sucient time may be necessary before users exploration. 29 As an increasing number of
are able to adapt to the new technologies. governments decentralizes control over diverse
The arrival of markets and new technologies, natural resources to local user groups, ques-
and the changes they might prompt in existing tions about the reasons behind such loosening
resource management regimes, is not a blood- of control and the e€ects of di€erences in
less or innocent process (Oates, 1999). Typi- organization of authority across levels of
cally, new demand pressures originating from governance become extremely important. A
markets and technological changes are likely to large number of studies have attempted to
create di€erent incentives about the products to explore these issues, either by focusing on
be harvested, technologies of harvest, and rates decentralization of resource management in
of harvest. They are also likely to change local general (Ascher, 1995; Po€enberger, 1990), or
power relations as di€erent subgroups depen- by examining the role of resource management-
dent on common-pool resources gain variable related laws and national policies (Ascher &
levels of access, and maneuver to consolidate Healy, 1990; Lynch & Talbott, 1995; Repetto &
their gains (Agrawal, 1999; Fernandes, Menon, Gillis, 1988). But as yet we do not have a
& Viegas, 1988; Young, forthcoming). In many systematic examination or clear understanding
cases, as new market actors gain access to a of variations in these relationships and how
particular common-pool resource, they may these variations a€ect common-pool resource
seek alliances with state actors in e€orts to management.
privatize commons or defend the primacy of One reason scholars of commons have
their claims (Azhar, 1993; Ascher & Healy, focused so little on external factors such as
1990). Indeed, state ocials can themselves markets, technology, states, and population
become involved in the privatization of pressures lies simply in the nature of their
commons and the selling of products from intellectual enterprise. Because their e€orts
resources that were earlier under common have aimed at showing the importance of local
property arrangements (Agarwal, 1986; Rang- groups, institutions and resource system-related
arajan, 1996; Sivaramakrishnan, 1999; Skaria, factors, they have focused relatively less on
1999). those factors that other scholars earlier exam-
The speci®c arguments above about changes ined, often to the exclusion of local social and
in resource use and management institutions political dynamics. But it seems that in focusing
under the in¯uence of markets are in line with upon the locality and the importance of local
more general perceptions about the transfor- factors, the current scholarship on the
mative role and potential of new capital, commons has tended to ignore how what is

local is often created in conjunction with the by Olson's seminal work (1965), smaller groups
external and the nonlocal environment. The are more likely to engage in successful collective
almost exclusive focus upon the local has made action. This conclusion is supported by Baland
the work on common property vulnerable to and Platteau (1999, p. 773) who reiterate Olson:
the same criticisms that apply to the work of ``The smaller the group the stronger its ability
those anthropologists who see their ®eld sites as to perform collectively.'' But other scholars
miniature worlds in themselves, changing only (Hardin, 1982) have remarked on the ambigu-
in response to political or economic in¯uences ities in Olson's argument and suggested that the
from outside. The attention to the locality in relationship between group size and collective
preference to the context within which localities action is not very straightforward. For exam-
are shaped and produced has thus prevented ple, Marwell and Oliver (1993, p. 38) emphat-
the emergence of a better understanding of how ically claim, ``a signi®cant body of empirical
factors such as population, market demand, research... ®nds that the size of a group is
and state policies interact with local institu- positively related to its level of collective
tional arrangements and resource systems. action.'' Agrawal and Goyal (2001), use two
My argument in favor of attention to analytical features of common-pool resour-
markets, demography, and the state addresses cesÐimperfect exclusion and lumpiness of third
the nature and importance of contextual factors party monitoring 31Ðto hypothesize a curvi-
only to a partial degree. Clearly, the context of linear relationship between group size and
any study comprises far more than just successful collection action. They test their
markets, demographic changes, and encom- hypothesis using systematically collected data
passing governance arrangements. 30 In from a sample of 28 cases from the Kumaon
research, the context can be de®ned as the Himalaya, and explain why a curvilinear rela-
encompassing variables that remain constant tionship is more likely than a monotonic one.
for a given study, but not across studies. The current state of knowledge is perhaps best
Precisely because the historical, spatial, social, summarized by Ostrom (1997), who says that
or political context of a given study likely the impact of group size on collective action is
remains constant for all analytical purposes, it usually mediated by many other variables.
becomes possible to ignore it. But surely, in any These variables include the production tech-
real world situation, the state of contextual nology of the collective good, its degree of
variables may a€ect the impact of variables that excludability, jointness of supply, and the level
are being studied explicitly. of heterogeneity in the group (Hardin, 1982,
It is likely impossible to de®ne a priori the pp. 44±49). After more than 30 years of
ensemble of factors that constitute the context research on group size and collective action,
because contextual factors for a given study there is still a need to tease out more carefully
depend on the questions it seeks to answer. But, the relationship between group size and
studies of commons that examine institutional successful collective action as the state of the
sustainability can a€ord to ignore the nature of variables mentioned above changes.
markets and market-related changes, popula- Cumulation of knowledge into a coherent
tion and demographic changes, and the state and empirically supported theory has proved
and its policies only when these remain even more dicult in relation to group heter-
constant. For many single-time period, single- ogeneity. It can fairly be argued that most
location case studies, inattention to these criti- resources are managed by groups divided along
cal contextual variables may be justi®able. But multiple axes, among them ethnicity, gender,
where studies seek to develop more general religion, wealth, and caste (Agrawal & Gibson,
arguments, attention to context and how 1999). Especially signi®cant are gender-related
contextual factors relate to speci®ed causal di€erences within groups because of the often
arguments become extremely important. critical role women play in the gathering and
Even where the locality itself is concerned, harvesting of products from common-pool
and even where some important features of resources, the simultaneous position of relative
groups that manage commons are concerned, marginality to which they are relegated in terms
there are important gaps in our understanding. of decision making, ownership of assets, and
Take three aspects of groups as an illustration: exercising political power, 32 and the seeming
size, heterogeneity, and poverty. invisibility of such relegation to the margins.
According to an enormous literature on the Other forms of heterogeneity within groups
commons and collective action, sparked in part can be equally pernicious, however, and at any

rate, can have multiple and contradictory uncertain at best. Whether the relationship
e€ects on the possibilities of collective action. 33 between sustainability and these variables is
Wade and Baland and Platteau highlight the negative, positive, or curvilinear seems subject
importance of greater interdependence among to a range of other contextual and mediating
group members as a basis for building institu- factors, not all of which are clearly understood.
tions that would promote sustainable resource Table 2 constitutes an e€ort to supplement the
management. In addition, Baland and Platteau set of variables presented in Table 1. The
also provide an initial assessment of the nature additional factors presented in the table are the
of heterogeneities by classifying them into three ones that are not followed by the name of a
types and hypothesizing that heterogeneities of particular author. Although the factors in
endowments have a positive e€ect on resource Table 2 are among those that many scholars of
management whereas heterogeneities of iden- commons would consider most important for
tity and interests create obstacles to collective achieving institutional sustainability on the
action. Their ®rst point, that heterogeneity of commons, they do not form an exhaustive set.
endowments may enhance the possibility of Nor is it likely that an undisputed exhaustive
collective action, is similar to that made by set of variables can ever be created. 34
Olson (1965). But the three categories into Table 2 lists factors that di€erent scholars
which they classify heterogeneities are not have identi®ed as being critical to the sustain-
mutually exclusive. Further, empirical evidence able functioning of commons institutions.
on how heterogeneities a€ect collective action is Some of these factors, it can be argued, are also
still highly ambiguous (Baland & Platteau, important in the emergence of commons insti-
1999; Kanbur, 1992; Quiggin, 1993; Varughese tutions. For example, Ostrom (1999) examines
& Ostrom, forthcoming). Thus even in groups a large literature to cull four attributes of
that have high levels of heterogeneities of resources and seven attributes of users that she
interest, it may be possible to ensure collective suggests are important to the emergence of self-
action if some subgroups can coercively enforce organization among users of a resource. Some
conservationist institutions (Agrawal, 1999, of theseÐfeasible improvement of the resource,
2000; Jodha, 1986; Peluso, 1992; but see also and low discount rateÐare absent from Table
Libecap, 1989, 1990). On the other hand, the 2, since the table focuses on conditions that
role of intragroup heterogeneities on distribu- promote sustainable governance, not institu-
tion may be more amenable to de®nition. tional emergence. But other attributes she lists
Signi®cant research on the e€ects of develop- are also present in Table 2, among them,
ment projects and also on commons suggests predictability of bene®t ¯ow from the resource,
that better-o€ group members are often likely dependence of users on the resource, and
to gain a larger share of bene®ts from a successful experience in other arenas of self-
resource (Agrawal, 2001). organization. Indeed, at least one of the factors
Another locality related factor that is critical that she counts as being important for emer-
to outcomes, and on which much research has gence of commons institutions is also one of her
been carried out without the emergence of a design principles (recognition by external
consensus is the relationship between the authorities of the ability of users to create their
poverty of users and their levels of exploitation own access and harvesting rules). The overlap
of common-pool resources. Whether poverty between conditions that facilitate emergence
leads to a greater reliance on the commons and those that facilitate continued successful
(Jodha, 1986) and their degradation, or do functioning of institutions points to the close
increasing levels of wealth, at least initially, and complex relationship between origins and
lead to greater use of commons by users is a continued existence, without any suggestion
question on whose answer the contours of that the two can be explained by an identical set
many commons-related policies would hinge. of facilitating conditions.
But to a signi®cant degree, government inter-
ventions in this arena are based on limited
information and even less reliable analysis. 4. ADDRESSING PROBLEMS OF
For each of the three factorsÐsize, hetero- METHOD
geneity, and povertyÐthe extent to which
existing research has settled the question of the The factors presented in Table 2 above,
nature and direction of their e€ect on the relating to resource characteristics, group
sustainability of commons institutions is features, institutional arrangements, and the

Table 2. Critical enabling conditions for sustainability on the commons

1. Resource system characteristics
(i) Small size (RW)
(ii) Well-de®ned boundaries (RW, EO)
(iii) Low levels of mobility
(iv) Possibilities of storage of bene®ts from the resource
(v) Predictability
2. Group characteristics
(i) Small size (RW, B&P)
(ii) Clearly de®ned boundaries (RW, EO)
(iii) Shared norms (B&P)
(iv) Past successful experiencesÐsocial capital (RW, B&P)
(v) Appropriate leadershipÐyoung, familiar with changing external environments, connected to local traditional
elite (B&P)
(vi) Interdependence among group members (RW, B&P)
(vii) Heterogeneity of endowments, homogeneity of identities and interests (B&P)
(viii) Low levels of poverty
1. and 2. Relationship between resource system characteristics and group characteristics
(i) Overlap between user group residential location and resource location (RW, B&P)
(ii) High levels of dependence by group members on resource system (RW)
(iii) Fairness in allocation of bene®ts from common resources (B&P)
(iv) Low levels of user demand
(v) Gradual change in levels of demand
3. Institutional arrangements
(i) Rules are simple and easy to understand (B&P)
(ii) Locally devised access and management rules (RW, EO, B&P)
(iii) Ease in enforcement of rules (RW, EO, B&P)
(iv) Graduated sanctions (RW, EO)
(v) Availability of low cost adjudication (EO)
(vi) Accountability of monitors and other ocials to users (EO, B&P)
1. and 3. Relationship between resource system and institutional arrangements
(i) Match restrictions on harvests to regeneration of resources (RW, EO)
4. External environment
(i) Technology:
(a) Low cost exclusion technology (RW)
(b) Time for adaptation to new technologies related to the commons
(ii) Low levels of articulation with external markets
(iii) Gradual change in articulation with external markets
(iv) State:
(a) Central governments should not undermine local authority (RW, EO)
(b) Supportive external sanctioning institutions (B&P)
(c) Appropriate levels of external aid to compensate local users for conservation activities (B&P)
(d) Nested levels of appropriation, provision, enforcement, governance (EO)

external environment, relate to the substantive institutions, rather than being related to or
aspects of the careful analyses that scholars of dependent on some aspect of the situation. 35
common property have conducted. Continued As an illustration, consider the ®rst two
successful research on the commons will conditions in Table 2 under the broad class of
depend on the ability of those interested in the resource system characteristics: small size, and
commons to resolve some important method- well-de®ned boundaries. According to Wade,
ological obstacles that this list of factors raises. relatively small sized resource systems are likely
One important problem that is evident from to be managed better under common property
the factors speci®ed in Table 2 is a consequence arrangements, and according to both Ostrom
of the fact that most of the conditions cited as and Wade, resources that have well-de®ned
facilitating successful use of common-pool boundaries are likely better managed as
resources are general: they are expected to common property. Although these conditions
pertain to all common-pool resources and are couched as general statements about all

commons, it is in principle possible, and hierarchical social and political organization,

perhaps more defensible, to think of the e€ects institutional arrangements specifying asym-
of resource size or boundary de®nition as metric distribution of bene®ts may be more
contingent, dependent on the state of one or sustainable even if they are entirely unfair. The
more other variables. 36 caste system and racial inequalities constitute
It is possible, thus, to suggest that boundaries two familiar examples of such hierarchical
of resources should be well de®ned when ¯ow social arrangements.
of bene®ts are predictable and groups relying The most signi®cant issues of method stem,
on them stationary, but when there are large however, from the sheer number of conditions
variations in bene®t ¯ows, and/or the group that seem relevant to the successful manage-
relying on a resource system is mobile, then ment of common-pool resources. 37 Wade,
resource boundaries should be fuzzy so as to Ostrom, and Baland and Platteau jointly iden-
accommodate variations in group needs and tify 36 important conditions. On the whole
resource ¯ows. This example also brings home there are relatively few areas of common
the importance of context. If the resources and emphasis among them. If one compares across
groups being analyzed are all stationary, and their list of conditions, interprets them care-
there are few variations over time in the ¯ow of fully, and eliminates the common conditions,
bene®ts from the resource, then it may be 24 di€erent conditions are still to be found (as
possible to treat characteristics of the resource in Table 1). Because these authors argue from
system as part of the context, and no explicit theoretical foundations, the conditions they
attention to these characteristics may be ®nd empirically critical in their sample can also
necessary. But if a given study comprises cases be defended on broader grounds. Thus it is
of common-pool resources that are highly dicult to eliminate a priori any of the condi-
variable in their outputs over time as well as tions they consider important.
resources that produce steady ¯ows, then The discussion of substantive conclusions of
resource characteristics, from being part of the Wade, Ostrom, and Baland and Platteau in the
context, may very well become highly signi®- previous section reveals that even the 24 factors
cant elements in the speci®cation of general they have identi®ed do not exhaust the full set
lessons from the study. of conditions that may be important in
The e€ects of resource size, it can be similarly common-pool resource management. 38 Once
argued, are also contingent on the state of other we take into account additional factors identi-
variables, rather than always ¯owing in the ®ed in the vast literature on the local gover-
same direction. Instead of accepting that small nance of common-pool resources as being
resource systems are likely to have a positive important, it is reasonable to suppose that the
relationship with institutional sustainability, it total number of factors that a€ect successful
may be more defensible to hypothesize that management of commons may be somewhere
``size of the resource system should vary with between 30 and 40. Table 2 lists a total of 33
group size, and for larger resources, authority factors. Not all of these factors are independent
relations within a group should be organized in of each other. Some of them are empirically
a nested fashion.'' Attempts to identify such correlated, as for example, group size and
conjunctural relationships are critically impor- resource size, or shared norms, interdependence
tant for the commons literature, and for among group members, and fairness in alloca-
formulating commons-related policies because tion rules, or ease of enforcement and
many of the causal relationships are likely supportive external sanctioning institutions.
contingent relationships where the impact of a We do not, currently have any reliable way of
particular variable depends on the state assessing the degree of correlation among these
attained by a di€erent causal factor, or on the and other variables that have emerged as
relationship of the variable with some contex- important in the discussion.
tual factors. Further, because the e€ects of some variables
As another example, consider the question of may depend on the state of other variables and
fairness in allocation of bene®ts from the interactional e€ects among variables may also
commons. Typically, intuition as well as much a€ect outcomes, any careful analysis of
of the scholarship on the commons suggests sustainability on the commons needs to incor-
that fairer allocation of bene®ts is likely to lead porate interaction e€ects among variables. As
to more sustainable institutional arrangements. soon as we concede the possibility that some-
But in a social context characterized by highly where between 30 and 40 variables a€ect the

management of common-pool resources, and e€ect on outcomes compared to ``unfair allo-

that some of these variables may have impor- cation of bene®ts,'' and that the researcher has
tant interactional e€ects, we confront tremen- ignored the nature of allocation. In such a
dous analytical problems. situation, the conclusions from the study would
When a large number of causal variables be ¯awed in that they would under- or over-
potentially a€ect outcomes, the absence of emphasize variables inappropriately. This issue
careful research design that controls for factors is especially acute for commons researchers
that are not the subject of investigation makes because conclusions from much case study
it almost impossible to be sure that the analysis are couched in terms of directional
observed di€erences in outcomes are indeed a e€ects of independent variables: positive or
result of hypothesized causes. Consider an negative. ``Unpredictable bene®t ¯ow,'' it can
example. One can select between large group be argued, undermines the sustainability of
size or high levels of mobility as the relevant commons institutions. In a case study it may be
causal variables that adversely a€ect successful dicult to discover how exactly particular
management only if the selected cases are independent variables are related to each other,
matched on other critical variables, and di€er or the strength of their relationship to observed
(signi®cantly) in relation to group size and outcomes. Single case analyses, especially when
mobility. If the researcher does not explicitly they cover a single time period, limit conclu-
take into account the relevant variables that sions about cause-e€ect relationships to bivar-
might a€ect success, then the number of selec- iate statements when actual relationships are
ted cases must be (much) larger than the likely to be more contingent, or continuous.
number of variables. But there are no studies of This is especially true when the case itself is also
common-pool resources that develop a research the unit of analysis rather than comprising
design by explicitly taking into account the multiple observations on a di€erent unit of
di€erent variables considered critical to analysis, for example, the household.
successful management, as they have been The large number of variables potentially
speci®ed in Table 2. 39 In an important sense, a€ecting the sustainability of institutions that
then, many of the existing works on the govern common resources, thus, have impor-
management of common-pool resources, espe- tant theoretical implications for future research.
cially those conducted as case studies or those The most important implication perhaps
that base their conclusions on a very small concerns research design. Because the require-
number of cases, su€er from the problem that ments of a random or representative selection of
they do not specify carefully or explicitly the cases are typically very hard to satisfy where
causal model they are testing. In the absence of common-pool resources are involved (even
such speci®cation, qualitative studies of the when the universe of cases is narrowed
commons are potentially subject to signi®cant geographically), purposive sampling easily
problems of method. Two of the most impor- becomes the theoretically defensible strategy for
tant of these problems are those stemming from selecting cases whether the objective is statistical
``omitted variable bias,'' and the problem of analysis or structured comparative case analy-
endogeneity (King et al., 1994, pp. 168±182, sis. In purposive sampling, the selected cases are
185±195). These biases resulting from de®cien- chosen for the variation they represent on
cies of method have the potential to produce an theoretically signi®cant variables. This strategy
emphasis on causal factors that may not be can be defended both because it is easier to
relevant, ignoring of other factors that may be implement than an e€ort to select a represen-
relevant, and the generation of spurious corre- tative sample, and because it requires explicit
lations. consideration of theoretically relevant variables
An incorrect emphasis on some causal vari- (Bennett & George, forthcoming; Stern &
ables may also result from the underlying Druckman, forthcoming). 40
problem of multiple causation, where di€erent The large number of variables that are
causal factors or combinations of causal factors potentially relevant to sustainability of
may have similar impacts on outcomes (Ragin, commons institutions also has implications for
1987). Thus unpredictable bene®t ¯ows and data analysis. One of the strategies that schol-
unfair allocation may both have adverse e€ects ars on the commons may need to follow is to
on durability of institutions. But in a particular reduce the number of closely related variables
case, it is possible that although bene®t ¯ows by constructing indices that combine them.
are unpredictable, they have a much smaller Thus for example, several of the factors listed

under ``Institutional Arrangements'' in Table 2 If the objective of the research was to under-
may be suciently correlated to permit the stand the e€ects of unpredictability, then it
creation of an index of ``enforcement strength.'' would be imperative to select cases where
Especially suitable for such an index may be resource output varied from highly predictable
``graduated sanctions,'' ``ease in enforcement of to unpredictable. Structured comparisons,
rules,'' and ``availability of low cost adjudica- where researchers select their cases to maximize
tion.'' Such indices may also be formed out of the variation on independent causal variables,
variables that are listed under di€erent head- and theoretically account for why the omitted
ings in that table. Thus, an indicator of stress variables are not as likely to be important in the
on existing institutions might be revealed by proposed comparative work, will then be more
bringing together such factors as ``gradual reliable in generating compelling conclusions.
change in levels of demand,'' ``low levels of At the same time, a large-N study of
articulation with external markets,'' and commons institutions that incorporated more
``gradual change in articulation with external than 30 independent variables and their inter-
markets.'' actions would require impossibly large samples
There is no general theory of purposive and entail astronomically high costs.
sampling apart from the commonsensical Researchers conducting such studies are likely
consideration that selected cases should repre- to face complex problems in interpreting the
sent variation on theoretically signi®cant causal data and stating their results, even were it
factors. Therefore two factors are likely to be possible to collect information on thousands of
critical in research design: awareness of the cases. Even were it possible to create purposive
variables that are theoretically relevant, and samples of cases that accommodated variation
particular knowledge of the case(s) to be on more than 30 causal factors and their
researched so that the theoretically relevant interactions, the problems related to contingent
variables can be operationalized. For example, and multiple causation will not fade away. The
when constructing a research design where the problems of contingent and multiple causation
variables of interest have to do with mecha- make it necessary that even those researchers of
nisms of monitoring and sanctioning, it would the commons who use statistical data to
be important for the researcher to be aware of postulate causal relationships among the criti-
the di€erent forms of monitoring that groups cal theoretical variables they have identi®ed,
can use. The presence or absence of a guard explain why the variables they do not examine
may only be indicative of the presence or are likely not important for their work, and
absence of third-party monitoring, and may only then test the causal links they have
reveal nothing about whether the group being postulated among their variables.
studied has monitoring. Other forms of moni- A two-pronged approach to advance the
toring would include mutual monitoring and research program related to institutional solu-
rotational monitoring, where households in a tions to commons dilemmas, then seems
group jointly share the tasks related to moni- advisable. On the one hand, scholars of
toring and enforcement. commons need to deploy theoretically moti-
The information presented in Table 2, orga- vated comparative case analyses to identify the
nized under four major categories, can there- most important causal mechanisms and narrow
fore be useful in the creation of a research the range of relevant theoretical variables and
design, and case selection for comparative their interactions. On the other hand commons
studies or data collection for statistical stud- scholars also need to conduct large-N studies to
ies. 41 Given a particular context, the infor- identify the strength of causal relations. 42 Only
mation in Table 2 can help in the selection of then would it be possible to advance our
the variables that need closest attention in the understanding of how institutional sustain-
selection of cases. For example, if the cases to ability can be achieved on the commons.
be selected lie in the same ecological zone and Once again, the list of factors in Table 2 can
represent the same resource type, then variables serve as a starting point for postulating such
related to resource characteristics may not be causal links. For example, a signi®cant body of
very important for case selection. The obvious research on the commons suggests that the
tradeo€ for this reduction in the number of nature of monitoring and enforcement is a
variables is that the research is likely to provide crucial variable in determining whether existing
only limited insights into how di€ering levels of institutional arrangements to manage the
predictability a€ect institutional sustainability. commons will endure. This is to be expected

since common property institutions typically tion of group rights, and such relationships
are aimed to constrain resource use, and among di€erent variables can be elaborated in
therefore are likely to require enforcement. A turn. The e€ect of institutional arrangements
complex causal chain to test this ®nding care- related to monitoring and enforcement may be
fully might be constructed out of the following dwarfed by variations in population density or
three hypotheses that connect some of the unpredictability of bene®t ¯ows. But it may still
factors listed in Table 2 in causal chains (see be possible to investigate some of the above
Figure 1): causal links with a relatively small number
(a) small size of the group, low levels of of case studies because each comparative
mobility of the resource, and low levels of study may be used to throw light upon only
articulation with markets promote high le- one or two causal chains. The investigation of
vels of interdependence among group mem- such causal chains, especially with attention to
bers; E€ects of resource size are unclear; contextual variables upon which particular
(b) interdependence, social capital, and low causal e€ects may be dependent, therefore,
levels of poverty promote well-de®ned continues to be necessary in commons
boundaries for the group and the resource; research.
and Consider another example. Common prop-
(c) well-de®ned boundaries, ease of enforce- erty theorists have argued that high levels of
ment, and recognition of group rights by dependence on resources in a subsistence-ori-
external governments leads to sustainable ented economy is likely to be associated with
institutional performance. better governance of common resources. Once
Other variables may be causally related to again, a chain of causal relationships might be
social capital, ease of enforcement, or recogni- stated as follows (see Figure 2):

Figure 1. Illustrative set of causal links in commons research (I).


Figure 2. Illustrative set of causal links in commons research (II).

(a) low levels of articulation with the market, must be informed by the knowledge of the
high population pressures, and low avail- analyst about his or her speci®c cases if the
ability of substitutes promotes high depen- variables are to be translated into speci®c
dence on common resources; E€ects of empirical proxies.
technological change are unclear; To examine such causal links as presented for
(b) high dependence on common resources illustrative purposes in Figures 1 and 2, it may
and low possibilities of migration lead users not be necessary to launch fresh case studies.
to devise strong constraints on resource use Given the large number of studies of commons
including strong enforcement mechanisms; dilemmas that exist already, it is likely possible
and to draw on their empirical contents, and
(c) strong enforcement mechanisms, and compare them systematically for understanding
predictability in ¯ow of bene®ts leads to the operations of speci®c causal mechanisms.
sustainable institutional arrangements for Postulating causal links among the listed vari-
governing common resources. ables can also help reduce the total number of
Figures 1 and 2 indicate how some of the variables on which data needs to be collected,
causal factors, presented in Table 2, can be and thereby make large-N studies more prac-
combined into causal chains. They also signal tical. But it should also be obvious that to
some of the problems of method this paper has investigate the full ensemble of relationships
highlighted. They show that di€erent analysts, depicted in Figure 1, it will be necessary to
depending on the context, may choose to undertake analyses that draw information from
highlight very di€erent causal variables to a large number of studies that contain data on
explain the same phenomenon. They also show each of the identi®ed variables. A large number
how multiple causation is a real world of studies are also important because more than
phenomenon that most commons scholars need one empirical measure might be needed to
to confront explicitly. Finally, they show that assess some of the theoretical variables listed in
the use of the variables presented in Table 2 the ®gure.

5. CONCLUSION preferred mode of investigation, and where it is

combinations of variables that may produce an
This paper examines three of the more impact on outcomes rather than each variable
in¯uential studies in the ®eld of common individually, undertaking multiple studies, each
property, and compares their ®ndings to using the same methods and variables to ensure
ascertain whether there is widespread agree- comparability, would be an enormously
ment among scholars of commons on the set of expensive a€air in terms of time, ®nances, and
causal variables that are most relevant to keeping ones involvement in the case at bay.
sustainability of institutions that shape Few such ambitious projects have been
resource use and management. Although the attempted. 43
paper ®nds some agreement, the set of relevant Ultimately, however, the fact that we have
variables turns out to be a large number, not yet had many systematic tests of the di€er-
potentially creating obstacles to the project of ent factors considered relevant for studying
building a systematic, empirically-based theory sustainability on the commons makes it likely
of common property. These obstacles exist in that the problems of method and substance
the shape of noncomparability of results from upon which this paper focuses have been
di€erent studies, the problem of spurious addressed in existing studies primarily as a
correlation, and the diculty of avoiding result of coincidence. The paper identi®es the
multiple and contingent causation in single case need for new research that would (a) postulate
studies. To address these problems, the paper causal links that can be investigated through
advocates careful attention to research design, structured case comparisons, (b) use a large
index construction to reduce the number of number of cases that are purposively selected on
variables in a given analysis, and a shift toward the basis of causal variables and (c) undertake
comparative rather than case study analysis. statistical tests to examine the strength and
The paper also suggests that scholars of direction of causal relationships. The current
commons need to highlight the strengths of the stage of research on common property
focused comparison approach by emphasizing arrangements makes such systematic studies
the multiple tests of several theories that all possible. One possibility for conducting such
carefully conducted, deeply engaged compara- causal tests would be to use some of the more
tive studies undertake. Contextual factors such careful case studies that have already been
as state policies, demographic shifts, technol- completed and which contain information on
ogy, and markets can then be related more the critical variables related to resource systems,
compellingly to the primary object of attention user groups, institutional arrangements, and
for commons scholars: local communities, external environment that I identify and present
institutions, resources, and outcomes. in Table 2 (Tang, 1992). It is unlikely that the
Although the problems of method and anal- cases for such an enterprise could be randomly
ysis that this paper identi®es seem widespread, selected. But the objective of random selection
it is necessary to recognize that there are of cases is unrealistic perhaps in any case. Even
important reasons for the existence of these an intentional selection of cases that ensures
problems. In contrast to quantitative studies variation on independent variables will allow
that often rely on ready-made data sets, or causal inferences and relatively low levels of
focus on collecting data through multiple bias. What is exciting about studies of commons
observations of speci®c variables, scholars of is that the collective scholarship on local insti-
commons have a far more engaged relationship tutions has now made it possible to approach
with the objects of their analysis. In such a the construction of a coherent, empirically
situation, where case studies are often the relevant theory of the commons.


1. There is a vast literature on institutions and prop- early foundations of this literature can be traced back to
erty rights that proves relevant for the study of common Commons (1924) and two in¯uential articles of Coase
property. Some illustrative starting points for pursuing (1937, 1960) and contributions by such scholars as
an interest may be Bates (1989), Eggertsson (1990), Alchian and Demsetz (1972), Cheung (1970) and
Hechter et al. (1990), Knight and Sened (1995), Libecap Demsetz (1964). A review of some of this literature is
(1989), North (1980, 1990) and Rose (1994). Some of the ably presented in Ensminger's (1992) introduction.

2. To say that groups and resources under consider- institutions are also available in Hanna and Munasin-
ation are locally situated is not to deny the often ghe (1995).
intimate connections that exist between external forces
and what is considered to be local (Ra‚es, 1999). In any 8. Hardin (1982), Hechter (1998), Lichbach (1996) and
case, the in¯uence of research on common property is Sandler (1992) provide useful reviews of the collective
also visible in larger arenas, such as international action literature. Runge (1986) provides an early discus-
relations (Keohane & Ostrom, 1995). sion of the importance of common property and
collective action in economic development.
3. See Schlager and Ostrom (1992) for a discussion of
types of rights, and the nature of incentives related to 9. The research focus of commons scholars, in some
resource use and management that their di€erent sense, has followed Red®eld's (1956) argument that
combinations create. For discussions that undermine studies of the ``little community'' can enable an under-
the familiar and seemingly obvious separation between standing of larger patterns through ethnographic study.
the state and the community, see Agrawal (2001), Moore
(1998), and Mosse (1997).
10. See also Agrawal and Yadama (1997) who assess
the relative importance of institutional, demographic,
4. For a careful introduction to collective action
and market related variables in explaining the perceived
theory, articulated in the context of social movements,
condition of commonly managed forests in the Indian
see Tilly (1978). Although more than two decades old, it
Himalaya for a sample of about 280 cases.
is still one of the most comprehensive statements of the
relationship between collective action, political struc-
tures, and social context. 11. See, for example, Steins and Edwards (1999) who
attempt to examine how context a€ects the incentives of
users of a resource, but derive their conclusions from a
5. See, for example, Ostrom (1990, p. 89). Baland and
single case study related to a single resource type.
Platteau (1996, p. 285) highlight the diculties inherent
in deciding upon parameters of successful management
when they say, ``It is perhaps too simplistic to view the 12. I am grateful to Bina Agarwal, who pointed out
experiences of common-property management in terms that since Baland and Platteau's work relies on earlier
of outright failure or success. It is likely that a good empirical studies, it is possible that their conclusions are
number of these experiences are only partially success- not strictly independent of existing inferences in the
ful.'' They do not, however, de®ne precisely what they empirical literature. But, of course, her observation also
mean by success. holds for Ostrom (since Governing the Commons also
relies mostly on published studies), and for Wade, who
acknowledges his familiarity with Ostrom's work before
6. See Blomquist and Ostrom (1985) for a distinction
he produced his list of facilitating conditions. In the
between ``commons situations'' that are potentially
case of this paper, the likely familiarity of the three
subject to problems of crowding and depletion, and
authors with prior work on the commons only
``commons dilemmas'' in which private actions of users
strengthens the main inference of the paper that the
of commons have costs that cannot be overcome without
literature on the commons is beset by the problem of a
collective organization.
very large number of causal factors. If anything,
conversations among scholars aiming to explain why
7. There are other valuable comparative studies of sustainable outcomes occur, should act to produce
commons management as well that interested readers greater consensus.
can examine at greater length than has been possible
in this paper. Pinkerton and Weinstein (1995) and
Steins (1999) focus on ®sheries; Arnold and Stewart 13. For some comparisons, Wade also uses data on 10
(1991) are concerned mainly with land-based resources villages that have no irrigation.
in India while Raintree (1987) examines tenure-related
issues in agroforestry more widely; Lane (1998) and 14. These empirical observations of Wade are also
Peters (1994) examine livelihood importance of corroborated in theoretical terms by Ostrom et al. (1994,
common grazing resources in Africa; Sengupta (1991) p. 319) who suggest that when individuals do not trust
compares 12 cases of community irrigation manage- each other, cannot communicate e€ectively, and cannot
ment in India and the Philippines; and Redford and develop agreements, then outcomes are likely to match
Padoch (1992) and Sandbukt (1995) analyze di€erent theoretical predictions of noncooperative behavior
institutional regimes around forest commons. Some among fully rational individuals playing ®nitely repeated
general overview studies about designing sustainable complete information CPR games.

15. Wade in part relies on Ostrom's (1985) list of Ostrom and her colleagues at Indiana. See also Oaker-
variables that facilitate collective action on the son (1992), and Edwards and Steins (1998).
24. An excellent example of a study that relates
16. Wade states that he has a set of 13 conditions, but characteristics of resource systems to the viability of
the ®rst condition identi®ed by Wade is in e€ect two institutions to manage resources is Netting (1981) who
di€erent conditions: small size, and clearly de®ned focuses on scarcity and value of resources and the
boundaries of the common-pool resource. The full set relationship of these two factors to whether common
of Wade's conditions can be seen in Table 1. Factors property institutions will endure. See also Thompson
followed by ``RW'' are mentioned by Wade as facilitat- and Wisen (1994) for a similar case study from Mexico.
ing conditions.
25. The same argument would also hold for some
17. In Table 1, variables followed by ``EO'' are those forms of humanly created productsÐfor example,
that Ostrom (1990) considers ``design principles.'' greenhouse gases or industrial pollutantsÐthat create
externalities across many groups and jurisdictions.
18. Note that this particular result is a formal expres-
sion of Coase's insight about the irrelevance of property 26. Indeed, as Ostrom points out, the impact of all the
rights arrangements in the absence of transactions costs independent variables on sustainability of commons
(1960). See also Lueck (1994) who examines conditions institutions can be depicted in terms of a cost-bene®t
under which common property can generate greater calculus related to individual decision making.
wealth than private property.
27. Although this paper does not focus on cultural
19. See also Maggs and Hoddinott (1999) for a study contextual factors that may a€ect how local conserva-
of how intrahousehold allocation of resources is a€ected tion and resource use processes unfold, such factors may
by changes in common property regimes. also, in some instances have important e€ects (Upho€ &
Langholz, 1998).
20. See the important work of Greif (1994) on how
cultural beliefs are an integral part of institutions and 28. For a review of some of the writings on this subject,
a€ect the evolution and persistence of di€erent societal and for a test of the relative importance of population
organizations. A more discursive discussion of political pressures, market pressures, and enforcement institu-
and social relations in the context of common-pool tions on resource condition see Agrawal and Yadama
resources is presented by Cleaver (2000) and McCay and (1997). Regev, Gutierrez, Schreiber, and Zilberman
Jentoft (1998). A carefully contextualized and ®ne- (1998) examine how market-related forces and techno-
grained historical analysis of the commons is present logical changes may a€ect rates of harvest and resource
in Mosse (1997). use.

21. The full list of factors they cite is summarized in 29. Two studies that examine some of the complexities
Table 1. Their factors are the ones that are followed by of state±local relationships are Gibson (1999) and
``B&P.'' Richards (1997). See Robbins (2000) for an examination
of potentially complementary relationships between
22. For a review of experimental and game theoretic states and localities.
evidence on this, see Falk et al. (forthcoming) and
Kopelman et al. (forthcoming). 30. For a careful study of the many contextual factors
that might a€ect what users gain from a common-pool
23. To a signi®cant extent, my choice of these four resource, see Ribot (1998). See also Agrawal (1999) and
broad categories into which to classify the conditions Blaikie (1985) for empirical investigations of the context
identi®ed by Wade, Ostrom, and Baland and Platteau is of resource access. Granovetter (1985) provides for a
motivated by the work carried out by Elinor Ostrom and sharp analytical cut at the question of context.
her colleagues at the Workshop in Political Theory and
Policy Analysis at Indiana University since the mid- 31. Lumpiness of monitoring refers to the situation in
1980s on ®sheries, forests, irrigation, and pastoral which a specialist guard is hired to enforce common
resources. For attempts to establish relationships among property arrangements. In this situation, the guard needs
these di€erent sets of variables, see discussions of the to be paid a salary for ®xed periods such as a few months
IAD framework (Ostrom et al., 1994) developed by or a year, rather than just for an hour or a day in the year.

32. The literature on gender and environment is of analysis or at a particular spatial/temporal level apply
suciently large to preclude any easy summary. For to other levels. Do inferences that are valid at the local
accessible introductions to some of the salient issues see level also apply to more macro-level phenomena?
Agarwal (1994, 2000), Benerõa and Feldman (1992), and Although I do not address this question, Young (forth-
Rocheleau, Thomas-Slayter, and Wangari (1996). Soper coming) examines it carefully.
(1995) and Sturgeon (1997) provide acute introductions
to feminist theories and the environment. 38. Indeed, it should be clear that my discussion of
potentially missing variables was aimed not just at
33. In the introduction to their recent discussion of highlighting de®ciencies of substance in these careful
inequality, Bowles and Herbert (1998, p. 4) state, ``eco- analyses, but to focus on a general problem of method
nomic theory has proven, one hears, that any but cosmetic that characterizes most studies of common property, and
modi®cations of capitalism in the direction of equality that these studies avoid to the extent possible.
and democratic control will exact a heavy toll of reduced
economic performance. Yet economic theory suggests no 39. The point is not that a systematic study of
such thing. On the contrary, there are compelling sustainable common-pool resource management must
economic arguments and ample empirical support for collect data on, and examine all the factors presented in
the proposition that there exist changes in the rules of the Table 2. Rather, I am proposing that the factors
economic game that can foster both greater economic mentioned in Table 2 are potentially signi®cant causes
equality and improved economic performance... inequal- in any study of the commons, and if a particular study
ity is often an impediment to productivity.'' ignores some or most of the listed factors, it needs to
attend to why such omission does not a€ect its
34. Elster (1992, p. 14) suggests about the study of inferences.
local justice, that ``it is a very messy business, and that it
may be impossible to identify a set of necessary and 40. For discussions of problems of bias that result
sucient conditions that constitute a theory of local from sampling on the dependent variable, see King et al.
justice.'' His diagnosis for local justice may be equally (1994); Collier and Mahoney (1996).
applicable to the study of commons, as also his
prescription: instead of making a choice between theory 41. General descriptions of these three di€erent
and description, focusing on identifying mechanisms, comparative research strategiesÐcase analysis, focused
``identi®able causal patterns'' (p. 16). case comparisons, and statistical analysisÐcan be found
in King et al. (1994) and Ragin (1987). See also Skocpol
35. Commenting on a similar tendency in political and Somers (1980) for a rigorous defense of the
analysis, Ostrom recognizes that, ``political systems are historical comparative approach in social-scienti®c
complexly organized, and that we will rarely be able to inquiry.
state that one variable is always positively or negatively
related to a dependent variable'' (1998, p. 16). 42. White and Runge (1994, 1995) use large-N
research techniques by collecting data on individuals
36. This issue of the e€ects of a given variable being in commons situations to examine the relative impor-
very di€erent depending on the state of another variable tance of factors that prompt such individuals to
is not addressed by the ceteris paribus clause that is participate in collective action. They present some
implicit in all the conditions stated by these authors. counterintuitive ®ndings about the limited role of scale
Depending on the state of a related variable, the e€ects and heterogeneity.
of another variable may even run counter to the
suggested direction. Thus, Turner (1999) shows how 43. The International Forestry Resources and Institu-
clear de®nition of boundaries and strengthening of tions Program at the Workshop in Political Theory and
exclusionary powers in the context of high levels of Policy Analysis, Indiana University is in the middle of
variability and mobility can lead to increased con¯ict. such an ambitious project, and members are just
Agrawal (1999) uses the example of the raika shepherds initiating analysis that may address some of the
in western Rajasthan to make a related argument about substantive and methodological criticisms voiced in this
the marginalization of mobile shepherds through ®rmer paper (see the collection of studies in Gibson et al.,
delineation of boundaries to resources and exclusionary 2000). Even in this project, however, case selection can
powers of communities. sometimes depend on availability of funding, an indi-
vidual researcher's interests, and the ease of establishing
37. A somewhat di€erent but also very critical question collaborative partnerships with research institutions in
of method is whether conclusions derived from one level di€erent countries.


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