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Motion of a charged particle in

electric and magnetic fields ∗

Sunil Kumar Singh

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Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0†

Motion of a charged particle in the simultaneous presence of both electric and magnetic elds has variety
of manifestations ranging from straight line motion to the cycloid and other complex motion. Both electric
and magnetic elds impart acceleration to the charged particle. But, there is a qualication for magnetic
eld as acceleration due to magnetic eld relates only to the change of direction of motion. Magnetic force
being always normal to the velocity of the particle tends to move the particle about a circular trajectory. On
the other hand, electric force is along electric eld and is capable to bring about change in both direction and
magnitude depending upon the initial direction of velocity of the charged particle with respect to electric
eld. If velocity and electric vectors are at an angle then the particle follows a parabolic path.
One of the important orientations of electric and magnetic elds is referred as crossed elds. We use
the term crossed elds to mean simultaneous presence of electric and magnetic elds at right angle. The
behavior of charged particles such as electrons under crossed elds has important signicance in the study of
electromagnetic measurement and application (determination of specic charge of electron, cyclotron etc.).
Before we proceed, we should understand that elementary charged particles have mass of the order of
10−28 kg or less. Therefore, even small electric or magnetic force is capable to generate very high acceleration
of the order of 1012 m/s2 or more. Under proper set up, these particles achieve velocity comparable to speed of
light. In order to keep our discussion in the simple classical context, however, we shall conne our discussion
limited to the cases which are less complicated and which neglect relativistic eects.
Some of the important applications or phenomena associated with simultaneous presence of two elds
include :

• Motion of a charged particle in electric and magnetic elds

• Measurement of specic charge of an electron (J.J.Thomson experiment)
• Acceleration of charged particles (cyclotron)

In this module, we shall study rst two of the listed application or phenomena. The third one i.e.
cyclotron will be discussed in a separate module.

1 Motion of a charged particle in electric and magnetic elds

We have already studied motion of charged particle in individual elds. Here, we shall combine the eects
of two elds. Few of the interesting cases are discussed here.

∗ Version 1.2: Aug 24, 2009 1:06 am -0500

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1.1 Charged particle is moving along parallel electric and magnetic eld
The velocity, electric and magnetic vectors are in in the same direction. Let they are aligned along x-axis.
Since magnetic eld and velocity vectors are parallel, there is no magnetic force.

FM = v0 qBsin0 ◦ = 0
where v0 is initial speed of the particle. The charged particle is, however, acted upon by electric eld. It
is accelerated or decelerated depending on the polarity of charge and direction of electric eld. Considering
positive charge, the electric force on the charge is given as :

FE = qE
The acceleration of particle carrying charge in x-direction is :

⇒ ay = =
m m
The displacement along x-axis after time t is given by :

x = v0 t + ay t2

⇒ x = v0 t +

1.2 Charge is moving perpendicular to parallel electric and magnetic elds

Let electric and magnetic elds align along y-direction and velocity vector is aligned along positive x-direction.
Let the charge be positive and initial velocity be v0 .In this case, velocity and magnetic eld vectors are
perpendicular to each other. Applying Right hand vector cross product rule, we determine that magnetic
force is acting in positive z-direction. If electric eld is not present, then the particle revolves along a circle
in xz plane as shown in the gure below.
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Motion of a charged particle in magnetic eld

Figure 1: Motion of a charged particle in magnetic eld

However, electric eld in y-direction imparts acceleration in that direction. The particle, therefore,
acquires velocity in y-direction and resulting motion is a helical motion. But since particle is accelerated in
y direction, the linear distance between consecutive circular elements of helix increases. In other words, the
resulting motion is a helical motion with increasing pitch.
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Motion of a charged particle in electric and magnetic elds

Figure 2: Resulting motion is a helical motion with increasing pitch.

The radius of each of the circular element and other periodic attributes like time period, frequency and
angular frequency are same as for the case of circular motion of charged particle in perpendicular to magnetic

v 2π
R= ; T = ; ν = αB/2π; ω = αB
αB αB

1.2.1 Velocity of the charged particle

The velocity of the particle in xz plane (as also derived in the module Motion of a charged particle in
magnetic eld ) is :

v = vx i + vz j = v0 cosωti + vo sinωtk

⇒ v = v0 cos (αBt) i + v0 sin (αBt) k

where α is specic charge. We know that magnetic force does not change the magnitude of velocity. It
follows then that magnitude of velocity is xy plane is a constant given as :

vx2 + vz2 = vxy 2

1 "Motion of a charged particle in magnetic eld": Section Equations of motion
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But, there is electric eld in y-direction. This imparts linear acceleration to the charged particle. As such,
the particle which was initially having no component in y direction gains velocity with time as electric eld
imparts acceleration to the particle in y direction. The velocity components in xz plane, however, remain
same. The acceleration in y-direction due to electric eld is :

⇒ ay = = = αE
m m
Since initial velocity in y-direction is zero, the velocity after time t is :

⇒ vy = ay t = αEt
The velocity of the particle at a time t, therefore, is given in terms of component velocities as :

v = vx i + vy j + vj k

⇒ v = v0 cos (αBt) i + αEtj + v0 sin (αBt) k

1.2.2 Displacement of the charged particle

Component of displacement of the charged particle in xz plane is given (see module Motion of a charged
particle in magnetic eld ) as :

2 "Motion of a charged particle in magnetic eld": Section Equations of motion

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Displacement of the charged particle in xz plane

Figure 3: Displacement of the charged particle in xz plane

x = Rsin (αBt) = sin (αBt)
z = R [1 − cos (αBt)] = [1 − cos (αBt)]
The motion in y-direction is due to electric force. Let the displacement in this direction be y after time
t. Then :

1 2 1
y= ay t = αEt2
2 2
The position vector of the particle after time t is :

r = xi + yj + zk

v0 1 v0
⇒r= sin (αBt) i + αEt2 j + [1 − cos (αBt)] k
αB 2 αB

1.3 Charge is placed at rest in crossed electric and magnetic elds

Let electric and magnetic elds are aligned along z and x directions and charge is placed at the origin of
coordinate system. Initially, there is no magnetic force as charge is at rest. However, there is electric force,
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which accelerates the charge in z-direction. As the particle acquires velocity in z-direction, the magnetic
force comes into play and tries to rotate the particle in xz plane about a center on x-axis.

Cycloid motion

Figure 4: Cycloid motion

However, z-component of velocity keeps increasing with time due to electric force in that direction. The
magnetic force though draws the charged particle away from z-axis along a curved path. This action of
magnetic force is countered by electric force in z-direction. The velocity of charged particle ultimately
reduces to zero at x-axis. This cycle repeats itself forming cycloid motion. The cycloid path is generated by
a point on the circumference of a rolling wheel. Here, we shall skip the mathematical derivation and limit
ourselves to a descriptive analysis only.

2 Determination of specic charge of electron (J.J.Thomson's experiment)

The specic charge of an electron is ratio of charge and mass of electron. The specic charge (α) of electron
is measured employing crossed elds on a beam of electrons. The beam of electrons emerging from cathode
plate passes through a very narrow slit in anode plate. The electrons are accelerated between cathode and
anode due to applied electrical potential V. The kinetic energy of the electron emerging from the slit is given
by :

mv 2 = eV

⇒ mv 2 = 2eV
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where v is the velocity of electron moving into the region of force elds.
Two parallel plates connected to an electric source produce a uniform electric eld E from positive plate
to negative plate. The electrical force works in the direction opposite to the direction of eld E as charge
on electron is negative. In the gure, electric eld is directed in downward direction. Hence, electric force
acts in upward direction.
On the other hand, the magnetic eld is produced by a solenoid in a circular region covering the plate as
shown in the gure. Its direction is chosen such that it applies a force in the opposite direction to that applied
by the electrical eld. For a magnetic eld into the plane of drawing as shown by uniformly distributed cross
signs, the magnetic eld applies a upward magnetic force on a positive charge. However, as the charge on
the electron is negative, the magnetic force acts in downward direction.

J.J.Thomson's experimental set up

Figure 5: Measurement of specic charge of electron

The beam of electrons hit the center of uorescent screen, producing light as electrons collide with it
when electric and magnetic elds are switched o. The point on the uorescent screen is noted. Then, the
electric eld is switched on which moves the electron beam in upward direction following a parabolic path.
Finally, magnetic eld is turned and its magnitude is adjusted such that electric and magnetic forces acting
in opposite directions balance each other and the electron is brought to hit original spot as noted earlier for
the elds in switched o condition. In this situation:

eE = evB

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Note that maximum magnetic force applies as velocity and magnetic eld vectors are perpendicular to
each other. Substituting expression of v in the kinetic energy equation obtained earlier, we have :

mE 2
= 2eV

e E2
⇒α= =
m 2V B 2
All the quantities on the right hand side of the equation are measurable, allowing us to measure the
specic charge of electron. As a matter of fact, the determination of specic charge of particles composing
cathode ray by J.J.Thomson is considered to be the discovery of electron. It can also be easily inferred
that he could determine the nature of charge of an electron by studying direction of deviation (upward or
downward) when only either of the elds operate. In the derivation above, we measure potential dierence
applied to accelerate particle between cathode and anode. We should, however, realize that we can determine
specic charge measuring some other quantities as well. We can measure the deection of electron beam
when either of two elds operates and use the data to determine specic charge of an electron.

Example 1
Problem : The d.c. voltage applied to accelerate particle between cathode and anode and the
d.c. voltage applied to the plates to produce electric eld perpendicular to electrons beam are equal
in the Thomson's experimental set up. If each of the two d.c. voltages as applied are doubled, then
by what factor should the magnetic eld be changed to keep the electron beam un-deected.
Solution : Let V1 , E1 and B1 be the potential dierence, electric eld and magnetic eld for
un-deected condition. Then, the specic charge is given by :

e E12
α= =
m 2V1 B12
Here, the electric eld can be expressed in terms of potential dierence provided we know the
separation between plates. Let the separation be d.

E1 =
Putting in the equation above, we have :

V12 V1
⇒α= =
2d V1 B12
2 2d2 B12
Let B2 be the new magnetic eld when two potential dierences as applied are doubled. Here,

V2 = 2V1
Putting new values in the expression for specic charge (note that specic charge of electron is
a constant),

2d2 B22
Combining two equations,

2V1 V1
= 2 2
2d2 B22 2d B1

⇒ 2V1 d2 B22 = 4V1 d2 B12
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⇒ =2
B2 √
⇒ = 2

2.1 Measurement of deection by magnetic eld

Once the magnetic and electric forces are balanced, electric eld is switched o and electron beam is allowed
to be deviated due to magnetic eld. The magnetic force acts always perpendicular to the direction of
motion. The particle, therefore, moves along a circular path inside the region of magnetic eld. When
electron moves out of the magnetic eld, it moves along the straight line and hits the uorescent screen. If
R be the radius of curvature, then :

mv 2
= evB

⇒ mv = eRB
Substituting v = E/B as obtained earlier

e E
α= =
m RB 2
We measure R using geometry. We see that the angles enclosed between pairs of two perpendicular lines
are equal. Hence,
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J.J.Thomson's experimental set up

Figure 6: Deviation due to only magnetic eld

φ= =
We approximate DG to be equal to the width of magnetic region.

2.2 Measurement of deection by electric eld

In this case, once the magnetic and electric forces are balanced, electric eld is switched o and electron
beam is allowed to be deviated due to electric eld. The electron beam moving into the region of electric
eld experiences an upward force. The force in upward (y-direction) imparts acceleration in y-direction. The
particle, however, moves with same velocity in x-direction. As a result, path of motion is parabolic. Let the
length of plate be L and y be the deection inside the plate. Then, time to travel through the plate is :
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J.J.Thomson's experimental set up

Figure 7: Deviation due to only electric eld

and acceleration of the particle in y-direction is :

ay = =
m m
The vertical displacement is :

1 2
y= ay t
Substituting for time and acceleration, we have :

1 eE L2 eEL2
y= X X 2 =
2 m v 2mv 2
Substituting v=E/B as obtained earlier,

 2  2
eEL2 B αEL2 B
y= X = X
2m E 2 E
e 2yE
⇒α= = 2 2
m B L
It is clear that measuring GH and HI, we can determine angle φ and then y as required.

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