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which the Balinese perceive and define individuals and ment, the text could be attributed to a sociologist or a
society. None of the anthropologists who have worked political scientist. The method and style have, however,
in Israel (including not a few non-Israelis and non-Jews) been deliberately chosen, and the results reflect the on-
has ever attempted such a task. Has this engaged an- going search by anthropologists for new means and
thropologist, with her loves and aversions, succeeded meanings in ethnographic writing. The effort invested in
in it? that search may help reformulate our future models and
Having chosen to approach her project "outside the paradigms.
boundaries of structured anthropological fieldwork" (p.
153), Dominguez ultimately concentrates on a few is-
sues, terms, events, attitudes, and discourses from References Cited
which she attempts to extract the essence of Israeli self- B E N E D I C TR., 1946 The chrysanthemum and the sword: Pat-
hood and peoplehood. The method she adopts is remote terns of Iapanese culture. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
G E E R T Z , C. 1973 (1966)."Person, time, and conduct in Bali," in

from that employed in most ethnographies. Articles in The interpretation o f cultures, pp. 360-411. New York: Basic

Israel's English-language daily T h e Jerusalem Post, in Books.

particular, but also other newspapers and a weekly mag- H A N D E L M A D.n.d.

N, "State ceremonies of Israel: Remembrance
azine form a main source of data. Public lectures and Day and Independence Day," in Models and mirrors: Towards
discussions, performances, radio programs, and occa­ an anthropology of public events, pp. 191-233. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. In press.
sional meetings with friends and their friends provide KATRIEL, T. 1986. Talking straight: Dugri speech i n Israeli sabra
the observational dimension of the study. Major subjects culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
for content analysis inhabit the chapters that evolve SHOKEID, M. 1989. From the anthropologist's point of view:

from the public debates concerning the Jewishness of Studying one's own tribe. Anthropology and Humanism Quar-

Ethiopian immigrants, the relationship between tarbut terly 4(1):23-28.

(culture) and moreshet (heritage)in public discourse as

evidence of continued Ashkenazi paternalism toward
Sephardim, the manifestations and interpretation of
adatiut (theIsraeli term for Jewish and often non-Jewish Heroes and Villains in the
ethnicity), and the Israelis' own representationlob­ Capture of "Primitive Art"
jectification of Jews, Arabs, "goyim," and others. An­
other chapter examines the collective expression and
reaffirmation of Israeli society in the ritual domain. HOWARD MORPHY
Dominguez observes (mainly through the press) what Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford, England. 5 IV go
she had expected to represent the major ritual of a new
nation, the celebration of Yom Ha'atzma'ut (Israeli Inde- Primitive Art in Civilized Places. By Sally Price.
pendence Day), and is impressed primarily by those Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989. 147 pp.
facets of it that suggest the uncertainty and scarcity of %15.95/$22.95
institutionalized ritual. At the same time, she neglects
the better-rehearsed and more institutionalized facets of Primitive Art in Civilized Places doesn't quite live up to
the preceding day, Remembrance Day, the opening cele- the expectations created by its wonderfully ironic title.
bration at the end of that day (see Handelman n.d.), and Its brevity is part of the problem; Price cannot do justice
the widespread practice of picnicking on Yom Ha'atz- to the complexities of the topic she has chosen in the
ma'ut. space that she allows for it. It is certainly, however, a
I am not challenging Dominguez's evaluation of cer- book that cries out to be read, as an essay rather than as
tain traits and phenomena in Israeli public discourse; on an exhaustive study of its subject, and so read it is well
the contrary, I agree with much of it. The book offers written, thought-provoking, at times controversial, and
insight on various issues concerning Israelis and Jews. thoroughly opinionated. It makes excellent serious read-
At the same time, however, I feel that it fails to capture ing for a journey and will be extremely useful in making
Israeli selfhood and peoplehood. The major problem is students aware of the complexities of the issues in-
its reliance on official and public discourse and on the volved in the exhibition of, and appreciation of, non-
author's personal experiences, revelations, and contem- Western art.
plations at the expense of disciplined observations The book is about the ways in which "primitive art"
aimed at discovering and interpreting experiences, be- has been captured for its release to Western audiences
havior, beliefs, and moods shared by the people under and the various distortions and misconceptions that that
study. Dominguez overlooks, for example, a new ap­ process has involved. Price covers most aspects of the
proach in the study of Israeli representation that concen- process, from writing to collecting to exhibiting, and she
trates on observations of manifest sentiments and daily directs a well-aimed salvo at the crude themlus division
modes of expression (e.g., Katriel 1986). The borrowing that the idea of primitive art implies and has helped to
of theoretical support from a wide variety of social sci- reproduce. Hers is a book of heroes and villains, a collo-
ences and the discursive style of presentation further cation of preconceptions and stereotypes: on the one
remove the text from the traditional genre of ethno- side Edmund Carpenter, Raymond Firth, Pierre Bour-
graphic writing. Except for the writer's personal engage- dieu, cultural relativists, and possibly people who dress
Volume 31, Number 4, August-October 1990 1 477

badly, and on the other side Leonard Bernstein and other other. There clearly are many contexts in which individ-
universalist^,^^ connoisseurs, the journal African Arts, ual agency is played down or unrecognised. Yet it may
and the wealthy Western tourists walking eight abreast always be the case, when works of art are sold anony-
in "exotic" places. Here there is the occasional hint of mously in the context of the Western art market, that
the smug self-righteousness of the anthropologist view- the producer is disadvantaged-failing to get the recog-
ing the Western Other. Bernstein is condemned for using nition conventionally accorded to an artist in that con-
the patronising phrase "with warmth and pride" when text, in which such a premium is placed on individual
introducing the "colored" artist Andre Watts to the con- creativity. Naming the artist may, however, have the
cert world, and Price uses his imputed paternalistic at- important effect of contradicting the principle of ano-
titude to Watts to symbolise her belief that "univer- nymity in the indigenous context. As anthropologists
sality"-the claim or perhaps the ideology that art have moved towards the creation of an art history of
operates across cultural boundaries, that there are com- African arts, recovering the names of artists whose
monalities of human experience reflected in some uni- works have hitherto been exhibited as the anonymous
versal language of art-is basically just another way in products of a culture, the art market has begun to value
which the West appropriates the Other. She may well be the works of certain individual masters. The naming of
right in the connotations that she gives to the use of the artists in museums and galleries may impose change on
word "pride" with reference to appreciation of "primi- the status of artist in the producing culture. Price's
tive art" (p. z ~ )but
, she needs to present much more generalisations need to be tested against the very cul-
evidence to justify her suspicions. Her reservations tural and historical diversity that she recognises.
about the concept of universality are almost certainly The contradictions of her position come out most
correct, but it is too simple to condemn it as an implicit clearly in her discussion of tourist art, in which heroes
assertion of Western superiority. and villains come out on the same side. You can almost
The book skims from topic to topic, bringing out well hear the momentary expression of surprise issuing from
the implicit evolutionary assumption behind theories the paragraph concerned. Price cites approvingly Car-
that associate primitive art with the psyche and basic penter's well-known arguments against Inuit soapstone
human drives, the erroneousness of theories that stereo- carvings, which seem to him affrontingly inauthentic,
type primitive art as expressing the dark side of human imposed from the outside and reflecting European-
nature, the iniquity of the anonymity of much non- indeed Henry Moorean-rather than Inuit aesthetic
European art, the problem of commercialisation. The values. She goes on to note that "lamentations on the
pace is exhilarating, the touch is light, but every so often disappearance of 'original' traditions can be found in the
one feels that if Price paused for reflection she might writing of almost anyone concerned with the current
find many of her own conclusions no less directed by artistic production of Primitive people" (p. 79).The deal-
ideology than those she criticises. The most general ers lament for different reasons, but they lament the
problem that she does not face is that there may ulti- same things. And it is the dealers who are to blame,
mately be an unresolvable contradiction or series of con- since they are "responsible for marketing art objects be-
tradictions between primitive art and civilised places. yond the domain of their intended home" (p. 79). It is
The anonymity of the art is one example. Price criticises here that, as she says of Susan Vogel in a different con-
the collector Vincent Price's statement that the artist in text, she "has allowed her slip to show" (p. 3 5 ) . The
communal societies chooses to "write himself out of his concept of "tradition" is unexamined, the realities of the
creation," asking whether this is not our choice rather articulation of Fourth World peoples within a world sys-
than his. While in many cases of so-called primitive art tem are not considered, the category "tourist art" is
the anonymity of the art in museums does do violence to taken for granted, the conditions proposed for equal ex-
the indigenous concept and status of the artist, it is too change (an exchange between fully informed consenting
easy to argue that anonymity is inherently a require- adults) are impossible to meet and deny the reality that
ment of the Western concept of primitive art and not an objects have histories and trajectories that transform
attribute of the works in context. Thus the anthropolo- them (see Appadurai 1986), and subjective judgments
gist Maddock (1972:129), in a memorable phrase that appear to influence the categorisation of works. What is
echoes Vincent Price's, argues that the Australian Ab- the intended home for a work of art in a transforming
origines routinely deny their own creativity (attributing world? Does the artist have to understand and be able to
it to mythological beings). Maddock's statement has operate in the world of the Museum of Modern Art be-
more authority because he is an anthropologist, because fore he or she can freely sell a work that will end up
he is more specific, and because other anthropologists there! The conditions of informed consent are almost by
working in the same area have found his idea a useful definition difficult to meet in the Fourth World because
one. But it is precisely the kind of statement that feeds of the distance between the artist and the market, the
into the popular imagination and provides a reference separation of the artist from the final audience, and
point for Western collectors of primitive "art." The rec- the intervention of the institutions that participate in
ognition of the identity of the artist as an individual is the Western process of defining and producing art. But
something that varies across cultures, and it may also how strictly bounded is the category "Fourth World art-
vary according to cultural context-the same work may ist," and how do people living today relate to such cate-
be attributed to a person in one context and not in an- gories in the course of their lives? Fully informed con-

sent may involve a process of acculturation that leaves changed, all languages became, in sociolinguistic theory,
the idea of producing "primitive" art far behind, or the equal. In practice, of course, they are not. The periphery
individual's cultural trajectory may be shaped by a wish is not the centre and the lower class is not the dominant
to produce works of art that will end up in Western class, and none has a "language" outside these relations
galleries. The cultural relativism that guides the writing to which appeals of "equality" can be made.
of this book blocks such questions, and it perpetuates Grillo's Dominant Languages trails only a little of the
the themlus distinctions that make thinking about more earnest idealism of post-1960s sociolinguistic rel-
them so difficult. Indeed the real issue, and the one that ativism and has the great merit of trying seriously to
will enable people to avoid being defined by the West as examine just how some forms of speech became domi-
particular kinds of producers of particular kinds of ob- nant and others deemed inferior and deficient. The au-
jects, may be the eradication of the erroneous category of thor traces the history of many of the ideas about lan-
"primitive art" itself. guage which are deeply entrenched in two of Europe's
Price has set out to be provocative, to provide no tidy oldest nations-Britain and France. This, it is hoped,
answers but to address many issues, and she has cer- will then enable us to understand "the distribution
tainly succeeded in that. She deliberately shifts between through the social hierarchy and the power structure of
an academic and a popular mode, and although that can what are usually thought of as several kinds of speech"
be a recipe for fudging and not fully developing argu- (p. 12). Dominant Languages is an ambitious and im-
ments it has made for a very readable book that in- pressive book. The eleven chapters deal with language,
troduces new and relevant issues on almost every page. nation, and nationalisms in Britain and France (chaps. 2­
s), with questions of immigrants and language in these
References Cited two countries (chaps. 6 and 7), with the relationships
between language and class in the two nations (chaps.8-
APPADURAI, A . 1986. The social life of things. Cambridge: Cam- IO),and finally with the "elaborated-formal" discourses
bridge University Press. now deemed to exist internationally in "any type of
M A D D O C K , K. 1972. The Australian Aborigines: A portrait of
their society. London: Allen Lane Press. 'complex' industrial-scientific-bureaucratic" social or-
der (p. 220).
By far the most interesting, convincing, and well-
informed sections of the book are those dealing with
immigrants and language and those dealing with lan-
Language and Hierarchy guage and class (i.e., chaps. 6-10). Grillo puts together a
very useful compendium of discussion and references on
those two issues and then makes his own part-national-
ist plea for "the legitimacy of heteogeneity" (p. 128).He
Department of H u m a n Sciences, Brunel University,
argues that support for immigrants' languages in the
Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, England. 4 v 90
education system, which both Britain and France now
practise to some extent, does not lead to the kind of
Dominant Languages: Language and Hierarchy in
"pluralistic integration" which he, following others,
Britain and France. By R. D. Grillo. Cambridge and
would seek; consideration of "immigrants' communica-
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
tive competence" in the dominant language is also es-
Where anything to do with language is concerned, 200 sential. Part of this consideration, however, should in-
years of nationalism have drawn for us an enduring con- volve reflection on the dominant language-speakers'
ceptual map. Every country has its language. In Europe own assumptions about language. As Grillo points out:
and North America, we all know that. Moreover, a true "In East African cities many languages are spoken as
nation's language is not a mere lingua franca, which is a matter of course, and people do not make as heavy
something that newer countries have. Rather, it is who weather as we do of trying to understand someone else
and what we are. speaking their language. The decoding of other people's
Two centuries of nationalism, which have spawned discourse, a task which we [the British] and the French
and empowered such beliefs, have also driven the lin- find so difficult, may be less of a problem than we think"
guistic labours necessary for the construction or inven- ( P 50).
tion of the languages which have been required to bear The "problem" of foreign and immigrant languages is
the moral loads of national self-definition. Within na- clearly tied in with the development of national lan-
tional boundaries, forms of speech outside the standard guages, which Grillo discusses in earlier chapters, and
inevitably become, by definition, either barbarous or in- with the development of "standard" and "cultivated"
herently deficient. Such has been the lasting legacy of forms of these languages, which he goes on to consider
nationalism and linguistics. It looked as if there might in more detail in relation to social class. The chapters
be a challenge to such ideas when sociolinguistics dealing with class and language difference contain a
emerged with force in the 1960s. However, this new lin- masterly review of the literature on this topic, including
guistics continued to work with many of the old fictions a clear outline of the theories of Basil Bernstein that goes
of "language," merely revaluing the regional or periph- a long way towards disentangling some of the confusion
eral and the lower-class. As the map of world power and misunderstanding generated in the I 970s and I 980s

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