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Actividad Integradora: A typical day

 Elabora una tabla donde incluyas al menos 10 oraciones con tus

actividades diarias y ordénalas cronológicamente. Redacta un párrafo
y menciona tu actividad favorita del día usando la frase “My favorite
activity of the day is…”
1. I wake up at 6:30 am.
2. I shower at 6:40 am.
3. I have breakfast at 7:00 am.
4. I brush my teeth at 7:30 am.
5. I play with my daughter before going to work.
6. I take the bus to work at 7:50 am.
7. I arrive to work at 8:30 am.
8. I take a break at work at 12:30 pm.
9. I leave work at 5 pm.
10. I arrive home at 6 pm.
11. I play with my daughter and talk to my wife.
12. I take a shower at 7:30 pm.
13. We had the family dinner at 8 pm.
14. I sleep at 10 pm.

Hi! This is my routine. First, I wake up at 6:30 am. Then, I take a shower and
breakfast. Before going to work, I play with my daughter. I take the bus to work.
I leave work at 5 pm and arrive home at 6 pm. After that, I play again with my
daughter and talk to my wife. Finally, we had the family dinner and I sleep at 10
pm. My favorite activity of the day is to play with my daughter.


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