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The Natural Scientific Thinking- and Working

Procedure in (amateur) Pyrotechnics

By R. Pützfeld

[This text has been translated by R. Webb Every research starts with a certain observa-
and R. Pützfeld. The article originally ap- tion, from which is derived a defining of a
peared in the newsletter of the Dutch Pyro- problem, which is a well-considered
technic Association of St. Barbara "In m'n question as a result of the percepted pheno-
sas, Nr.19". It has been revised during trans- menon in the everyday life, or in experiment.
lation and after proof-reading. The author By trying to find an answer to the problem in
has an educational background as a former a systematical way of guessing, a theoreti-
chemistry teacher in the Netherlands.] cally sound answer is found, the hypothesis.

Introduction This is a normal course of action in daily life.

Everybody asks questions and these questi-
This paper discusses the systematic ap- ons are more or less answered. Whether the
proach and method of carrying out experi- answer is actually true, often can or will
mental research, albeit on a simple and small remain unknown. This may happen many
scale. This is less troublesome than it may times. One asks questions and one guesses
seem, but requires attention to detail, consis- for the right answer, but does not go beyond
tent thoroughness and discipline. that.

Is that of important concern? Yes, because In natural sciences it is very usual to advance
'experimenting' has more meanings than it to the next phase, the experiment, which is a
should have. Carrying out real experiments phase so much neglected in many other
is a serious and honest task, while mixing sciences, or that one leaves out, for ease, in
chemicals and fooling around has nothing to daily life.
do with serious endeavour. I have to admit
that in the past because of lack of time, The experiment is the ultimate test of the
reliable apparatus and chemical resources -I hypothesis! From the result of the experi-
also 'sinned' in this regard. This can be a ment one will find out whether or not the
waste of time, money and materials, possibly hypothesis was defined correctly, and if the
with bad results and perhaps harmful conse- question was fully answered. Sometimes one
quences. can find out that the question was incorrect
and has to be rephrased. A sufficient number
The NSTW-method of experiments must be carried out to ob-
viate coincidences, errors or other false fac-
Every researcher, as well as the serious ama- tors. Furthermore a separate test series
teur, who does any work in the fields of should be carried out in order to establish a
natural sciences and technology, follows cer- reference or datum by which any new set of
tain rational steps during his research. This results can be compared.
course of thoughts and actions, in a systema-
tical approach, is what is called The Natural For example, consider the baking of bread.
Scientific Thinking and Working Procedure. One could argue that home made bread is
often sticky and heavy. Question: How can
one bake bread that is lighter? In reaction, 'as well' as some other people do, so not
after observing some details, the answer may everybody is 'as objective' in this respect!
be that the bread dough should rise longer. (Question: What is objective -are there
In this case experimentation will provide the standards?) A pitiful limitation of the human
answer. If experimentation reveals a relati- eye and nerve physiology.
onship between several hypotheses, a theory
can be evolved. This is an important final After this, the problem is defined. Defining a
phase in the course of performing experi- good unequivocal question is as difficult as
ments and research. As regards the baking of observing objectively. To be of scientific
bread, several factors might influence the value, a question has to be appropriate, and
lightness of the bread: perhaps the (type of) has to be able to be tested. Questions that
yeast, the baking temperature or the (type must lead to the usefulness or sense of some-
of) bran contents of flour might be factors. thing are difficult, if not impossible to ans-
Experiments may reveal the answers and an wer and are therefore beyond the scope of
overall theory may then be evolved. natural sciences. Why are bananas curved?
Because otherwise they would not fit in their
The systematic approach skin. Nonsense! Of importance are questions
such as 'how', and 'what is it caused by'.
As has been stated, the research begins with
a 'simple' observation. It is very important Consequently, as an answer to the defined
that this observation can be repeated or problem, there is the hypothesis. It takes
reproduced, and that the observation is done knowledge, experience, insight, feeling, and
as objectively as possible, in order to prevent creativity to find a supposedly useful solu-
any errors in perception. Therefore, it is tion to the problem, which must be able to
desirable that several independent resear- be tested by verifying and falsifying. Of
chers make the observations. course one can answer each question with
many answers, but the researcher should
Regretfully, most often, things already go strive for a simple solution and to reduce
wrong in this beginning phase of research! If that to only two mutually exclusive possibi-
an experiment has to be reproducible for lities: yes or no! Often this can not be done,
someone else, as much clear and important and the non-equivocal answer will be: it is
specific detail should be provided. This is a possible.
point that is lacking in many common stu-
dies. (Remember the first days of the "cold The hypothesis leads to the experiment: em-
nuclear fusion" some years ago the whole pirically we will see whether the answer to
project turned out to be phoney boloney.) the question is correct or not. Only the
experiment can prove the hypothesis. Per-
The problems that occur with objective forming good experiments is not easy. Expe-
judgment are often caused by prejudice or riments can not always guarantee, or lead to,
errors in human perception. One tends to see the right conclusion. Also, in this phase,
what one wants to see, or that which one there are numerous occasions on which one
thinks one should see. With judging the can perform mistakes (or even intentionally
quality of pyrotechnical coloured light commit fraud: such as the AIDS research
-besides atmospheric influences and distance conducted by professor Buck from Eindho-
to the source -the perceptibility and sensiti- ven, Netherlands, who 'levered up' his expe-
vity of the human eye and nerve systems are rimental data to suit his hypotheses). Often a
of importance. (Not to mention the influence great insight and ingenious resourcefulness
of experience, habituation and personal are required to design a good set of experi-
taste!) Not everyone can distinguish colours ments.
Of utmost importance for the reliability and which requires much patience, honesty,
value of the experiments used to test or some good routine, and discipline. Not
prove the hypothesis, is that parallel to the every hobbyist can provide this harsh atti-
experiment an equal test series is developed tude. Besides, one needs a well-equipped
which has only one difference, the variable, laboratory with the right and well-calibrated
compared to the previous. equipment. Not every hobbyist has access to
this. However, with a good dedicated mind
This zero level datum or 'control' experi- and thrift one will make these sacrifices in
ment is also called a 'blank'. The purpose of order to perform a serious hobby.
the 'blank' is to create 'a standard' that can
be used to put the results into perspective. Finally a theory is formed. One can speak of
Furthermore, all details and special circum- a theory if relationships can be made bet-
stances of the experiment must be described ween several hypotheses which have been
extensively. proven by several experiments. Often, one
will notice that through the retrieved data
In other words, in a test to create different from the experiments, new hypotheses must
flame colours, a basic mix with fixed percen- be defined -which will require new experi-
tages of potassium perchlorate, chlorine do- ments. (This will keep one busy for a while
nor and hexamine could form a standard per and off the streets, or is per definition the
batch, and the variable would form the addi- street the poor mans’ laboratory?) A theory
tion of a fixed percentage of flame colouring never has any absolute value, but unlike
agent, for each sample, per batch. So, the non-natural scientific predictions (like parag-
standard or blank(s) here will have no addi- nostic predictions) natural scientific predicti-
tion at all, the variables will be the different ons have a high degree of probability. So-
kinds of colouring agent. metimes the acknowledged hypothesis is of
such high probability that one can call it a
If for a certain experiment a good colour is natural law. In most cases the results of an
produced, say for blue, and one wants to do experiment will force the researcher to re-
further experimentation with that blue colou- view his hypothesis critically, and the shape
ring agent alone, the next step is varying the in which these experiments have been per-
percentages -the new variable. The standard formed. They can compel him to make ad-
or blank here will be the one, per batch, with justments or advance research. A theory
a fixed percentage of that blue colouring will always be an approximation of real life
agent. As well as for the blank as for the truth, and therefore the real life truth is
variables, the percentages for the other com- schematised through models.
pounds stay fixed, of course. Furthermore, it
is important to take blanks from each batch An uncomplicated example
(when more batches are needed), because
making another batch each time may intro- Unintentionally, I may have discouraged
duce unwanted variables (errors in weighing, people to seriously consider shaping up their
spills, etc.) and so one can also compare experimentational stimulus in the direction
blanks per batch. of genuine research. This is certainly not my
intention, because it really can be done quite
One important aspect concerning experi- simply.
mentation must be noted: because the work
must be done and described under precise Observations. Sometimes chemical reactions
and constant conditions and circumstances, take place at a low speed, like the corrosion
and frequently a lot of data has to be proces- of an iron nail that can take months, or even
sed and validated, it is very laborious work years. However, more often oxidation reac-
tions occur with fire, and sometimes even measured by using a stopwatch. All data
loud explosions will happen in a fraction of a have to be carefully and clearly written down
second. The speed at which a reaction pro- in a table. The combustion can be performed
ceeds is apparently not always the same and outside at atmospheric conditions (noting
chemical reaction rates may appear to vary there is no rain, no significant wind, and also
enormously. noting temperature, ambient pressure and
relative humidity), by piling up the mixture
Definition of the problem. It all appears to and starting the fire in exactly the same
be quite normal for the uninterested and manner each time. To compensate for relati-
uninitiated, who just accept these natural vely small errors and variations, or to elimi-
occurrences. However, the serious amateur nate huge differences caused by mistakes or
pyrotechnician will ask himself -what causes other influences, all measurements must be
these differences and how can he adjust the performed twice, or even better three times.
speed of certain reactions for certain effects. The results can later, if possible, be averaged
In other words, what causes the differences -if the range between the values of deviation
in reaction rate? permits this.

Hypothesis. An explanation or an answer to Theory. The hypothesis will be confirmed by

these questions could be: the reaction rate the fact that the chemical reaction rate does
depends on the level of equal distribution indeed depend on the level of distribution.
(that is, the particle size of reactants in a The more intimate the level of distribution
certain space). (the finer the particle size in a certain defi-
ned space), the faster the reaction will pro-
Experiment. If one wants to find out whe- ceed. The increase of the reaction rate can
ther or not the reaction rate is dependent of be explained on a molecular level through
the level of equal distribution, one can con- the collision model. The experiments can be
duct a series of experiments to test that. One expanded by trying to find out whether or
will need reliable equipment, like a good not this theory is also valid for other chemi-
timing device, balance, marking gauge cals (or the other chemicals in the same
(vernier callipers), and a good set of standar- mixture). One can also search, through
dized quality sieves. In this experiment one means of experiments, for other factors that
can use the reactive metal magnesium, whe- influence the reaction rate, such as tempera-
reby one uses equal mass quantities in une- ture and pressure, density, concentration,
qual level of distribution (different particle catalysts, purity, coatings, etc. The experi-
size in a certain fixed space, which will be ments will become much more complex.
the variable), ranging from coarse little
chunks to fine powder (of the same source!), When all these results are combined or rela-
in a combustion test. For the mixing, a ted, one will be lead to a generally valid
standardized quantity (and quality) of oxidi- theory of chemistry. The chemical reaction
zer, for example potassium nitrate (of con- rate is influenced by a number of factors,
stant particle size, say 100 mesh), will be such as: the nature and properties of the
added in stoichiometric ratio. The set up for chemicals, the ratios in which their quantities
the test, and the circumstances do have to be are mixed, the level of distribution, the
the same at each individual test so that only amount of energy released, the presence of
the level of distribution (of one chemical or catalysts, the level of confinement and com-
of the complete mix) varies and all other pression, the presence of inert compounds,
factors (of importance) remain completely the thermal conductivity of the mixture, the
constant. The particle size does have to be cylinder (if present) in which the mixture is
carefully determined, and the time can be contained, the velocity and movement of the
burning mass, the atmospheric pressure, etc. effects can be created by applying a nozzle
to a normally nozzle-less whistle, causing a
Two practical cases repression of the pulsation and thus creating
a delay (from: private correspondence with
It can be very educational to see how some L. Jackson, Hull, England, 1986). The
people conduct experiments in practice. nozzle probably represses and disturbs the
Closely followed is a study of whistles inward and outward flow of gas streams, but
(because it caught the eye first), by Miss S. as with adding catalysts, how the chemical
Partin; the second article, also concerning reaction rate is being influenced and retarded
whistles by Mr. J. Toker, will be glanced so simply and unpunished for such poten-
upon. The subject is interesting. tially high energetic mixes, is still unexplai-
Fussing over trifles is not the intention, but
as a matter of fact it will be shown that The interesting part of this research is, of
fundamental shortcomings may be unnoticed course, the probability that some simple che-
by uncritical or uninitiated readers. These micals exist that will result in speeding up or
studies are nice approaches on a scholar delaying the combustion rate, significantly
level, but not (yet) mature enough for publi- influencing the sound of some whistle com-
cation and sale, let alone being printed in a positions. The phenomenon of negative cata-
quality paper such as Pyrotechnica. The stu- lysis is reasonably new for whistle composi-
dies of Partin and Toker recently appeared in tions. Up to this point Partin's research has
Pyrotechnica XVI, without appreciable to be encouraged, not in the least case be-
change or revision by a technical board. cause she obviously is one of the few active
women in the pyrotechnic 'mans society'
The Partin report was presented several -which should be praised and stimulated. But
months ago, in early February '95. The 16 particularly because these kinds of small
page report is sold for $ 7 and authored by scale studies are essentially relatively simple
S. Partin, a female member of the PGI. She -of which a lot more could and should be
has devoted herself, as part of a science performed and published by amateurs. The
project at her school (of which the level is topic is very interesting, possibly for com-
unknown, regretfully), to research catalysts mercial applications.
in whistle compositions that influence the
chemical reaction rate. The major objection, from this writer's point
of view, to the study is that the research is
To introduce the theory for readers: by ad- absolutely non reproducible -which is a ma-
ding a catalyst to a whistle composition, the jor shortcoming. The final results are like-
chemical reaction rate is influenced and a wise. I am not aware of the possible fact that
characteristic change of frequency and pul- Partin is holding back evidence deliberately
sation can occur. Positive catalysts give a because of commercial interests, so I am not
high piercing sound, and for negative cata- proposing that option for real. However,
lysts a change of sound can occur from high there must be some explanation why the
frequency to the low, pulsating, flatulating positive catalyst copper oxychloride is men-
sound which reminds one of the farting tioned to be effective, while the mineral
sound produced by people who are speciali- rutile is mentioned as being the most poten-
zed in, as it is called here, petomania (the tial negative catalyst. The report does not
gassing art of playing the national anthem make clear that the used rutile is NOT com-
after a meal of beans). It has been known for mon titanium dioxide. The active material is
several years that similar slow, pulsating rather 'tan brown rutile' -thus 'doped' by
nature with a relatively high percentage of
iron (II) oxide, ranging from a few to 15%. Proposed is that the combustion effect of
Probably this 'dope' is of major importance in whistles is similar to that of strobes, but this
conjunction with the titanium dioxide. The is not the case. One common feature is that
characteristics of good research, even on a both pyrotechnic mixtures bum intermit-
scholar level, are that everybody willing to tently.
do so should be able to reproduce the expe-
riments, and obtain the same results. This Strobes bum by means of a dark and light
will, regretfully, not be the case. phase which is a different chemical process
more fully understood. Reactions whereby,
Vibrational whistles: an unclear if magnalium is used, first the (more reactive
approach compound) magnesium and consequently
the (flash producing) aluminium is being
The report is titled "Vibrational Whistle consumed out of the alloy (Shimizu). Some
Rockets, A Study of Catalyst Selection on organic based strobes, however, have other
Performance". All whistles are vibrational, characteristics.
but that is just a detail.
Another difference is that whistle compositi-
Two major questions came to Partin's mind: ons pulse at much higher frequencies and
Does an increase in sound as decibels, de- that the tube, and inward and outward flow
crease the energy in thrust? A good of gas, plays a very important role. Strobes
question. Furthermore: What impact does do not need empty tubes or resonant cavi-
(the addition of) iron (III) oxide catalyst ties, nor is significant gas flow to be noticed.
have on the composition? This is not a very Furthermore, in a whistle there is a solid
good question, as we already know the posi- phase at the burning front (Maxwell), and
tive influence -more important, 'impact' can strobes have a liquid phase surface
not be measured. (Shimizu).

As first priority a rocket propellant is sear- Knowing what is important

ched for that produces the greatest thrust
with the loudest whistle sound. She does not Two decibel meters are mentioned, in the
use several different oxidizers and fuels, but enumeration of conditions, circumstances
takes two basic compositions and varies the and apparatus, but the type or manufacturer
catalyst. Although the salicylate composition is not revealed. More important, the report
choice is a little odd in percentages, she uses does not specify exactly what the measure-
an unexpected variable and from which one ment conditions were and at what distance
might expect surprising results. So, nothing and angle the measurements were taken
wrong here. However, halfway in research (with or without any reflecting surfaces
she discovers that the rocket-fuels that are nearby, hard or soft ground, wind gusts,
'quested', quote: 'were not always as pleasing etc.). These are all very important issues
(sound) as other ...' to her. She obviously that have a big influence on the research of
decides to find "the most pleasing sound" to sound. A clear drawing of the situation fails
her, but she forgets that this is absolutely not to be presented. Also, an attempt was made
definable or measurable, and certainly not to specify the quality of the sound, but
reproducible. The definition 'pleasing' is ra- regretfully without reliable apparatus this is
ther questionable: what is pleasing to one not measurable nor reproducible. The
does not have to be pleasing for someone whistle effects are described in terms that
else. On the contrary, it could be exactly the can be interpreted in various ways, all rather
opposite. meaningless, like: disappointing (!), soft,
pleasing (!), high pitched, piercing, met my
goals (!), sporadic sound frequency (?!), and flagmatisers. (This is why one should
surprising (!), different than expected (?!) always use a non-absorbing underground, or
and finally I loved it! (!) As a result one can if needed, by special procedure qualifying
not use these unquantified terms. and quantifying the materials lost.) There is
a list of the most bizarre catalysts, like ura-
Consequently, mention was made of prepa- nium oxide (!), although it is stated that not
ring all the composition batches in the same all chemicals were used. But why then, this
manner, but my conclusion to that is that it dangerous radioactive uranium oxide? What
is not sufficient, and is no guarantee that this safety precautions were taken? Why the list
has actually been the case. That errors were of partly unused chemicals?
made is shown by the wrong sequence in
preparing the mixtures -first weighing and Some of the given chemical formulas are
then grinding and sieving. This will ob- incorrect, like that of cobalt oxide, copper
viously result in unknown losses that will oxychloride, manganese dioxide, rutile
show up in the results. (which, as stated earlier, is not the same as
pure titanium dioxide), yellow ochre (which
Partin actually does not read written infor- is more commonly based on aluminium
mation, although a reference list of literature oxide and iron oxihydroxide (FeO(OH)), not
has been given. From experience (Maxwell, containing iron (III) oxide). Very predictable
Ellern a/o) it is known that there are signifi- oxides that would have been very interesting
cant differences from batch to batch, whate- to see being used in this research are not on
ver precaution one takes. the list of used and unused chemicals. When
such chemicals are presented in research, as
Maxwell is very clear in this regard being catalysts, the quality and purity have
(Maxwell, p. 907). Quote: 'It was found that, to be specified, where the chemicals came
to obtain consistent results, measurements from (product number), and in case all this
designed to investigate any particular effect data is not available, the source of the che-
had to be carried out on the same day under micals should be given. With the impure
the same conditions; also if the effect of chemicals Partin probably used, it is not for
some physical factor such as tube diameter sure which compound (or variety) is having
was being investigated for a particular com- catalyst capacity.
position then the composition had to be all
from the same batch and preferably consoli- Note that potassium benzoate is also charac-
dated at the same time. Similarly the ingre- terized here as having the formula KC7H502.
dients of the compositions containing va- 3H2O, as Maxwell and many others have
rying proportions had to come from the stated. More recent literature (Whelan / Eli-
same batch. Unless all these precautions scher) resolved this duality: this compound,
were taken, inconsistencies that might as a commercially available chemical, con-
amount to several hundred percent were tains no water of crystallization at all.
likely to be experienced'. Unquote. This is
the clear and straight language of a sincere Another shortcoming in the procedures used
scientist. A similar critical view on Partin's to charge the projectiles are that there are
own work is not present and missed. no references to the pressures used. Was the
same pressure used at all times, and monito-
Mentioning the procedures to produce and red by quality measuring equipment? Quote:
handle the batches, it is explained that Kraft 'Small increments of the composition are
paper is used to dry the wet pyrotechnic added and pressed', unquote, but nowhere is
composition on. But everybody knows that it specified how often, how much, and at
this leads to unknown losses of chemicals what pressure. This is quite careless.
Unintentionally left blank the low oxygen content, give a low output.

During the testing stage the true character If this is the case and some chemicals release
and value of the research are revealed: in extra oxygen, the added chemicals are likely
each test of each catalyst four rocket engines not active as catalysts. However, the low
are tested in a static way, measuring the percentage added can not be of that great
thrust and decibels (and in later experiments importance for this release.
the burning time also). The four measure-
ments are averaged. But what is lacking in Although the reader learns that the research
each test? The ever so necessary zero level was conducted over a longer term period, it
'blank' test, in which there is NO catalyst is suddenly stated: "weather was clear, dry
present. How is it possible to make a good and 74 degrees F". But how does such a
comparison without any reference point, sudden detailed description have to be con-
and how can one forget this check? Partin sidered, in comparison with all these other
would have noticed significant differences insecurities? In the case of the addition of
between the blanks per batch. Without cobalt oxide, the colour of the pyrotechnic
blanks one can never say for sure if the composition granules changes after several
catalyst had a positive or negative effect on days. Concluded: This is possibly why (the)
the combustion rate and other parameters. performance was poor. But, is she referring
to a chemical reaction (if so, which one(s) ?)
Furthermore she averages the results of the and why is the test not repeated to check
four resulting sets of test data, but it would this phenomenon?
have been very interesting to see how much
difference there was between these four sets. Conclusion and missing retrospect
These values could be so large that aver-
aging the data would be of no significant use The conclusion at the end of the report
because the differences present are too signi- states, quote: 'The right catalyst depends on
ficant: the resulting averages would be of no the application....the choice is a matter of
value. personal choice, since the whistle is different
for each catalyst'. Unquote.
There is also a slight problem in producing
significant figures: (salicylate rockets) I am sorry to say it, but this conclusion is, of
thrust 1 (!) pound, duration 0.65 (!!) se- course, of no use at all. In such disappoin-
conds, 105 (!!!) decibels for iron (II) oxide; ting research one will always obtain totally
thrust 2.17 (!!!) pounds, duration 3 (!) se- different results, and this is not the result of
conds, 113 (!!!) decibels for uranium oxide; the self chosen unknown factor (the catalyst)
thrust 1.33 (!!!) pounds, duration 1.82 (!!!) only, but more likely as a result of introdu-
seconds, 115.33 (!!!!!) decibels for manga- cing unknown variables by making coinci-
nese oxide, to give a few. dental and systematic errors and through
unscientific carelessness, from almost all
There is a list of non relevant observations, viewpoints of study. This is research that can
such as a collection of different shades of not be called research, regardless of the
coloured flame, like: apricot with yellow, red scholar level or how small the project was.
to brown, cold looking flame. Observations Much missed is a review, in which Partin
are stated which can not be backed up with would follow her own procedures and final
facts, like: "a possible reason could be the results, showing some criticism of her own
high oxygen content (for the high decibel labours. The total lack of this is quite dis-
output using uranium oxide)". Burnt umber tinctive.
(ferro manganese oxide) would, because of
There is something strange here: in the Ne- assumptions with this incorrect data. Termi-
therlands there is NO school where students nology like 'oxygen rich' and 'fuel rich' are
could perform such experiments with quite frequently mixed up because of this and
dangerous capabilities (if big whistles deto- graphs wrongly interpreted. He also tries to
nate, a lot of high energy is released), nor is derive regression trends on only a few
there any school here where one could per- questionable points in the graph, of which
form combustion experiments with radioac- the individual values vary too much.
tive substances such as uranium oxides! I
think it is very unwise and irresponsible of Furthermore, Toker is apparently neglecting
teachers to let inexperienced youngsters sifting and the phenomenon of particle size
practice such potentially dangerous (and as being of great importance -a little care-
partly unnecessary) pyrotechnic experi- less, to say the least. The graphs shown in
ments. his research look surprising at first, but To-
ker chooses rather strange and uncommon
However, when considered, Partin is not to packing densities like 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g/cm
be blamed. She did not get the right support to experiment with, while normally with
from her teachers, with the science project, these compositions a density of 1.5 to 2.0
that she should have -warning her not to g/cm is more appropriate. The low packing
make fundamental misconceptions. For pu- density of 0.5 g/cm is not very interesting,
blishing in a journal of good standing, a since these are almost loose powders that
technical board should provide the support can behave quite unpredictably and unrelia-
and supervision. Such a nice subject as the bly. In spite of the large data tables given,
catalysis of whistle compounds deserved there are still too few sets of experimental
more serious attention. A missed chance. data, and some data differs too significantly
to be of great value. As stated earlier, again
A glance upon the second resort it is shown that large and difficult explaina-
ble differences, also per batch, are quite
The study of J. Toker, "Experimental Eva- remarkable for whistle compositions.
luation of Pyrotechnic Whistle Composition:
The Effect of Density on Maximum Thrust Literature cited:
and Gas Velocity", was published in Pyro-
technica XVI. 1. Schraag, Hendriks en Van der Rijst, Toe-
gepaste onderwijskunde voor de natuur-
This will be a short glance on the study, wetenschappen (Applied Theory of Edu-
because the research seems to be systemati- cation in Natural Sciences), Wolters
cally rather well organized and looks quite Noordhoff, Groningen, The Netherlands,
interesting. However, there are also basic 1976.
shortcomings to be noticed. While the article
is written at a reasonably technical level, 2. Hanot, Didactiek van de chemie
some simple scholarly errors are made, like (Didactics in Chemistry), De Sikkel /
making wrong chemical calculations. The DNB, Kapellen, The Netherlands, 1978.
stoichiometric ratio between potassium per-
chlorate and sodium benzoate must be 78.3: 3. Maxwell, Pyrotechnic Whistles, Pro-
21.7 instead of the wrongly stated 72.3: ceedings of the 4th. Int.. Symposium on
27.7, and for potassium perchlorate and so- Combustion, Williams & Wilkins, Balti-
dium salicylate it must be 75.2: 24.8, instead more, U.S.A., 1953.
of the wrongly proposed 67.0: 33.0. It
would not have been of that great concern, 4. Ellern, Military & Civilian Pyrotechnics,
but Toker is making further calculations and Chem. Publ. Co., New York, U.S.A.

5. Shimizu, Fireworks, the Art, Science &

Technique, Maruzen Co., Tokyo, Japan,

6. Whelan, Elischer, Potassium Benzoate for

Pyrotechnic Whistling Compositions,
Propellants, Explosives & Pyrotechnics 9,
Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, Germany,

7. Partin, Vibrational Whistle Rockets,

Private papers, Florida, USA, 1994.

8. Toker, Experimental Evaluation of Pyro

technic Whistle Composition,
Pyrotechnica XVI, Occ. Papers,
Pyrotechnica Publ., Austin TX U.S.A.,

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