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Microcosm (Worlds)

Microcosmic world is world also known as the particular world; it is regarded as the world of the

plurality of the individual. This kind of world is the world encompassing all worlds. The person

experiences himself through this world by his ego, as an individual person. Microcosmic world is

a particular world by an individual person also known as his particular world. This microcosmic

world defines the macrocosmic world because this dictates what the world look like based on

their perceptions, views, and experiences.

1.Individual Person

For Max Scheler, he believes that “the person is never a part of a world but “the world” the

correlate [Sachkorelat] of the person.” He could never become a part of the world because the

very essence of the person always links his self to the world. This individual person contains an

ultimate peculiarity, an original trait, belonging to the world of the person and nobody else.

Hence, every individual, every ego, every “I” is a particular world of the person wherein he

experiences himself uniquely to the other. This individual person encompasses the plurality of

the individual persons. Here the individual defines his particular world depending on what he

experiences, neither good nor bad as long as what he experienced would be the definition of his

world. This unique essence of the individual could affect other individual persons based also on

what they experienced to this particular person because this finite person or an individual person

is the ground of every “collective person.” For every collective person is consisted of individual

person, every “We” is consisted of group of “I’s.

2.Individual World
As an individual person grounded and correlates to the world hence there is this idea of an

individual world. “This world is the idea of a concrete, real, absolute world. One that is

accessible to each person in principle as his world.” This idea of world is regarded as the

world of the individual person. Specifically, this individual world is his particular world where

he experiences himself in this concrete world. As this world is an idea of a concrete, real,

absolute world of the person, whatever he may experience here would shape his perception about

the world.

B. Macrocosm (World)

Macrocosm is a world composing of all worlds. This one identical real world is the world of the

collective person. Wherein there is a world of worlds, so to say, the collective world where the

world of the community is the total content of all experiencing of the kind experiencing with one

another. This is the idea of the one identical real world. “It’s a priori essential structure, which

phenomenology brings to prominence in all regions. This structure holds for all possible worlds

because it holds for the general essence of world.” This worlds is the world of the totality of the

individual persons. This is a world of worlds where regarded as the one identical real world.

1.Collective Persons

…This simply tells that it is a priori proposition to see the person as a member of a community

encompassing it. He could never become a part of the world because the very essence of the

person always links his self to the world. “The person is always communal in nature, never

separated from the community because the community is part of its essence, in its collective
personality.” Hence, as a person, communal in nature, he is not capable of isolation. The person

will always strive to be in communion with the other because in the first place as emphasized by

Scheler, it is in the nature of the person to be with the other in the community. Also that, the

community is part of its essence therefore there is a relationship in the person and the community

which is why the person is never a part of the world. And since it is also the part of its essence

there is a string attached to the person and world that made the person the correlate of the world.

“The community is in me, in my collective personality. I am in the community. It is

essentially part of me. Thus, in everything I do, I bring the community in me and whatever

I do affects the community.” To support this idea based on Fr. Doming, the person is not

capable of isolation. This simply affirms the quotation “no man is an island.” No man can stand

alone or live alone. Man could not survive in an island alone and much more, man could not

survive in this world alone. Man could not deny that the community is in him. He brings the

community wherever he is, wherever he are. As long as he exists, man possesses the essence of

the community in his self. So as, whatever he does affects the community, since every person is

the correlate of the world. Every individual person has its nature of being a collective person.

Therefore he needs to handle himself with care because the community is fragile. The failure of

the individual is the failure of the totality. By this it challenges us to take good care and become

corresponsible for the other.

1.Collective World

As the person is grounded in the world he becomes a member of a collective person, hence

there is a collective world. It is world within the worlds of the individual person. Here as a

collective person grounded in a collective world their essence as “I” become “We”. All
individual persons share one essence in this world. In this kind of world They bring the

essence of the whole worlds he

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