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Imagination & Creativity

Imagination has been. Is, and will continue to be the single greatest force in the known
universe. It knows no limits whatsoever rand has been the beginning of every concept and
5invention known to man. Imagination itself is something quite beyond our comprehension. We
know we have it at our disposal but we cannot know it’s capabilities as they seem to be
something along the lines of every idea, object and feeling multiplied by every idea, object and
feeling in the universe and since there are always new objects and ideas to add to the equation
imagination is mathematically infinite. But math means very little, if anything at all, on such a
10scale and is presently inefficient, if not useless, when dealing with infinite abstract concepts and
besides that, I don’t care much for math personally. 
Imagination is creativity. It is neither rational nor irrational but can be either. It
affects/affects everything in the world; art, opinions, policies, perceptions, belief and even time
itself, the past, present and future. It can influence our memories and our moods, our religions
15and our sciences. Imagination is the all-pervasive force that belongs to the Collective
Consciousness. It cannot be destroyed but can be ignored . . . a lot like what people believe about
God(s) or Goddess(es) come to think of it. 
This is a fun topic to explore for me personally as you may have noticed by now because
I am a lover of the absurd, irrational and infinite. I love creativity plain and simple. And so,
20without further babbling like an excited school-girl, let me get on with things!
It really doesn’t matter what imagination is since it is over our heads anyway but what is
important is how we can live creatively and use imagination for our own satisfaction. Like
everything else I talk about, imagination is a tool to be used by each of us individually and as
such cannot be coined as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but, more accurately, can be coined as either productive
25or non-productive.
For the sake of getting it out of the way let us first address some examples of non-
productive creativity. Delusional paranoia is a useless form of imagination present in examples
such as the spouse who is convinced of their significant other cheating on them or the dope
addict who thinks that ‘they’ are watching or listening. I suspect that such pointless forms of
30creativity come from not keeping the mind properly active and/or keeping the mind obsessively
locked on one thing. In either case it is a good idea to stop everything once in a while and

reevaluate your own thinking, goals, desires, etc. Indeed this is a universally good piece of
Excellent. With that out of the way let us get on with the fun of productive imagination...
35 Any imagining can be productive depending upon how you imagine what you imagine.
 More simply put, if you are the above mentioned paranoid spouse you can turn your non-
productive imaginings into something more productive if you come to the realization that you are
really just getting carried away and imagine yourself as being more trusting in the present and
future as a result. The trick is simply to believe your imaginings. You believed in the imagining
40of your cheating spouse so why not believe in the imagining of you getting over it? Some might
say, “It’s not that simple,” but I say it is that simple, just not particularly easy. Remember the law
of Predominant Mental Impression? Here it applies again. You become convinced of your
delusion by constantly thinking of your spouse cheating and it is undone in the same way, by
constantly thinking such an idea foolish. We call it convincing ourselves, rationalizing, et cetera
45and that is more true than most of us realize.
Realize now that much of this book is redundant in different aspects and yet varied in
many of its redundancies as different details are expanded upon in each place. Imagination is
useful as it relates to the subconscious, that is anything you imagine can become a part of your
subconscious and beliefs by simply having it on your mind regularly. But this is the fun of
50imagination! If you imagine you feel terrific, even high, all of the time, slowly you will come to
actually feel and be that way! The tricky part is that your subconscious may accomplish the task
without your input, drawing you to a number of non-productive endeavors or states of mind such
as drug use or paranoia so discretion and caution are necessary. You must know and recognize
your weaknesses and triggers to avoid such mishaps. This is where the age old warning of, “Be
55careful what you wish for,” gains relevance in everyday life.
The scope of imagination is limitless and unpredictable but because of its relationship
with the unconscious mechanism we can begin to know and understand how our imaginings
effect/affect us in practical everyday ways. Let us say that you imagine yourself wealthy. You
imagine the house you will have, the car, the boat, the family, the money, the feelings of freedom
60and independence. The more you think about this image you have created for yourself the more
your subconscious registers it as an important objective to achieve. It will help you get there.
This is where knowing your own weaknesses becomes relevant and also taking care in your

wishes for if your particular values do not specifically negate thievery and crime, for example,
your subconscious will encourage the use of those methods because it is itself an amoral machine
65which considers only efficiency and results based upon whatever morals it has been programmed
with to achieve its goal of being wealthy, etc. As a result your imagined wealth may come with
the price tag of corrupting your own morals but then maybe you always wanted to be a mafia
Don. Anyway, the point to make here is that our ‘ridiculous’ and ‘impossible’ dreams, goals, and
imaginings need to be specific for the sake of our calculating and shrewd subconscious. So,
70instead of just dreaming up a wonderful life for yourself remember to also dream up the
accomplishments that got you there otherwise you are rolling the dice to a degree with your
conniving subconscious.
For some, their moral code is absolute and ingrained and for these people a worry of
employing dangerous means to accomplish something may not be an issue . . . they may, on the
75other hand, have an issue with alienating people in their lives or becoming workaholics,
sacrificing health to achieve goals. Everyone has their own compulsions and ideas of what means
are justified by which ends and therefore their own predispositions, values, virtues and vices.
Hopefully you can begin to see how important it is to recognize your own potential
80 Alas, I am getting to be too worried about covering all my bases, my own shortcoming.
Imagination isn’t necessarily just for programming yourself, it can be a learning tool of
metaphors, imagery and personification and a plaything as well!
That you can learn now things from your own imagination is the most profound aspect of
what the possibilities of imagination encompass. To see things from someone else’s perspective
85or ‘through their eyes’ is an exercise of imagination and yet we are able to gain an excellent
understanding of ourselves and others, even the world around us, by trying on someone else’s
life through imagining it. We can feel how others feel, believe what they believe, and even do
what they do. To live through others in this vicarious manner can unlock worlds to us,
specifically all of the different worlds that each individual perceives this one to be. To know the
90world from another’s perspective is to know a whole other world for our individual lives are
worlds unto themselves which we may share or keep for our own. Each individual is the center
of their own universe by virtue of imagination.

Apart from the individual the imagination can be used to learn and communicate other
ideas. Imagination is the master of all things abstract. Concepts such as good and evil, heaven
95and hell, beauty and ugliness, and countless others are merely imagined similes and metaphors
for such things that are beyond our own direct comprehension but we are still able to learn from
these human representations of inhuman things. We can even put a human perspective into
inanimate objects and can become better acquainted with those things through personification
and anthropomorphization. Understanding can be gained of much in not only our perceivable
100universe, but of the unperceivable things such as consciousness, divinity and theory as well. No
stone is left unturned by the imagination. It is a wonder all of its own.
That is some of the educational aspect of imagination but let me now move on to
imagination as a plaything. Imaginary friends, monsters, worlds, alternative perspectives, stories
and many other things can be very fun to play with inside your own head. No one needs to know
105you are imagining such things either if you don’t want. Imagination is the realm of you, anything
you want, any time you want, and however you want it. The only disclaimer to imagination is
that it is never only a plaything. Remember, your subconscious cannot discern real from
imagined and is always paying attention so that even ‘playing’ in your head influences who you
are . . . almost everything has a catch. 
110 Never mind all of that right now because sometimes it is good for the imagination to
indulge itself in the pure, unadulterated, irrational childishness of the most complete and absurd
assortment. To dream of such ridiculousness as the conversations trees and rocks might have
with one another, or how the mood of the air is, or to ignore this world altogether and create your
own fantasies of nature and its creatures or monsters can be absurdly satisfying! It seems that the
115more absurd and creative our imaginings are, the easier they bring smiles to our faces and awe to
our souls. I wouldn’t know where to begin with in giving examples of imagination because of its
limitlessness. We can play with the imaginings of this world and it’s people and see anything in
any perspective we should want to coat it all with. The president I an idiot, the president is a
great man, the president is an alien from another galaxy with something resembling an elephant
120trunk for an anus, grass-like body hair, seven crab-like legs and a head the size of a grapefruit
resembling Jabba the Hut. We can see anyone and anything however we choose and believe it
too if we want!

The only limitations to imagination are those which we place upon it as individuals and
as a society. Playing with just imagination can cure the blues as well as bad habits and physical
125sicknesses and neurologists, metaphysicists, and psychiatrists are only now beginning to realize
this and admit that they cannot explain it or understand it in scientific terms although they are
making progress here as well. Some still deny it, refusing to acknowledge the scientific evidence
which occasionally shows that the ‘impossible’ has happened such as sudden remission of late
stage cancers . . . their loss!
130 I admit I may be giving imagination even more credit than is due but I feel I can get away
with it since I am in jail with a gigantic smile on my face in spite of my undesirable and
unpleasant environment. So what if the people around me can’t hold much of an intelligent
conversation without talking about law, their rights, drugs, crime, and how everyone else
‘doesn’t get it’. I can sure hold a decent conversation with myself without troubling others:
135“How are you doing today?” -- “Gee, now that you mention it I haven’t really thought about it.”
– “Wonderful! I take it you’re doing quite well then?” – “Well, why shouldn’t I be? Now that I
am thinking about it I’m really rather happy about having all of this free time to study and write.
I should have a right difficult time making the time if I weren’t locked up!” – “Excellent! You do
realize that you’re talking to yourself?” – “Of course, what better and more encouraging
140company could I have than me, or us rather? Who knows what my goals are to encourage them
better than myself?” No one I should certainly hope!” It doesn’t even have to be yourself you are
talking to in your imagination, choose anyone and put whatever words into their mouth you
Imagination is clearly the most fun educational tool at our disposal and I really must
145bring this to a close before I get far too carried away (which is another concern to be wary of). I
wouldn’t want to sound like an uncontrolled fanatic although that may be just what I am.
The imagination is simply infinite. Infinitely ‘good’. Infinitely ‘evil’. Infinitely inspiring.
Infinitely dangerous. Infinitely infinite! You can bring yourself up with it or tear yourself down.
You can do whatever you please with it. Enjoy!

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