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Ecological Engineering xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical

agricultural watersheds
Kaline de Mello a , Timothy O. Randhir b,∗ , Roberta Averna Valente c ,
Carlos Alberto Vettorazzia
Department of Biosystems Engineering, College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo (ESALQ – USP), Avenida Pádua Dias, 11, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts, 160 Holdsworth Way, Holdsworth Hall, Rm. 326, Amherst, MA, USA
Department of Environmental Science, Federal University of São Carlos, Rodovia João Leme dos Santos, km 110, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil

a rti c l e in f o abstrac t

Article history: Land use change in riparian zones is one of the most significant threats to water quality in watershed
Received 3 April 2017 ecosystems. Riparian forests play a major role in protecting water quality, and there is a need to assess
Received in revised form 24 June 2017 the role of riparian restoration in reducing nutrients and sediment loading. This study uses watershed
Accepted 24 June 2017
simulation modeling to evaluate impacts of riparian forest restoration on water quality in a tropical
Available online xxx
agricultural watershed. Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is used to simulate streamflow, suspended
sediment and nutrients of the Sarapuí River watershed, located in southeast Brazil. We observe a spatial
and temporal variation in water quality impacts of changes in land use/land cover (LULC) and rainfall
Watershed modeling
Land use
patterns. Watersheds with agricultural and some residential areas had a higher sediment and nutrients
Forest restoration loads than forest and with pasture land uses, especially during the wet season. Forested watersheds in
Water resource general had a better water quality than other LULC types. Riparian restoration in the study watershed
SWAT can reduce suspended sediment (9.26%), total nitrogen (22.6%), and total phosphorus (7.83%). Protecting
riparian zone and site-conservation practices is critical to improve water quality. We observe that the
simulation model provides a satisfactory baseline of the watershed system to evaluate impacts of land
use changes.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction have influence in water temperature (Sopper, 1975; Sweeney et al.,

2004; Lima and Zakia, 2006; Mingoti and Vettorazzi, 2011; Schilling
The riparian zone is the interface between terrestrial and aquatic and Jacobson, 2014; Tanaka et al., 2016) and benefits both the qual-
ecosystems, playing an important role on nutrients and sediments ity of human life and survival of aquatic species (Saalfeld et al.,
transfer (Kuglerová et al., 2014; Ou et al., 2016). Although the ripar- 2012; Ding et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2016a; Tanaka et al., 2016). Par-
ian forest can contribute to the water quality protection, it is one of ticularly in the current context, agriculture and urban growth have
the most degraded ecosystems in the world (Nilsson and Berggren, been appointed as the primary cause of water quality degradation
2000; Kuglerova et al., 2014). Replacing riparian forests by other (Uriarte et al., 2011; Lin et al., 2015; Huang et al., 2016).
land uses decreases water quality due to bank erosion, increas- Cho et al. (2010) also used SWAT to simulate an intact ripar-
ing nutrient and sediment loads into the river (Ding et al., 2013; ian zone in a watershed, observing that the forested riparian zone
Ou et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2016a). In this context Zhang et al. reduced 20.5% of sediment loads to the river. In this context, the
(2013) and Yang et al. (2016b), emphasizing the importance of proximity to surface water has been used as a criterion for prior-
understanding the benefits from their restoration. itizing areas for forest restoration in watersheds (Vettorazzi and
Riparian forest cover plays a major role in the biogeochemical Valente, 2016).
cycles in watersheds. The vegetation provides protection against Nejadhashemi et al. (2012) used models to evaluate land use
erosion, retention of pollutants, excessive nutrients runoff and it change impacts in agricultural watersheds, founding that conver-
sion from forest to urban and agriculture lands lead to greater
impact on hydrologic variables than for other land use conversions.
Studies have also reported the impacts of riparian land use on
∗ Corresponding author. water quality using hydrological models. Gitau et al. (2006) used a
E-mail addresses: (K.d. Mello),,
model in evaluating a combination of best management practices (T.O. Randhir), (R.A. Valente), (C.A. Vettorazzi).
that include riparian buffers in reducing phosphorus loads. Moriasi
0925-8574/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Mello, K.d., et al., Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical agricultural watersheds.
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ECOENG-4855; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 K.d. Mello et al. / Ecological Engineering xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

et al. (2011) used a hydrological model to quantify the effect of The region was under the influence of Cwa climate (humid
riparian forest buffer and Bermuda grass filter strip on sediment temperate with dry winters). Annual precipitation was between
yield in a reservoir in USA. Wiseman et al. (2014) and King et al. 1354.7 mm and 1807.7 mm (CEPAGRI, 2014a,b), and with the
(2016) also in the USA highlight the relation between manage- primarily from October through March. Between December and
ment practices in the riparian zone with the decrease the effects February were the maximum precipitations (around 200 mm
of nonpoint pollution in the watersheds. monthly) (CEPAGRI, 2014a,b). Temperatures ranged from 5 ◦C to
However, the impacts of riparian restoration in tropical river 32 ◦C, with an annual average of 20 ◦C. January and February were
basins are not well documented. Monteiro et al. (2016) observed the hottest months (monthly temperature average of 24 ◦C), and
that riparian restoration to comply with Brazilian Forest Code could June and July were the coldest months (monthly temperature aver-
reduce sediment load by 29.4% in a catchment in the Brazilian. age of 16 ◦C).
Concerning to this condition, we can highlight the Brazil scenario Six subwatersheds (numbered 1–6) were selected based on
relating with no accomplishment of laws relate to the riparian zone, physical characteristics and percentage of forest cover to establish
i.e. the land use in the buffer area is not only with forest; and the the experimental sites (i.e. watershed experimental). We selected
fragmentation process the Atlantic Forest, that is a biodiversity subwatersheds of low-order streams (3rd order) with similar area,
hotspot (Mittermeier et al., 2011). Nowadays, it is highly threat- shape, average slope, and soil types, but varying in forest cover
ened since it has been reduced to only 11% of its original cover percentage. The three subwatersheds with more than 55% of forest
(Ribeiro et al., 2009). Considering its relationship with the water cover (W1, W2 and W5 – Fig. 1) were named “forested”, while other
quality and, as mention by Strassburg et al. (2016) that the forest three, with 35% or less of forest cover (W3, W4 and W6 – Fig. 1) was
reduction affects the water quality and, consequently, water sup- named “degraded”. According to Vannote et al. (1980), low-order
ply, there is a need to understand the importance of tropical forest streams (orders 1–3) are strongly influenced by terrestrial inputs.
cover to water quality and how the riparian forest restoration can Subwatershed 5 had 75% of forest cover followed by subwa-
contribute to the water resources conservation. tersheds 1 and 2 (both with 60% of forest cover). Subwatershed
In this context, we use a watershed hydrological model to 3 represents only 25% of forest cover, 30% of agriculture and the
simulate the effects of riparian zone restoration on water qual- largest residential area (12%). Subwatershed 4 had the largest agri-
ity in tropical agricultural watersheds. It presents a comparative cultural area (54%) and 35% of forest cover. Subwatershed 6 was
evaluation of watershed-wide and riparian zone forest restora- 29% covered by forest, 32% by agriculture and 32% by pasture.
tion on water quality for policy considerations. This is important
in using riparian zone management within the broader context 2.2. Conceptual model
of watershed systems. The specific objectives were: (1) to model
hydrological processes for streamflow and water quality in a The conceptual framework for the Sarapuí River Watershed
watershed system; (2) to evaluate the impacts of agricultural and Model consisted of a system, which included the watershed hydro-
residential lands on sediment and nutrient loadings; and (3) to sim- physical characteristics, land use/management and conservation
ulate a riparian zone restoration scenario and its impacts on an actions (riparian restoration), with water quality as the effect
agricultural watershed system. (Fig. 2). We used slope, hydrology, climate, soil and land use/land
cover (LULC) information to calibrate a hydrological model (SWAT-
Soil Water Assessment Tool) for the Sarapuí River to assess the
2. Material and methods water quality characteristics and their relation to LULC pattern.
Then, we created a new LULC map simulating a 100% riparian
2.1. Study area restoration, i.e. the buffer zone occupied 100% by forest cover.
The new scenario was used in the model to simulate water qual-
The study area was the Sarapuí River Watershed (1550 km2), ity responses of riparian forest restoration. The conceptual model
located in the Sao Paulo State (between the coordinates UTM 23S presents the overall data flows in this research, of which hydro-
195,000 m and 265,000 m; 7,360,000 m and 7,420,000 m), south- logic processes are simulated using the SWAT model, described in
east Brazil (Fig. 1). section below.
Sarapuí River is a tributary of Tiete River, one of the main rivers
in Brazil, that showed the lowest values of the national water 2.3. SWAT model development
quality index in 2014 (SMA, 2014). Sarapuí River watershed is a
particular case of an agricultural watershed close to very high- SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model was used to
density urban areas like Sorocaba and Sao Paulo. Sarapuí River model streamflow, sediment yield (suspended solids) and nutrients
supplies four cities in the Sao Paulo State, and its proximity to load (total nitrogen and total phosphorus). SWAT is a non-point
those areas represents trends for agricultural and urban sprawl source pollution model created to predict long-term impacts on
due to the demands from large cities. The watershed was originally water and water quality in watersheds with varying soils, land use,
covered by the Atlantic Rain Forest, which was replaced by agri- and management (Neitsch et al., 2011). It is a continuous-time,
culture, pasture, eucalyptus and residential (urban) areas. Pasture semi-distributed, process-based river basin model (Arnold et al.,
and farm lands represent, together, 53% of the watershed. Agri- 2012). It has been applied to understand the sediment losses and
culture crops included grains, fruits, and vegetables. Despite the nutrient loadings in watersheds around the world (Marshall and
agricultural activities, 37% of the watershed was forest cover. Randhir, 2008; Reungsang et al., 2009; Wilson and Weng, 2011;
The main rivers flow from east to west and the drainage network Poudel et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2015). It has also been used for simu-
is particularly dense in watershed eastern portion, where there lating riparian processes (Cho et al., 2010; Moriasi et al., 2011; Sun
are areas associted with the highest elevation. Thus, the density et al., 2016; Monterio et al., 2016).
of the drainage network decreases in the central and west regions. The model further divides subwatersheds connected by stream
Majority of soil types in the Sarapuí River watershed had red or networks. The model further divides into hydrologic response
yellow tropical soils, mainly Latosols, and low-activity clays. How- units (HRUs) that are unique combinations of different LULC types,
ever, other soil types also occurred in the watershed, as Gleysols soils, and surface slopes. Within each subwatershed, the areas
and young soils such as Regosols and Fluvisols. Gleysols occurred with similar LULC, soil types, and surface slopes are lumped
more on the central and west portion of the watershed. together into a single HRU. The model requires several datasets,

Please cite this article in press as: Mello, K.d., et al., Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical agricultural watersheds.
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ECOENG-4855; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
K.d. Mello et al. / Ecological Engineering xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Land use/land cover of Sarapuí River Watershed and the six experimental subwatersheds.
Figure 1: Location and Land-use/Land-cover of Sarapuí River Watershed and experimental watersheds, in the southeast Brazil.

Fig. 2. Conceptual model for the Sarapuí River watershed.

which encompasses LULC map, soil map, elevation map, precipita- soil samples collected in 2014. The soil types found in the Sarapuí
tion, temperature, humidity, streamflow, and water quality inputs. River Watershed were Gleysol, Yellow Latosol, Red-yellow Latosol,
Those data are necessary for model calibration and validation, the Regosol, Fluvisol, and Cambisol. The soil properties like number
two steps for developing a hydrological model. of layers, depth of the lower boundary of each surface layer, bulk
In this study, we modeled the Sarapuí River watershed into 178 density, available water capacity, saturated hydraulic conductivity
subwatersheds, including our six experimental subwatersheds. The and percentage of soil particles were collected from the Agronomic
model was set to define multiple HRUs with a 2% threshold level Institute of Campinas (IAC) (Oliveira, 1999) and specialized litera-
for each subwatershed – that is, any LULC or soil type that covered ture (Juhász et al., 2006; IBGE, 2007; Gomes and Pereira, 2009). The
2% or more of the subwatershed. hydrological classification followed Sartori et al. (2005) for Brazil-
ian soils. We used the equation proposed by Baumer (1990) for
2.3.1. Data assessing albedo, and an equation proposed by Williams (1995) for
The inputs for the SWAT model of the Sarapuí River watershed soil erodibility factor (USLE – K).
are from different sources, and reprojected in UTM (23S), datum Daily weather information was collected from four official sta-
SIRGAS 2000. tions, provided by the National Meteorological Institute (INMET):
We used a 30-m Digital Elevation Map (DEM) from the Environ- Sao Paulo – Mirante do Santana, Sao Miguel Arcanjo, Sorocaba, and
mental Planning Coordination of the Sao Paulo State (CPLA, 2013), Iguape. We used the following weather information: solar radiation
generating a slope map based in the classes proposed by EMBRAPA (MJ/, wind speed, maximum and minimum air temperature
(1999). (◦C) and relative humidity. The other parameters are derived from
The stream network data was produced considered the Brazilian those data as in SWAT 2012 manual (Winchell et al., 2013).
Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2015) map (1:50,000 We used precipitation data for the 1955–2014 period for five
scale). We extracted the LULC map (Fig. 1) from thematic map gauges from the National Water Agency (ANA, 2015): Sao Miguel
(1:50,000 scale) by on-screen digitizing of a Landsat TM-5 scene Arcanjo, Tatuí – Sarapuí, Piedade, Sorocaba and Sao Paulo − Mirante
from 2010. We mapped soil types, produced by sensor data and do Santana. Streamflow, suspended solids and nutrients data were

Please cite this article in press as: Mello, K.d., et al., Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical agricultural watersheds.
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ECOENG-4855; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 K.d. Mello et al. / Ecological Engineering xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

collected from ANA (2015) at two gauges: Sarapuí River and Pira- parameters. The optimized values of parameters, derived using the
pora River (Fig. 1), and from our monitoring data gathered in the SUFI-2 algorithm in SWAT-CUP, are presented in Table 1.
experimental subwatersheds. Daily loads of suspended solids and
nutrients were estimated using the product of the daily streamflow 2.4. Land use and land cover patterns and water quality
volume and the instantaneous water quality measurements.
After calibration, the model was used to evaluate the impact of
2.3.2. Model calibration and validation and sensitivity analysis LULC patterns (agriculture, residential areas, and forest) on water
We performed calibration and sensitivity analysis by optimiza- quality for the Sarapuí River watershed in a current scenario. We
tion methods through Sequential Uncertainty Fitting algorithm compared subwatersheds with different LULC types and their water
(SUFI-2) (Abbaspour, 2011) in the SWAT-CUP software (Abbaspour quality responses. Forested sub-basins were compared to agricul-
et al., 2015). We calibrated the model starting with streamflow, fol- tural ones regarding sediment and nutrients loading.
lowed by sediment and then nutrients as suggested for calibration The spatial distribution of annual (30-year average) simulated
procedures (Abbaspour, 2011). The streamflow calibration was a values for water quality attributes was mapped for each subwater-
first step necessary to obtain the water quality parameters. shed. For discussion, we classified the values of each water quality
Streamflow was calibrated and validated against daily, monthly parameter into low, medium and high levels and mapped in GIS.
and yearly streamflow, for 33 years (1980–2012), with the first At the watersheds, samples were collected in order to have the
three years as an initiation period. The streamflow data from the observed values for total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen
Sarapuí River gauge (the entire watershed) was used for calibration. (TN), total phosphorus (TP). We collected at bi-weekly intervals
Streamflow data from the Pirapora river gauge (subwatershed) was during a hydrologic year (from October 2013 to October 2014)
used for validation (see item 2.4). Such internal validation is com- summing up 24 observations for watershed.
mon in hydrologic studies and can provide confidence in estimates Water samples were collected in duplicate to determine TN, TP,
at subwatershed scales. Sediment and nutrients were calibrated for and TSS, which were kept refrigerated and transported to the lab-
a period of seven years (2004–2010) for the Sarapuí River water- oratory for advanced analysis, following standard methods (APHA,
shed and internally validated using data from the six experimental 2005).
watersheds. The period of water quality calibration relates to avail- TN was determined by Kjeldahl digestion method (APHA, 2005)
able monitoring data. using an automatic digester (Buchi− K449). The spectrophotomet-
We parameterized the model following suggestions in SWAT ric determination was applied to measure TP (APHA, 2005). The
manual (Winchell et al., 2013) for three levels: watershed, sub- gravimetric analysis was used to obtain TSS (APHA, 2005), where
watershed and HRU levels. We also used parameters identified as 500 mL were filtrated for each sample. TSS is the total residue por-
potential influences on streamflow, sediment yield and nutrients tion on the filter.
loading (Arnold et al., 2012; Andrade et al., 2013; Kushwaha and We also measured the streamflow (Q) using the current-meter
Jain, 2013; Abbaspour et al., 2015; Fukunaga et al., 2015). method, that divides the stream channel cross section into various
Numerical and graphical performance criteria were used to vertical subsections (Buchanan and Somers. 1969). In each subsec-
evaluate model performance during calibration and validation. tion, the area was obtained by measuring the width and depth, and
Numerical performance criteria included the coefficient of determi- the water velocity was determined using a current meter (Global
nation (R2) (Coffey et al., 2004), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NS) (Nash Water Flow Probe – 201). The total discharge was computed by
and Sutcliffe, 1970) and the percent bias (PBIAS) (Gupta et al., 1999), summing the discharge of each subsection.
as shown in Eqs. (1)–(3): 2.5. Riparian forest restoration impacts on water quality
) 2
1 ( − Q̄ (Q − Q )
i Q
i m,i m i s,i s
R = 2
( m,i m s,i s ) (1) We simulated the riparian forest restoration impacts on the

i i s,i s

Q − Q̄ )2 ( − Q̄ water quality for the Sarapuí River watershed. We considered

Riparian Zone the Permanent Preservation Area (APP), according to
Riparian Zone the Permanent Preservation Area (APP), according to
where Q is a variable (e.g., discharge), and m and s stand for mea- the Brazilian forest code (law 12651 of 2012). The law sets a buffer
sured and simulated, i is the ith measured or simulated data. The of 30 m from the river banks and 50 m around springs. The FAO
term Q̄ is the mean of the variable Q. recommendation for water quality protection is also 30 m, as well
(Qm − Qs)2i as proposed by Welsch (1991). We created an alternative riparian-
i scenario to simulate the APP restoration, adding forest cover in all
NS = 1 − ( )2 (2)
i Qm,i − Q̄s the APP buffer in the current LULC map. The APP buffer was cre-
ated from the stream network using ArcGIS (ESRI). The new LULC
(Qm − Qs)i map was added to the calibrated model to run the riparian-scenario
PBIAS = 100 × (3)
Qm,i results.
n We simulated the impact of the riparian forest restoration on
We simulated the impact of the riparian forest restoration on
Percent bias measures the average tendency of the simulated strongest influence on the model results. A t-test was used to iden-
data to be larger or smaller than the observations. The optimum tify the relative significance of each parameter. The sensitivities
value is zero, where low magnitude values indicate good simula- were estimates of the average changes in the objective function
tions. Positive values indicate model underestimation and negative resulting from changes in each parameter, while all other param-
values indicate model overestimation (Gupta et al., 1999). eters are changing. This gave relative sensitivities with partial
We conducted sensitivity analysis using the SWAT-CUP model information about variations in the objective function to model
to determine which input or calibration parameters had the

Please cite this article in press as: Mello, K.d., et al., Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical agricultural watersheds.
Ecol. Eng. (2017),
ECOENG-4855; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus
(TP). We calculated annual and average loads during 1983–2014
under the current and riparian scenarios.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Streamflow, sediment and nutrient calibration

The parameters and calibrated values for streamflow,

sediments and nutrients are listed in Table 1, along with the
results of the sensitivity analysis.
The streamflow was calibrated daily, monthly and yearly,
and comparisons for the observed and the simulated
streamflow are

Please cite this article in press as: Mello, K.d., et al., Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical agricultural watersheds.
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ECOENG-4855; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
K.d. Mello et al. / Ecological Engineering xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

Table 1
Parameters used for calibration of streamflow, sediment and nutrients along with respective method of calibration (r = relative and v=replace), calibrated value and sensitivity
analysis (p-value) for the Sarapuí River watershed.

Parameter Definition Method Calibrated Value Sensitivity


Streamflow Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return v 30 0.9779
flow to occur (mm H2O)
GW Groundwater revap coefficient v 0.14204 0.8252
SURLAG.bsn Surface runoff coefficient v 23.09 0.7832 Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for “revap” or v 317 0.4732
percolation to the deep aquifer to occur
SOL AWC.sol Available water capacity of the soil layer (mm H2O/mm soil) r −0.1212 0.4248
RCHRG Deep aquifer percolation fraction v 0.93 0.1692
GW Groundwater delay time v 170.28 0.1134
ESCO.hru Soil evaporation compensation factor v 0.75 0.0547
SOL K.sol Saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr) r 0.5408 0.0091
CH N2.rte Manning’s “n” value for the main channel v 0.0822 1*10−8
LAT TIME.hru Lateral flow travel time (days) v 11.88 1*10−10
CH K2.rte Effective hydraulic conductivity in main channel alluvium (mm/hr) v 19 1*10−18
CN2.mgt Manning’s “n” value for the main channel v 0.0822 1*10−20
ALPHA Baseflow alpha factor (1/days) v 0.941 1*10−31

SPEXP.bsn Exponent parameter for calculating sediment reentrained in channel v 1.202 0.8599
sediment routing
CH COV2.rte Channel cover factor v 0.28034 0.7797
RSDCO.bsn Residue decomposition coefficient v 0.0263 0.6781
SPCON.bsn Linear parameter for calculating the maximum amount of sediment v 0.00476 0.5674
that can be reentrained during channel sediment routing
CH COV1.rte Channel cover factor v 0.28034 0.2987
HRU SLP.hru Average slope steepness (m/m) r 0.1932 1*10−7
USLE K.sol USLE equation soil erodibility (K) factor (units: 0.013 (metric ton r 0.1 1*10−11
m2 h)/(m3-metric ton cm))
SLSUBBSN.hru Average slope length (m) r −20.76 1*10−11
USLE P.mgt USLE equation support practice factor v 0.75 1*10−42

SOL ORGP.chm Initial organic P concentration in the soil layer (mg P/kg soil or ppm) v 53 0.9822
SOL ORGN.chm Initial organic N concentration in the soil layer (mg N/kg soil or ppm) v 71.8 0.8934
SHALLST Initial concentration of nitrate in shallow aquifer (mg N/L or ppm) v 394 0.4403
RCN.bsn Concentration of nitrogen in rainfall (mg N/L) v 6.33 0.4284
BIOMIX.mgt Biological mixing efficiency v 0.446 0.0903
PPERCO.bsn Phosphorus percolation coefficient (10 m3/mg) v 10.135 0.0001
PHOSKD.bsn Phosphorus soil partitioning coefficient (m3/mg) v 195.3 1*10−9
CMN.bsn Rate factor for humus mineralization of active organic nutrients (N and v 0.0025 1*10−11
NPERCO.bsn Nitrate percolation coefficient v 0.002 1*10−14

Table 2 tion. This was determined sufficient according to the classification

Daily, monthly and yearly streamflow calibration statistics for the Sarapuí River
proposed by Van Liew et al. (2007). Lin et al. (2015) obtained simi-
Watershed Model.
lar values of NS for monthly calibration (between 0.75 and 0.82). At
R2 NS PBIAS validation process, the NS remained acceptable values in the vali-
Calibration dation procedure, with an NS equal to 0.58 for monthly streamflow
Day 0.67 0.65 −12.7 averages. Pereira et al. (2014), also studied a river basin in Southern
Month 0.85 0.81 −14.1 Brazil and had NS value of 0.65 and 0.70 for calibration and val-
Year 0.82 0.71 −12.1
idation period, respectively. Glavan et al. (2011) also determined
Validation better results for the calibration (0.62) than for validation (0.47) in
Day 0.78 0.56 −19.1 applying SWAT model in Axe watershed of UK.
Month 0.79 0.58 −17.6
PBIAS presented a good value for calibration (<15%) and sat-
Year 0.76 0.37 −16.7
isfactory for validation (<25%). Similar results were obtained by
Fukunaga et al. (2015) in a watershed in the Espírito Santo
shown in Fig. 3. The model performance statistics improved for State, Brazil, who obtained better results for calibration (NS = 0.75,
monthly calibration (Table 2) in this study, which was also been PBIAS = 11%) than for validation (NS = 0.67, PBIAS = 22%).
reported in similar studies (Lin et al., 2015; Schmalz et al., 2015). According to Liew et al. (2007), when NS is lower than 0.36 and
The streamflow showed an R2 greater than 0.6 for calibration PBIAS is higher than 25%, the model is considered unsatisfactory.
and validation assessments (Table 2), with a value of 0.85 and 0.79 Thus, our model is reasonable in predicting streamflow variation
for monthly calibration and validation assessments, respectively. in the Sarapuí River Watershed.
Schmalz et al. (2015) obtained close values of R2 for calibration The comparison between observed and simulated sediment and
(0.88) and validation (0.85). nutrients is presented in Fig. 4. Total suspended solids and nutrients
An acceptable value of NS >0.5 is suggested by Moriasi et al. calibration showed acceptable value for NS and PBIAS. We obtained
(2007). We obtained higher NS values for daily (0.65) and yearly an R2 of 0.68, 0.54 and 0.62 for SS, TN, and TP, respectively. Con-
(0.71) calibrations and a value equal to 0.81 for monthly calibra- sidering NS coefficient, SS showed a value of 0.65 while TN and

Please cite this article in press as: Mello, K.d., et al., Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical agricultural watersheds.
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ECOENG-4855; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 K.d. Mello et al. / Ecological Engineering xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3. Comparisons of the observed and simulated streamflow for the Sarapuí River watershed: A) Daily, B) Monthly, and C) Yearly.

TP showed values of 0.47 and 0.46. For PBIAS, we obtained values 0.15) in Montoussé catchment at Auradé (Gers, France), which is a
of 6.85, 0.18 and 24.45 for SS, TN, and TP, respectively. Yang et al. small agricultural catchment.
(2016b) in China, obtained NS values >0.55 and R2 >0.7 for TN and In our study, the values for sediment and nutrient calibra-
TP calibration. In another study, Ferrant et al. (2011) found that the tion were lower than those for streamflow, which was expected
SWAT model performed poorly in simulating nitrogen loads (NS is according to Abbaspour et al. (2015). Additionaly, it is important

Please cite this article in press as: Mello, K.d., et al., Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical agricultural watersheds.
Ecol. Eng. (2017),
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ECOENG-4855; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
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Fig. 4. Observed and simulated suspended solids (TSS) (A), total Nitrogen (TN) (B) and total phosphorus (TP) (C) for the Sarapuí Rive r watershed.

to consider that the lack of data frequency and coverage, espe- collected wastewater is taken to sewage treatment plants (Sodré
cially in Brazil, can contribute to the difficulty in calibrating water et al., 2010). In our study area, the sewage was often discharged in
quality parameters (Bressiani et al., 2015). Another point to be pipes directly connected with the river, directly on the soil, or in a
considered is the fact that the model did not consider the contri- cesspit without a structure to avoid soil and groundwater contam-
butions of point source pollution, that exist in the Sarapuí river ination, called “black cesspits,ä common problem in rural areas of
basin. Abbaspour et al. (2015) pointed that the model uncertainties Brazil (Pinto et al., 2012).
can be related to processes occurring in the watershed, but may
not include occurrences in the watershed that are unknown to the
3.2. Land use and land cover patterns and water quality
modeler or unaccountable because of data limitation.
In Brazil, point source pollution from raw sewage discharges has
The results of this study showed that the highest levels of sedi-
a strong impact on the water quality as only a small fraction of the
ment and nutrient loads occur in the upper half of the Sarapuí River

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Table 3
Land use and land cover (LULC) changes after the riparian restoration simulation.

LULC classes % current scenario % riparian scenario % of variation

forest 37.06 42.33 14.22

pasture 28.41 26.08 −8.20
agriculture 24.42 21.97 −10.03
eucalyptus 5.89 5.73 −2.72
residential area 3.52 3.23 −8.24
industrial area 0.37 0.33 −10.81
water 0.33 0.33 0

water-quality in the USA. The results showed that an increase of

planting areas for corn and soybean over forest and pasture losses
increased sediment and nutrient loading.
In our study, watersheds covered by forest followed by those
covered by pasture showed better water quality than the water-
sheds with agriculture and residential areas. In the same way, Wang
et al. (2013) and Ribeiro et al. (2014) found that forest and farmland
cover types play a significant role in determining the surface water
Besides the spatial variation, we also observed a temporal vari-
ation of water quality. Rainy seasons had higher nutrient and
sediment loads than the dry season for the Sarapuí River water-
shed. The same pattern was observed by other studies (Uriarte
et al., 2011; Gonzales-Inca et al., 2015; Ou et al., 2016). Sur-
face runoff washed pollutants and soil into the river during the
rainy season, carrying out sediments and nutrients (Hasan et al.,
2015). Gonzales-Inca et al. (2015) pointed out that the relationship
between agricultural use and nutrient losses is strongest during
high flow periods. Our model showed the highest sediment and
nutrients loading between October and March (Fig. 4), the rainy
season in the region, because the agricultural areas in the water-
sheds worked as sources of sediment and nutrients in the rainy
We observed a relationship between streamflow, sediment, and
nutrients especially when we analyze the phosphorus dynam-
ics. Values of TP and SS are significantly related followed by
the variation on streamflow. This relationship demonstrates a
high explanatory power (92%). Randhir and Tsvetkova (2009) also
observed a similar relationship, with an explanatory power of 83%.
Our results from experimental conditions at the six subwatersheds
showed a similar relationship, with an explanatory power of 57% for
a data collection of one year. Urban and agricultural development
Fig. 5. Spatial distribution of water quality attributes for the Sarapuí River water- frequently increase nitrogen concentrations in water and resulted
in the greatest problems of phosphorus was transported to water
bodies. Those nutrients are transported by sediment, especially in
watershed (Fig. 5), the region that presents the steepest slopes and rainfall events. Transported sediment from watersheds composed
most of the agricultural lands (Fig. 1). Despite being at hillslope, of different land uses can carry high levels of nutrients (Wiseman
some of the subwatersheds in the Upper Sarapuí watershed showed et al., 2014; King et al., 2016). Sediment transport of phosphorus can
low values of sediment and nutrients. Those subwatersheds pre- reduce the chemical quality of surface water and result in substan-
sented a higher percentage of forest cover. It was the case of the tial changes in aquatic ecosystems (Brooks et al., 2003). Sediment
subwatersheds 1, 2 and 5. Subwatershed 5 showed the lowest value loading represents the major problem for water quality in other
for sediment and nutrients (in the samples collected in 2013 and tropical rivers (Hasan et al., 2015).
2014), and the subwatersheds 3 and 4 presented the highest value
between the six experimental subwatersheds. The simulated data 3.3. Riparian forest restoration impacts on water quality
showed the same pattern, with subwatersheds 3 and 4 showing the
highest level of sediments and nutrients. Forest cover in the Sarapuí River watershed increased by 14%
In our study, subwatersheds covered by agriculture and residen- with riparian forest restoration scenario (Table 3). Pasture and agri-
tial areas showed higher levels of sediment and nutrient loads than culture decreased by 8% and 10%, respectively.
subwatersheds covered by forest and pasture (Fig. 5). On the other Fig. 6 shows the annual and average loads under the current
hand, forested subwatersheds showed the lowest levels, and conse- and riparian scenarios. The general trend is that the sediment and
quently better water quality. Past studies have reported that urban nutrients loads were less under the riparian scenario than in the
and agricultural lands lead to a decrease in water quality (Ometo current scenario. SS average reduced by 9.26%, TN by 22.6% and TP
et al., 2000; Gergel et al., 2002; Uriarte et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2012; by 7.89%. Studies show that riparian forest helps to reduce nitrogen,
Erol and Randhir, 2013; Huang et al., 2016). Lin et al. (2015) used nitrate, phosphorus, pesticide and sediment (Krutz, 2005; Oliveira
a SWAT Model to access the impact of bioenergy policies on the et al., 2010; Batson et al., 2012; Saalfeld et al., 2012; Randhir and

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Fig. 6. Annual and annual average loads of (A) suspended solids (SS), (B) total nitrogen (TN) and (C) total phosphorus (TP) under two different scenarios.

Ekness, 2013; Ding et al., 2013; Ou et al., 2016). Simulating a wet- landscape around. The study results support the knowledge of the
land restoration at the riparian zone, Yang et al. (2016b) found a riparian forest role for the water quality improvement by reducing
decrease of 35% of sediment, 28% of TN and 37% of TP. Monteiro nutrients and sediments loaded into the river. The results obtained
et al. (2016) found a sediment reduction of 29.4% by simulating the by Monteiro et al. (2016) are in accordance with the study. They
riparian restoration according to the Brazilian law in a catchment obtained that the reduction of the 30-m buffer to 5-m riparian cor-
in the Cerrado. ridor only, as currently discussed in the Sao Paulo State, reduces the
According to Hanser et al. (2010), riparian zones play a major potential of the riparian zone in reducing sediment into the river.
role in facilitating the two-way flow of matter and energy. Forest In this context, future restoration plans must incorporate ripar-
cover at the riparian corridor can influence stream nutrient concen- ian zone as priorities areas to mitigate water quality problems, once
trations, physical characteristics and energy balance (Tanaka et al., our results showed that the riparian forest restoration could reduce
2016). Ou et al. (2016) found that the first 100 m of the riparian zone sediment and nutrients loads into the river by 8%–23%, respec-
has the largest effect on river water quality. FOA recommendation tively. The natural regeneration process should not be ignored in
for water quality protection is 30 m, as well as proposed by Welsch this situation, especially in tropical regions, considering that many
(1991), and it was used in our study. In Victoria, Australia, the min- degraded areas in the tropics are composed by low-productivity
imum width recommendations for riparian zones were established or abandoned pasturelands (Latawiec et al., 2015). According to
for different levels of land use intensities (Hanser et al., 2010). Strassburg et al. (2016), the natural regeneration of abandoned
For low intensity, the recommendation to improve water quality pasturelands would reduce the costs of purifying water. In the
is 30m, and for high-intensity land use, the recommendation is Sarapuí River watershed, pasture is the second predominant land
60m. This is an interesting observation because the optimal width use, representing 28.4% of the watershed. Improved cattle ranch-
of the riparian zone can be variable for different land use inten- ing techniques could create new areas for forest restoration in this
sities. Anyway, studies have highlighted the positive relationship area.
between adequate management practices in the riparian zone with In this way, riparian restoration can be a good alternative to
the decrease the effects of nonpoint pollution in the watersheds improve water quality in tropical watersheds where land use is pre-
(Wiseman et al., 2014; King et al., 2016). dominantly for agricultural activities, but it cannot replace forest
In our study, we followed the Brazilian Forest Code that estab- conservation plans for the entire watershed. Forested watersheds
lishes a 30-m riparian zone protection that does not consider the showed better water quality than those covered by other LULC

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Please cite this article in press as: Mello, K.d., et al., Riparian restoration for protecting water quality in tropical agricultural watersheds.
Ecol. Eng. (2017),

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