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Article · March 2015


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3 authors, including:

Tomasz Tykocki
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology


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This wrong hypothesis was supported by Luschka [55] who and the blood flow is not constant but pulsatile [44]. Howev-
in fact, provided the description of two types of cerebral er, the Hagen-Poiseuile equation is applicable to vessels of

malformations: teleangiectases and cavernous tumors. The diameter of at least 100µm [26]. As the diameter of feeding
milestones for modern understanding of complex nature of arteries tends to be larger, with the mean value of 800µm


AVMs were the papers written by Virchov [8]. They provided [97], the formula can be applied to AVM feeders and is the
not only the anatomical issues but focus rather on patho- introduction to further calculations in artificially created
physiology and hemodynamics of AVMs. The first clinical models of AVM hemodynamics. The blood flow is inversely
TOMASZ TYKOCKI¹, MAGDALENA ŻYCHOWSKA², BOGUSŁAW KOSTKIEWICZ³ diagnosis of a cerebral AVMs was probably made by Hoff- proportional to vascular resistance (R), which in turn can be
mann [35] (1898), but the effective medical treatment still expressed as R=8L η/ πr4 (where L is the length of the ves-
1 Department of Neurosurgery, Institute Abstract has been a real challenge. sel, η– blood viscosity, r – inner radius of the vessel). Substi-
of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw The management of cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) is
The first complete excision of a cerebral AVM was per- tuting this equation into Hagen-Poisseuille formula reveals
2 I Faculty of Medicine, Warsaw Medical amongst the most advanced and challenging of neurosurgical procedures.
formed in 1889 by the famous French surgeon Jules Emile that Q=π ∆P r4/8L η. Assuming the flow to be proportional
University The main purpose of AVMs treatment is the extirpation of the lesion as it is
the only way to eliminate the risk of hemorrhage. With the progress of tre- Pean [107] and in 1932 Olivercona [7] performed first suc- to the average blood flow velocity and vessel cross section
3 Department of Neurosurgery, Central cessful removal of AVMs. He operated on a 37-year-old man (Q=v πr4) and substituting into the previous equation, we
atment modalities, the question has arisen as to which modality should be
Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the with left cerebellar AVM. Cushing [17] and Dandy [19] pub- get v=∆ P r4/8Lη.
applied in a particular patient and whether the risk associated with the propo-
Interior, Warsaw, Poland sed treatment does not outweigh the risk of hemorrhage resulting from AVM lished their AVMs operative experiences in 14 and 15 cases Due to the lack of capillary bed in AVMs, blood flows
natural history. The first step to answer the question has been to analyze the respectively in 1928. They reported various intraoperative directly to dilated low-resistance veins, which in turn leads
Corresponding author: hemodynamic properties of the nidus and factors influencing the intranidal troubles, especially those resulting from massive hemor- to decrease in AVM resistance in relation to other cerebral
Tomasz Tykocki pressure in particular. Electrical models and computer simulations as well as rhage and probably too aggressive neurosurgical approach. vessels [5]. Flow resistance and resistive index (RI, systolic animal models have contributed to better knowledge of baseline values inclu- Besides, those pioneers procedures couldn’t be supported velocity minus diastolic velocity over systolic velocity) calcu-
ding the distribution of flow, pressure and resistance within consecutive parts
Department of Neurosurgery by angiography or other sophisticated brain scans. Both, lated from spectral Doppler waveforms may help distinguish
of the AVM. The next step has been to assess the effect of AVM resection or
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology occlusion on hemodynamics in the neighborhood of the lesion and cerebral the lack of knowledge on the morphology of AVMs or its between abnormal, low-resistant AVM vessels and normal
in Warsaw blood flow (CBF). ‘Normal perfusion pressure breakthrough’ and ‘occlusive size, location and number of draining vessels caused, that ‘en passant’ brain vessels during surgical resection of AVM,
Sobieskiego 9, 02-957 Warszawa hyperemia’ after microsurgical resection, hemorrhage or ischemic events are most of the operations had a  great risk of morbidity and in particular in case of small lesions and residuals [18].
Poland controversial complications but should be treated as real threats to optimize mortality. However, the introduction of cerebral angiography While pressures in feeding arteries and draining vein sys-
the choice of treatment modality. by Portuguese neurologist Moniz [64] in 1927 together with tem can be measured directly using an intracranial microca-
The aim of this review is to present pathophysiological basics of hemody- the improvements in the quality of angiograms has opened therer [22] during superselective angiography and mean val-
namic disturbances evoked by the presence of arteriovenous malformation up new dimensions in the study of the morphological and ues are reported to be 70mmHg in feeding arteries,18mmHg
and discuss hemodynamic implications of interfering within its angioarchitec- hemodynamic aspects of AVMs. Two years later, Dott [21] in draining veins of low-flow AVMs. In high-flow AVMs these
ture by means of three commonly used treatment modalities: microsurgery,
presented the angiographic descriptions of AVMs for the values were 40mmHg in feeding arteries and 15mmHg in
endovascular embolization and radiosurgery.
first time. Therefore, in the 50s and 60s of last century the draining veins of [71], The intranidal pressure has been of
mortality ranged form o  to 10 % after AVMs resections. particular interest and its contribution to hemorrhage, the
arteriovenous malformations, hemodynamics, radiosurgery, microsurgery, Since then much more attention was paid to hemodynam- most frequent AVM clinical presentation, has been studied
embolization ic changes after operations, Murphy [68] was the first who thoroughly [67, 24, 29]. According to Doung et al. [22], high

reported the cerebral steal phenomenon. The continuing feeding artery pressure and deep venous drainage leading
erebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are initial signs enables proper postoperative care [28]. technological progress and the introduction of operating to outflow restriction are independent risk factors of hemor-
abnormal direct connections between arteries The aim of this paper is to present distinctive hemody- microscope, bipolar coagulation, microinstruments and rhage, whereas in the same study nidus size, location and
and veins of varying caliber without capillaries namic features of AVMs, describe the way AVMs influence neuroanesthetic technique improved postoperative clinical the presence of arterial aneurysms were found to be non-in-
as an interposing element [62]. AVMs focus at- CBF and finally, emphasize hemodynamic disturbances af- results. Spetzler and Martin [90] presented the correlation dependent risk factors. Sorimachi et al. [88] demonstrated
tention of neurologists and neurosurgeons be- ter AVMs treatment with microsurgery, embolization or ra- of the surgical results to size, location, relationship to elo- that feeding artery pressure tends to be lower in feeders
cause of their sophisticated nature and pathophysiological diosurgery. quent area and venous drainage pattern. The further thera- with terminal divided branches (probably supporting sepa-
effect exerted on the hemodynamics of cerebral blood flow peutic innovations brought the development of non-surgical rate AVM compartments) than in case of feeders with sin-
(CBF). The concept of vascular steal has gained numerous The history of AVMs treatment procedures. It was in 1967 when Lars Leksell [48] invented gle branches terminating in the AVM. When the feeder has
advocates and is the best proof that AVMs are not separate The first historical information about any vascular mal- the gamma knife at Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The first a transient branch to the eloquent part of the brain (supply-
independent lesions but are part of brain circulation and to- formation comes from the Papyrus Ebers, written in Egyp- report of an embolization of a traumatic carotico-cavernous ing normal, relatively high-resistance brain tissue), the pres-
gether with other brain vessels should be treated as a whole. tioan heratic writing dated on 1550 BC [107]. This histori- fistula by Brooks [8] was in 1930 and endovascular emboli- sure in the feeder is found to be significantly higher.
Understanding sophisticated nature of AVMs is required be- cal manuscript contains descriptions of hemorrhoids, skin zation of cerebral AVMS was first described by Leussenhop One way to confirm the speculated intranidal hemody-
fore choosing an optimal therapeutic method – conservative tumors, varicose veins and aneurysms. Another primary and Spence in 1960 [54]. namics is to create electrical models of AVMs. Such models
management or invasive treatment, taking simultaneously reports about vascular abnormalities could be found in Hip- are based on the analogy between electric circuit and ves-
into consideration hemodynamic consequences of AVM pokrates’s, Galen’s, Celsus’s, Aetius’s, Avicenna’s papers Pathophysiology sel network. Current is the analog of blood flow, voltage (the
excision such as cerebral edema or hemorrhage to the ad- [107]. The breakthrough of understanding of cerebral cir- Distinctive features of AVM hemodynamics are of par- potential difference across two points) is compared to pres-
jacent parts of the brain. These hemodynamic disturbanc- culation were made by Malpighi [56] (1661) who discovered ticular interest to neurosurgeons due to their influence on sure (as pressure difference between two ends of the vessel
es seem to be grounded either in occlusive hyperemia as capillaries, what was soon widely analysed by Harvey [32] the risk of hemorrhage and association with complications causes blood flow), resistors in such artificially created cir-
a consequence of venous obstruction or impaired autoreg- (1628) and Willis (1664). William Hunter [37] (1757) was the of various treatment modalities. The blood flow through so- cuits are equivalents of vessel resistance. The analogy be-
ulatory mechanism leading to the speculated phenomenon first who presented the anatomical and hemodynamic fea- phisticated AVM angioarchitecture can be estimated using tween Ohm’s law ( I=V/R in which I is the current, V-voltage,
of ‘normal perfusion pressure breakthrough’ (NPPB) [99]. tures of arteriovenous malformation. He introduced the term Hagen-Poiseuille formula (Q=∆ P/R, in which Q is the flow, R-resistance) and Hagen-Poiseuille formula can be drawn.
Altered autoregulation in the region of AVMs may contrib- of “anastomosis” contributing with previous description of ∆P – pressure gradient, R-resistance) when we take into The disadvantage of such models is the simplicity of their
ute to the hyperperfusion after the obliteration or excision “erectile tumor”. In the XIX century another over 20 terms consideration that blood is a  non-Newtonian fluid, i.e. the architecture (often simulating only one feeding artery and
of large high-flow AVMs. Prediction of hemodynamic com- referring to cerebral malformations were used. Rokitan- blood viscosity depends on the shear rate and flow velocity, draining vein or containing no compartments, whereas real,
plications after AVM excision and early detection of NPPB sky [83] concluded the neoplastic origin of malformations. vessels are not rigid pipes but viscoelastic tapered tubes especially large high-flow AVMs, are usually either structur-

18 VOLUME 51, NR 1 VOLUME 51, NR 1 19


ally or functionally compartmentalized lesions supported by served in approx 15% of patients with AVMs [12]. Sekhon et Hirai et al. [34] have recommend focusing the treatment ber of draining veins, (4) pre-operative venous narrowing or
3-4 feeding arteries), the models don’t provide for blood vis- al. [85] have demonstrated by creating an arteriovenous fis- strategy on these lesions. In case of aneurysms both embo- occlusion and (5) the presence of vascular steal, are found
cosity, shear stress, pulsatile blood flow, vessel distensibili- tula model in the rat that chronic non-infarctional ischaemia lization and radiosurgery can be performed. In large AVMs to be associated with the elevated risk of ‘occlusive hyper-
ty and autoregulation [27]. A biomathematical model based with the 25-50% reduction in CBF leads to the impairment with venous stenosis, embolization seems to be treatment emia’ [1].
on electrical network analysis, created by Hademonos et of neuronal function. On the basis of analysis of 65 patients of choice. The grading scale comprised of nidus size, pattern of
al. [31], determines intranidal hemodynamics with particular with AVM, Marks et al. [57] have defined morphological fea- venous drainage and eloquence of the adjacent brain, pro-
consideration of the differences between the plexiform and tures associated with the risk of vascular steal, including Treatment posed by Spetzler and Martin [90] in 1986, has been gold
fistulous part of AVM. The mean intranidal flow was found large nidus (mean volume of 105cm3 in patients with the The main aim of AVM treatment is to eliminate the risk of standard to assess the risk and predict the outcome of sur-
to be 31,3ml/min with mean flow velocity of 66,4cm/s for presentation of vascular steal, comparing with mean vol- future hemorrhage by total occlusion or complete excision gical intervention in AVM patients. Other grading systems,
the plexiform part and 617,6ml/min with mean flow velocity ume of 19,5cm3 in patients without such presentation), an- and preserve neurological function. The aim can be achieved developed by Tamaki et al. [93], Hollerhage et al. [36], Pertu-
of 387,8cm/s for the fistulous part. The mean shear stress giomatous change and peripheral venous drainage. Many after thorough clinical examination and radiological assess- iset et al. [76] or Spears et al. [89] have not met with general
was 187,7 dyne/cm2 for the plexiform part and 463,5dyne/ scientists, on the other hand, diminish the importance of ment by adjusting the treatment modality to patient’s char- approval. In 2010 Lawton et al. [46] have presented a grad-
cm2 for the fistulous part. Guglielmi et al.[27] have created vascular steal. In a study carried out by Mast et al. [60] 11 acteristics and AVM angioarchitecture in the way that the ing scale, based on patient age, sort of clinical presenta-
two electrical models – of low-flow (105ml/min) and high- out of 152 patients with AVM presented nonprogressive fo- treatment-related morbidity and mortality didn’t outweigh tion (hemorrhagic or unhemorrhagic) and AVM diffuseness,
flow (550ml/min) AVMs to define hemodynamic conditions, cal neurological deficits while only 2 patients suffered from the risk of complication in the AVM natural history [73]. as supplementary to Spetzler-Martin grading scale in order
including pressure and blood flow, within the successive progressive deficits. Patients with hemorrhage prior to neu- to increase the sensitivity, specificity (or both) of predicting
parts of the AVM i.e. the arterial, arteriolar, arteriolar-venu- rological deficits were excluded from the study. The authors Microsurgery the resection outcome. The authors based on statistically
lar transition, venular and venous parts of the lesion and compared pressure and mean flow velocities in feeding ar- As observed by Guglielmi [27] after excision of low- significant variabilities found to be independent risk factors
assess the hemodynamic changes after endovascular em- teries and found no difference between patients with versus flow AVMs the feeding artery pressure increases from 70 of neurological complications after surgery (age, unhemor-
bolization, surgical extirpation and bypass creation. The without deficits. to 96mmHg with a simultaneous decrease of draining vein rhagic presentation, diffuse lesion). The aim of this simple
model revealed that in large, high-flow AVM, in relation to Another approach to shed light on the incompletely un- pressure from 18 to 6mmHg. In case of high-flow AVMs, the scale is both to confirm the surgery risk estimated by means
lower resistance of the nidus when compared to small AVM, derstood issue of AVM-related hemodynamic disturbanc- feeding artery pressure rise tends to be larger (from 40 to of Spetzler-Martin scale (when the outcome of the supple-
the pressure regimen through the nidus is lower (especially es is to create such lesions in animals. This approach is 87mmHg) with the draining vein pressure drop from 15 to mentary scale corresponds with the Spetzler-Martin out-
when pressures on the arterial side of large and small AVMs grounded in a theory of AVM pathogenesis, assuming that 3mmHg. These changes result from removal of the lesion come) and, which has more important clinical implications,
are compared, 40 and 70mmHg respectively), the pressure morphological changes leading to the nidus formation occur of low resistance to blood flow. In accordance with Poi- to help to decide in doubtful cases of borderline outcome
in the arteriolar part of the nidus is lower (25,5 vs 44mmHg secondary to increased blood flow and shear stress in a con- seuille-Hagen formula, as the feeding arteries are perma- by Spetzler-Martin grading scale (with stress on Grade III
in small AVM), the flow through the venular part of large genital arteriovenous fistula [66]. An affirmation of this theo- nently dilated and are unable to constrict immediately after subtypes). As Sanchez-Mejia [84] recommends, ‘microsur-
AVM is higher (48ml/min) and the pressure in the venular ry can be effective attempts of the formation of human-like AVM excision, the new pressure gradient must be reduced gical resection should be done in case of radiated AVMs
part is lower (18,5mmHg) than in small AVM (26ml/min and AVMs on the basis of surgically created arteriovenous fistula to maintain the same blood flow. This leads to a greater than that are not completely obliterated after the 3-year latency
24,5mmHg, respectively). The study confirmed large blood in animals. Wakhloo et al. [105] have proposed increased normal blood pulsatility and may result in hemorrhage from period, but altered favorably for surgery, even in asymptom-
flow through the fistulous part (365ml/min) in comparison flow through the fistula and vessel remodeling to be respon- a ruptured aneurysm or other site of vessel weakness [70]. atic patients’.
with the plexiform part (190ml/min) of the AVM nidus. Al- sible for reduction of muscular tone, vessel dilatation (mean After excision of high-flow AVM the autoregulatory mech-
though one might expect to find a correlation between low diameter of 520µm after 6 months since fistula creation vs anism has to intervene because large amounts of blood Embolization
feeding mean arterial pressure (FMAP) and high draining 320µm in control animals) and decreased resistance leading supplying previously the low-resistant lesion are now di- Endovascular embolization is an important facilitation of
vein pressure (DVP) in high-flow fistulas, recent studies do to the formation of high-flow AVM. Similarities between ani- rected to dilated vessels of the adjacent brain [27]. Since surgery, aimed at reducing the AVM volume and flow and
not confirm such association. According to Young et al. mal models and human AVMs were histopathologically and years scientists have tried to answer the question whether occlusion of deep, surgically inaccessible feeding arteries
[108], higher FMAP is directly related to higher DVP. In high- ultrastructurally verified and included ectasia of the model the capillaries in the neighborhood of the nidus, adapted for and intranidal fistulous compartments [101]. It is a  part of
flow AVMs the transnidal pressure (the difference between vessels, focal intimal hyperplasia, increased collagen depo- chronic ischaemia are capable of autoregulation like capil- multimodality treatment when combined with microsurgery
FMAP and DVP) seems to be lower, which results in de- sition, disruption of the elastic lamina and the presence of laries of the distant to the AVM sites of the brain. If not, the or radiosurgery, but it may be also applied as the sole treat-
creased susceptibility to spontaneous vessel rupture. filopodia on the luminal surface of endothelium [98]. risk of NPPB arises [4, 71, 91]. The phenomenon is due to ment method to achieve complete obliteration or as pallia-
The resistance of the feeding arteries in large AVM was Other important factors leading to hemodynamic per- the impairment of autoregulation, in particular in the shift of tive treatment [73]. The data concerning postembolization
calculated to be lower than in small AVM (36Ω vs 240Ω) turbations and, therefore, suspected to be associated with upper limit to the lower pressure value in cases of chronic mortality and morbidity vary significantly. Taylor et al. [94]
due to larger cross section of feeding arteries of large AVM. the risk of rupture, are the presence of intranidal anerysms brain hypoperfusion induced by the presence of a low-re- highlight the fact that despite significant surgical facilitation
Due to larger cross section of draining veins of large AVM, (or venous ectasias) and venous stenosis, considered by sistant lesion [38]. Paralyzed vessels adjacent to the AVM measured in reduction of intraoperative blood loss and op-
the resistance of the draining veins was lower than in small Krings et al. [45] to be ‘focal weak points’ in AVM angio- are unable to response to the restoration of normal perfu- erative time, embolization is correlated with increased mor-
AVM (13Ω vs 95Ω). An interesting finding is lower resistance architecture. Aneurysms within feeding arteries or nidus as sion pressure, which results in hyperemia and disruption of tality and morbidity. According to the retrospective study
of brain vessels in case of large, high-flow AVM than in small well as in remote vessels are frequent anomalies, estimated the capillary bed. NPPB occurs mainly in patients with large, carried out by the authors in 2004, 11% of patients died
AVM (149 Ω vs 249 Ω). Brain vessels tend to dilate in order to be present in 10-58% of AVM patients [82] and may rup- high-flow AVMs, supplied by the branches of external carot- or suffered from a permanent neurological deficit after the
to maintain sufficient blood supply to the brain tissue. When ture before, during or immediately after AVM treatment [96]. id artery [91]. embolization procedure. The data presented by Deruty et
the pressure drops beyond autoregulatory capabilities, the Flow-related aneurysms tend to develop in sites of maximal Hemorrhage during or after surgery is the most devas- al. [20] revealed a 25%-complication rate (including minor
brain becomes hypoperfused and neurological deficits tend shear stress, which are branching points of major feeding tating complication. The larger the AVM, the higher the risk deterioration, neurological deficits and death) after endo-
to appear. Large high-flow AVMs contribute to redistribution arteries. Therefore it is not surprising that they disappear of hemorrhage. However, NPPB is only one explanation for vascular embolization, compared to minor complications
of blood flow, more blood is directed to the low-resistant le- after restoration of normal hemodynamic conditions of CBF postoperative hemorrhage and/or cerebral edema after AVM (mainly minor deterioration) observed in 17% of surgically
sion, which in turn leads to decrease in perfusion pressure of [16]. Venous stenosis is supposed to be an excessive re- excision. A theory, introduced by al-Rodhan [1] is based on treated patients and 10% of irradiated patients. Such high
the brain-nutrifying vessels and the vascular steal phenom- sponse of the venous wall to high flow and shear stress. Its studies that reduced blood flow through the draining veins postembolization complication rates may be only partial-
enon may occur if autoregulation range stays unchanged correlation with the risk of rupture is disputable and proba- with a  simultaneous stagnant flow in the feeding arteries ly attributed to the fact that embolization is performed in
[29, 86]. However, symptoms ascribed to ‘steal’ are a rare bly depends on the selection bias of the patients. However, may result in intravenous clot formation. Obstruction of sophisticated AVM cases as severe complications after
finding in AVM patients thanks to ‘adaptive autoregulato- many studies confirm positive correlation with the risk of venous outflow leads to ‘occlusive hyperemia’. Distinctive embolization have been observed in low-grade AVMs as
ry displacement’ [108]. The steal phenomenon is claimed hemorrhage [63, 69, 103]. As intranidal aneurysms and ve- features of AVM angioarchitecture, including (1) high-flow well. Therefore Deruty et al. [20] dissuade from performing
to be responsible for progressive neurological deficits ob- nous stenosis are considered to be hazardous structures, AVMs, (2) long and tortuous feeding arteries, (3) small num- embolization in low-grade AVMs and favour microsurgical

20 VOLUME 51, NR 1 VOLUME 51, NR 1 21


resection or irradiation in such cases. However, updates on measurement of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in close tribution of blood flow and subsequent hemorrhage and/or tory response to irradiation as the most probable cause of
the postembolization clinical outcome are more optimistic. proximity to the AVM and may show either postemboliza- brain edema, staged embolization of the feeding arteries is venous thrombosis leading to hemorrhage in the early peri-
A  study conducted by Ledezma et al. [47] revealed 6,5% tion disappearance of rCBF decrease, observed before the recommended. Complete surgical excision should be per- od following radiosurgery. Therefore, ‘occlusive hyperemia’,
complication rate and 1,2% mortality rate. Haw et al. [33] procedure, or increase of rCBF combined with hyperemic formed within several days (1-2 weeks) after final emboliza- the term used primarily to explain pathophysiological basis
reported 3,9% risk of death or permanent neurological defi- complications [6]. tion [73]. for brain edema or hemorrhage after AVM surgical resec-
cit after embolization. In large, high-flow AVMs the risk of NPPB seems life- tion, may be responsible for hemodynamic complications
The postembolization hemodynamic complications in- like, especially when one-staged complete excision is per- Radiosurgery after AVM radiosurgery, too. Other factors, including AVM
clude both hemorrhage and ischemic events (50% each formed. Therefore, many authors recommend multimodality The advantage of radiation in AVM treatment is its ability size, the presence of aneurysms and hemorrhage within one
[20]), which may lead to transient or permanent neurological treatment composed of staged embolization and final surgi- to cause endothelial damage and hyaline thickening, result- year prior to radiosurgery, have been demonstrated to exert
deficits. Ischemic events may result from occlusion of arteri- cal resection. The key issue is the choice of optimal interval ing in thrombosis and AVM obliteration [72]. Radiosurgical effect on the generation of hemorrhage after AVM radiosur-
al branch supplying normal brain tissue or arterial dissection between the embolization and surgery as too short intervals treatment is preferred in patients with unruptured, small (the gery [80, 49]. As demonstrated by Lo [51], the distribution of
during endovascular access. Postembolization hemorrhage between the procedures may contribute to severe hyper- efficiency of this modality is limited to lesions not greater shear stress to the AVM shunt walls, which is directly related
in the early period after the embolization, reported in 3-15% emic complications and within long intervals the occluded than 3cm), deep AVMs, especially when the lesion is locat- to the risk of rupture, is dependent on the mechanism of
of patients and 1-2% of procedures [40] [77], is supposed to vessels may recanalize or collateral circulation may devel- ed in eloquent part of the brain (considered in such case AVM obliteration. Two patterns of post-radiosurgical occlu-
be a result of the increase of feeding artery pressure. Sev- op. Chioffi et al. [11] observed higher risk of intraoperative to be treatment of choice) [73]. It is also a part of multimo- sion have been described in literature. The first one, less
eral factors, including (1) compact nidus, (2) large number complications including severe blood loss and periventric- dality approach to treatment of giant AVMs associated with likely, referred to as ‘random occlusion’, signifies complete
of feeding arteries, (3) the presence of steal phenomenon, ular hemorrhage as well as postoperative hemodynam- high surgical risk [73]. Radiosurgery prior to microsurgery obliteration of only some of the nidus vessels and subse-
(4) preembolization venous stenosis or ectasia, (5) exten- ic complications such as cerebral edema or intracerebral facilitates the resection by (1) reducing the size of high-flow quent blood redistribution. The second mechanism of ves-
sive venous embolization, have been postulated to pre- hematoma when the AVM mean flow velocity exceeded AVMs, (2) making the walls of the radiated arteries thicker sel occlusion is grounded in stepwise thickening of the ves-
dispose to early hemorrhage [77]. Hemorrhage in the late 120cm/s before the surgery. and subsequently easier to occlude, (3) reducing the blood sel walls and narrowing of the lumen (‘stepwise occlusion’)
period occurs due to venous occlusion, being a  result of The issue that has been particularly under discussion flow through the nidus and (4) inducing gliosis surround- with eventual vessel occlusion [52]. The pattern of occlusion
slowed blood flow in the dilated veins and clot formation in is the choice of the optimal embolic agent considering the ing the lesion, which facilitates the dissection. As observed is probably much more complex in in vivo conditions than in
the draining vein system, or the speculated phenomenon of safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Embolic materi- by Sanchez-Mejia [84], radiosurgery reduces the operative theoretical considerations and requires allowing for dynam-
NPPB. A separate issue is the periprocedural hemorrhage als can be divided into two groups: solid agents, including morbidity, graded according to the modified Rankin Scale ic phenomena within the nidus [59].
secondary to mechanical vessel perforation, AVM rupture polyvinyl alcohol particles (PVA), fibers, microcoils, micro- (mRS). As the effect is not immediate and the latency pe- An incompletely understood phenomenon is the occur-
or intranidal aneurysm rupture during catheterization [41]. balloons and liquid agents including cyanoacrylate mono- riod necessary to obtain obliteration is estimated to be rence of hemorrhage after complete radiosurgical obliter-
The hemodynamic consequences of embolization de- mers e.g. I-butyl cyanoacrylate (IBCA) and N-butyl cyano- approximately 2 years, one must contemplate the risk of ation confirmed in angiography. Delayed hemorrhage was
pend on the magnitude of flow and the part of the AVM, acrylate (NBCA), and polymer solutions e.g. ethylene vinyl hemorrhage within the latency period versus the capabili- reported in 0,7-2,4% of patients [39, 58]. The speculat-
which is occluded with the embolic agent. As the electrical alcohol [73]. The introduction of liquid agents revolutionized ty to immediate AVM excision [10]. Numerous studies have ed cause of such hemorrhage is recanalization of a  small
models created by Gugliemi [27] demonstrate, the most de- endovascular procedures and NBCA has been the most been conducted to shed light on the risk of hemorrhage postradiosurgical thrombus, undetectable via neuroimag-
sired effect is the occlusion of arterial feeders resulting in popular embolic material so far, with complete obliteration associated with the radiation-induced altered flow patterns ing. The suspected risk factors include young age, female
the reduction of blood pressure and flow through the nidus rate of approximately 10% [24], achieved mainly in small within the latency period [15, 43, 53]. As the radiation in- sex and the presence of small AVM [61]. Reexamination of
both in cases of low-flow and high-flow AVMs (with a 40% AVMs with a small number of feeding arteries [102], espe- duces thickening of the nidus vessel walls and subsequent such patients after complete radiosurgical obliteration is
reduction of pressure and 50% reduction of flow through cially when the nidus is not compartmentalized or the fistu- fibrosis, one can expect the risk of hemorrhage within the recommended, as there is diminutive risk of AVM reappear-
the nidus in small AVMs). However, if the embolic agent, lous compartment is dominant [100]. It has been postulat- latency period to be decreased. The data vary due to the ance [50].
after occlusion of the feeding arteries, does not penetrate ed that the use of particle materials, as they induce slower sort of analysis and the annual risk of hemorrhage with- According to Sanchez-Mejia [84], ‘radiosurgery is rec-
to the shunt within the nidus, the risk of neoangiogenesis obliteration, is associated with increased risk of hemorrhage in the latency period is reported to be 1,5-3,7% [14, 87, ommended for unruptured AVMs that are not favorable for
or reopening of the collateral circulation arises, which will due to slow but continuous increase of pressure within the 92]. In Karlsson’s [43] study advanced age and low dose microsurgical resection‘. As Spetzler-Martin grading scale
make subsequent endovascular procedures nearly impos- nidus before complete obliteration [73]. Liquid agents allow of radiation were found to be associated with higher risk of does not correlate with patient outcome after AVM radio-
sible [45]. On the other hand, occlusion of the draining vein the use of flow-directed catheters, which in turn eliminates rupture. As a confirmation of Karlsson’s observations may surgery, Pollock and Flickinger [79] developed ‘radiosur-
system is an unwelcome result of embolization leading to the risk of mechanical perforation during the procedure and serve a biomathematical model of the influence of radiation gery-based arteriovenous malformation score’ (RBAS).
a dramatic decrease of flow through the nidus and increase enables precise placement of the catheter in close proximity on the risk of hemorrhage, developed by Massoud et al. [59] The authors formulated an equation to calculate the AVM
of pressure in the venular part of the nidus (in low-flow to the nidus, reducing the risk of ischemic events [106]. Eth- The authors stressed the elevated risk of rupture associated score, associated with patient outcome after single irradi-
AVMs even by 284%) with high risk of postembolization ylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (Onyx) is a new liquid agent with partial and/or low-dose radiosurgery. When incomplete ation. The AVM score can be defined in the following way:
hemorrhage [27]. Extreme caution is required during embo- enabling, at least theoretically, better penetration and simul- radiosurgery is performed, the resistance to outflow in oc- AVMscore=(0.1)(AVM volume in cm3) + (0,02)(patient age in
lization of AVMs combined with venous stenosis as when taneous angiographic control [75]. However data concern- cluded vessels increases and the blood is redistributed to years) + (0.3)(location of lesion: 0 if frontal or temporal; 1 if
even scant amount of embolic agent reaches the stenosed ing its effectiveness vary significantly, the complete obliter- unoccluded parts of the nidus, which results in generation parietal, occipital, intraventricular, corpus callosum or cere-
vein, the pressure within the nidus may increase significant- ation rate ranging from 29%, reported by Tevah and Huete of additional biomechanical stresses increasing the risk of bellar; 2 if basal ganglia, thalamic or brainstem). Lower AVM
ly with severe hemodynamic consequences. Rupture may [95], to 0% in a study conducted by Jahan [42]. rupture. Interestingly, nidus vessels in close relation to the score (1 or less) is correlated with better clinical outcome.
also be a result of occlusion of the fistulous compartment In 2010 a  grading scale for AVM endovascular proce- feeding arteries and/or draining veins are the most suscep- The grading scale, proposed in 2002, has been validated
and the venular part of one of the channels of the plexiform dures, similar to the surgically applicable Spetzler-Martin tible to rupture [59]. Several authors highlight the risk of several times [3, 65, 81] and seems to be an accurate pre-
compartment in high-flow AVMs, as the increase of flow and grading scale, has been created by Feliciano et al. [23] venous hypertension and ‘occlusive hyperemia’ as a result dictor of excellent outcome not only after single radiosur-
pressure within the nidus in such cases is noted to be 108% However, the scale, composed of the number of feeding of radiosurgically-induced venous occlusion prior to arterial gery but also after retreatment and may help predict the
and 244%, respectively. However, Yuki et al. [110] demon- arteries, presence of fistulous compartments and eloquent occlusion. The subsequent increase of intranidal pressure clinical outcome after overall radiosurgical treatment [81].
strated that embolization of the high-flow fistula, as a part location of the lesion, was based only on the analysis of may contribute to intracranial hemorrhage. According to
of multimodality approach to cerebral AVMs with large fis- outcome predictive factors described in literature and, as Pollock [78], venous hypertension was present in 2 of 28 pa- Conclusions
tulous compartments, was successful in 100% of patients, the authors mention, needs further examination. tients with symptomatic postradiosurgical imaging chang- AVM are among those brain pathologies that have been
and the complications, if occurred, were associated with Embolization is performed when the nidus diameter is es. Chapman et al. [11] described two cases of patients with for centuries of particular interest. Its complexity results
endovascular occlusion of other parts of the nidus. Single in excess of 3cm or it is supplied by deep feeding arteries delayed neurological deficits due to postradiosurgical ve- from the angioarchitecture and hemodynamic properties.
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) enables with difficult surgical access [73]. In fear of too rapid redis- nous outflow obstruction. Celix et al. [9] consider inflamma- The essence of AVMs treatment relies on a multimodal ap-

22 VOLUME 51, NR 1 VOLUME 51, NR 1 23


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