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Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 30 (2018) 30–34

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The role of sleep dysfunction in the relationship between trauma, neglect T

and depression in methamphetamine using men

Deborah L. Jonesa, , Violeta J. Rodrigueza,b, Aileen De La Rosaa, Jessica Dietchc,
Mahendra Kumara
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 1400 NW 10th Ave., Miami, FL, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30605, USA
Department of Psychology, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76201, USA


Keywords: Background: Childhood abuse and neglect, or childhood trauma (CT), has been associated with methampheta-
Methamphetamine mine use, HIV, and depression. This study explored the potential for sleep dysfunction to influence the re-
Sleep lationship between CT and depression in methamphetamine using men.
Depression Methods: A total of N = 347 men were enrolled: 1) HIV-uninfected, non-methamphetamine (MA) using het-
Childhood maltreatment
erosexual and homosexual men (HIV- MA-; n = 148), 2) MA-using MSM living with HIV (HIV+ MA+; n = 147)
and 3) HIV-uninfected, MA using MSM (HIV- MA+; n = 52). Participants completed measures of demographic
characteristics, sleep dysfunction, childhood trauma, and depression.
Results: Participants were on average 37 years old (SD = 9.65). Half of participants were Hispanic, and 48.1%
had a monthly personal income of less than USD$500. Controlling for sleep dysfunction and control variables,
the impact of CT on depression decreased significantly, b = 0.203, p < 0.001, and the indirect effect of CT on
depression was significant according to a 95% bCI, b = 0.091, bCI (95% CI 0.057, 0.130). That is, sleep dys-
function partially explained the relationship between CT on depression.
Limitations: Important limitations included the cross-sectional design of the study, and the self-reported measure
of sleep.
Conclusions: Results highlight the use of sleep interventions to prevent and treat depression, and the utility of
assessing sleep disturbances in clinical care.

1. Introduction time, and sleep efficiency, as CT has been linked to sleep dysfunction
(Kajeepeta, Gelaye, Jackson, & Williams, 2015). Sleep dysfunction has
Childhood abuse and neglect, or childhood trauma (CT), has been also been linked to depressive symptomatology and fatigue (Broström,
associated with both substance use and depression (Briere & Elliott, Wahlin, Alehagen, Ulander, & Johansson, 2018), and may result from
2003; Ding, Lin, Zhou, Yan, & He, 2014; Edalati & Krank, 2016). Among impaired circadian sleep rhythms arising from posttraumatic stress
methamphetamine users, studies report 50.5% of users endorse at least symptomatology, e.g., hypervigilance (Ugland & Landrø, 2015). Com-
one of eight adverse childhood events, suggesting that childhood ad- bined, these findings suggest that CT, depression, and sleep dysfunction
versity may increase susceptibility for substance use (Ding et al., 2014). may be interrelated. These relations may also be influenced by HIV
Childhood abuse and neglect has also been more frequently reported by status or by antiretroviral therapy (ART); among those living with HIV,
have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV; MSM rates of methamphe- sleep dysfunction is common; previous research in this population
tamine use range from 10% to 23%. In addition, a history of childhood classified 88% as poor sleepers, with 66% reporting less than 7 h of
physical neglect has been associated with depression, and slower re- sleep for most nights over the last month and 60% reporting delayed
covery from depression (Briere & Elliott, 2003; Mandelli, Petrelli, & sleep onset latency (Frain, 2017). Methamphetamine use also prevents
Serretti, 2015; Paterniti, Sterner, Caldwell, & Bisserbe, 2017). sleep and some users may sleep for up to 30 h following use (Meth woes
The relation between CT and depression (Briere & Elliott, 2003; outlined in Alamosa County, 2007; National Institute on Drug Abuse,
Mandelli et al., 2015) may be explained by sleep dysfunction, which 2016), which may exacerbate symptoms associated with sleep dys-
includes sleep onset, sleep latency, wake after sleep onset, total sleep function, particularly among those with an increased vulnerability for

Corresponding author at: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 1400 NW 10th Ave., Miami, FL, USA.
E-mail address: (D.L. Jones).
Received 22 January 2018; Received in revised form 31 March 2018; Accepted 4 May 2018
0941-9500/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
D.L. Jones et al. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 30 (2018) 30–34

sleep disorders. Depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the
Early life exposure to traumatic experiences has been identified a Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) (Radloff,
risk factor for poor sleep quality in adulthood (Greenfield, Lee, 1977). The CES-D requires respondents to report the frequency of de-
Friedman, & Springer, 2011; Kajeepeta et al., 2015). Developmental pressive symptoms in the past week. CES-D scores range from 0 to 60;
frameworks suggest that the impact of childhood experiences on sleep higher scores indicate greater severity of depressive symptomatology.
dysfunction in adulthood are mediated by biological processes, such as In this sample, internal consistency was excellent (α = 0.87).
increased allostatic load due to exposure to repetitive stress. Further- Childhood Abuse and Neglect. Trauma and neglect were assessed
more, children who have experienced abuse and frequent re-victimi- using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) (Bernstein,
zation may be unable to develop or maintain healthy sleep schedules Ahluvalia, Pogge, & Handelsman, 1997) a 28-item Likert scale
and such patterns may continue into adulthood (Anda et al., 2006). In (1 = never true to 5 = very often) assessing emotional abuse (parents
addition, previous studies have shown that childhood experiences in- wished they had never been born), physical abuse (was kicked, bit, or
crease sleep disturbances by 2.1 (Greenfield et al., 2011). In turn, sleep burned), sexual abuse (was touched in a sexual way), emotional neglect
disturbances predict the onset of depression and are predictor of con- (not listened to or caregivers were unsupportive), physical neglect (was
tinued chronic depression (Baglioni et al., 2011). not taken to a doctor), and denial about abuse and neglect in childhood
Given the high rates of CT, depression, and sleep disorders among (had a “perfect” childhood). Possible scores for this scale range from 28
MSM living with HIV, including those who use methamphetamine, this to 140, where greater scores indicate a greater frequency or severity of
study sought to examine the role of sleep dysfunction in the association CT. In this sample, reliability was excellent (α = 0.84).
between CT and depression. Consistent with prior research and theory, Sleep Dysfunction. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality index (PSQI) was
it was hypothesized that CT and sleep dysfunction would both be as- used to assess overall sleep disturbance (Buysse, Reynolds, Monk,
sociated with depression (Briere & Elliott, 2003; Broström et al., 2017; Berman, & Kupfer, 1989). The PSQI includes seven components of sleep
Krystal, 2012; Mandelli et al., 2015). However, because, to the best of quality: subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual
our knowledge, the interrelatedness of these three clusters of symptoms sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medication, and
had not been explored in prior research, the mediational effect of sleep daytime dysfunction. In the current study, the PSQI global score was
dysfunction between CT and depression was tested. It was hypothesized used for analyses. Greater scores on this scale indicated a greater degree
that sleep dysfunction would account for this association. Given the of sleep dysfunction (α = 0.59).
increased risk for sleep dysfunction among people living with HIV and Substance Use. The Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and
methamphetamine users, whether this mediational effect would differ Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV), non-pa-
as a function of HIV status and methamphetamine use was explored. It tient version (SCID-IV-NP; (Spitzer, Williams, Gibbon, & First, 1992)
was anticipated that results from this study could guide the develop- was used to assess methamphetamine use. The assessment included the
ment of interventions to treat depression among those living with HIV duration and frequency of methamphetamine use, as well as remission
and methamphetamine users. from methamphetamine dependence. Among those who reported drug
use, an indicator variable was created to differentiate those who were
2. Method substance dependent versus those who reported recreational metham-
phetamine use, methamphetamine abuse, and remission from me-
2.1. Participants and procedures thamphetamine use for a period of 12 months. All participants in the
study met criteria for either methamphetamine abuse or dependence,
Prior to any study activities, approval was obtained from the which required participants to have used methamphetamine in the past
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Institutional Review 12 months. Per DSM-IV criteria, participants were not considered to be
Board. Candidates were recruited by convenience sampling from local in remission if they met reported any methamphetamine use with 12
clinics, hospitals, support groups, drug treatment programs, and by months of meeting criteria for methamphetamine abuse or dependence.
word of mouth in Southeastern Florida. Due to the high rates of me-
thamphetamine use among men in Southeastern Florida, particularly 2.3. Statistical analyses
among MSM, recruitment targeted men. Participants were included if
they were heterosexual men or MSM, HIV seropositive or negative, Analyses of variance (ANOVA) and chi-square tests were used to
having or not having a history of methamphetamine use, and if they examine the sociodemographic and psychosocial associations with de-
were between the ages of 18 and 55. Participants were excluded if they pression. Comparisons were conducted by group (HIV-MA-, HIV
endorsed a history of migraine, seizure, visual impairment, learning +MA+, HIV-MA+) to describe participant characteristics. Covariates
disorders, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cur- were deemed potential confounders if they were associated with de-
rent treatment for hepatitis C, or depression, bereavement resulting in a pression at p < 0.10 in bivariate analyses. Subsequently, a series of
loss of social support in the preceding 3 months. A total of N = 347 multiple linear regression models were built with depression as the
men were enrolled: 1) HIV-uninfected, non-methamphetamine (MA) outcome and the variables identified to be associated with depression in
using heterosexual and homosexual men (HIV- MA-; n = 148), 2) MA- bivariate analyses included as covariates, independent variables. Only
using MSM living with HIV (HIV+ MA+; n = 147) and 3) HIV-unin- variables significant at p < 0.10 in the multivariable model were in-
fected, MA using MSM (HIV- MA+; n = 52). All participants were cluded in subsequent analyses. Then, a simple mediation model
compensated $50 for their time and transportation. Enrolled partici- (Preacher & Hayes, 2004) was developed, using depression as the de-
pants completed pencil-and-paper measures in private study offices. pendent variable, childhood trauma and neglect as the independent
Further detail about the study protocol, including recruitment and variable, and sleep dysfunction as a mediator, while controlling for the
procedures, has been previously described (Carrico, Rodriguez, Jones, variables retained in the reduced multivariable model. A test of med-
& Kumar, 2018). iation was performed using the PROCESS macro developed by Hayes for
SPSS (model 4), with 5000 bootstrap samples as suggested by (Hayes,
2.2. Measures 2009). Results from the test of mediation are reported using Baron and
Kenny (1986) classical approach. The presence of an indirect effect was
Demographic and biopsychosocial characteristics. Demographic and assessed using the absence of zero in the bootstrapped bias-corrected
biopsychosocial questionnaires, including questions regarding MA and 95% confidence interval (bCI) Hayes (2009). These analyses are ap-
polydrug use, were administered by trained Bachelor- or Masters-level propriate to use in homogenous or heterogenous samples, as sample
research study personnel. heterogeneity or homogeneity is not an assumption of ANOVAs, chi-

D.L. Jones et al. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 30 (2018) 30–34

Table 1
Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Characteristics of Participants (N = 347).
All HIV-MA- HIV+MA+ HIV-MA+ X2/F/t, p
Mean(SD) n = 148 n = 147 n = 52
n(%) Mean(SD) Mean(SD) Mean(SD)
n(%) n(%) n(%)

Age 37.03 (9.98) 35.43 (10.59) 39.87 (8.76) 33.56 (9.48) 11.67, < 0.001
Race 65 (18.7%) 13 (8.8%) 37 (25.2%) 15 (28.8%) 16.43, 0.002
Caucasian 92 (26.5%) 40 (27.0%) 40 (27.2%) 12 (23.1%)
Black 14 (4.0%) 7 (4.7%) 4 (2.7%) 3 (5.8%)
Haitian/Bahamian/Other 176 (50.7%) 88 (59.5%) 66 (44.9%) 22 (42.3%)
Monthly Personal Income (USD) 167 (48.1%) 48 (32.4%) 89 (60.5%) 30 (57.7%) 48.07, < 0.001
Less than $500 112 (32.3%) 47 (31.8%) 48 (32.7%) 17 (32.7%)
$500 to $999 68 (19.6%) 53 (35.8%) 10 (6.8%) 5 (9.6%)
$1000 and over
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire 63.81 (16.46) 53.78 (12.74) 72.54 (15.50) 67.90 (12.39) 69.23, < 0.001
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index 7.70 (4.92) 3.95 (2.41) 10.73 (4.49) 9.83 (4.19) 134.54, < 0.001
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression 20.83 (12.35) 10.88 (6.94) 28.59 (10.05) 27.25 (10.17) 162.72, < 0.001

Note. PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. CTQ = Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression.

square, or regression analyses (Field, 2009). Statistical Package for the 4. Discussion
Social Sciences (SPSS) v22 for Windows was used to perform analyses,
and a cutoff of p < 0.05 level determined statistical significance. This study examined the role of sleep in the relationship between CT
and depression. Findings indicated that sleep quality partially ac-
3. Results counted for the relationship between CT and depressive symptoms,
which was consistent with previous research linking CT with poor sleep
3.1. Characteristics of participants quality (Kajeepeta et al., 2015) and sleep disturbances with depressive
symptoms (Rumble, White, & Benca, 2015). The unique aspect of this
Participants were on average 37 years old (SD = 9.65). Half of study is the examination of sleep as a mediator of the relationship be-
participants were Hispanic, and 48.1% had a monthly personal income tween CT and depression among men who have sex with men. The
of less than USD$500. Group differences emerged in all socio- current study results provide additional support for previous studies
demographic and psychosocial characteristics, such that methamphe- reporting that sleep disturbances, broadly defined, mediate the re-
tamine users and/or methamphetamine users living with HIV were lationships between traumatic events/traumatic stress and a variety of
more likely to have low income, to report a history of trauma or neglect, health outcomes, including depression (Spilsbury, 2009).
sleep disturbances and depressive symptoms. Detailed between-group Treatment of sleep disturbances presents unique opportunities to
comparisons are presented in Table 1. also treat depression; treatment for insomnia has been shown to im-
prove mood independent of treatment for depression (Carney et al.,
3.2. Bivariate and multivariable associations with depression 2017; Manber et al., 2008), and may also provide benefits for other
aspects of daytime functioning (e.g., memory, impulsivity, attention/
In bivariate analyses, older age, White race, lower income, greater concentration). Sleep disorder treatment may also build skills that in-
CT, sleep dysfunction, and methamphetamine abuse were associated crease receptiveness to, and success with, other related psychological
with depression. In a multiple linear regression model, White race, in- interventions (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression) for
come, CT, sleep dysfunction, and methamphetamine abuse remained those who are not ready for treatment for a substance use, mood, or
statistically significant. anxiety disorder, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Such patients
may also benefit from prior psychoeducational interventions to better
3.3. Mediation model: indirect effect of childhood abuse and neglect on understand the potential causal mechanisms between CT, sleep dys-
depression through sleep dysfunction function, and depression in the context of substance use disorders to
gradually increase receptivity towards treatment. Finally, treatment for
The variables that remained in the reduced multiple regression sleep disorders may be less stigmatizing than treatment for trauma or
model (race, income, methamphetamine abuse) were included as cov- depressive disorders. Sleep disorders such as insomnia typically re-
ariates in the following analyses testing the potential for sleep dys- spond to treatment more quickly than other psychological disorders
function to mediate the relationship between CT and depression. In the (e.g., depression) (Buysse, Rush, & Reynolds, 2017), which may also
first model, excluding the proposed mediator and after adjusting for increase acceptability among gender or ethnic minority populations for
these control variables, CT was associated with depression, b = 0.489, whom access to psychological care may be limited due to negative
p < 0.001. In the second model, CT was associated with sleep dys- cultural perceptions of psychological treatment (Graham, 2011;
function (b = 0.088, p < 0.001), accounting for the covariates pre- McGuive & Miranda, 2008).
viously listed. In the third model, sleep dysfunction was associated with
depression (b = 1.033, p < 0.001) after controlling for CT in addition 4.1. Limitations
to the other covariates. After introducing sleep dysfunction as a med-
iator and the control variables previously described, the effect of CT on The primary limitation of this study’s findings is the use of a broad,
depression decreased significantly, b = 0.203, p < 0.001. The indirect subjective, retrospective measure of sleep. The PSQI indicates sleep
effect of CT on depression was statistically significant according to a disturbances across a variety of domains (e.g., sleep medication use,
95% bCI, b = 0.091, bCI (95% CI 0.057, 0.130). That is, sleep dys- insomnia symptoms, sleep duration), and therefore the nature of the
function partially explained the relationship between CT on depression sleep disturbances that mediate the relationship between CT and de-
(see Fig. 1). This mediational effect did not differ as a function of group pression remains unclear. Future research should examine both sub-
membership. jective and objective assessments of sleep, preferably prospectively, in

D.L. Jones et al. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 30 (2018) 30–34

Fig. 1. Mediation model: Indirect effect of childhood abuse and neglect on depression through sleep dysfunction.

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