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Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy

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Becoming a primary education teacher - pedagogic

discourses in the teacher education program’s
examination practice

Catarina Player-Koro & Lena Sjöberg

To cite this article: Catarina Player-Koro & Lena Sjöberg (2018): Becoming a primary education
teacher - pedagogic discourses in the teacher education program’s examination practice, Nordic
Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, DOI: 10.1080/20020317.2018.1474702

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Becoming a primary education teacher - pedagogic discourses in the teacher

education program’s examination practice
a b
Catarina Player-Koro and Lena Sjöberg
Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; bDepartment of
Social and Behavioural Studies, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden


Global reforming driven by neoliberal ideas is today reshaping educational systems. This Received 24 October 2017
study explores how a national policy incentive, aimed at changing teacher education in Accepted 7 May 2018
Sweden, is transformed and realized into educational practice and how pedagogic discourses
are operating in and through the primary teachers’ examination practice in Sweden. The aim KEYWORDS
is also to explore which competencies are legitimized and thus form the knowledge base for Teacher education; primary
primary teachers. The study is conducted through a qualitative and quantitative, theoretically teachers; policy reform;
based, analysis of all examination tasks (n = 322) in the primary teacher education at a pedagogic device;
teacher education department located at one of Sweden’s largest universities. The qualitative pedagogic discourse
software package Nvivo was used for the qualitative analysis and the statistical software SPSS
was used for the quantitative analysis. The result shows that most examinations involve the
examination of methodological/didactical knowledge related to teachers work in the class-
room (out of horizontal knowledge structures) and that students lack opportunities to
practice and show analytical skills, with vertical knowledge structures, in their examinations.

Introduction there has been an introduction of teacher standards

and teacher certification all over the world (Adoniou
Neo-liberal notions and discourses such as market-
& Gallagher, 2016; Darling Hammond, 2017) as part
based leadership principles now drive national educa-
of an emergence of a worldwide discourse of teacher
tional systems, in what has been described as a
quality, teacher effectiveness and pupil achievement
conservative ‘modernization’ of schooling and instruc-
(Alvunger, 2016; Goldstein, 2014; Klette &
tion. This article has an interest in particular reforms
Hammerness, 2016). Changes have thus been made
that have been directed at teacher education in Sweden
to the organization of teacher education, to the rheto-
(SOU 2008:109; Prop 2010/10: 89). The aim with the
ric that describes the way teachers and pupils are
present study is to explore how this latest teacher
expected to behave, and to the kind of knowledge
education reform has been acted on at a teacher edu-
that is considered legitimate and valuable for both
cation institution in Sweden, through an analysis of
the individual and society, with huge consequences
primary teacher education’s examination practice.
for the people who work in educational institutions
Teacher education has been involved in the neolib-
and the societies in which we live (Singh, Thomas, &
eral reforming in two ways: firstly, in terms of itself
Harris, 2013).
being subject to far reaching conservative moderniza-
This study focuses on the way the changes
tion, or what Beach and Bagley (2012, 2013) refer to as
described above have come into practice in the latest
re-traditionalizing, and secondly in terms of its role in
round of reform directed at teacher education in
preparing future teachers for future professional work
Sweden, introduced in 2011 (SOU 2008:109; Prop
in the now decentralized, flexible, competitive and
2009/10: 89). This teacher education reform can in
quasi-market national educational context (Börjesson,
many ways be seen as a change in the policy that was
2016; Nilsson Lindström & Beach, 2015). This is as it
all-pervasive for Swedish teacher education reforms
seems also an international tendency. Hargreaves
between 1947 and 2007: the ambition to develop a
(1994), Garm and Karlsen (2004), Young (2009).
unified single teacher education program with a
Goldstein (2014) and others, have shown how teacher
common scientific knowledge base (Beach, Bagley,
education programs have become more ideologically
Eriksson, & Player-Koro, 2014). In this most recent
and politically important to governments in recent
reform, these efforts have been abandoned for a
decades, not only for national purposes, but also for
return to a structurally divided teacher education
European/global purposes, often in relation to the dis-
program that is grounded in the argument that
course of knowledge-based economies. Furthermore,

CONTACT Lena Sjöberg Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

teachers require different types of knowledge and Theorising policy interpretation, translation
abilities depending upon their pupils’ age group. and enactment: a Bernsteinian perspective
The research behind the article has been con-
The teacher education program is a complex organi-
ducted at a teacher education department located at
zation that is controlled through political processes,
one of Sweden’s largest universities. The overall
where actors at different levels of society create fra-
aim is to explore how the policy ideas that are
meworks and shape the program’s purpose, content
expressed in reform texts, the Teacher Education
and expectations through policy. Teacher education
Commission’s report entitled ‘A Sustainable
policies are thus policies that are to be interpreted
Teacher Education’ (SOU 2008:109) and the subse-
and translated into practical teaching situations
quent parliamentary White Paper that was based on
within the framework of teacher education practices.
it (Prop 2009/10:89), have been transformed into
In this study, the outcome of the process of interpre-
local teacher education practice. The aim is to
tation and translation of the latest teacher education
examine the possible implications of the changed
policy has been put into action and studied from a
policy, particularly in relation to the professional
theoretical standpoint through Bernstein’s conceptual
knowledge that is communicated to the category of
model about the pedagogical device. The pedagogic
students who study the program for prospective
device describes the processes by which policy knowl-
primary teachers and identify how the national
edge is selectively translated into what is taught and
policy has been transformed, distributed and trans-
how it is evaluated as acquired, i.e. the pedagogic
lated in local policy documents that regulate the
discourse. The pedagogical device is in other words
program and its outcome. We will seek to identify
a description of the processes of creating policy that
the characteristic pedagogic discourses that occur
forms a pedagogic discourse.
in these documents. We will also examine how
these discourses are operating through the teacher In this study, we adopt Bernstein’s (2000) sugges-
education examination practices and how they tion to interrogate the pedagogic discourse as the
thereby construct the legitimate, professional embedding of two discourses (p 32), the instructional
knowledge base and professional identity for pro- discourse (the what) that represents a discourse of
spective primary teachers. The following research transmission and acquisition of specific competences,
questions will be addressed: skills and theoretical knowledge and their relation to
each other, embedded in the regulative discourse
● What pedagogic discourses operate in the exam- (the how) of social order that in this case is concep-
ination practices? tualized as forms of examination. We also adopt
● What skills and competencies are legitimized Ensor’s (2004) notion that the teacher education has
through these discourses? a third embedded discourse that could be thought of
For this article, we have carried out a qualita- as teaching repertoires that constitutes a notion of
tive, theoretically based, analysis of all the 322 ‘best practice’ for implementation in classroom
examination tasks that are part of the teacher teaching.
education program for future teachers who are Recontextualisation are, according to Bernstein,
qualified to teach in the pre-school class (K) and processes of interpretation and translation of policy
compulsory school grades 1–3 as well as primary that constitute specific pedagogic discourses. These
school grades 4–6. The qualitative analysis and processes take place in a range of different context
subsequent coding of the documents have been of practices within the educational system, and theo-
further analysed quantitatively using descriptive retical knowledge is interpreted and re-shaped in
methods and exploratory factor analysis. The pur- relation to other discourses, such as political inten-
pose of these analyses is to identify the various tions, research, policy documents, school traditions
pedagogic discourses found in the material as well and more. Recontextualisation takes place within
as the skills and competencies that these dis- both official and pedagogic fields. In terms of teacher
courses carry, which in this way could be defined education, policy production occurs at this level,
as the legitimate knowledge base for teachers firstly in the official recontextualising field (ORF)
working in primary school. The analysis is dominated by the state and its selected ministries
grounded in theoretical assumptions borrowed and secondly in the pedagogic recontextualising
from Basil Bernstein’s (2000) sociology of educa- field (PRF) – consisting of the institution offering
tion. This means that education practices, here teacher education, where syllabi and study programs
exemplified with the primary teacher education, are put together. This means that education policy is
are seen as complex public practices that are con- not the only constraint that influences upon and
trolled by actors at different levels who sometimes shape the pedagogical discourse, which implies that
make various and even contradictory demands it is difficult to determine how and in what ways a
that the organization is expected to meet. change of policy will have on an educational practice,

as also previous policy studies of teacher education struggled against, replacing them with a common
have demonstrated (Cfr Beach & Bagley, 2013; Beach knowledge base for all teachers (Beach & Bagley,
et al., 2014). 2012). The most recent reform of the teacher educa-
This study’s focus is on the processes, conceptua- tion program can thereby be viewed as a ‘conservative
lised as evaluative rules, in which the pedagogic dis- modernization’ since the teacher education program
course is transformed into pedagogic practices where no longer offers the same degree to all teachers and is
teaching and learning take place (Bernstein, 2000; once again organized into different degrees, with
Singh, 2002). A central aspect of the evaluative rules specializations aimed at the school system’s different
is the fact that these rules make visible the shape and age groups. Furthermore, knowledge of one’s subject
content of the pedagogic discourse. More specifically, area is emphasized, for example, especially for tea-
this study’s analytical focus is directed at processes chers who work with pupils in the upper grades and a
included in the evaluation rules, in the practices teacher’s basic knowledge now has a more specific
through which the results of the program are evalu- specialization in methodology and knowledge of psy-
ated and assessed – in this case, in the documents chological stages of development and maturity
that describe the content of the examination and the (Government Bill 2009/10:89, 2010; SOU 2008:109).
assessment criteria, i.e. in tasks and examinations that In other words, the reformed teacher education pro-
teacher education students are expected to pass. gram amounts to an altered view of the teaching
Evaluative rules and the theoretical concepts that profession and of the various skills that a teacher
describe pedagogic discourse are therefore central to needs to help pupils develop and gain knowledge,
the analysis of the empirical material for the study, and hence also an altered view of the quality and
which will be discussed in more detail in the section outcome of the Swedish education system.
on methodology. However, it is important to point The present primary teacher education program
out that this study will focus on the pedagogic dis- is a four-year program. It is structured around expli-
course as evidenced in the documents and what cit learning objectives and has a clear organizational
knowledge appears as legitimated through these. If structure. Every teacher education institution then
these have a casual effect to the policy, change is not makes choices about how they put together courses
possible to determine through this research. and examinations within the framework set out by
the Swedish state. The program is organized into
three parts: a core of educational science (UVK)
Teacher education policy and practice in
where knowledge that is considered to be central to
the teaching profession such as pedagogical studies,
As part of the radical reform of the Swedish educa- special needs education, youth development and
tion system that was orchestrated by the ‘right wing’ psychology of learning together with primarily
Swedish government that was elected in 2006, several basic teaching skills must be given space (one year
new teacher education programs were instituted in of study). Added to that are subject knowledge and
the autumn of 2011. This is not the first time didactic skills in the subject for a few established
Sweden’s teacher education program has been subjects (two and a half years of study) and student
reformed. Major reforms also have been carried out teacher placement (one term of study). The national
in 1968, 1988 and 2001. policy is in other words moved, interpreted and
What the previous reforms of the teacher educa- translated into local policies and practices. This pro-
tion programs had in common was a clear ambition cess of coding and recoding that has been described
to generate one unified teaching profession with a by Stephen Ball (1993) as an iterative process of
single knowledge base, grounded in research, for tea- putting texts into action is a way of making sense
chers in both primary and secondary education. This of policy – what do the texts mean for us and what
fifty-year effort to develop a unified teacher education do we have to do? In this paper, our intention is to
program has been upended by the new teacher edu- study how the national policy intentions (SOU
cation reform. Instead, in the texts produced arguing 2008:109; Prop 2009/10:89) are transformed and
for this new reform there appears to be an ambition expressed in policy documents aimed at regulating
to return to a teaching profession in which the tea- the program and its outcome in a specific teacher
chers require specific knowledge depending upon the education institution in order to find out what
age of the pupils they teach; age groups, it is claimed, knowledge and skills are expressed in and through
represent a certain mental maturity (Beach, 2011; these documents.
Beach & Bagley, 2012). These notions, however, are
not new. Indeed, they resemble thoughts that per-
Previous research
vaded Swedish schools and teacher education pro-
grams before 1948 (SOU 1948:27; SOU 1952:33) Research done by Beach (1995), Jedemark (2007) and
and that reforms from 1968 and onward have Player-Koro (2012), in which the teacher education

program’s pedagogic discourse has been the object of and in local contexts. This interaction has contribu-
the studies, show how dominant traditions in teacher ted to the current positions occupied by both teachers
education institutions have a more obvious signifi- and pupils as entrepreneurs who are at the same time
cance in teacher education practice than intentions strictly regulated performative subjects. Beach et al.
and national policy statements. (2014) also show that the new Swedish teacher edu-
But on the other hand, studies also show that cation program is based upon out-dated dualistic
policy statements have effects on what skills are iden- rationalities and that the anxiety which was the
tified as important for the teachers’ professional basis for once again sub-dividing the teacher educa-
knowledge base. Beach and Bagley (2013), for tion program was unjustified, since the teacher edu-
instance, have studied policy discursive changes in cation program was, in practice, always – even during
both a British and a Swedish context and they assert the period between 1988–2010, when the ideal was
that several trends, which have reinvented teacher one unified program – operated according to a prin-
education as teacher training in particular subjects, ciple of division or from strictly classified discourses
have reduced the teacher’s knowledge base. They (Bernstein, 2000). Like Beach and Bagley (2013),
claim that the teaching profession is thus at risk of Sjöberg (2011) suggests that in this way the teaching
being de-professionalized. profession is at risk of being de-professionalized.
Furthermore, Wågsås Afdal (2012) and Wågsås The altered knowledge rationalism in relation to what
Afdal and Nerland (2014) have done research show- is considered as teacher’s legitimate knowledge base in
ing the differences between Nordic teacher education the new teacher education policy (SOU 2008:109) has
policies and practice. In these studies, the Finnish been problematized in studies done by Beach (2011),
teacher education program, which is built from a Beach and Bagley (2012) as well as Nilsson Lindström
policy statement that teacher education should be and Beach (2015). These studies make visible how the
research-based, is compared with the Norwegian edu- emphasize in studying subjects like pedagogics, psychol-
cation program, which emphasizes a more profes- ogy, sociology and philosophy (the teacher education
sional-based teacher education both in relation to Trivium, see below), which has traditionally been strong
knowledge structures and knowledge relations, and in the teacher education program has been down
in relation to the knowledge base of the teachers. The played in favour of a greater emphasis on subject knowl-
results show that on the one hand, these two coun- edge (the teacher education Quadrivium) as well as
tries’ teacher education programs have much in com- subject methodology (didactics) (Bernstein, 2000). The
mon – for example, that the pupils and their authors claim that a shift has taken place, going from
development are important. On the other hand, tea- knowledge structures with a vertical knowledge base to
cher education students in these two countries define knowledge structures with a horizontal knowledge base
and interpret what is going on in the classroom in and a technical economic rationality (Bernstein, 1999).
different ways: the student teachers in the Finnish But there has also been a shift toward a preference for
research-based teacher education program, use con- knowledge that has to do with how one works
ceptual theories to understand what is taking place in pedagogically – know-how – instead of knowledge of
the classroom, while the student teachers on the the basis for pedagogical questions and practice – know
Norwegian profession-based teacher education pro- why (Beach, 2011; cf. Brante, 2010). This change can
gram, mostly understand pedagogical occurrences in influence a teacher’s ability to reflect upon his or her
context. The conclusion according to Wågsås Afdal own practice, and teachers can thus become less prepared
and Nerland (2014) is that the premise for under- to meet a changing educational practice. Further, this can
standing pedagogical work leads to different pedago- make teachers more vulnerable for economic and ideo-
gical identities that are, in terms of profession, logical incentives.
‘weighted’ differently. The problem with a profes- Since learning and teaching have become a global
sion-based teacher education program, they argue, is means of creating competition for teacher quality, tea-
the lack of an official, shared knowledge base and an cher effectiveness and student achievement have been
explicit professional language. This in turn risks that accentuated in both the political and pedagogical
the knowledge base becomes individualized and con- agenda. According to, for example, Hattie (2009) and
sequently invisible to the public eye. Darling Hammond (2010) teacher quality and teacher
The most recent Swedish teacher education pro- effectiveness are important factors for student achieve-
gram has also been in focus for many studies. A study ment. Several countries have therefore developed stan-
done by Sjöberg (2011) showed that between the dards that explicate the knowledge and competencies
middle of the 20th century up until the most recent required to function as a teacher. In some countries,
teacher education reform, the teacher education pro- these standards are combined with different kinds of
gram has been discursively altered and that dis- certification (Alvunger, 2016; Adoniou & Gallagher,
courses as well as governing technologies have 2016; Darling Hammond, 2017). Furthermore, stan-
interacted with policy both in European, national dards are more often used in teacher education, and

according to, for example Klette and Hammerness tasks, including criteria for assessment. The selection is
(2016) and Darling Hammond (2010, 2017), they are based on Bernstein’s theoretical understanding of the
among several indicators used to construct high quality construction of the pedagogic discourse and how this
teacher education. Other important indicators, accord- discourse is made visible through the rules that provide
ing to Kennedy (1998), Kennedy (2006) and Klette and the criteria for evaluation and assessment (see above).
Hammerness (2016), among others, are clearly articu- The courses that we have studied were offered during
lated and shared visions, strong inner coherence of the the school year 2014/2015. All of the courses needed for
teacher education programs and the possibility for the a major in primary teacher education, grades K-3 and
students to enact practice. for grades 4–6, were included in the study, with a few
In sum, current research shows that issues regarding exceptions due to a lack of archived documentation and
teacher education are of primary political interest glob- hence no documents to study.1 For the primary teacher
ally and that the content and organization of teacher education program, grades K-3, there were 22 courses
education programs is functioning like a policy epi- included in the study, with a total of 149 examination
demic (Ball, 2008), rendering the content and organiza- tasks. For grades 4–6 were 25 courses and 173 examina-
tion of teacher education programs in Europe more and tion tasks included. In both teacher education programs,
more similar (Beach & Bagley, 2012; Garm & Karlsen, the student follows 22 courses but since the primary
2004; Sarakinioti & Tsatsaroni, 2015). Teachers’ profes- education teachers for grades 4–6 choose a major, we
sionalism, identity and knowledge base are becoming have studied more courses and examination tasks than a
important pedagogical as well as ideological issues student on the program would have taken (Table 1).
(Goldstein, 2014; Klette & Hammerness, 2016). The empirical material was analyzed in several steps.
Previous studies also show that the most recent First, in order to take stock of the material and identify
Swedish teacher education program differs discursively patterns in its content and format, a theoretically
from the teacher education discourse that was prevalent informed qualitative analysis (see Braun & Clarke,
in the middle of the 1980s and that the content of the 2006) of all the syllabi, study guides and examination
new teacher education program shows evidence of a tasks was undertaken. Theoretical-based qualitative
change in knowledge rationalism, where the need for analysis techniques were used in order to move from
knowledge in schools teaching subjects (such as mathe- a broad reading of the data towards discovering pat-
matics, language, science, etc.) and in didactic skills in terns and the framing of specific research questions
the subjects together have been given more weight, and (see Figure 1). The qualitative data analysis software
where knowledge in educational science (stemming package – Nvivo – was used as an organizational and
from psychology, sociology and pedagogy) has analytical tool in this process. The analysis is driven by
decreased. Knowledge structures in teacher education Bernstein’s theoretical concept of the pedagogic dis-
seem to have shifted from a vertical to a horizontal course. The data were coded using analytical questions
knowledge base. Yet another difference from the pre- and concepts into codes (see Figure 1), where the
vious teacher education program is the way it is orga- instructional as well as the regulative aspect of pedago-
nized into a stricter classification between subject gic discourses became the main structuring categories
matter and educational science (Sjöberg, 2011). (Bernstein, 2000). Concepts from Bernstein as well as
The present study is thus based on these earlier find- from Berlak and Berlak (1981) and Briant and Doherty
ings, showing both a changing rationality in recent (2012) were used in this coding. The coding process is
Swedish teacher education policy, but also that reforms illustrated in Figure 1 and will be described in more
are difficult to implement, since historical discourses and detail in the following text.
traditions have strong implications on the educational Through the qualitative analysis, content and
practice. Consequently, in this study we will show the knowledge structures were identified as well as which
pedagogic discourses that define the legitimate knowl- examination forms that were used. To each examina-
edge for primary teachers that appear in descriptions of tion task are thus attached a set of codes that define
tasks and examinations that teacher education students their respective pedagogic discourse. However, the
are expected to pass a few years after the implementation first step in the qualitative analysis was to read through
of the new reform and relate these to ideas and dis- all the documents with the aim of identifying which
courses present in the latest teacher education reform. codes could be applied to the analytical process. In this
phase, we alternated between the information that the
This study was carried out in a large teacher education Table 1. Summary of the study’s empirical material.
department in Sweden. The empirical material is com- Examination
Courses tasks
prised of all policy documents that regulate the pro- Teacher education program for grades K-3 22 149
gram and its outcome, that is to say, program Teacher education program for grades 4–6 25 173
syllabuses, course plans, study guides and examination Total n 47 322

Analytical questions and concepts Analytical codes
Seminar exams
Oral exams
Creative or multimodal exams

Regulative part of the

pedagogic discourse
1. What kind of examination
Teaching practices
forms are used in the primary
Take-home exams
What skills and competencies are legitimized through these discourses?
teacher education? Written university exams
Quizzes/web examination
What pedagogic discourses operate in the examination practices?

Degree projects
2. What content structures are Quadrivium - Subject knowledge
identified in the local policy Trivium
Instructional part of the

texts/examination General didactics (theoretical/practical)

pedagogic discourse

assignments? Subject didactics (theoretical/practical)

Knowledge as given/normative or
3. What knowledge structures analytical/problematizing
are identified in the local Knowledge as holistic or atomistic
policy texts/examination Knowledge as private or collective
assignments?? Knowledge as personal or public (or both)

Classification (C) (weak, middle, strong) (C+, C+-,

Modality of pedagogic

4. What modalities of the Framing (F) (weak, middle strong)(F+, F+-, F-):
pedagogic discourse can be − Selection of content (F+, F+-, F-)
identified in the local policy − Criteria of evaluation (F+, F+-, F-)
texts/examination − Criteria of communication (F+, F+-, F-)


Figure 1. The relationship between research questions, analytical questions/concepts and analytical codes in the study.

empirical material provided and the theoretical pre- corresponds to the educational science part of the
mise (Berlak & Berlak, 1981; Bernstein, 1990, 1999, teacher education in Sweden (see above). Bernstein
2000, 2003; Briant & Doherty, 2012). The process refers to this knowledge as ‘inner knowledge’, which
used was thus abductive reasoning. means that Trivium according to this conceptualiza-
Next, the regulative, respectively the instructional tion is the foundation for the Quadrivium, which in
part of the pedagogic discourse was identified and turn is the other form of professional knowledge for
coded as follows: teachers. Quadrivium is related to the subjects that
The regulative part of the pedagogic discourse was teachers teach in the school and is correspondent to
conceptualized in what kind of examination forms the subject studies part of the Swedish teacher educa-
were used in the courses examinations (see Figure 1, tion (Beach & Bagley, 2012). Due to the empirical
analytical question 1). Every examination was coded nature of the material, we constructed codes for sub-
with one of the examination forms: oral examina- ject knowledge (Quadrivium), Trivium knowledge,
tions, creative or multimodal exams, excursions/ and four different forms of didactic knowledge;
laboratory, teaching practices, take-home exams, theoretical versus practical perspectives of general
written university exams, quizzes/web examinations, didactics and theoretical versus practical perspectives
workshops, self-reflections, and degree projects. of subject didactics. Since the content of the tasks
The instructional part of the pedagogic discourse could contain several content structures each task
was coded in two steps (see Figure 1, analytical ques- could be coded with more than one of these codes
tion 2 and 3). First with, with what kind of content (see Figure 1, column analytical codes).
structure or which area of knowledge the task In the second, the instructional discourse was coded
involved (see Figure 1, analytical question 2). Here based on the third analytical question (see Figure 1),
we used Bernstein’s description of teacher education knowledge structures in the examination tasks. Like the
programs in terms of Trivium and Quadrivium coding of examination forms, these codes were used as
(see Figure1, column analytical codes), the two dichotomous variables. Here four codes were used: 1) if
knowledge components that teacher education his- the examination task covered knowledge seen as being
torically consisted (Bernstein, 2003). The teacher edu- of a holistic character or if it was atomistic, 2) if the
cation Trivium refers in this description to general examination task was constructed in a way so that the
pedagogical knowledge, such as the problematizing of students had to collaborate (collective knowledge) or if
attitudes toward teaching and learning processes and they were supposed to deal with the examination task
their various outcomes. This kind of knowledge individually (private knowledge), 3) if the knowledge

was to be acquired primarily from established theories are characterized as legitimate for a teacher who is
and knowledge (public) or from their own experience teaching in a primary school and thereby define the
(personal) or both (personal and public), and finally, primary education teacher’s legitimate knowledge base.
4) if the examination task required the students to show Exploratory factor analysis is a form of factor
analytical and/or problematizing skills or if the task had analysis that emphasizes ‘exploration’ of a set of
a given or normative character (see Figure 1, column data, in this case the documents and their respec-
analytical codes). tive coding. The method is based upon the assump-
The last analytical question is about identifying the tion that there are one or several underlying
modality of pedagogic discourse, which describes the dimensions in the data – in this case that there
character of the pedagogic discourse (see Figure 1). are several different categories of examination tasks
Theoretical concepts used for this description is classi- that are similar in character in terms of pedagogic
fication (C) and framing (F), which describe the char- discourse and hence represent different examina-
acter in terms of relations between subjects, selection tion practices (Howitt & Cramer, 2005). The ana-
of subject content, and rules for transmission and lysis thus examines the pattern of covariance
acquisition (Bernstein, 1990). Every examination task between the analytical questions/concepts and the
was analyzed concerning whether the content of the codes. Whether there are such underlying dimen-
course (including the examination tasks) was con- sions or not is hence an empirical question and is
structed as separate parts (strong classification, C+) not based upon an a priori categorization of pro-
or as integrated (weak classification, C−) or somewhere gram syllabi, study guides and examination tasks.
in between (middle classification, C+-). When focusing For this study, this means that the co-variance
on framing aspects (F), three different aspects were in between the analytical questions/concepts and the
focus: selection of content, criteria of evaluation and codes places the analyzed documents into cate-
criteria of communication. The first aspect, selection of gories (factors) based on the same character of
content, focused on whether the educators or the pedagogic discourse.
students were the ones who decided which content Reducing the variables to a lower number of
knowledge was to be presented in the examination factors in this way is a technique that has its roots
task. Strong selection of content (F+) implies that the in psychological measurement (Howitt & Cramer,
content is determined by the educators, while a weak 2005). The factors that stand out in an exploratory
selection of content (F−) implies that the student can factor analysis can become the springboard for
choose what kind of knowledge to demonstrate in the further analysis and studies. In this study factor
task. Due to the empirical material, a third code was analysis has been used to get an overall understand-
constructed, where examination tasks included both ing of which pedagogic discourses stand out in the
aspects. The second framing aspect dealt with criteria examination tasks used on the teacher education
of evaluation, looking for how explicitly the criteria of program and how these can be understood. That
evaluation were presented in the task (strong (F+), is to say, in studying the teacher education program
middle (F+-), weak (F−). The third and last aspect syllabi and examination tasks, we were able to
regarded criteria of communication. Here the focus identify the kinds of knowledge, skills and teacher
was on the formalities in the examination tasks, as identities that stand out as legitimate in relation to
for example on length of texts or presentations, or the teacher’s professional knowledge base. Through
other regulations not concerning content knowledge these codes we can identify the current form of
aspects or knowledge structures. examination, the way the students are encouraged
After the material was coded, the next step was to to account for their learning on examination tasks,
go beyond the semantic content of the data and start what type of content structure the examination is
to analyze these codes quantitatively and relate them focused on, and what type of knowledge structures
to the aim of the research. The coding process of the are reflected in the task. Moreover, since the
data in Nvivo meant that each document was stored as examination tasks can be traced to the part of
a post in a database and the subsequent coding defined teachereducation where they occur, it is also
variables with numeric values. The database was in the possible to determine how different examination
next step exported to the statistical software SPSS for practices appear in the different parts of the teacher
further quantitative analysis. In the following, we will education program.
describe the quantitative data analyses used.
In order to examine which pedagogic discourses are
features of the primary education program syllabi and
examination tasks, the empirical material was analyzed The following segment will be introduced by present-
quantitatively through a descriptive compilation and ing the descriptive quantitative analysis the empirical
through exploratory factor analysis. The purpose was material. Thereafter, we will present the factor
to distinguish what sort of knowledge and competencies analysis.

The main structuring categories of the qualitative been employed to further analyze which form of
coding process were, as described earlier, to identify knowledge is featured in the subject content of the
the regulative, respectively the instructional part, of pedagogic discourse. The results related to knowl-
the pedagogic discourse. According to Bernstein edge structures is presented in Table 4.
(2000), the regulative discourse is the dominant part With regard to the teacher education program, the
of the pedagogic discourse because of its ‘moral’ two forms of knowledge (vertical and horizontal) can
character, which creates the direction for ‘what to be seen as a dichotomy in which the horizontal knowl-
do’ in a pedagogical situation. ‘The regular discourse edge structure is considered context dependent, based
produces the order in the instructional discourse’ (p. upon everyday concepts dealing with and rooted in
34). Table 2 shows the results from analysis of the practical classroom instruction. On the other hand, in
regulative discourse conceptualized as forms of order to develop a theoretically grounded knowledge
examination. base, vertical knowledge is needed, as it deals with
The compilation in Table 2 shows that certain scientifically generalized knowledge structures that can
aspects of the pedagogic discourse feature more fre- be used to develop in-depth knowledge of teaching and
quently in the material. From the table, it is shown learning that reaches beyond the context of the class-
that in the regulative part of the discourse certain room (Bernstein, 1999). In using Bernstein’s concept of
forms of examination and ways of accounting for instructional discourse to analyze the knowledge struc-
one’s learning dominate. Seminars (39%) and take- tures that are reflected in examination tasks, we find
home exams (26%) are the forms of examination that that tasks in which the re-contextualization principle
are most frequently used. used in the text is of a holistic character dominate
Embedded in the regulative discourse is the substantially (93%). Moreover, these tasks are struc-
instructional discourse, which creates specialized tured in a way that promotes the collective and brings
skills and their relationship to each other. The result about collaboration between students (66%). In half of
for the instructional part of the discourse is compiled the tasks (50%) students are required to relate estab-
in Table 3. lished theories and knowledge (vertical knowledge) to
In the instructional part of the discourse, focusing their own experiences (personal and public). For a large
on the content structure, it is subject didactics (theo- number of tasks, however, the starting point is one’s
retical and practical) that dominate (54%), where own experiences only (40%) (personal), which can
about a quarter (24%) of all the examination tasks mean that the content becomes too closely tied to con-
focus on practical subject didactics. Tasks that exam- text and the individual student. Analytical abilities and/
ine subject knowledge (Quadrivium) are few (8%) or the ability to problematize are not often part of the
and likewise the tasks in which the subject content examinations (27%). Instead, the greater part of the
can be defined as Trivium knowledge (14%). tasks is normative or amounted to students describing
Bernstein’s (2003) analytical concepts of knowl- their relation to the content. The normative starting
edge structures and the relating theoretical con- point, together with the possibility of basing reflections
cepts of vertical and horizontal discourses have upon one’s own experience and background, makes it
difficult for teacher education students to gain knowl-
edge and competencies with a vertical knowledge struc-
Table 2. The regulative discourse – examination forms.
ture; instead we find horizontal, context-based
Forms of examination Frequency Percent (%)
Seminar exams 127 39
knowledge and competencies dominating the examina-
Take-home exams 83 26 tion practice.
Oral exams 28 9 The modality of the pedagogic discourse (Table 5) is
Written university exams 19 6
Teaching practices 19 6 coded according to the concepts classification (C) and
Creative or multimodal exams 14 4 framing (F). In this case, classification refers to the
Self reflection 13 4
Workshops 9 3
Quizzes/web examination 4 1
Degree projects 4 1 Table 4. The instructive discourse – knowledge structures.
Excursions or laborations 2 1 Knowledge structures Frequency Percent (%)
Total n 322 100
Holistic 299 93
Atomistic 23 7
Total n 322 100
Table 3. The instructive discourse – content structures. Personal 129 40
Public 32 10
Content structures: Frequency Percent (%) Personal and public 161 50
Theoretical subject didactics 164 30 Total n 322 100
Practical subject didactics 137 24 Collective 213 66
Theoretical general didactics 83 15 Private 109 34
Trivium 81 14 Total n 322 100
Practical general didactics 49 9 Given/normative 236 73
Qadrivium (Subject knowledge) 46 8 Analytical/problematizing 86 27
Total n 560 100 Total n 322 100

Table 5. Modality of the pedagogic discourse.

Modality Frequency Percent (%)
Classification (C): Weak classification (C−) 177 55
Middle classification (C+-) 122 38
Strong classification (C+) 23 7
Total n 322 100
Framing (F): Weak selection of content (F−) 145 45
Middle selection of content (F+-) 103 32
Strong selection of content (F+) 74 23
Weak criteria of evaluation (F−) 171 53
Middle criteria of evaluation (F+-) 26 8
Strong criteria of evaluation (F+) 125 39
Weak criteria of communication (F−) 156 48
Middle criteria of communication (F+-) 90 28
Strong criteria of communication (F+) 76 24
Total n 322 100

distinction between different types of subject content based upon the relevance of the factors and the dimen-
where strong classification (C+) means that the examina- sions that seemed plausible in relation to the empirical
tion task clearly articulates an aspect of the course or the material. The five factors were rotated with the orthogo-
subject that has delimited content. Framing, on the other nal rotation method Varimax, which resulted in a factor
hand, deals with the principle that controls processes of matrix that is presented in Table 6.
transmission and acquisition of knowledge. Framing In total, the five factors explain the 69.04% var-
relates to control over selection of subject content, the iance, Factor 1 explains 36.13%, Factor 2: 12.40%,
assessment criteria and communication criteria – that is Factor 3: 10.01%, Factor 4: 5.47% and Factor 5:
to say, aspects not clearly related to the content of the 5.06% of variance. The five factors represent a pattern
tasks. that can be seen in five dimensions, here described
Based upon the compilation of the codes represent- theoretically as different pedagogic discourses that are
ing the modality of the pedagogic discourse, the result present in teacher education examination practice.
shows that most of the tasks (55%) have a weak (C−) or These will be presented next.
partially weak (C+-) classification (38%). This means
that the tasks often test knowledge that integrates var-
ious subjects or content aspects. Framing (F) has been Factor 1: general pedagogical knowledge –
coded partly based upon the degree of control over Trivium
subject content and the degree of clarity in the assess- The first factor represents a dimension that primarily
ment criteria. Control over what subject content will focuses on the examination of Trivium knowledge.
comprise the basis for examination is often weak (F−) Examination tasks with this character are found almost
(45%) or relatively weak (F+-) (32%). This means that it only in educational science examinations and make up
is the student who decides what the content of the about 14% of the examinations. Despite the fact that these
examination tasks will be. The degree of control over factors explain the greater part of the variance in the
assessment criteria varies, however. More than half examination practice on the primary teacher education
(53%) of the tasks have no, or very vague, assessment program, this practice is not dominant in terms of
criteria (F−), while 39% of the tasks have clearly defined numbers.
assessment criteria (F+). The control over principles of The pedagogic discourse that this factor represents
communication – that is to say, the format for the way could be described as containing a regulative dis-
the student accounts for his or her learning when doing course that tells us that this is a form of examination
the examination tasks – reveals that in many cases there that is conducted in seminars. In this form of exam-
is no, or a very weak, control of the format (F−) (49%), inations, language and linguistic skills are important
but approximately a quarter of the tasks (24%) contain tools for demonstrating knowledge, which means,
control over principles of communication (F+), which using Bernstein’s analytical concepts, that this form
can have to do with the length of the task and the way of knowledge could be seen as a horizontal form of
learning is accounted for, stipulations over font size, knowledge with a vertical structure.
and other formalities (Table 5). The instructional discourse that represents the subject
The factor analysis that was done using the statistics content examined belongs, as already mentioned above,
program SPSS was, as indicated above, an explorative to the Trivium. The knowledge structure asked for in the
factor analysis in which the extraction method, i.e. prin- examinations is of an analysing problematizing character.
cipal component analysis was used. Since there were ten The way that the pedagogic discourse is transmitted
factors with an eigenvalue of over 1.0, the number of through the analysis of examination tasks is described
factors was reduced to five, based partly on what the scree theoretically as the modality of discourse. To sum up
plot displayed regarding the factors’ eigenvalue, but also this argument, one could say that classification reveals

Table 6. Factor matrix.

Variabler Faktor 1 Faktor 2 Faktor 3 Faktor 4 Faktor 5
Regulative discourse Examinationsformer:
Oral 0.37
Seminary exams 0.91
Creative or multimodale exams 0.87
Teaching practices
Written home exams 0.3 0.69
Dugga/web examination 0.56
Written university exams 0.6
Self reflection 0.91
Degree project
Oral 0.87
Writing 0.62 0.32 0.55
ICT or multimodal 0.51
Gestalta/acting 0.89
Teaching 0.85
Instructive discourse Innehållsliga strukturer:
Trivium 0.94
Ämneskunskaper (Quadrivium) 0.77 0.4
Teoretisk ämnesdidaktik 0.41 0.72
Praktisk ämnesdidaktik 0.74 0.51
Teoretisk allmändidaktik 0.59 0.48
Praktisk allmändidaktik 0.93
Knowledge structures:
Holistic 0.6 0.54 0.39 0.33
Molecular 0.86
Private 0.42 0.41 0.55
Collective 0.79 0.39
Personal 0.78 0.36
Public 0.79
Personal and public 0.83 0.35
Given/normative 0.44 0.57 0.51
Analytical/problematizing 0.75
Modality of pedagogic discourse Classification:
Weak classification 0.7 0.41 0.31
Middle classification 0.8
Strong classification 0.8
Weak selection of content 0.3 0.71 0.37
Middle selection of content 0.71 0.47
Strong selection of content 0.47 0.56
Weak criteria of evaluation 0.64 0.56
Middle criteria of evaluation 0.51 0.49
Strong criteria of evaluation 0.37 0.55 0.33
Weak pacing 0.72 0.44
Middle pacing 0.54 0.31
Strong pacing 0.62 0.3

the relation between various aspects of content in the horizontal structure that is school-based and appren-
task and this factor combines tasks with different levels tice-like.
of classification. Framing, which indicates the degree The regulative part of the discourse shows that
of control, shows that the control over the content of knowledge is examined through students’ planning
the tasks is somewhat strong. Assessment criteria are and carrying out classroom instruction within the
also at times quite vague and at times clear and, finally, framework of placement. The examined content is
the criteria of communication are mostly vague. made up of student teaching (for example when a
lecturer from the teacher education program visits
and examines them) and often includes a self-reflec-
tion paper. The knowledge that is required to pass is
Factor 2: teaching and self-reflection during
often of a normative character and should be based
upon the student’s own knowledge and experience.
The second factor combines examinations that take The tasks are therefore of a horizontal nature and are
place in connection with student teacher placement. to a large degree context-dependent.
These tasks made up about 6% of the examinations. Normativity can in this case be viewed as the third
The instructional part of the pedagogic discourse, component in the pedagogic discourse of the teacher
which the tasks in Factor 2 combine, is a content knowl- education program, where an ideal view of teaching is
edge that is of a practical didactics or methodological communicated. The fact that students to a great
nature – that is to say, a form of knowledge with a extent can determine the content of the tasks gives

the pedagogic discourse a weak framing while control (relatively normative and holistic in nature).
of assessment criteria has strong framing, since it is Assessment criteria are weak; the tasks stretch across
clearly indicated what is to be achieved in order to several areas of knowledge and have a low degree of
pass the examination. framing, both in terms of communication criteria and
subject content.
Factor 3: subject theory – Quadrivium
Factor 5: the unusual and vague tasks of
The third pedagogic discourse is characterized by a
Gestalt pedagogy
focus on Quadrivium-knowledge and is thus related
to examination of subject knowledge that teachers are The last category reflects a pedagogic discourse that
supposed to teach when they begin working as a can be characterized as vague. Here we find tasks that
teacher. This examination practice is not especially deal with digital technology (ICT), Gestalt pedagogy
common; it only makes up less than a tenth (8%) of and multimodality. The tasks are often in most cases
the total number of examination tasks. holistic in nature and they have relatively weak clas-
The regulative part of the discourse shows that sification, relatively clear assessment criteria, and
knowledge is examined, primarily in quizzes, web strong formative control. The fifth factor cannot, be
examinations and written university exams, but also attributed to any particular part of the program.
by giving take-home exams. This type of examination
is often carried out on an individual basis, which
means that group tasks and other forms of group
work are not common. In contrast to other cate- The aim of the study was to identify how the legit-
gories, the knowledge that is tested is compartmenta- imate, professional knowledge base and professional
lized; that is to say, what is tested is atomized identity are constructed in the most recent primary
knowledge. teacher education program, by analyzing what peda-
The instructional discourse is characterised by a gogic discourses operate in the examination practice
focus on subject knowledge that teachers are sup- and what skills and competences are legitimized
posed to teach when they begin working as a teacher. through these discourses. The result of our analysis
The tasks have a strong classification; that is to say, of the primary teacher education program’s examina-
they deal with one delimited subject area at a time tion practice reveals that not only is there an increase
and thus with less content, and it is made very clear in classification between the various teacher educa-
in which subject area the knowledge belongs. tion programs, which the teacher education reform of
Framing is strong, in terms of communication cri- 2011 implicated (Beach, 2011; Beach & Bagley, 2012;
teria (form), selection of content and criteria of Sjöberg, 2011), but there are also practices that clas-
evaluation. sify and separate content and practices within one
and the same teacher education program, in this
case, exemplified by the primary teacher education
Factor 4: subject didactics
The fourth factors merge similar to Factor 3 aspects The different parts of the primary teacher education
related to subject theory (Quadrivium), in this case to program (educational science, subject knowledge and
subject didactics that take place in the subject area didactic skills and teacher placement) put a focus on
and subject didactic parts of the program. This is the various types of subject content. This is not so surpris-
most common examination practice, 54% of the ing. More interesting and startling is that the pedagogic
examination tasks were aimed for examinations of discourses of examination practice in the different
this subject area. parts of the program differ so dramatically. Our study
The regulative discourse evidenced written take- shows that certain examination practices are consider-
home exams as the most common form of examination. ably more frequent than others, something that gives
The instructional discourse contains both practical and an increased legitimacy to the type of pedagogic dis-
theoretical knowledge, but also to a certain degree, course that those practices represent. The analysis
subject knowledge. reveals that the content of most examinations on the
Similar to Factor 2 this discourse contains knowl- primary teacher program is testing subject didactic
edge that belongs in the third component of the skills. The dominant examination practice participates
pedagogic discourse of the teacher education pro- in a pedagogic discourse that through factor analysis
gram, a discourse that supports the didactic and appears in Factors 2 and 4. This means that the knowl-
methodological skills connected to the teaching pro- edge that is assessed and that thereby forms a central
fession. This form of knowledge can be seen as nor- part of what can be defined as the legitimate profes-
mative, where the student’s own views/skills are to be sional knowledge for primary school teachers is knowl-
related to knowledge established in the literature edge that is grounded in classroom practice and quite

often in the student’s own experiences from the place- and competencies. The present teacher education
ment period, and which are described without any in- program was also a clearly ideological reform
depth problematizing or analysis in the examination (Beach & Bagley, 2012; Sjöberg, 2011). Based upon
tasks. The pedagogic discourse is thus dominated by the results of this study, we assert that the fear that
subject didactics and methods linked to the teacher’s the teacher education program’s subject didactics and
work in the classroom. It is meant to provide a picture method content would be weakened was definitely
of the way an ideal classroom practice should be con- not justified, since a large portion of the examination
structed (Ensor, 2004). The fact that students can many tasks on the teacher education program have a sub-
times choose what content will be examined is also ject didactic character, in which methodological con-
problematic, since it is difficult to determine which tent are also common. The primary teacher students
subject didactic content the individual student has that pass the examinations at the university we have
actually learnt. These parts of the program are also studied seem to be well prepared for handling every-
those that have the weakest content classification of day didactic classroom management. These skills are
the tasks, but also the weakest content control of all the of course important for the teaching profession as
skills and/or competencies that the students are sup- well as for the single teacher. The results also indicate
posed to present in their examination tasks. This exam- that students are prepared to meet and collaborate
ination practice is in this way similar to the Norwegian with colleagues at schools, since they have practiced
knowledge-based teacher education practice (Wågsås their abilities to a large extent, often together with
Afdal, 2012; Wågsås Afdal & Nerland, 2014) and dis- their fellow students, to discuss and formulate them-
plays a horizontal contextual knowledge structure selves on educational issues.
(Bernstein, 1999). If this is the result of the most recent teacher
In the educational science part of teacher educa- education reform (SOU 2008:109) is impossible to
tion we find an entirely different examination prac- know. Previous studies have shown how traditions
tice that is not at all as dominant. This practice, and traditional discourses play a great role in peda-
represented by Factor 1, describes examinations in gogic practice (Cf Beach et al., 2014). The pedagogic
which vertical knowledge structures are tested and discourses, skills and competences found in this study
in which the students are expected to be able to are in any case, the legitimate professional knowledge
analyze and problematize issues of the Trivium char- in the primary teacher education examination prac-
acter. It is primarily in this examination culture that tice under study.
students learn about vertical research-based knowl- In terms of content, knowledge and competencies
edge structures, giving future teachers the tools for that hereafter are in need of more focus, it is now
questioning their own and others’ practices, but also subject theory knowledge, and primarily analytical
to do a critical review and relate to policies/reforms skills that are needed to problematize phenomena,
that affect both the teacher’s teaching practice and both in the classroom practice and outside of it.
their profession. This means that the Swedish primary education
In the subject theory parts of the program (Factor 3), program needs to develop and augment the
we observe yet another practice that differs dramatically Trivium-related parts of the program, but in addi-
from the other examination cultures and that is also an tion it needs to change its focus with regard to
examination practice that is uncommon in the primary subject didactic studies, from a normative approach
education program. The pedagogic discourse that we to an analytical/problematizing one. In order to
observe through this examination practice has content- make this possible, what is required is not only
based knowledge structures that can be seen as com- changes made to the institutions that offer the tea-
partmentalized – in other words, examination tasks that cher education program, but also an overview of the
require the student to atomize knowledge that is also current national teacher education policy, which, as
strongly linked to the subject theory field in focus for it is now constructed, forcefully locks in both the
examination. The discourse also has a strong classifica- content and the organization of the teacher educa-
tion of subject content. The modality of the pedagogic tion program. We also need to further analyze and
discourse further reveals a strong regulation of content problematize the current teacher education policy’s
and knowledge requirements as well as for form or underlying ideology. The developments that we see
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