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Designation: 8650 - 9s (Reapproved 2ooa)


Standard Specification for

Electrodepos¡ted Engineering Chrom¡um Coatings on
Ferrous Substratesl
This standard is issued under the fixed designation 8650; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or' in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the yetr of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use lry agencies of the Department of Defense.

L. Scope B320 Practice for Preparation of lron Castings for Electro-

I .1 This specification covers the requirements for electrode-
posited chromium coatings applied to fenous alloys for engi- 8374 Terminology Relating to Electroplating
neering applications. 8487 Test Method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide
Coating Thickness by Microscopical Examination of
1.2 Electrodeposited engineering chromium, which is some- Cross Section
times called "functional" or "hard" chromium, is usually 8499 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thicknesses
applied directly to the basis metal and is much thicker than by the Magnetic Method: Nonmagnetic Coatings on
decorative chromium. Engineering chromium is used for the Magnetic Basis Metals
following: 8504 Test Method for Measurement of Thickness of Metal-
I.2.1 To increase wear and abrasion resistance, lic Coatings by the Coulometric Method
1.2.2 To increase fretting resistance, 8507 Practice for Design of Articles to Be Electroplated on
1.2.3 To reduce static and kinetic friction, Racks
1.2.4 To reduce galling or seizing, or both, for va¡ious metal 8568 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness
combinations, by X-Ray Spectrometry
1.2.5 To increase corrosion resistance, and B5Tl Practice for Qualitative Adhesion Testing of Metallic
1.2.6 To build up undersize or worn parts. Coatings
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 8602 Test Method for Attribute Sampling of Metallic and
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Inorganic Coatings
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 8697 Guide for Selection of Sampling Plans for Inspection
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- of Electrodeposited Metallic and Inorganic Coatings
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. B'l62Test Method of Variables Sampling of Metallic and
Inorganic Coatings
2. Referenced Documents 8849 Specification for Pre-Treatments of Iron or Steel for
2.1 ASTM Standarcls:2 Reducing Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement
8117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus 8850 Guide for Post-Coating Treatments of Steel for Reduc-
B177 Guide for Engineering Chromium Electroplating ing the Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement
8183 Practice for Preparation of Low-Carbon Steel for D3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
Electroplating E8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
8242 Gúde for Preparation of High-Carbon Steel for Elec- F1459 Test Method for Determination of the Susceptibility
troplating of Metallic Materials to Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement
2.2 Other Standard:
l This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Comittee B08 on MIL-S-13165 Shot Peening of Metal Parts3
Metallic and Inorganic Coatingsand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
808.03 on Engineering Coatings. 3. Terminology
Cunent edition approved Aug. 1, 2008. Published September 2008. Originally
approved in 1978. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as 8650 - 95 (2002). 3.1 Definitions:
DOI: 10. 1520/80650-95R08.
2For referenced ASTM standuds, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customff Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard's Document Summary page on Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
the ASTM website. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.

Copyr¡ght @ ASTM lnternational, 100 Bail Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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3.1.1 sígnificant surfaces-all surfaces upon which a de- 5.2 The manufacturer of the parts to be electroplated shall
posit of controlled thickness is required. provide the electroplating facility with test specimens (see Discussion-When a controlled deposit is required Section 7) to be electroplated for conformance tests as re-
in holes, corners, recesses, and similar areas, special racking, quested for preparation, control, inspection, and lot acceptance
auxiliary anodes or shielding, or both, will be necessary. With unless other arrangements have been made between the pur-
the best practices there will be areas where a controlled deposit chaser and the electroplating facility.
is impossible.
3.2 Definitions used in this specification are in accordance 6. Coating Requirements
with Terminology 8374. 6.1 The appearance of the chromium coating on the signifi-
cant surfaces of the product shall be smooth and free of visual
4. Classification defects such as blisters, pits, roughness, cracks, burned
4.1 Electrodeposited chromium coatings in accordance with deposits, uncoated areas, or macrocracking of the deposit that
this specification are classified by the thickness of the coating is visible without magnification. The boundaries of electroplat-
as follows: ing that cover only a portion of the surface shall, after finishing
Class No. Chromium Th¡ckness, pm Typical Application
as indicated on the drawing, be free of beads, nodules, jagged
edges, or other irregularities that will interfere with the
1 2.510 25 reduce friction; anti-galling, light functioning ofthe platedpart. Imperfections and variations that
wear resistance
2 >25 as specified buildup to dimension specified for
arise from surface conditions of the basis metal (scratches,
salvage or as required for severe pores, roll marks, inclusions, etc.) and that persist in the finish
wear resistance despite the observance of good metal finishing practices shall
4.2 Unless otherwise specified by suitably marked drawings not be cause for rejection.
or samples, only those surfaces that can be touched with a
Nore l-Applied finishes generally perform better in service when the
20-mm diameter ball shall be considered significant. In holes,
substrate over which they are applied is smooth and free of torn metal,
corners, recesses, and other areas where a controlled deposit inclusions, pores, and other defects. It is recommended that the specifi-
cannot be obtained under normal electroplating conditions, the cations covering the unfinished product provide limits for these defects. A
thickness of the deposit may be that which results from control metal finisher can often remove defects through special treatments such as
on the significant surfaces. grinding, polishing, abrasive blasting, chemical treatments, and
electropolishing, which are not normal in the treatment steps preceding the
application of the finish and will add to the cost. When they are desired,
5. Ordering Information they are the subject of a special agreement between the purchaser and the
5.1 The purchaser shall exercise the desired options of this seller
standard. Ordering documents shall specify the following 6.2 In cases where design for maximum fatigue life is a
information: consideration the parts should be shot peened (see MIL-S-
5.1.1 Title, ASTM designation, and issue date of this 13165C) or given an alternate mechanical treatment to com-
specification, pressively stress the surface.
5.1.2 Alloy and metallurgical condition of the product to be
chromium plated, 6.3 Stress Relief Treatment (See headnote at the beginning
5.1.3 Ultimate tensile strength of the material to be plated, of this specification.):
5 .l .4 Heat treatment required for stress relief and whether it 6.3.1 All steel parts having an ultimate tensile strength of
has been performed or is required, 1000 MPa (150 000 psi-approximately 32 HRC) or greater,
5.1.5 The significant surfaces if different from the 20-mm that may contain residual stress caused by various fabrication
ball rule (see 3.1.1), operations such as machining, grinding, straightening, or cold
5.1.6 Thickness of the deposit or class (see 4.1), forming, will require one of the stress relief heat treatments
5.1.7 Control record requirements, prescribed in Specification 8849 prior to electroplating. In all
5.1.8 Preproduction test specimens, if required, cases, the duration of heat treatment shall commence from the
5.1.9 Sampling plan, if different from that specified in Test time at which the whole of each part attains the specified
Method 8602 (see Section 8), temperature.
5.1.10 The number of test specimens for destructive testing The treatment selected, of necessity, must be based
(see 7.1), upon experience with the part or empirical test data. Therefore,
5.1.11 Thickness, adhesion, porosity, and hydrogen em- Class SR-O treatment is provided for parts that the purchaser
brittlement tests required (see Section 6), wishes to exempt from treatment. However, many, if not most,
5. I . 12 Whether separate test specimens will be used (see 7. 1 steels with a tensile strength in excess of 1000 MPa will
and 1.5), become embrittled when plated with chromium. The stress
5.1.13 Where required, any special requirements for parts relief and hydrogen embrittlement relief treatments are essen-
that are subsequently ground to size, tial for the safe performance of chromium plated items
5.1.14 Where required, the base metal finish in terms of fabricated from those steels. Selection of Class SR-0 or ER-O
center line average (CLA) or arithmetic average (AA), and requires thorough knowledge of the embrittlement susceptibil-
5.1.15 Where required, dimensional tolerances allowed for ity of the specific steel employed. When the purchaser specifies
the specified coating thickness or class. Class SR-O or ER-O, the purchaser assumes sole responsibility

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.{[p aeso - es (2ooe)
for any embrittlement failure of the part. The relative suscep- 6.7 The coating shall be sufficiently free of pores to pass the
tibility of
a steel can be subjecting it to the Disk porosity test specified (see 7.4).
Rupture Test of Test Method F1459. When no stress relief 6.8 Workmanship-Addtng to (spotting in) or double
treatment is specified by the purchaser then Class SR-l shall be electroplating, unless evidence of a satisfactory bond is
applied. established, shall be cause for rejection. Stripping and replating
6.3.2 Parts having surface hardened areas that would suffer is permitted but parts having an ultimate tensile strength
an unacceptable reduction in hardness by treatment in accor- greater than 1000 MPa or a hardness greater than 32 HRC that
dance with Specification 8849 shall be heat-treated at a lower are acid stripped shall be rebaked (see 6.3) before plating.
temperature but not less than 130'C for a minimum period of Baking after stripping is not necessary if the pafts are stripped
8 h. This treatment is applicable for parts made of steel with an
anodically in an alkaline solution.
actual tensile strength below 1400 MPa. The purchaser may
require that the heat-treatment temperature shall not reduce the 6.9 Supplemental Requírements-lf parts are electroplated
surface hardness. Shorter times at higher temperatures may be and subsequently ground to size, the grinding shall be done
used, if the resulting loss of surface hardness is acceptable. with a proper coolant, never dry, and with a sufficiently light
6.3 .3 lf stress relief is given after shot peening or other cold
cut to prevent cracking.a Macrocracking, visually observed
working processes to introduce beneficial compressive without magnification after grinding, shall be cause for rejec-
stresses, the temperature shall not exceed 230'C. tion.

6.4 Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief: 6.10 Packaglng-Part(s) plated for the U.S. Government
6.4.1 Heat treatment appropriate for the tensile strength of and Military, including subcontracts, shall be packaged in
the electroplated part (see Specification 8850) shall be per- accordance with Practice D3951.
formed to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement. In all 7. Test Methods
cases, the duration of the heat treatment shall commence from
the time at which the whole part attains the specified tempera- 7.I Separate Specimens-When the coated articles are of
ture. See for important embrittlement relief information such a form as not to be readily adaptable to a test specified
regarding the selection of ER-0. When no embrittlement relief herein, when destructive tests would unreasonably reduce the
treatment is specified by the purchaser then Class ER-1 shall be
number or pieces in small lots, when the pieces are too
valuable to be destroyed, and when specified by the purchaser,
tests shall be made by the use of separate specimens plated
6.4.2 Begin the embrittlement relief heat-treatment as soon
as practical following the plating process but no longer than 1.5
concurrently with the articles represented. The separate speci-
mens shall be of a basis metal equivalent to that of the articles
6.4.3 Parts or representative specimens shall be tested for represented. Equivalent basis metal includes chemical
composition, grade, condition, and finish of surface prior to
compliance in accordance with 7.5.
electroplating. The purchaser is responsible for providing these
6.5 Thickness-The thickness of the coating everywhere on specimens (see section 5.3). These specimens shall be intro-
the significant surface(s) shall conform to the requirements of duced into a lot before the cleaning operations preliminary to
the specified class as defined in Section 3 (see 7.2). electroplating and shall not be separated therefrom until after
Nors 2-The coating thickness requirements of this specification are a completion of electroplating. Conditions affecting the electro-
minimum requirement, that is, the coating thickness is required to equal or plating of specimens, including the spacing and positioning in
exceed the specified thickness everywhere on the significant surfaces (see respect to anodes and to other objects being electroplated, shall
4.1). Variation in the coating thickness from point to point on a coated correspond as nearly as practicable to those affecting the
article is an inherent characteristic of electroplating processes. Therefore,
the coating thickness must exceed the specified value at some point on the
significant surfaces of the articles represented. Unless a need
significant surfaces to ensure that the thickness equals or exceeds the can be demonstrated, separately prepared specimens shall not
specified value at all points. Hence, in most cases, the average coating be used in place of production items for nondestructive tests
thickness on an article will be greater than the specified value; how much and visual examination.
greater is largely determined by the shape of the article (see Practice
B507) and the characte¡istics of the electroplating process. In addition, the 1.2 Thickness-Measure the thickness of the chromium by
average coating thickness on articles will vary from article to article one of the following methods; other methods may be used if it
within a production lot. Therefore, if all of the articles within a production can be demonstrated that the uncerlainty of the method is less
lot are to meet the thickness requirement, the average coating thickness for
than l0 7o or unless direct physical measurement by mechani-
the production lot as a whole will be greater than the average necessary to
ensure that a single article meets the requirement. This may not apply to cal means of the final part dimension is specified.
parts that are ground after plating. 7.2.1 Microscopical---Test Method 8487 (this method is
6.6 Adhesion-The coating shall be sufficiently adherent to
the basis metal to pass the adhesion test specified (see 7.3). 7.2.2 Magnefic-Test Method 8499.
These tests are, with the possible exception of the heat quench
7.2.3 Method 8504 (this method de-
test, all destructive and therefore, in most cases, should be stroys the coating in the test location).
performed on test panels.
aMessler, R. W., and Maller, R. R., "A New Inspection Process for Detecting
Nore 3-Adhesion may be influenced by the method of pretreating the Abusive Grinding Damage in Hard Ch¡omium Plated Pafls," Proceedings of the
base metal and the type of steel used as a basis metal. Helpful information Airlíne Plating Symposium, 1974, is a helpful discussion of the problems in
is given in Practices 8177, 8183, 8242, andB320. grinding.

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(ff eeso - e5 (2ooo)
7.2.4 X-Ray SpectrometD)-Test Method 8568. 7.5.1.I The specimen or the raw material from which they
7.3 Adhesion: may be machined shall be provided by the purchaser or as
7.3.1 The coated article or designated test specimen shall agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller.
pass one of the following tests, or any special test particular to 1.5.2 Altemative methods for the determination of the
the function of the part as specified by the purchaser. efficacy of the hydrogen embrittlement relief may be used as

l.3.l.l Bend Test-This method is destructive. agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller. File Test-This method is destructive. 8. Sampling Requirements Heat and Quench Zesr-This method may affect the
heat treatment of the basis metal. 8.1 The use of statistical process control in the coating Push Test-This method is destructive. process is strongly recommended. Properly performed, this
7.3.2 These and other adhesion tests are described in Test will help ensure coated products of satisfactory quality and will
Methods B571 . The test selected should take into consideration reduce the amount of acceptance inspection required.
the size, shape, or thickness of the part. Adhesion tests may at 8.2 The sampling plan shall be Test Method 8602 unless
times fail to detect adhesion in the process of degradation; otherwise specified by the purchaser. Other sampling plans are
subsequent fabrication may reveal poor or inadequate adhesion contained in Guide 8697 and Method 8762.
that shall be cause for rejection. 8.3 Select a random sample of the size required by the test
7.4 Porosity-The coating shall pass one of the following method selected from the inspection lot (see 8.2). Inspect the
tests as specified by the purchaser: articles in the lot for conformance to the requirements of this
specification and classify the lot as conforming or not conform-
Nors 4-It is important to realize that the test duration specified for
each test must be used exactly for valid results. ing to each requirement in accordance with the criteria of the
sampling plans in the method selected.
7.4.1 Fenoxyl Test-Conduct in accordance with the proce-
dure described in Appendix Xl. Observe the results after 10 Nors 5-Test Method 8602 contains four sampling plans, three of
min. The part fails if more than the number of pores specified which are to be used with nondestructive test methods. The fourth plan is
used where the test method is destructive. The three plans for nondestruc-
by the purchaser per part or per unit area are found. tive tests ditrer in the quality level they require of the product; Test
7.4.2 Neutral Salt Spray-Conduct in accordance with Prac- Method 8602 requires use of the plan with the intermediate quality level,
tice B I 17. Observe results after I 6 h. The part fails if more than unless the purchaser specifies otherwise. It is recommended that the
the number of pores specified by the purchaser per part or per purchaser compare the plans with his/her needs and state which plan is to
unit area are found. be used. If the plans in Test Method B602 do not serve those needs,
additional ones are given in Guide 8697. Both Test Method 8602 and
7.4.3 Copper Sulfate ksl-Immerse the coated part in a Guide B697 list references where additional information on sampling
15-g/L solution of copper sulfate (CuSO 5HrO) for 2 min. inspection and additional plans are given.
Inspect for copper spots that indicate pores. The part fails if Nore 6-When both destructive and nondestructive tests exist for the
more tha¡ the number of pores specified by the purchaser per measurement of a characteristic, the purchaser needs to state which is to
be used so that the proper sampling plan is selected. Whether or not a test
part or per unit area are found.
is desüuctive may not always be clear. A test may destroy the coating but
7.5 Hydrogen Embrittlemenf-Representative sample parts in a noncritical area, or, although it may destroy the coating, the part can
or test specimens (see 7.5.1) plated concurrently with the parts, be reclaimed by stripping and recoating. The purchaser needs to state
whether or not the test is to be considered destructive or nondestructive.
shall be subjected to a sustained load test. In the case of parts,
The decision is important because the plans for destructive tests are
the samples shall be subjected for 200 h to a sustained tensile significantly less able to discriminate between acceptable and unaccept-
load equal to ll5 Vo of the maximum design load for which the able lots. This is because fewer pafts are tested in destructive plans.
part was designed as specified by the purchaser. test If 8.4 An inspection lot shall be defined as a collection of
specimens are employed, they shall be subjected for 200 h to a ofthe same kind, that have been produced
coated parts that are
load equal to 75 Vo of the ultimate tensile strength of the alloy to the same specification, that have been coated by a single
employed. Any fractures or signs of cracks shall be cause for producer at the one time or approximately the same time under
reiection. essentially the same conditions, and that are submitted for
7.5.1 Separate specimens for embrittlement relief testing acceptance or rejection as a group.
shall be round notched specimens of the alloy being plated or
a metallurgically equivalent alternative specified by the pur- 8.5 All specimens used in the sampling plan shall be made
chaser. The specimens shall be prepared with the axis of the of the same basis material in the same metallurgical conditions
specimen perpendicular to the short traverse grain direction as the articles being plated to this specification.
and shall conform to Fig. 8 of Test Methods E8 and shall have 8.6 All specimens shall be provided by the purchaser unless
a 60 V-notch, the bottom of which shall have a radius of otherwise agreed upon by the producer.
curvature of 0.254 -r 0.0127 mm and the area of which shall be
approximately equal to half the area of the specimen's reduced 9. Keywords
section. 9.1 chromium plating standard; steel

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(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Scope---This method reveals discontinuities, such as remain undisturbed. (Do not apply the solution if its tempera-
pores, in coatings of chromium on iron or steel. ture is below 60'C.) Place the test specimen in a horizontal
position allowing it to cool to between 2l and 27"C. Begin
Xl.2 Material---The test solution is prepared by dissolving timing the 1O-min test period from the time the agar solution is
10 g of agar, l0 g of sodium chloride (NaCl), and I g of on the test specimen. At the end of the test period examine the
potassium ferricyanide (K Fe(CN)) in 1 L of warm distilled or coating or remove the filter paper and examine the aside that
deionized water. was in contact with the specimen. Blue spots indicate basis
metal corrosion or porosity.
X1.3 Procedure-Clean and degrease the surface to be
tested with methyl alcohol or other suitable solvent (avoid Xl.4 Report:
inhalation of fumes). Slowly warm the test solution to 93"C to Xl.4.l Report the following information:
liquify (a borosilicate glass double boiler arrangement is X1.4.1.1 Area of the surface tested,
suggested). Apply the warmed test solution to the speiimen by XI.4.1.2 Total number and diameter of all spots visible to
one of the following methods: (1) dip the specimen in the the unaided eye, and
solution, (2) pour the solution over the specimen, or (3) dip a X1.4.1.3 The highest number of spots visible at one time
piece of filter paper into the solution, allow the excess to drain through a template placed on the surface with a 25 by 25-mm
off, and then apply the wet paper to the test area and allow to opening.

ASTM lnternational takes no pos¡t¡on respect¡ng the validity of any patent rights assefted ¡n connection with any item mentioned
¡n th¡s standard. Users of this standard are expressly adv¡sed that determ¡nation of the val¡dity of any such patent r¡ghts, and the risk
of infringement of such r¡ghts, are ent¡rely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to rev¡sion at any t¡me by the responsible technical comm¡ttee and must be rev¡ewed every five years and
if not rev¡sed, e¡ther reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are ¡nv¡ted e¡ther for rev¡sion of this standard or for addit¡onal standards
and should be addressed to ASTM lnternational Headquafters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meet¡ng of the
responsible techn¡cal comm¡ttee, which you may attend. lf you feel that your comments have not received a fair hear¡ng you should
make your views known to the ASTM Comm¡ttee on Standards, at the address shown below.

Th¡s standard ¡s copyrighted by ASTM lnternat¡onal, 1 00 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 1 9428-2959,
United States. lnd¡vidual repr¡nts (s¡ngle or multiple cop¡es) of this standard may be obta¡ned by contact¡ng ASTM at the above
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( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM webs¡te (

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