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l d a+ (!-:glkl'/
Roll No. ......... Total Pages : 3

DrEGA/J-I7 18731
Coune - 4(b)

Time : ltl Hoursl [Maximum Ma*s : 35

Note ! Attempt rrrrce questions in all, selecting oze question from

each Unit. Question No. I is compulsory.

ate r r*+ wrt i qo lrr 6I q.rr o.rt gq qG +{ errl

* sm {fqqr gl-r {GqI 1 3rFr4{ dr

CompukorY Quccdol

l afud rta)
1. Answer the following briefly (io 15-20 liies each) :

(i) Concept of Discipline. 1

(ii) Role of different agercies in developtrEot of TExtbooks

at National tavcl. 3

fiIqfrim + rRqr rtn (ts-zo) ffnd { {fqq I

(i) 3iErfi + fqqq (fsf{fiar) 61 qcsllllrl
(n) {Rtq <r vr vrql-5a+l * fc-6rs t frfr< qtrqq
qi tfu6l
18731/600KD/1 13 lP.r.o.

rNrr-r (E6r$-r) f+afefea {{ ffi S} q< trq do latuq :

2. Desoribe the nalure and rypes of disciplinc. l4 (6,) r + uifi * sv { vrqq-Skr$I $ qq{ s,r qrs{rs|
€qqql + frqq (fuisfur) E1 c-fd gi r6,Ri q'r efi (q) {r$q R{ c( cr{q-kd{q (ffi{q) + Fnfq { fqfrq
qqf{q ifi {fr-flr
oR ( 3rW[)
(rr) qEr{r * ffi <fcfrk{) 61 eFfr { q-d-dwt
3. Write a dctailed nore on 'Emcrgence of School Subjects qwrq (t{q{c) fu'e) |
with special leterence to philosophical, Social and polirical
contexls. l4
swis-r qi rrq+if6 {<{l + Hq qftqq c'
F{d fs[r|ii + qtsqiq (FFr+{) , qr \16 fdqa +s

UMT-II (!6+tr)
4, Explaio the differEnce and rElarionship betweeo Syllabus
and Curriculum. 14
q{q-Ed{ul (ffi{s) dR qqqfiq { qq q{ qqel sq

OR ( 3rrsr)
5. Write shon notes on any ,ryo of the following :

(a) Criteria for selection of Textbooks as source ot

(b) Role of different agencies in designing Syllabus at
National [,evel.
(c) Pamdigm shifrs in the Narure of Disciplines. 14

18731/600/KD/113 2 18731/600/KD/1 l3 3

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