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State of Mississippi Office of the Wiewtenant Governor “TATE REEVES. July 26, 2018 Attorney General Jim Hood Post Offiae Box 220 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Dear General Hood: ‘This letter isin response to your July 28 request regarding the Mississippi Department of Transportation and the City of Flowood’s frontage road project. To be clear, I have been advised by Counsel that your informal document requests that were included in your document preservation letter create no legal obligatior on the Senate, my office or any individual Senators to produce such documents. However I like you, want to resolve any outstanding questions about the project for the public's interest, and therefore, I am voluntarily responding to your request. After having conducted two independent reviews of electronic legislative communications by and between me or any members of my staff with anyone at the Department of Transportation regarding the frontage road project, and withcut waiving the legislative privilege that I and the other Senators, undisputedly have under Mississippi law, no written documents have been found that mectthe criteria of your request. For your information, I have attached a copy of the retention procedures. from the Legislative Budget Office, which maintains al electronic legislative records. In addition, | have forwarded your request of same from Senators to the Senate Rules Commitee. Sipeerely, £) Arata Reeves Lieutenant Governor Attachment cn a1 08+ 8300-4 HNP MISSISSIPPI Joint Legislative Budget Committee Caiman PHILIP GUNN, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE TONY M. GREER, DRECTOR Logalave Budge Offco Jaen sane Se 9680 FARO S8 8 July 18,2018 Mes. Un ele Secretary of the Senate Capit! Bulleing Jackson, MS 38215 Vie: Hand Delivery Re: Attorney General Request (July 28,2018) Dear Mrs. Wele, ‘The Legislative Budget Office (L80) i esponsibe or backing up the electronic records ofthe Capitol including ‘members and staff 35 well as the budget records ofL80. Here Is 2 summary of what we maintain and archive Legislative Electronic Data Data exists on computer systems located in the Capital Computer Room inthe West End Basement ofthe New capital and The Legsative Budget Office Computer Room on the second Floor ofthe Woolfolk bulding as Follows Server ata Location vou Legislation & Data Bases Capital Basement vow Capital Users Persona les Capital Basement (members & staff) Low Budget Oata ‘Woolfolk Bid. so-ve 180 Users Personal Files Woolfolk ld. Legislative Emall Data ‘The Emall system forthe Lepsiatue is Microsoft Exchange 2010. Configured ina Data Avalabiity Group (DAG) with redundant copies ofthe data existing Inthe Woolfolk building as wellas the Capital Server Funetion Location ap-be Hud Email Gateway capital Basement Cap-EMB-L Mailbox Server Capital Basement Bo-Ee Me Mailbox Server ‘Woolfolk Bids. "Note:The last two items are identical and are meant to create redundancy. Legislative Electronic Dat Backup and Retention ‘The backup procedures al the Mississipi Leybature ar prnatily forUsaster recovery. No policy exists regarding Long term archiving of data. Documents and emails, once created, are maintained on the system unl the owner Geletes the document or the owner sno longer associated withthe Legislature. ‘The Legislature utlizes Unitrends backup appliances to perform daly dskto-isk backups. These appliances allow usto restore toa point in ime. The number of days we can restore back toi imited by the amount of storage on ‘the appliance To provide a level of redundancy to these appliances, weekly copes of the latest backups are copied to Tape and other Disk/Rotational Archives. ‘The backup appliances are located inthe Capital Computer Room inthe West End Basement ofthe New Capital and The Legislative Budget Ofice Computer Room onthe second Floor ofthe Woolfolk buldng Currently we have the following data avalabe coptal system Capital Appliance —- 30-40 Daysoonine San-Archive Copy —- Taken 7-18-2018, Rotational Archive Copy Taken 7-15-2018, ‘Tape Copy Taken 7-14-2018, ‘Tape Copy m= Taken 7-7-2018 Legilative Budget Office System Bo Appliance 30 Days Online Removable Disk Copy Taken 7-18-2018 Removable Dick Copy Taken 7-2.2018, Removable Disk Copy ~~ Taken 11-3207 Tape Copy ~ Taken 7-15-2018 Tape Copy ~ Taken 7-8-2018 | have suspended all Backup Copy operations to Tapes and Removeable Dist/Rotational Archives utl further notice

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