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Lesson title: Peer pressure experiment

Grade: 5

Unit of Inquiry: How we express ourselves

Central Idea: Our behavior can be influenced by others in positive and negative
ways. We may need to apply strategies to deal with negative influence.

Key concepts:
Form: What is it like?
Function: How does it work?
Causation: Why is it the way it is?
Change: How does it change?
Connection: How is it connected to other things?
Perspective: What are the major points of view?
Responsibility: What is our/my responsibility?
Reflection: How do we know?

Materials: cookies, directions for each student

Description: students are studying how the media influences us. What about our
behavior? Does our behavior influence the people around us? We are going to do
an experiment today to explore these questions.

In your table groups you are going to be assigned a number. This number has a role that you must follow.
For example if I have number 2. I read the #2 role and follow the directions exactly.
First you will go to your table groups, then we will have you count off from 1 -5. Then you will get the
role that matches your number. The supplies you need for this experiment will be in the center of your
You will have less than five minutes to do this experiment. After a few minutes, I will call you back to the
circle. Be prepared to talk about your experiences in your role.
#1 Take a cookie, eat it slowly, and try to persuade other group members to eat a cookie.

#2 Take a cookie, eat it slowly, and try to persuade other group members to eat a cookie.

#3 Take a cookie, eat is slowly, and try to persuade other group members to eat a cookie.
#4 Refuse to take a cookie at first. Wait one minute (count to 60 in head or look at clock)
and then take a cookie and eat it.

#5 Do not take a cookie no matter what!

Discussion questions:
1. For those who were told not to eat the cookie no mater what….how did it feel to be
persuaded to do something you were told not to do?
2. For those who had to wait a minute, how did you feel about giving in?
3. ‘Don’t eat no mater what’ people – how did you feel when the people who refused at first
finally took the cookie?
.4.Eat cookie slowly and try to persuade others, how did you feel persuading others?
4. Is peer pressure always bad?
5. Why do people try to persuade others to do things?
6. What are some examples of things fifth graders are pressured to do (good or bad)?
7. Who influences your behavior?

Learner outcome: see:
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
Identify how actions impact Understand the impact of Identify strategies when Understand how strategies
others actions on others dealing with peer pressure can be used to deal with
negative peer pressure

8. Assessment idea:

Exit ticket
Two things I learned about peer pressure today:

One question I still have is:


Source: (found last year and cannot track down source)

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