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Payables: Version : 12.0.0

Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

APXIIMPT module: Payables Open Interface Import


Current system time is 24-APR-2018 08:43:18


| Starting concurrent program execution...


APPLLCSP Environment Variable set to :

Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :


' '

Enter Password:
REP-0004: Warning: Unable to open user preference file.
MSG-00001: (Before Report) After SRWINIT
MSG-00002: (Before Report) After Get_Company_Name
MSG-00003: (Before Report) After Get_NLS_Strings
MSG-00001: (Get Base Curr data 1) Get the Base Currency Information
MSG-00004: (Before Report) After Get_Base_Curr_Data
MSG-00005: After Get Operating Unit
MSG-00006: After Get Purge Flag
MSG-00002: (Before Report Trigger 1) Import Invoices.
MSG-00000: ------------------> l_batch_error_flag = N
MSG-00013: (Before Report Trigger 4) Commit.
MSG-00000: 0 invoice(s) were created during the process run
MSG-00000: 1 invoice(s) were fetched during the process run
MSG-00000: summarize flagN
MSG-00883: After Repport Trigger: Setting the Org Context to Multiple
MSG-00003: (After report 3) Delete record in ap_interface_controls
MSG-00004: (After Report Trigger 4) Commit.
MSG-00005: (After Report Trigger 5) After SRWEXIT
Report Builder: Release - Production on Tue Apr 24 08:43:19 2018

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Start of log messages from FND_FILE
(Import_invoice 0.1) Calling Caching Function for Org Id/Name
Cache_Org_Id_Name <- Import_invoices<- Before Report Trigger
Caching Org_id , Name from MO: Security Profile
Caching Org_id from Financials Systems
(Import_Invoices 0.2) Calling Caching Function for Currency
Cache_Fnd_Currency <- Import_invoices<- Before Report Trigger
Caching Currency from Fnd Currency
(Import_Invoices 0.3) Calling Caching Function for Payment Method
Cache_Payment_Method <- Import_invoices<- Before Report Trigger
Caching Payment Method from IBY
(Import_Invoices 0.4) Calling Caching Function for Payment Group
Cache_Pay_group <- Import_invoices<- Before Report Trigger
Caching Pay Group from PO Lookup Codes
(Import_Invoices 0.5) Caching Structure Id
(Import_invoice 1) Check control table for the import batch
(Import_invoice 2) Print Source
(Import Invoice 3) Delete Rejections from previous failed imports
(Check_lines 3a) Select all the Rejected Invoices
(Check_lines 3b) Delete invoices from ap_interface_rejections
(Check_lines 3c) Update requestid on the Selected Invoices
(Import Invoice 4) Update the org_id
(Import_Invoices 4a) Updating Interface WHERE org_id is null but operating unit is
not null
(Import_Invoices 4b) Getting Deafult Operating Unit Information
(Import Invoices 5) Get The Total Number of Invoices In Interface
(Import_invoice 5.5) Unwinding Caching Org Id/Name
Index Value: 86, MOAC Cached Org_Id: 86, MOAC Cached Operating Unit: POSCO SS-VINA
Index Value: 86, FSP Cached Org_Id: 86
(Import_invoice 6) Open import_invoices cursor
(Import_invoice 7) FETCH import_invoices
------------------> invoice_id = 1363402 invoice_num = ERS-180416-31 invoice_ty
pe_lookup_code = STANDARD invoice_date = 16-APR-18 po_number = vendor_id =
702002 vendor_num = vendor_name = vendor_site_id = 14564 vendor_site_code
= party_id = party_site_id = pay_proc_trxn_type_code = payment_function =
invoice_amount = 4906000 base_currency_code = invoice_currency_code = KRW pa
yment_currency_code = exchange_rate = exchange_rate_type = exchange_date =
terms_id = terms_name = description = Receipt Invoice automatically creat
ed on 24-apr-18 awt_group_id = awt_group_name = pay_awt_group_id = pay_awt
_group_name = last_update_date = 24-APR-18 last_updated_by = 1111 last_updat
e_login = 8006770 creation_date = 24-APR-18 attribute_category = attribute1 =
attribute2 = attribute3 = 1 attribute4 = attribute5 = attribute6 = attribu
te7 = attribute8 = attribute9 = attribute10 = attribute11 = attribute12 =
attribute13 = attribute14 = attribute15 = global_attribute_category = global
_attribute1 = global_attribute2 = global_attribute3 = global_attribute4 = gl
obal_attribute5 = global_attribute6 = global_attribute7 = global_attribute8 =
global_attribute9 = global_attribute10 = global_attribute11 = global_attrib
ute12 = global_attribute13 = global_attribute14 = global_attribute15 = globa
l_attribute16 = global_attribute17 = global_attribute18 = global_attribute19
= global_attribute20 = doc_category_code = voucher_num = payment_method_co
de = pay_group_lookup_code = goods_received_date = invoice_received_date = e
xclusive_payment_flag = prepay_num = prepay_line_num = prepay_apply_amount =
prepay_gl_date = set_of_books_id = legal_entity_id = tax_only_flag = N tax_o
nly_rcv_matched_flag = N remit_to_supplier_name = remit_to_supplier_id = remit
_to_supplier_site = remit_to_supplier_site_id = relationship_id = remit_to_su
pplier_num =
(Import Invoices 8) Checking for Inconsistent OU
(Import Invoice 9a) Setting the org Context
(Import_invoice 9b) Call get_info to get required info
(Get_info 1) Read from ap_system_parameters
(Get_info 2) Get Batch Control Profile Option
(Get_info 3) Get encumbrance option
(Get_info 4) Get minimum_accountable_unit
(Get_info 5) Get p_sequence_numbering
(Get_info 6) Get gl_date based on report parameters
(Get_info 7) Check if PA is installed
------------------> l_status = I l_industry = C p_pa_installed = Y
(Get_info 8) Get chart_of_accounts_id from p_set_of_books_id
(Get_info 9) Get Asset Book Type Code
(Get_info 9) Get system tolerances
------------------> p_org_id = 86 p_set_of_books_id = 2028 l_multi_currency_fla
g = Y l_make_rate_mANDatory_flag = N l_default_exchange_rate_type = 1084 l_ba
se_currency_code = USD l_batch_control_flag = Y l_payment_cross_rate = l_bas
e_min_acct_unit = l_base_precision = 2 l_sequence_numbering = N l_awt_includ
e_tax_amt = N l_gl_date_from_get_info = l_gl_date_from_receipt_flag = I l_purc
h_encumbrance_flag = N l_chart_of_accounts_id = 50328 l_pa_installed = Y l_pos
itive_price_tolerance = l_negative_price_tolerance = l_qty_tolerance = l_ma
x_qty_ord_tolerance = l_inv_doc_cat_override = N l_allow_interest_invoices = N
(Import_invoice 9c) Get batch_id IF batch_control is on
(Get_batch_id 1) Get old batch id
------------------> l_batch_id = 10027 l_batch_type = OLD BATCH
(Import Invoice 10b) Default GL Date Based on Calculation
Determine gl_date for ERS invoice
Determine invoice gl_date from LE Timezone API
(Import_invoice 11) Validate invoice
SOBID is :
(Check Invoice Validation 0) Initialize invoice_date if null
(Check Invoice Validation 1) Check for Invalid and Inactive PO
(Check Invoice Validation 2) Check for Invalid Legal Entity
(Check Invoice Validation 2) Check for Invalid Supplier
(Check Invalid Supplier 2) Validate vendor id.
(Check Invalid Supplier 7) Save Supplier id for further processing.
(Check Invoice Validation 2) Validated Supplier
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
l_vendor_id = 702002
(Check Invoice Validation 3) Check for Invalid Supplier Site, if Supplier is valid
(Check Invoice Validation 3.2) Supplier Site is per EDI
(Check Invalid Site 1) Check Supplier Site
(Check Invalid Site 3) Get Supplier Site details from p_invoice_rec.vendor_site_id
(Check Invalid Site 6) Check Supplier Site for given vendor
------------------> l_valid_vendor = X
(Check Invoice Validation 3) Validated Supplier Site
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
l_vendor_site_id = 14564
l_party_site_id =
(Check Invoice Validation 3.5) Validated party and vendor info
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Get_tolerance_info 1) Get tolerance info...
(get_tolerance_info 1) NO_DATA_FOUND exception
(get_tolerance_info 2) NO_DATA_FOUND exception
------------------> p_vendor_site_id = 14564 l_price_tolerance = l_positive_pr
ice_tolerance = l_negative_price_tolerance = l_qty_tolerance = l_qty_recei
ved_tolerance = l_max_qty_ord_tolerance = l_max_qty_rec_tolerance = l_amt_
tolerance = l_amt_received_tolerance = l_max_amt_ord_tolerance = l_max_amt
_rec_tolerance = l_goods_ship_amt_tolerance = l_goods_rate_amttolerance =
l_goods_total_amt_tolerance = l_services_ship_amt_tolerance = l_services_rat
e_amttolerance = l_services_total_amt_tolerance =
(Check Invoice Validation 4) Check for Invalid Invoice Number ,if Supplier Site
is valid
------------------> l_invoice_num =
(Check Invoice Number 2) Check for Invalid Invoice Number.
(Check Invoice Number 3) Check for Duplicate Invoice Number.
------------------> l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 5) Check for Currency Code ,if Invoice No. is valid
(Check Invoice Currency Code 2) Get precision, mau for Invoice Currency Code.
l_valid_inv_currency: KRW
--------------> l_temp_invoice_status = Y l_inv_currency_code = KRW
(Check Invoice Validation 6) Check for Invoice Lookup Code and Amount ,if Invoice
No. is valid
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 1) Check for Invalid Invoice type lookup code.
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 2) Check for Null Invoice amount.
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 3) Check for Invalid Invoice amount.
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 4) Check for Invoice amount to match sum of invoice
line amounts.
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 6) Determine Match Mode.
l_temp_invoice_status = Y p_match_mode =
(Check Invoice Validation 7) Check for AWT Group ,if Invoice No. is valid
(Check AWT Group 2) Check for Inactive AWT Group
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 7) Check for pay AWT Group ,if Invoice No. is valid
(Check AWT Group 2) Check for Inactive pay AWT Group
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 8) Check for Exchange Rate Type ,if Invoice No. is valid
(Check Exchange Rate Type 1) Check for invalid Exchange Rate Type
(Check Exchange Rate Type 1a) Get Default Exchange Rate Type
(Check Exchange Rate Type 1b) Check if Rate Type is valid
(Check Exchange Rate Type 2) Get Sysdate as Exchange Date
(Check Exchange Rate Type 3a) Check for inconsistent Exchange Rate, if type valid
l_coversion_type: 1084 p_invoice_rec.exchange_rate:
(Check Exchange Rate Type 3b) Get Exchange Rate for type other than User
----------------> exchange_rate =
set_of_books_id = 2028
invoice_currency_code = KRW
exchange_date= 16-APR-18
conversion_type = 1084
(Check Exchange Rate Type 3d) No Exchange Rate:Rate Not Reqd
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 9) Check for Terms Info ,if Invoice No. is valid
(Check Invalid Terms 2.2) Get term_id from lines po_numbers
(Check Invalid Terms 2.6) getting term active date
(Check Invalid Terms 6) Check for Invoice and Goods Received Date
(Check Invalid Terms 8) Check calendar based payment terms
OPEN cursor c
Fetch cursor C
CLOSE cursor c
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
terms_id = 10020
(Check Invoice Validation 10) Check for Misc Info
(Check Misc Invoice Info 1) Check for valid accts_pay_ccid.
(Check Misc Invoice Info 5) Check for valid employee
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 11a) Check for LE Info
(Check Legal Entity Info 2) Check for reg code/number and Get LE.
(Check Legal Entity Info 2.1) Get Bill TO Location ID
(Check Legal Entity Info 2.2) Call LE API
(Check Legal Entity Info 2.3) Valid LE Flow
(Check Legal Entity Info 2.4a) Legal Entity ID: 23273
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 11) Check for Payment Currency Info ,if Invoice No. is
(Check Invalid Pay Currency 0) Calling Caching Function for Currency
Cache_Fnd_Currency <- AP_IMPORT_VALIDATION_PKG.v_check_invalid_pay_curr<-AP_IMPO
RT_VALIDATION_PKG.v_check_invoice_validation<-Import_invoices<- Before Report Tr
Caching Currency from Fnd Currency
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 14) Check for Prepayment Info.
l_temp_invoice_status =
(Check Invoice Validation 15) Check for tax drivers or invoice level tax
(Check tax info 1) Check for control_amount
(Check tax info 2) Check for tax_related_invoice_id
(Check tax info 3) Check for calc_tax_during_import_flag
(Check tax info 4) Validate if allocation structure is provided for inclusive lines
when the invoice has more than one item line.
(Check tax info 5) Check if any non-tax line has tax information
(Check tax info 6) Check if an invoice has a tax line matched to receipt and
another allocated to item lines
------------------> l_temp_invoice_status =
Check for Invalid Remit to Supplier
Check valid remit to supplier details
Remit to supplier Name
Remit to supplier Id
Remit to supplier Site Id
Remit to supplier Site Name
If Remit to supplier Name
If Remit to supplier Id
If Remit to supplier Num
If Remit to supplier Site Id
If Remit to supplier Site
Data To IBY
Party Id 907042
Vendor Site id 14564
Invoice Date 16-APR-18
Remit Party Id
Remit Supplier Site Id
Data From IBY
x_result : T
------------------> l_temp_invoice_status =
(Check Invoice Validation 16) Check for Exchange Rate Info.
(Check No Xrate Base Amount 1) Is Xrate_Base_Amount invalid?
(Check No Xrate Base Amount 2) Get invoice base amount
(Check No Xrate Base Amount 2) Get invoice base amount
AP_IMPORT_VALIDATION_PKG.v_check_invoice_validation<-Import_invoices<- Before
Report Trigger
(Check Invoice Validation 16) Check for Exchange Rate Info.
v_check_invoice_validation<-Import_invoices<- Before Report Trigger
(Import_invoice 17.1) Change the invoice status to REJECTING
(Change_invoice_status 1) Change invoice status to REJECTING
(Import_invoice 7) FETCH import_invoices
(Import_invoice) CLOSE import_invoices
(Import_invoice 18a) Get/Initialize batch name
(Import_invoice 18f) Do Not create batch
(Import_invoice 19) COMMIT to the database
(Import_purge 20) Check IF there is still any record left
------------------> l_continue_flag = N
(Import_invoice 21) Update temporary status
(Update_temp_invoice_status 1) Change PROCESSING to PROCESSED
(Update_temp_invoice_status 2) Change REJECTING to REJECTED
(Import_invoice 22) Return No of invoices fetched during process
Now Block to Raise the Business event to pass the Concurrent request_id8245704
After raising workflow event : event_name = oracle.apps.ap.invoice.import event_key
= 52168
End of log messages from FND_FILE

Executing request completion options...

+------------- 1) PRINT -------------+

Printing output file.

Request ID : 8245704
Number of copies : 0
Printer : noprint


Finished executing request completion options.

Concurrent request completed successfully
Current system time is 24-APR-2018 08:43:21


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