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Francisco Rodrigues Andriolo
1.13 CONCRETE: USE IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY Francisco Rodrigues Andriolo

The main purpose- philosophy- of this text is to provide tools for the Professionals and
Students in the use of Concrete and its Materials in a Sustainable way.

As can be understood an Engineer is a professional that can apply scientific knowledge,

mathematics, physics rules and an intellectual sense to develop solutions for technical,
social and economic problems. The work of engineers forms the link between scientific
discoveries and their subsequent applications to human needs and quality of life.
Engineers develop new technological solutions!

In orther aspect Sustainability is the capacity

to endure, is the long- term maintenance
of responsibility, which has environmental,
economic, and social dimensions, and
encompasses the concept of stewardship, the
responsible management of resource use.

From conceptual point of view both statement are in concordance to transform the
nature, for the human needs in a economical, safety, qualified, and in good, durable and
responsible way.

From the Latin roots ingeniare and ingenium, can be understood as an innate quality to
“give wings” or creativity to the ideas.

1.14 CONCRETE: USE IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY Francisco Rodrigues Andriolo


As the main purpose of this text is to permit that the reader can know about the
Materials – Aggregates- Binders- Water – Admixtures, Concrete Properties, Practices to
be feasible that their uses be in economical way, with good practices, with a minimum
of repairs and loosenes, in a high Quality level and Safety, eventhought when an special
speed is imposed.

The Architectural aspect can not be put away, requesting a repair or remodeling early than
it was planned previously.

On basis these aspects this text have, a

modest, intention to effort the use of the
materials and concrete in a sustainable and
durable way.

Under the same point of view this text is

being presented in Slides Format, that can be
Download from the Internet, not using paper
(except for whom wants to print it), reducing
its Cost, just being available in an updated
and contemporaneous media, and in a friendly

It means, in a Sustainable way, also !

1.15 CONCRETE: USE IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY Francisco Rodrigues Andriolo


“Our integrated thinking will focus on the following

Social Values provided by Concrete Structures”:

1. Resource efficiency
2. Safety/protection
3. Financial responsibility
4. Operational continuity
5. By-product reduction
6. Aesthetics
7. Societal connectivity
8. Longevity/durability

Vitruvius: fermitas,
utilitas, venustas

Firmness, Commodity,
and Delight

1.16 CONCRETE: USE IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY Francisco Rodrigues Andriolo

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