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Techlog 2016 has a new data model to support new features. All projects created in previous Techlog versions
cannot be opened with Techlog 2016 anymore. To keep on working in Techlog 2016, you must upgrade your
 For 2014.x/2015.x projects, there will be an automatic upgrade in Techlog 2016.
 For 2013.x or earlier projects, you can upgrade the projects in Techlog 2016 by using the upgrade tool.
Once you upgraded to Techlog 2016 format, you cannot open the projects in previous Techlog versions.

In Techlog 2016, click the Project tab > Open > select a Techlog 2014.x/2015.x project > Open. You are requested
to upgrade the project to Techlog 2016 format.
 If you select OK: the project will be automatically upgraded into Techlog 2016 format. The project will then
be opened in Techlog 2016. It will not be possible to open it in Techlog 2014/2015 and there will be no
backup folder.

Note: The automatic upgrade locks the project during the process: it is not possible to work on it.

 If you select Cancel: the project will not be upgraded to Techlog 2065 format. The project can be opened in
Techlog 2014/2015 but not in Techlog 2016.

In Techlog 2016, click the Project tab > Project utilities > Upgrade tool, or press Ctrl+Shift+J, Y.

 Projects pane: the projects created in earlier Techlog versions are automatically displayed, from any drive
(for example, C: or D:), as long as you can upgrade them. The complete path and size of each project are
also displayed. If a project is not displayed in the Projects pane, it might mean that you cannot upgrade it
because it is already a Techlog 2016 project or because the project is not in the list of the registered
 Output pane: displays messages about the upgrading project status.
 Add a project button: manually links the Upgrade tool to upgrade the projects which are not referenced in
the tool’s list.
 Use a backup folder option: the backup project (from previous Techlog version) is stored in the defined
folder if the functionality is enabled.
 Refresh button: refreshes the Projects pane of the Upgrade tool.
 Report only button: creates a report about the integrity of each selected project available in the
corresponding project folder.
 Upgrade button: starts the upgrading of one or several projects.
 Close button: closes the Upgrade tool.

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Before upgrading a project, ensure that the project to upgrade has already been open in a previous Techlog version
on the local computer used. Otherwise, the Upgrade tool will not be able to reach it.
1. In the Projects pane, select one or several projects.
2. Select the backup folder where to save the original Techlog project used as backup. If this field remains
empty or if the path is invalid, the backup folder will remain in the initial location. Click Upgrade.
The Upgrade tool upgrades each project selected.

Note: The Upgrade tool does not lock Techlog during the process. You can still use it and work.

You can upgrade projects smaller than 1GB and projects bigger than 30GB. It only affects the time of upgrading. The
Partial loading functionality (which is available in earlier Techlog versions) does not exist anymore. The Upgrade
tool automatically disables this functionality for the initial project; and it automatically re-enables it after the

Important: We highly recommend that you close all the Techlog windows corresponding to the
previous Techlog version of the upgraded project (for example, if a Techlog 2012.1 project is
upgraded, close all the Techlog 2012.1 windows). When the Upgrade tool disables the Partial
loading functionality, it might cause an exception.
The Upgrade tool is not made to work with a project over the network. We cannot guarantee that the
project will be correctly upgraded.

If the upgrade process is interrupted, messages will be displayed in the output window to indicate if the upgrade has
been successful and if the _backup project has been successfully moved to the new folder. If the backup copying
was still in progress at canceling time, the previous Techlog version project folder will remain in its initial location.
However, a partial copy of the project might have been added in the backup folder and it is necessary to delete it.

The following information is available:

 Number of wells, datasets and variables that were upgraded
 Which variables were renamed
 Which variables were not upgraded
 Why the variables were not upgraded
 Duration of the upgrading

The Upgrade tool renames the projects created in earlier versions of Techlog by adding the _backup suffix at the
end of its initial name. With this suffix, you can keep a backup of your projects and flag that the projects were created
using earlier versions of Techlog. For example, if you upgrade a project initially named TestingData, it is renamed:
A report (.txt) about the upgrading process is created in the project folder of the two Techlog projects: the one from
the previous Techlog version project, and in the Techlog 2016 project folder (refer to the Upgrade tool report section
for more information).
You can still use the projects created by using earlier versions of Techlog in their proper Techlog versions. Only the
project folders names change.

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Note: When a project was upgraded, it does not appear in the Upgrade tool window anymore
because of the _backup suffix. If you need to re-upgrade a project, delete the _backup part from the

The new projects are created in the folder that contains the initial projects. They are named like the initial projects.
For example, a project created from the upgrading of a project named TestingData is also named TestingData. The
data of the new project is identical to the initial one, except if the initial project contained inconsistent or corrupted
data. In this case, everything is upgraded except the inconsistent or corrupted data.

Note: All the inconsistencies or corrupted variables detected by the Upgrade tool are displayed in the
Output pane during the upgrading, and are added to the Upgrade tool report.

After the upgrading process, the new projects are added to the Techlog 2016 projects list, and you can use them.

With the introduction of a new data model in Techlog 2015.1, the group behavior is no longer available: you cannot
have an object (for example: plot, script, image, workflow) into two or more groups. When you upgrade a project with
this type of configuration, your group hierarchy might be altered (a group is missing or an object is missing in some

The data of the initial project is not affected by the upgrading process (the data is identical, except inconsistencies
and corrupted variables).

Note: The initial project is renamed yourProject_backup. To open the initial project, remember to
open yourProject_backup. If you open the upgraded project with an older version of Techlog 2015,
the project is empty.

In the upgraded project, the variables might be renamed. As introduced in Techlog 2015, two variables cannot have
names with the same letters in the same order (even if there are differences in the size of letters). For example, if two
variables are named PL and pL in earlier Techlog versions, the Upgrade tool renames them. PL remains PL, but pL
is renamed pL_2. The Upgrade tool report indicates which variables are renamed in the new project.

Note: Renaming data might affect the saved objects that used them in the project (for example:
workflows, plots), as they are linked to the initial name of the variables.

During the upgrading process, the new project and the project being upgraded are locked. You cannot open these
projects (in Techlog 2016 and in older versions) until the upgrading process ends or if you cancel the upgrading

The Upgrade tool command line is located in the bin64\ folder of the Techlog installation folder. Provide a project
folder (in absolute path) in the src parameter to use it.
For example: Slb.Techlog.Data.UpgradeTool64.exe src=”C:\My Project”.

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Note: There are differences between the Upgrade tool used with the command line and the Upgrade
tool used in Techlog. For example, the upgraded projects are not added to the 2015 projects list.

The command line backupFolder can be used to define the path of the backup folder.
For example, if the backup folder path is C:\Backup Projects:
Slb.Techlog.Data.UpgradeTool64.exe src=”C:\My Project” backupFolder=”C:\Backup

You can use the command line to print a project integrity report only. Add reportOnly=1 to use the reportOnly
option. Set it to reportOnly=0 if you do not want to use it.

Note: If you do not write reportOnly, it is the same as setting reportOnly=0.

For example, the following command runs the integrity check on the project only:
Slb.Techlog.Data.ProjectUpgradeTools64.exe src=”C:\My Project” reportOnly=1.

The following command lines disable the Report only option (on upgraded projects):
Slb.Techlog.Data.UpgradeTool64.exe src=”C:\My Project”
Slb.Techlog.Data.UpgradeTool64.exe src=”C:\My Project” reportOnly=0

A Python script is available to run the statistics computation after an automatic upgrade from a Techlog 2014.X
project to a 2015.1 project. This Python script should be used before opening the Variables inventory tool (Data tab >
Techdata+ group > Quick data mining > Variables inventory).

Note: The Automatic upgrade does not upgrade automatically the project statistics

 You can run the script with Techlog Python editor:

In Techlog 2016, click the Utility tab > Open script > At Techlog level, select and press F7 to launch the script.

 You can run the script with a command line:

For example if the Techlog 2016.2 project is under:

D:\Documents\Techlog-Projects\ myProjectMigratedFrom14.tlp and Techlog 2016.2 is installed

under C:\myPath\Schlumberger\ Techlog

The command line to run is:

-p "D:\Documents\Techlog-Projects\myProjectMigratedFrom14.tlp" -e
C:\myPath\Schlumberger\Techlog\PythonScripts\ –q

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The following errors might occur when upgrading projects. Such cases are strong errors and the Upgrade tool might
not upgrade the related data.

The database of the project contained in the "header.tlheader" file cannot be read due to inconsistencies (for
example: missing parts, nonsense information).
If this error occurs, the information of the project cannot be used and the data is not upgraded. You cannot manually
solve such an issue. Contact for more information.
If there is no integrity error, the following message is displayed in the report: << Header database has no integrity
issue. >>.

Each variable has its dedicated data information into a specific file in the project folder. If this file is not reachable, or
if the information it contains is meaningless, the Upgrade tool cannot upgrade this variable.
If this error occurs, the name and path of the non-upgraded variable are written in the Upgrade tool report. You
cannot manually solve such an issue. Contact for more information.
If there is no error, the following message is displayed in the report: << No missing data. >>.

This error occurs when the project data folder contains information about an object for example: a well, a dataset or a
variable), which is not referenced in the database of the project.
If this error occurs, the Upgrade tool cannot upgrade the missing variable. You cannot manually solve such an
issue. Contact for more information.
If there is no error, the following message is displayed in the report: << No missing variable in the header in current
project. >>

This issue occurs when some data are registered in the project folder with the wrong type. For example, a variable is
registered as a dataset, or a well is registered as a variable.
This inconsistency issue is explained in the report through two different lines:
 << Variable type mismatch >>: displaying which object is registered with the wrong type.
 << Objects with incorrect parents >>: explaining the side effects of the mismatch. If a dataset is registered
as a variable, all the variables it contains have a variable as parent, which is not possible.
If this error occurs, the inconsistent object and all the side affected data are not upgraded and their names are written
in the report. You cannot manually solve such an issue. Contact for more
If there is no consistency error, the following message is displayed in the report: << No inconsistency found in the
header database. >>

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Techlog rules do not allow non-square datasets, which means that all the variables from the same dataset have to
possess exactly the same number of values. If one variable has a different number of values, the dataset is
considered as non-square.
If this error occurs, the Upgrade tool does not upgrade the whole dataset and its name is written in the report under
the << Non-square dataset >> section. You can solve this issue by:
 Deleting the variable(s) that contains the wrong number of values in the initial project
 Exporting the dataset as a XML file in a previous version of Techlog, and importing it
If there is no error, the following message is displayed in the report: No non-square dataset found.

In previous Techlog versions, all the wells have to contain at least one dataset and all the datasets have to contain a
reference variable. If not, it is considered as an issue by Techlog.
If this error occurs, the Upgrade tool does not upgrade the well or the dataset and its name is written in the report.
To solve it and keep this data, add manually the corresponding missing object to the well or the dataset.
If there is no error, the following message is displayed in the report: << No entities without child. >>

Note: As introduced in Techlog 2015, the variables, datasets, and wells are not case sensitive
anymore compared to previous Techlog versions. Consequently, the data which contains the same
characters is renamed by adding the _XX suffix (XX being a number). The renamed data is displayed
in the report.

If none of these issues occur in the project: only the following message is displayed: The upgrading of the
project name_Of_The_Project occurred without errors.

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