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Curso Téc.

Informática para Internet Turma INFO5_ Período 1ºSEM

Disciplina Língua Inglesa IV
Professor Gerson Bruno Forgiarini de Quadros Data
Estudante Nota


• Esta atividade avaliativa mensura a proficiência leitora do estudante e compreensão das
informações contidas no texto que segue. Leia o texto com atenção e realize as seguintes
a) Traduzir o texto em folha separada;
b) Responder as questões ao final da página 2.
• Esta atividade poderá ser feita em individual, duplas (no máximo 3 alunos).

What is JavaScript doing on your page??

Adapted from: Accessed: 17 may 2018

Here we'll start actually looking at some code, and while doing so explore what actually
happens when you run some JavaScript in your page.
Let's briefly recap the story of what happens when you load a web page in a browser
(first talked about in our How CSS works article – page 2). When you load a web page in your
browser, you are running your code (the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) inside an execution
environment (the browser tab). This is like a factory that takes in raw materials (the code) and
outputs a product (the web page).


The JavaScript is executed by the browser's JavaScript engine, after the HTML and
CSS have been assembled and put together into a web page. This ensures that the structure
and style of the page are already in place by the time the JavaScript starts to run.

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This is a good thing, as a very common use of JavaScript is to dynamically modify
HTML and CSS to update a user interface, via the Document Object Model API (as mentioned
above). If the JavaScript loaded and tried to run before the HTML and CSS were there to
affect, then errors would occur.

How CSS works?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allows you to create great looking web pages, but how
does it work under the hood? This article explains what CSS is, how the browser turns HTML
into a Document Object Model (DOM), how CSS is applied to parts of the DOM, some very
basic syntax examples, and what code is used to actually include our CSS in our web page.
What is CSS?
As we have mentioned before, CSS is a language for specifying how documents are
presented to users — how they are styled, laid out, etc.
A document is usually a text file structured using a markup language — HTML is the most
common markup language, but you will also come across other markup languages such
as SVG or XML.
Presenting a document to a user means converting it into a usable form for your
audience. Browsers, like Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer, are designed to present
documents visually, for example, on a computer screen, projector or printer.

Responda em português:

1) De acordo com o texto de que modo o JavaScript é executado?

2) Qual é a funcionalidade do CSS de acordo com o texto?

3) O que a linguagem do CSS especifica?

4) Como um documento web é estruturado?

5) Quais outras linguagens de marcação podem ser usadas na estruturação de um

documento HTML?

6) Como esse documento é apresentado aos usuários?

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