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La Enbroameat Sensitive they would not stand in the way of our reengageiment with the Bureau. hey TROughe the aomin wigrt take 8 few wecke’ mie’ ue seen Yood eo Gol Please pass this on aS appropriate. Crazy week over there just past! Best, Chris 17/16/47, 5: 1 PM) Bruce: Hi Chris, it's good to hear from you. Hope all'is well, I will pass this atong to my colleagues. Thanks! (ere/7, 17:78:04 5) ME Bree, Rope yos'ce wet ane getting some holiday with the family. Whenever convenient I would Like Senate Wleressta "Un Galngrar andts ate truncraeed with Ron nen this reengagement with the Bureau and Mueller is taking. Anything you ute Go otsaeelseate: the prices wali ta much apareciatst: tee are some new, perishable, operational apportunities which we do not wert selmengiontoary Gece tently Orne (8/6/17, 45:56 PM) Bruc Chris, good to hear from you. Would tomorrow morning at 9 am D.C. time work for you? Thanks! (8/6/17, 1:43:27 ) i: Thanks. Let's try for that t's Katherine's birthday and she may have plans to go out! though Best, Chris (8/6/17, 7:48:53 PM) Bouces No wonpies. Would Tuesday be better? (8/7/17, 8:17:39 AM] Probably. What are your time windows’ tomor (8/7/17, 8:40:19 AM] Bruce: Anytime in the morning before 11, OC time. WALL that work? (8/7/17, 9:06:29 i!) EE Yes, should do. Probably around 1000 Eastern time. (8/7/17, 9:27:39 AM] Bruce: Perfect. I'UL call you then. (o/7/4?, £:11:59 AM) BE Hi proce, 1 appreciate this might be tricky but T would appreciate a brief chat about latest developments. Over te you and Best (9/7/17, 7:50:01 AM] Bruce: Sure. Would tomorrow morning at 8 am D.C. time work for you? (9/7/17, 11:45:02 AM) EE: thanks but it’s our anniversary tomorrow end we'll be on the read. SO maybe late this eve, UK time, or Saturday? Best (9/7/17, 2:50:34 PM) Bruce: It"s getting pretty late over there. Shall we say Saturday? What tine is best for you? (or7sa7, / 1209 of 1408 UK Lime depending on whether you need a lie-in?! tr, 241 PM) Bruce Thanks! (9/9/17, 6:13:52 A”) MM we're on a Shakespeare walking tour in Stratford which is overrunning! I'L call you when we finish, probably around 1330 UK time. Thanks 9, 6) mz: - and most of the cther punters on the tour appear to be from Indiana US! (9/917, 37 AM) Bruce: Sounds like fun! No rush, T'11 be here whenever. (9/9/11, 8:13:40 AM) Missed Voice Call (10/26/17, 7:48:53 PM) Missed Voice Call (10/26/17, 7:29:48 PM} Missed Voice Call 00 U.K. time on Saturday will work.

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