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Literary Magazine: Chasms

with Mr. Haslam in #2802
A Special Set of Skills market, but also find and execute ways shops, proofreading,
to solicit work from artists and writers, editing sessions, etc) 50%
Let’s be frank. and to get the word out about Chasms • Going the extra mile, taking on and
generally, across the year. executing projects 20%
You’re here to work on the staff of our
school’s national award winning literary Editing The grades here reflect my sincere belief
magazine, Chasms. You will be working that we are a team. Team members
on a student-led team with both myself convene and collaborate, make com-
This includes group and individual ed- mitments to one another, and follow
and Mrs. Campos serving as your iting sessions to go through the “slush
advisers, instructors, and facilitators. through. Each student is responsible for
pile.” A slush pile is the stack of all the her or his part in producing the book.
Like on Mortal Kombat (the first one), submissions the magazine has received.
you have been chosen... for your skillset We will develop a fair and accountable
as an artist, a writer, a photographer, a It is my intention to get grades entered
system to rate these submissions for quickly. Expect at least two participa-
designer, a poet, or...something else. inclusion in the book. It also includes tion grades each week in Skyward. It is
group proofreading sessions and other your responsibility to check Skyward
As this course is an English credit, there efforts to control the quality of the
will be writing involved, but artists and book. often to ensure the scores are entered
designers will have a more art-based correctly. Work with me to ensure
approach, likewise writers will have a you’re given a fair grade, and FEEL
more intensive writing approach etc. Classroom visits FREE to ask questions about it.

We will create every day and thougb the We will have several visits from profes- Extra credit is very rare Do not count
types of assignments may be the same, sional designers, photographers, and on it to significantly raise your grade.
the medium will often be up to you. magazine publishers over the course of
the year to give us ideas, inspiration, Word to the wise - Students succeed
and direct support. when they regularly talk to the teacher
Course Content about their progress. Their grades are
better and they learn more. TALK TO
Grades ME about your progress in the class.
I’m here to help and guide toward suc-
Grades are earned by participating in cess, not to stand in your way.
A literary magazine takes a great deal
the production, editing, content genera-
of different technical and organization-
tion, and marketing of this year’s book. Quickest way to an F?
al skills to pull off. There are software
In short, it means being a good team Plagiarize or stop showing up to class.
programs (InDesign, Photoshop, Illus-
member. If we are not good team mem-
trator) over which we need professional
bers, we cannot expect a good grade. In
mastery. We need a skilled and moti-
order to calculate this, we will evaluate Required supplies
vated marketing staff. We need artists
each other’s participation, and I will
and designers. We need to produce Something for storing your work.
count things such as absences, tardies,
work to put into the magazine. We need Something to create your work on.
participation in group edits, personal
every person to find a role and work Something to create your work with.
tasks accepted, and generating content,
hard toward the production of a quality (Artists vs writers consider sketchbooks
in calculating grades. We absolutely
literary magazine. That means it needs vs. notebooks, pens vs pencils etc.)
must act as a team in order to get a
to look good, read well, and it needs to
quality book produced and distributed.
be distributed. FERPA Notice: Although this class
This. Is. Your. Book. is heavily participation-based and
Marketing students will see each other’s work,
Grades are computed as follows: student information and grades will be
kept confidential and will not be shared
Since we don’t just want to produce • Generating art, poems, and prose for without the necessary authorization as
a book, but get it in front of as many consideration to be per FERPA Regulations.
eyes as we can, we have to get the word included in the magazine (5 pieces/
out to students, teachers, parents, and quarter) 30%
alumni about Chasms. The student • Participation and attendance (work-
team will not just get the book out to

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