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1. Make people unable to see their Level and stats please. That knowledge has no
place in anything called a "Roleplaying Game".
2. Non-bending classes don't appear to be selectable unless Airbenders just don'
t have them at all.
3. NPCs such as "Sailor" don't appear to be able to be interacted with in any wa
y. Oh wait, they can if you use "Say" to say hello to them. Might want to put th
at in the rules.
4. Airbender attacks don't knock people backwards even if 'push' is in their nam
5.You begin to rest.
You are done resting.
You begin to rest.
You begin to rest.
You begin to train! <--- this
Needed updates/Complaints:
1. Make the stat menu area black with white text. As-is it's very grating and sh
2. Overall I found no such 'Temple' in accordance with supposedly the Western Ai
r Temple area. In fact most of the maps I managed to visit seemed predominately
empty and dull.
3. Self Training should use Chi rather than fatigue, as it appears to be predomi
nantly bending related.
4. I didn't find the icon for Air nomads to be Unisex. The moment I look at it I
think 'male' because of Aang.
5. Rather than a system for allocating stats why not have it to where upon makin
g the game picks a number from 1-X (X being how many stats there are), and upon
level up that person recieves extra points in the stat they rolled?
6. Make a point to attacking NPCs at all. They give less EXP than self-training
at a slower rate it seems, and no benefits from just wasting them.
7. Surf tiles and an actual shoreline :V
9. The odds of finding a single person to RP with are less than zero because the
map is confusing, the playerbase is small, and the screen is WAY too small. Ena
ble changing the size of the screen. It's in the code I gave you.
10. It really doesn't feel like i'm accomplishing anything when I use self-train
. Even able to see my level it just has an overall air of being tedious and not
that worth it. Perhaps with a more dynamic animation of the icon training their
specific element: like throwing wind around while levitating or creating spheres
and whips of water or playing with a spark of fire and spreading it into a stre
am or... something. It looks like i'm gathering freaking Reiatsu or something fo
r a Bleach game.
11. Movement. Is. So. SLOW.
12. Why are you just handing benders two abilities to start off with? Even Katar
a wasn't just innately born with the ability to use water whip. She fails misera
bly at even that; the most basic of water techniques. There should be some prere
quisite before you get even your first bending attack, otherwise it doesn't feel
earned at all and there's really no expectations for other attacks.
13. Fatigue increases far too slowly and restores far too quickly.
14. Overall it carries a MASSIVE Pvp game feel rather than an RP-game feel at al
15. Speaking of 14.) there is nothing that's taking me out of the mindset more t
han seeing "Level up!" every time I gain a lvel. Not "You have become stronger"
or no message at all (preferable), "Level up!" no one's ever going to believe th
is is an RP game as there is zero indication of it other than that little tiny i
tty bitty "Roleplay" verb.
16.If 5.) is ignored, exactly why can't I allocate stats to Health or Chi again?

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