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Functions �lim f(x) � 0 � FUNCTIONS:
�f(x) � x �a
The LIMIT OF A FUNCTION is the value � I f lim � � with � �
�lim g(x) � 0 �
a function approaches as the variable g(x) �
�f(x) � lim f(x) �sin x � �sin x �
x �a �
�x �a
� �
� 1 lim � �= 1 2 lim � =0
approaches a value.  lim � �= x �a x �0 � x � x ��� x � �
x �a �g(x) � lim g(x)
x �a �cos x � 1 - cos x �

lim f(x) = L �f(x) � f '(x) 3 lim � =0 4 lim � �= 0
x �a  Then: lim � �= lim x ��� x � � x �0 � x �
 Limit of a Root of a Function x �a �g(x) � x �a g'(x) 1
�tan x �
General Rule: 5 lim � �= 1 6 lim ( 1 + x ) x = e
x �0 � x � x �0
lim n f(x) = n lim f(x) /
Rule 2: (Form ��)
x �a x �a x x
Limits involving algebraic operations are  � 1� �e x - 1 �
often performed by replacing provided n M is real number 7 1+ � = e
lim � 8 lim � �= 1

x ��� x � x �0 � x
subexpressions by their limits. The � �
resulting definite value is the limit of the �lim f(x) � �� �a x - 1 � �xn - an � n -1
�f(x) � 9 lim � �= loge a 10 lim � �= na
x �a
function desired. The function is said to INDETERMINATE FORMS � I f lim � � with � �
�lim g(x) � �� x �0 �
� x �

x �a � x - a �
� �
be increasing or decreasing without limit x �a �g(x) �
�x �a
� �
� u
if the resulting value is positive infinity or If the expression obtained after 11 lim u = � 12 lim = �, k �0
negative infinity, respectively. u �� u��k
substituting the limit to a given function
�f(x) � f '(x) k k
does not give enough information to  Then: lim � �= lim 13 lim = �,k �0 14 lim = 0 ,k �0
THEOREMS ON LIMITS determine the original limit, it is known x �a �g(x) � x �a g'(x) u
u �0 u��u

as an indeterminate form. CONTINUITY

 Limit of a constant The function f(x) is said to be
The indeterminate forms include: continuous at the point x=a if the
The limit of a constant is itself. Note: If the resulting limit of the above following (3) conditions are satisfied:
mentioned rules still takes the same
0 indeterminate form, then extend the
lim k = k 1. 00 2. �0 3.1� 4.  f(a) is defined
 x �a 0 evaluation to the next order derivative.
 lim f(x) exists
� This rule of repeated differentiation is x �a
5. �- � 6.0 �� 7. applicable until the limit is no longer
 Limit of a constant and a � lim f(x) = f(a)
indeterminate. 
function x �a

FORMS �f(x) � �f "(x) �
 lim k [ f(x)] = k �
lim f(x)� � lim � �= lim � �
x �a �
x �a � x �a �g(x) � x �a � g"(x) �
The L’Hospitals’ Rule:
�f "'(x) � 0 1 2
 Sum or Difference of Two or More Generally, the L’Hospitals Rule works = lim � ... and so on

Functions only for the limit of a quotient that takes x �a �g"'(x) �
the indeterminate form 0/0 or �/ �

Theorems on Continuity:
lim [ f(x) �g(x)] = lim f(x) �lim g(x)
x �a x �a x �a
 Limit of the Product of Two  “The polynomial function f(x) is
Functions continuous for all values of x.”
 “ The rational function f(x)/g(x) is
continuous everywhere EXCEPT for

values of x which make the denominator
x �a
( x �a
lim [ f(x) gg(x)] = lim f(x) lim g(x)
x �a
) Rule 1: (Form 0/0) g(x) equal to zero.

Prepared by: Francis Jay B. Jumawan 1


DERIVATIVES interval (a,b), then there is a number c in E. Inverse Trigonometric MAXIMA AND MINIMA
(a,b) such that : Functions
Given a continuous function y = f(x) , the d 1 du Critical Points
f(b) - f(a) 1. sin-1 u =
derivative of y or f(x) is defined as the  f '(c) = dx 1- u 2 dx y
(instantaneous) rate of change of y with b-a
respect to the independent variable x, Maximum Point
expressed mathematically as: d -1 du
2. cos-1 u =
C. Derivatives Algebraic Functions dx 1 - u2 dx Point of
dy f(x + Dx) - f(x) inflection x
f '(x) = = lim d d
dx Dx �0 Dx 1. ( c) = 0 2. ( x) = 1 d 1 du
dx dx 3. tan-1 u =
Graphically, the (instantaneous) rate of dx (1 + u2 ) dx Minimum Point
change of a function is the slope of the d du d du dv ① At max imum point :
tangent line at a point on a graph of that 3.
( )
u n = nu n -1
( u �v ) = �
dx dx d -1 du f '(x) = 0
function. Therefore, we can also say that 4. cot -1 u =
differential calculus is about finding the
dx (1 + u2 ) dx f "(x) = - (concave downward)
slope of a tangent to the graph of a du dv
v -u
function, or equivalently, differential d dv du d �u � dx dx
5. ( uv ) = u +v 6. � �= d
5. sec -1 u =
�1 du ② At minimum point :
calculus is about finding the rate of change dx dx dx dx �v � v2 dx u (u - 1) dx
2 f '(x) = 0
of one quantity with respect to another
D. Trigonometric Functions d m1 du f "(x) = + (concave upward)
6. csc -1 u =
dx u (u - 1) dx
d du ③ At the point of inf lection :
1. sinu = cosu
dx dx F. Derivatives of Logarithmic y" = 0
Functions Note:
d du The point of inflection is the point
2. cosu = - sinu loga e du on the curve wherein the curve
dx dx d
1. loga u = � a �0,1 changes its sense of concavity, that
dx u dx
is, from concave downward to
d du concave upward or vice versa.
3. tanu = sec 2 u
dx dx d d 1 du
2. lnu = loga u =
dx dx u dx How to Solve Worded Problems in
A. Rolle’s Theorem
d du Maxima and Minima
4. cot u = - csc 2 u
If f(x) is continuous over a closed interval dx dx G. Derivatives of Exponential Steps in Solving Worded Problems
[ a,b] and differentiable on the open Functions in Maxima and Minima:
interval (a,b), and if f(a)=f(b)=0, then d du
there is at least one number c in (a,b) 5. sec u = sec u tanu
dx dx d u du 1. Draw a diagram if necessary.
such that f’(c)=0 1. a = au ln a 2. Write an equation representing the
dx dx
quantity to be maximized or minimized.
B. Mean Value Theorem d du This quantity will typically be represented
6. csc u = - csc u cot u
dx dx d u du in terms of two or more variables.
2. e = eu
If f(x) is continuous on the closed interval dx dx 3. Use any relationships between the
[a,b] and differentiable on the open variables to express the equation

Prepared by: Francis Jay B. Jumawan 2


obtained in step 2 into a function of 5. Differentiate: y = 3 - 2x 2 A. 15 C. 25 grows in size. At a certain moment,

single variable. B. 20 D. 18 the height equals 6 inches, and is
4. Differentiate and equate the function 13. Find the volume of the largest increasing at the rate of 0.3 inches
to zero. 6. Differentiate: y = sin ( )
x -1 cylinder that can be inscribed in a per second. At that same moment,
right circular cone of radius 3 inches the radius is 4 inches, and is
TIME RATES 7. Find the first derivative of y = and whose height is 10 inches. increasing at the rate of 0.2 inches
arcsinh(x/2). A. 41.888 in3 C. 48.178 in3 per second. How much is the
A. 1/square root (4+x2) B. 24.878 in D. 43.228 in3 volume changing at that time?
Steps in Solving Problems Involving
B. 1/square root (4-x2) A. 24pi/5 C. 34pi/7
C. 1/2square root (4+x2) 14. A rectangular box open at the top is B. 16pi/6 D. 13pi/2
D. 1/square root (2+4x2) to be formed from a rectangular
1. Draw a diagram if necessary.
Label constants with their piece of cardboard 3 inches by 8 19. Car A is 70 km west of Car B and is
8. If y1 = 2x + 4 and y2 = x2 + C, find inches. What size square should be sailing south at the rate of 25 km/h.
numerical value.
the value of C such that y2 is cut from each corner to form the box Car B is sailing north at the rate of
2. Determine which rates are given
tangent to y1. with maximum volume? 45 km/h. How fast is the distance
and which rate you need to find. A.6 C.7 A. 3in. C. 2/3 in between the two ships changing 2
3. Find an equation relating the B. 4 D.5
variables defined in step 1. B. 1.5 in. D. 2 in. hours later?
4. Differentiate the equation in step A. 26.2 km/h C. 66.2 km/h
9. Find the minimum distance from the 15. A man whose height is 1.8m is B. 26.6 km/h D. 62.6 km/h
3 curve y=2(sqrt2x) to the point (6,0).
5. Substitute all the given walking directly away from a street
A. 3.46 C. 5.66 light at a constant rate of 1.2 m/s. If 20. Rocks are being dumped from a
information into the result of step 4 B. 6.67 D. 4.86
and find the unknown rate. the street light is 12 meters above truck at the rate of 10 ft^3/min and
the ground, find how fast his forms a pile in the shape of a cone
10. Given the function y = x3-5x2-8x+3. shadow lengthens. whose height is always half its
Sample problem Determine the following: A. 0.51 m/s C. 0.31 m/s radius. How fast is its height rising
a. maximum point B. 0.21 m.s D. 0.71 m/s when the pile is 5 ft?
3x 3 - 4x + 2 b. minimum point A. 0.23 ft/min C. 0.023
1. Find lim c. point of inflection
x �� 7x 3 + 5 16. At 12:00 noon ship B is 100 miles ft/min
A. infinity C. 3/7 east of ship A. If ship B sails west at B. 0.32 ft/min D. 0.032
A.(-0.67,5.81),(4,-45),(1.67,-19.65) 10 mi/h and ship A sails south at 20 ft/min
B. 2/7 D. 3/5
B. (0.67,5.81),(-4,45),(-1.67,19.65) mi/h, find the distance between the
tan3 2x C.(-0.78,6.74), (4,45),(1.67,19.65)
2. Evaluate lim two ships when they are closest to HOMEWORK
x �0 x3 D. (5.81,0.67), (45,-4),(1.67,-19.65) each other?
A. 5 C. 3 A. 84.99 miles C.89.49 miles
B. 8 D. 9 11. A painting of height 3 feet hangs on 1. What is the limit of cos 1/x as x
B. 89.44 miles* D.84.94 miles approaches infinity?
x 3 the wall of a museum, with the
3. Solve for the limit of bottom of the painting 6 feet above A. 0 C. 1 *
e - x2
the floor. If the eyes of an observer 17. Two sides of a triangle are 5 and 10 B. -1 D. infinity
as x approaches + infinity are 5 feet above the floor, how far inches, respectively. The angle
A. 0 C. 1/3 from the base of the wall should the between them is increasing at the 2. Evaluate the limit of y/2siny as y
B. infinite D. can’t solved observer stand to maximize his rate of 5° per minute. How fast is approaches 0.
angle of vision? the third side of the triangle growing A. 2 C. 1/2 *
ln x A. 3 C. 2 when the angle is 60°?
lim A. 0.44 in/min C. 1.1 in/min.
4. Solve for the limit x �-� e-x B. 5 D. 4 B. 0 D. �
B. 0.75 in/min. D.0.67 in/min
A. 0 C. 1
12. The three sides of a trapezoid are 3. Evaluate the limit ln(sinx)/ln(tanx) as
B. infinite D. can’t 18. A sponge is in the shape of a right
10 m long. How long must the fourth x approaches 0.
solved circular cone. As it soaks up water, it
side be to make the area maximum? A. 1 * C. 2

Prepared by: Francis Jay B. Jumawan


B. -2 D. 0 units per second. How fast is the

abscissa changing when the
15. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is
20 cm. What is the maximum - - - God Bless - - -
4. Find the derivative of y=2^(4x). ordinate is 4? possible area of the triangle in sq.
A. 3^(4x+2)ln2* 3 A. 3 units/s C. 6 units/s cm.?
B. 3^(2x+2)ln3 B. 7 units/s D. 5 units/s * A. 100 * C. 170
C. 2^(4x+2)ln2 B. 120 D. 160
D. 2^(3x+2)ln4 11. A man on a wharf 6 m above the
water pulls in a rope to which a boat 16. Find the rate of change of the
5. Find y’ if y=arcsinx. is attached at the rate of 1.2 m/s. At volume of a sphere with respect to
A. square root of (1-x^2) what rate is the boat approaching its radius when its radius is 5.
B. (1+x)/sqrt (1-x^2) the wharf when there are 10 m of A. 25pi C. 78pi
C. 1/sqrt of (1-x^2)* rope out? B. 90 pi D. 100pi*
D. 1/sqrt of (1+x^2) A. 0.96 m/s * C. 0.57 m/s
B. 0.67 m/s D. 0.89 m/s 17. At 12:00 noon car B is 100 miles
6. Find the maximum area of a east of car A. If car B travels west at
rectangle inscribed in a semicircle of 12. A man whose height is 1.8 m is 10 mi/h and car A travels south at 20
radius 5 inches if its base lies along walking directly away from a lamp mi/h, when will the car be closest to
the diameter of the semicircle. post at a constant rate of 1.2 m/s. If each other?
A. 15 sq. in. C. 25 sq. in.* the lamp is 12 m above the ground, A. 2 P.M.* C. 4 P.M.
B. 10 sq. in. D. 18 sq. in. find the rate at which the tip of his B. 3 P.M. D. 5 P.M.
shadow is moving?
7. A rectangular lot is to have an area A. 1.52 m/s C. 1.42 m/s *
18. A spherical snowball is melting in
of 1600 sq. m. Find the least B. 1.67 m/s D. 1.97 m/s
such a way that its surface area
amount of fence that could be used
decreases at the rate of 1 in^2/min.
to enclose the area. 13. Two sides of a triangle are 5 and 8
How fast is its radius shrinking when
A. 260 C. 160 * units, respectively. If the included
it is 3 in?
B. 210 D. 180 angle is changing at the rate of one
A. 0.133 in /min
radian per second, at what rate is
B. 0. 313 in/min
8. An airplane flying horizontally at an the third side changing when the
included angle is 60°? C. 0.0133 in/min*
altitude of 1km, passes directly over D. 0.0313 in/min
an observer. If the constant speed of A. 3.7units/s C. 4.5 units/s
the plane is 240 kph, how fast is its B. 4.9 units/s * D. 3.8 units/s
distance from the observer 19. A closed rectangular box with a
increasing 30 seconds later? 14. A 3 m. ladder is leaning against a square base is to have a surface
A. 150.7 kph C. 186.6 kph vertical wall and the other end is on area of 150 in2. What is the
B. 214.7 kph * D. 235.5 kph the horizontal floor. If the lower end maximum possible volume such a
slides away from the wall at 2 cm/s, box can contain?
9. An object moves along a straight how fast in cm/s is the other end A. 125 in3* C. 152 in3
path at a speed v(t)=4t2+3t+2 in m/s, sliding down the wall when the lower B. 215 in 3
D. 512 in3
where t=time in seconds. Find the end is 2 m from the wall?
distance travelled after 4 seconds. A. -0.18 C. -1.79 * 20. The height (in feet) at any time t (in
A. 112.56 m C. 117.33 m * B. -0.235 D. -2.35 cm/s seconds) of a projectile thrown
B. 135.68 m D. 125.75 m vertically is h(t) =-16t2 + 256t. What
is the velocity of the projectile as it
10. A point moves on the parabola y2=8 hits the ground?
in such a way that the rate of A. 256 ft/sec* C. 265 ft/sec
change of the ordinate is always 5 B. 562 ft/sec D. 652 ft/sec

Prepared by: Francis Jay B. Jumawan 4

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