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1) What is Chemistry

is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to
form other substances, and how substances interact with energy.
2) What are the branches of Chemistry
* Analytical Chemistry uses qualitative and quantitative observation to identify and
measure the physical and chemical properties of substances. In a sense, all chemistry is
* Physical Chemistry combines chemistry with physics. Physical chemists study how
matter and energy interact. Thermodynamics and quantum mechanics are two of the important
branches of physical chemistry.
* Organic Chemistry specifically studies compounds that contain the element carbon.
Carbon has many unique properties that allow it to form complex chemical bonds and very large
molecules. Organic chemistry is known as the “Chemistry of Life” because all of the molecules
that make up living tissue have carbon as part of their makeup.
* Inorganic Chemistry studies materials such as metals and gases that do not have
carbon as part of their makeup.
* Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes that occur within living organisms.
* Environmental Chemistry the study of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that
occur in the environment. It relies heavily on analytical chemistry and includes atmospheric,
aquatic, and soil chemistry.
* Agricultural Biochemistry the study of the chemistry that occurs in plants, animals, and
* Surface Chemistry the study of chemical reactions at surfaces of substances. It includes
topics like adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, and formation of colloids, corrosion, electrode
processes, and chromatography.
* Physical Organic Chemistry the study of the interrelationships between structure and
reactivity in organic molecules.
* Geochemistry the study of the chemical composition and changes in rocks, minerals,
and atmosphere of the earth or a celestial body.
3) What is Matter
Anything that has mass and occupies space.
4) What are physical properties of matter (Enumerate but you’ll need to define them)
A. Physical Properties – Characteristics that can be measured and observed without
changing the composition or identity of matter.
1. Texture – The physical appearance or character of matter.
2. Brittleness – The tendency to break when deformed.
3. Specific heat – Quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass
of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.
4. Solubility – Degree/Extent of a substance to be dissolved in a solvent.
5. Elasticity – Ability of a material to return to its original shape when stretched or
6. Plasticity – Ability of a material to be deformed permanently when subjected to
7. Magnetic property – Ability of a given solid material to be magnetized due to the
alignment of its atoms.
8. Malleability – Ability of metals to be hammered into sheets.
9. Ductility – Ability of metals to be drawn into wires.
10. Conductivity – Ability of metals to enable heat or electricity to pass through
B. Chemical properties – Characteristics that can only be observed if matter undergoes
a change that results to an alteration in its composition.
1. Combustibility – Ability of a substance to exothermically react with oxygen.
2. Flammability – Measure of a material’s ability to support combustion.
3. Corrosive property – Ability of a material to damage a metal either chemically or
4. Oxidative property – Ability of a substance that makes another substance to donate
or lose electrons
5. Reducing property – Ability of a substance that makes another substance accepts or
gain electrons.
C. Intrinsic Properties - Intrinsic property is a property of a substance that is
independent of the amount of the substance present. Such properties are inherent qualities of
the type and form of matter, mainly dependent on chemical composition and structure.
1. Density
2. Color
3. Odor
4. Hardness
5. Boiling point/Freezing point/Melting Point
6. State of Matter

D. Extrinsic Properties - Extrinsic properties are not essential qualities of a material.

Extrinsic properties are affected by external factors. Intrinsic and extrinsic properties are closely
related to intensive and extensive properties of matter.
1. Mass
2. Volume
3. Length
4. Dimension
5) What are the states of matter
I. Solid - Matter that is composed of atoms packed tightly together are known as
solids. You cannot walk through a solid wall. The matter is packed so tight that it
prevents you from moving through it. Solids hold their shape at room
II. Liquid - There is space between the atoms of a liquid and they move slightly all
of the time. This allows you to stick your finger into water and pull it back out,
letting the water fill back in where your finger once was.
III. Gas - Gases are always moving. There is so much space between the atoms in
gas that you can move around in them easily. When you walk from one side of
the room to the other, you have walked through a bunch of gases that make up
our air.
6) Differentiate the following:
A. Atom from a Molecule
Atoms are basic building blocks of any matter, while molecule is a group of
atoms bonded together via ionic, metallic or covalent bond.
B. Elements from a compound

A compound contains atoms of different elements chemically combined

together in a fixed ratio, while an element is a pure chemical substance made of
same type of atom.

C. Compound from a mixture

Compound refers to a substance formed by combining two or more elements
chemically, while a mixture implies intermingling of two or more substances into
one physically.
D. Solution from colloids

A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. A solution

may exist in any phase. A solution consists of a solute and a solvent. The solute is
the substance that is dissolved in the solvent, while colloids is a type of
homogeneous mixture in which the dispersed particles do not settle out.

E. Solution from suspension

A solution is when a solute is completely dissolve in the solvent, while
suspension is when a solute breaks into smaller particles and gets distributed,
usually these particles settle at the bottom and can be seen by naked eye.
7) What is a Homogeneous Mixture

A homogeneous mixture has the same uniform appearance and composition

throughout. Many homogeneous mixtures are commonly referred to as solutions.

8) What is a Heterogeneous Mixture

A heterogeneous mixture consists of visibly different substances or phases. The three
phases or states of matter are gas, liquid, and solid.
9) History of Chemistry
10) Write the rules in writing significant figures

RULE #1 - All digits 1 through 9 are significant

If the mass of an object is measured as 15.8 g, this means that the mass is known
to lie between 15.7 and 15.9g. There are 3 significant figures in 15.8. THE INSTRUMENT
100 MG.
If the mass of an object is measured as 12.3456 g, this means that the mass is
known to lie between 12.3455 and 12.3457 g. There are 6 significant figures in 12.3456.
Overall, you are counting all of the "certain" digits and a final digit that is uncertain, but
nevertheless significant.
RULE #2 - Zero is significant when it is between two non-zero digits
The quantities 306, 30.6, 3.06 and 0.306 all contain 3 significant figures since the 0
between the 3 and 6 is significant. The number 306 means that the true value rests
somewhere between 305 and 307, thus, the zero is known with certainty and is
significant. That is, zeros within a number are always significant.
RULE #3 - Trailing zeros that are not used to hold the zero are not significant
The quantities 279.0, 27.90 and 2.790 all contain 4 significant figures. Again, the
first three numbers are known with certainty and the final number is always taken as
The quantities 0.2790 and 0.27900 have 4 and 5 significant figures, respectively. In the
number 0.27900, it does NOT matter that there are two consecutive zeros. The first
zero is known with certainty and the final zero while not known with certainty is still
significant. Thus, 4.000 have 4 significant figures.
RULE #4 - A zero used to fix a decimal point is never significant.
The quantities 0.456, 0.0456 and 0.00456 all contain 3 significant figures. In this
case, you need to think in terms of exponential numbers. 0.0456 is 4.56 x 10-2 (only 3
significant figures) and 0.00456 is 4.56 x 10-3 (again, only three significant numbers).
Thus, 470,000 has only 2 significant figures. However, 470,000 with a line drawn above
the final zero or the presence of a decimal point indicate that the measurement had six
significant figures. 0.000000004 has only one significant figure; the remaining zeros
were used to fix the decimal point.
11) Rules in counting scientific notation
RULE #1 - Move the decimal place to the left to create a new number from 1 up to 10.

Ex. Where’s the decimal point in 312,000,000,000? Because it’s a whole number, the
decimal point is understood to be at the end of the number: 312,000,000,000.
So, N = 3.12.
RULE #2 -Determine the exponent, which is the number of times you moved the

In this example, you moved the decimal 11 times; also, because you moved the decimal
to the left, the exponent is positive. Therefore, a = 11, and so you get 10^11

RULE #3 - Put the number in the correct form for scientific notation.

(3.12 x 10^11)

To see a negative exponent

RULE #1 Move the decimal place to the right to create a new number from 1 up to 10.
So, N = 3.1.

RULE #2 determine the exponent, which is the number of times you moved the decimal.
In this example, you moved the decimal 7 times; also, because you moved the decimal to the
right, the exponent is negative. Therefore, a = –7, and so you get 10^-7

RULE #3 put the number in the correct form for scientific notation.

(3.1 x 10^-7)

AA. KMT the basics of the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases (KMT) should be
understood. This model is used to describe the behavior of gases. More specifically, it is
used to explain macroscopic properties of a gas, such as pressure and temperature, in
terms of its microscopic components, such as atoms. Like the ideal gas law, this theory
was developed in reference to ideal gases, although it can be applied reasonably well to
real gases.
Specific Times Events Description

King Hammurabi's
1700 Known metals were
reign over recorded and listed in
BC conjunction with
Babylon heavenly bodies.

Democritus proclaims
Democritus of the atom to be the
430 BC simplest unit of
ancient Greece matter. All matter
was composed of
Aristotle declares the
Prehistoric Times - existence of only four
Aristotle of elements: fire, air,
300 BC water and earth. All
Beginning of the Christian Era ancient Greece matter is made up of
these four elements
(Black Magic) and matter had four
properties: hot, cold,
dry and wet.
Influenced greatly by
Aristotle's ideas,
300 BC
alchemists attempted
The Advent of the to transmute cheap
metals to gold. The
Alchemists substance used for
Beginning of the Christian Era - 300 AD this conversion was
the Philosopher's
End of 17th Century Stone.
13th Although Pope John
(Alchemy) XXII issued an edict
Century against gold-making,
Failure of the gold business
(1200's) continued. Despite
the GoldBusiness the alchemists'
- 15th efforts, transmutation
of cheap metals to
Century gold never happened
within this time
(1400's) period.

Alchemists not only

wanted to convert
metals to gold, but
1520 Elixir of Life they also wanted to
find a chemical
concoction that would
enable people to live
longer and cure all
The disproving of
End of Aristotle's four-
elements theory and
17th Death of Alchemy the publishing of the
book, The Skeptical
Century Chemist (by Robert
Boyle), combined to
destroy this early
form of chemistry.
Johann J. Beecher
believed in a
called phlogiston.

Coulomb discovered
that given two
End of 17th Century - 1700's Phlogiston Theory particles separated by
a certain distance, the
Mid 19th Century force of attraction or
repulsion is directly
Coulomb's Law
(Traditional Chemistry) proportional to the
product of the two
charges and is
inversely proportional
to the distance
between the two
1774- Disproving of the Joseph
Priestley heated calx
1794 Phlogiston Theory of mercury, collected
the colorless gas and
burned different
substances in this
colorless gas.
Priestley called the
gas "dephlogisticated
air", but it was
actually oxygen. It
was Antoine
Lavoisier who
disproved the
Phlogiston Theory.
He renamed the
"dephlogisticated air"
oxygen when he
realized that the
oxygen was the part
of air that combines
with substances as
they burn. Because of
Lavoisier's work,
Lavoisier is now
called the "Father of
Modern Chemistry".
John Dalton publishes
Dalton's Atomic his Atomic Theory
1803 which states that all
Theory matter is composed of
atoms, which are
small and indivisible.
Crookes made
headway in modern
atomic theory when
he used the vacuum
tube made by
1879 Cathode Rays Heinrich Geissler to
discover cathode rays.
Crookes created a
glass vacuum tube
which had a zinc
sulfide coating on the
inside of one end, a
metal cathode
1885 The Proton Eugene Goldstein
discovered positive
particles by using a
tube filled with
hydrogen gas (this
tube was similar to
Thomson's tube...see
1897). The positive
particle had a charge
equal and opposite to
the electron. It also
had a mass of 1.66E-
24 grams or one
atomic mass unit. The
positive particle was
named the proton.
Roentgen accidentally
discovered x-rays
while researching the
glow produced by
cathode rays. He
1895 X-rays discovered that the
rays that were causing
the fluorescence
could also pass
through glass,
cardboard and walls.
The rays were
called x-rays.
J.J. Thomson placed
the Crookes' tube
within a magnetic
field. He found that
the cathode rays were
negatively charged
and that each charge
The Electron and
had a mass ratio of
1897 1.759E8 coulombs
Its Properties
per gram. He
concluded that all
atoms have this
negative charge
(through more
experiments) and he
renamed the cathode
rays electrons. His
model of the atom
showed a sphere of
positively charged
material with
negative electrons
stuck in it. Thomson
received the
1906 Nobel Prize in

Curie discovered
uranium and thorium
within pitchblend.
She then continued to
discover two
previously unknown
elements: radium and
polonium. These two
new elements were
also found in
pitchblend. She
received two nobel
prizes for her
discovery; one was in
chemistry while the
other was in physics.
Millikan discovered
the mass of an
electron by
introducing charged
oil droplets into an
electrically charged
field. The charge of
Mass of the the electron was
1909 found to be 1.602E-
Electron 19 coulombs. Using
Thomson's mass
ration, Millikan found
the mass of one
electron to be 9.11E-
28 grams. Millikan
received the 1932
Nobel Prize in
Physics for this
Rutherford sent a
radioactive source
through a magnetic
field. Some of the
radioactivity was
deflected to the
positive plate; some
of it was deflected to
the negative plate;
and the rest went
through the magnetic
field without
deflection. Thus,
there were three types
of radioactivity: alpha
particles (+), beta
particles (-)
and gamma
rays (neutral). By
Three Types of performing other
1911 experiments and
Radioactivity using this
Rutherford created an
atomic model
different from
Rutherford believed
that the atom was
mostly empty space.
It contains an
extremely tiny, dense
positively charged
nucleus (full of
protons) and the
nucleus is surrounded
by electrons traveling
at extremely high
speeds. The Thomson
model was thrown out
after the introduction
of the Rutherford
Moseley attempts to
use x-rays to
Protons within a determine the number
1914 of protons in the
Nucleus nucleus of each atom.
He was unsuccessful
because the neutron
had not been
discovered yet.
Chadwick discovers
the neutron.

Fermi bombards
elements with
The Neutron
neutrons and
1932 produces elements of
the next highest
number. Nuclear
and Nuclear
fissionoccurred when
Fermi bombarded
uranium with
neutrons. He received
the 1938 Nobel Prize
in physics.
Irene Curie and
Frederic Joliot-
Curie discovered that
Artificial radioactive elements
could be created
1934 Radioactive artificially in the lab
with the
Elements bombardment of
alpha particles on
certain elements.
They were given the
1935 Nobel Prize.
Manhattan Albert Einstein and
1940's Enrico Fermi both
Project warned the United
States about
Germany's extensive
research on atomic
fission reaction.
Below the football
field at the University
of Chicago, the
United States
developed the very
first working nuclear
fission reactor. The
Manhattan Project
was in process.

In order to apply the kinetic model of gases, five assumptions are made:

1. Gases are made up of particles with no defined volume but with a defined mass.
In other words their volume is miniscule compared to the distance between
themselves and other molecules.
2. Gas particles undergo no intermolecular attractions or repulsions. This
assumption implies that the particles possess no potential energy and thus their
total energy is simply equal to their kinetic energies.
3. Gas particles are in continuous, random motion.
4. Collisions between gas particles are completely elastic. In other words, there is
no net loss or gain of kinetic energy when particles collide.
5. The average kinetic energy is the same for all gases at a given temperature,
regardless of the identity of the gas. Furthermore, this kinetic energy is
proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.


Physical Properties that do not change the
properties: chemical nature of matter
Chemical Properties that do change tha
properties: chemical nature of matter

Examples of physical properties are: color, smell, freezing point, boiling point,
melting point, infra-red spectrum, attraction (paramagnetic) or repulsion
(diamagnetic) to magnets, opacity, viscosity and density. Examples of chemical
properties are: heat of combustion, reactivity with water, PH, and electromotive

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