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Detailed lesson plan in MAPEH 8

I. Objectives: at the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Identify the musical characteristics of representative music selections from the
lowlands of Luzon,
b. Explore the distinguishing characteristics of representative Philippine music selection
from Luzon in relation to its culture and geography,
c. Create appropriate movements or gesture to accompany the music of selection of
lowland of Luzon.

II. Subject matter:

Topic: instrumental music
Learner material: music and arts learner’s module pages 5- 37
Materials: sample pictures and visual aid chalk boards

III. Procedure:
1. Preliminary activities
a. opening prayer
b .greetings
d. checking of attendance

1 .motivation:

Picture identification: classify the instruments

To the following:
 aerophone
 chordophone
 idiophone
 membranophone
 electrophone
( the students will start the activity)

2. analysis:
From the picture that you already identify.
1. How are these aspects of culture influenced

by history.

2. How do these instrument performs?

3. What are their difference and similarities? ( student answer may vary)

3. Abstraction:
Now I will ask you some questions:
what have you understand from this class? (student answer may vary )

What can you say about the instrumental music,

And Laspinas bamboo organ ? (student answer may vary )

4. Application:

I will show you some picture and

identify what kind of instruments is this (students will answer and
IV. Evaluation:
Matching type:
V. Assignment:
Study in advance the instrumental music music of the Philippines.

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