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The Society for Financial Studies

On Technical Analysis
Author(s): David P. Brown and Robert H. Jennings
Source: The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1989), pp. 527-551
Published by: Oxford University Press. Sponsor: The Society for Financial Studies.
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On Technical Analysis
David P. Brown
Robert H. Jennings
Indiana University

Technical analysis, or the use ofpastprices to infer

private information, has value in a model in which
prices are not fully revealing and traders have
rational conjectures about the relation between
prices and signals. A two-period dynamic model of
equilibrium is used to demonstrate that rational
investors use historical prices in forming their
demands and to illustrate the sensitivity of the value
of technical analysis to changes in the values of the
exogenous parameters.

It is well known that currentspot prices of tradedassets

provide informationabout future spot prices when mar-
ket participants are heterogeneously informed. How-
ever, spot prices generally are imperfect aggregatorsof
private information. For example, if the current spot
price depends on the unobserved currentsupply of the
good as well as on the private information of market
participants,then it is not a sufficient statistic for the
private information.Consequently, marketparticipants
use their private signals in addition to the observed
price in forming their demands.
Noise in the currentequilibriumspot price also makes
it impossible for thatprice to reveal perfectly the private
informationfrom earlier periods. As a result, historical
prices together with currentprices allow more accurate
inferences about past and present signals than do cur-

This workwas accomplished, in part,with the aid of MACSYMA (TM). Brown

is gratefulfor supportfrom the Amoco Foundation.The authorsthankpartic-
ipants in workshopsat ColumbiaUniversity,Indiana University,Universityof
Californiaat Berkeley,Universityof SouthCarolina,TexasChristianUniversity,
VanderbiltUniversity,and the 1986 AnnualMeetings of the WesternFinance
Associationfor comments on this work. Particularlyhelpful were the sugges-
tions of MichaelBrennan,JeromeDetemple, GerardGennotte,PraveenKumar,
Steven Raymar,AnjanThakor,RobertVerrecchia,and an anonymousreferee.
The authorsare responsible for any remainingerrors.Addressreprintrequests
to RobertJennings, Finance Department,School of Business, IndianaUniver-
sity, Bloomington,IN 47405.

The Review of Financial Studies 1989, Volume 2, number4, pp. 527-551

K 1990 The Reviewof FinancialStudies 0893-9454/90/$1.50

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The Review of Financial Studies / v 2 n 4 1989

rent prices alone. Because currentspot prices are not fully revealing, past
prices, that is, technical analysis, provide information to agents forming
their demands.
Consider a three-date model in which the time 1 aggregate supply of
the risky asset is uncertain, and investors receive private signals about the
time 3 payoff of the asset.1 In this setting, an individual is unable to infer
the averagevalue of all investors'signals (a sufficientstatisticfor the aggre-
gate information set) by observing the time 1 price and his own private
signal. Suppose that investors receive additional informationat time 2. If
the investors'time 1 signals remainprivate,and the time 2 aggregatesupply
also is uncertain, then each investor will find it impossible to infer the
average time 1 or time 2 signal from the time 2 price. The time 1 price is
useful in learning about the aggregate information set because it is not
perturbed by the noisy variation in the time 2 supply; however it also is
not influenced by time 2 signals. Hence, inferences about the signals from
either the time 1 price or the time 2 price alone are strictly dominated by
inferences considering both prices.
Individualsemploy technical analysis (TA) even though the time 2 price
is set competitively by rational investors using all public information,
including the time 1 price. One implication is that financial markets are
not weak-formefficient in the sense that the currentprice reflects all infor-
mation contained in past prices. However, the degree to which forecasts
of future spot prices are improved by the use of TA remains an open
Hellwig (1982), Singleton (1985), and Grundy and McNichols (1989)
also develop models in which historical prices are useful to investors in
equilibrium. In Hellwig's model, investors are constrained from using
currentprice in forming their demands and must use the most recent past
price as a substitute. Additional historical prices are not useful. Singleton
studies the stationary, temporal behavior of asset prices in an economy
with an infinity of trading dates and myopic investors. He finds that the
time-series properties of asset prices are similar across two alternative
economies: one with heterogeneously informed investors and the other
with homogeneously, partiallyinformed investors.Because TAhas no value
when investors are homogeneously informed, our analysis demonstrates
that investment demand maybe sensitive to the distinction between homo-
geneous and heterogeneous information even if price behavior is not.
Grundyand McNichols examine a two-period economy in which investors
receive correlated, private signals at time 1 and a time 2 public signal.
They demonstrate existence and examine properties of linear, rational
price functions when there is no time 2 variationin supply, and they discuss
the effects of the addition of a second supply variation. In our model,
investors' time 1 and 2 signals are private and uncorrelated. Furthermore,

I This is analogous to the single-period setting of Diamond and Verrecchia(1981) and Hellwig (1980),
except that there also is tradingat date 2.


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On Technical Analysis

we focus exclusively on the case in which supply variationsoccur in each

In the following section, a dynamic, two-period model of asset prices is
introduced. Alternative economies of rational and myopic investors are
presented. Equilibriaare shown to exist generally for the myopic-investor
economy and for special cases of the rational-investoreconomy. Equilibria
of the rational-investoreconomy are analyzed numerically in Section 2.
The form of the resulting prices as functions of exogenous information
allows a discussion of the rationale for TA. Implications of the analysis are
comparedto extant definitions of weak-formefficiencyin Section 3. Section
4 summarizes and concludes the article.

[. Equilibrium in a Dynamic Economy with Endogenous Beliefs

In this section, the Hellwig (1980) and Diamond and Verrecchia (1981)
noisy rationalexpectations models are extended to two periods. A riskless
asset and one risky asset are exchanged in marketsopening at times t = 1
and t = 2. Consumptionoccurs only at t = 3 when each share of the riskless
asset pays 1 unit and the risky asset provides a random payoff of u. The
riskless rate is assumed to be 0.2 Investors i (i = 1, 2, 3, . . .) are a priori
identical and countably infinite in number. Each enters the first period
with n0 units of the riskless asset,3and chooses a feasible trading strategy
to maximize the expected utility of consumption at time 3:
Et -exp -Rw,3)1 o()

where R is the common absolute risk aversion parameter and Z0 is the

common prior information available to traders.Just prior to the opening
of the marketat time t, each individual receives a private signal, Yit,of the
time 3 payoff of the risky asset. Competitive trading establishes the risky
asset price Pt at each date. The information available to investor i at time
1 and 2 is - n{0o0, yt, P1} and =_
1- , y,2, P2}, respectively.
A feasible tradingstrategyrequires that planned asset holdings be mea-
surable with respect to the trader'savailable information and satisfy the
individual's budget at each trading date. Let df, denote individual i's time
t holding of the risky asset. Then the payoff at time 3 is no + dn (P2 - P1)
+ d (u - P2) and the optimal trading strategy is determined by sequen-
tially solving
Ja,(dil) max E{-exp[-R(no + d,1(P2 -P1)

+ d2 ( u- P2))] I2 (2a)
Because consumption occurs only at the final date, investors'marginalutilities at t = 1 and t = 2 are
indeterminatewithout an exogenous specificationof the riskless rate of interest.
I As in Hellwig (1980), the (possibly random)endowmentsof sharesof the riskyasset are left unspecified.
This assumptionimplies that individualsignore informationthe randomendowments might provide. In
the multiperiodmodel developed here, the assumptionalso implies that individualsdo not use the risky
asset to hedge against future variationsin wealth resulting from the random endowment. Brown and
Jennings (1988) allow randomindividualendowments of the riskyasset.


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The Review of Financial Studies/ v 2 n 4 1989

Ef2j(dtz) I (2b)

Define 't (-tl, '20 ... ) as the information set available to the market
at time t. A rationalexpectations equilibrium is a pair of demand functions
(dt, dQ) for each investor and a pair of equilibrium price functions (P1,
P2) that together satisfythe following conditions. First,the P, are functions
of t through their dependence on investors' demands and per capita
supplies,4 and, for each realization of t, traders' price conjectures are
identical to Pt(t). Second, each trader's strategy is feasible and solves
Equations (2), when the conjectured price functions are used in Equation
(2a). Finally, traders'strategies and the equilibrium prices are such that
marketsclear. Define dt lim_O,2Z1 d1t/I, and let xl, and xl + x2 denote
the random per capita supplies of the risky asset at times 1 and 2, respec-
tively.5The market-clearingcondition is written
x1 + x2= d2 (3a)
x1= d, (3b)
where these equalities hold with probability 1.
The exogenous random variables in the economy (the asset supplies
and payoffs and the private signals received by investors) are assumed to
follow a multivariatenormal distribution. Normalityof the distribution of
the conjectured prices follows from their linear dependence on the exog-
enous variables in a rational expectations equilibrium.
Individuals' homogeneous prior beliefs about u are represented by a
normaldistributionwith meanyoandvarianceh. The privatesignal observed
by individual i at time t is
Yit= u + est (4)
where e,, N(O,st) and E(ueit o) = 0. The signals' errorsare independent
across investors and time periods. Because the et are distributed normally
with finite variances homogeneous across investors, the law of large num-
bers implies that average signal, yt lim_, ZI 1y/I, equals u with
probability 1 for each t. The per capita supply increment xt is distributed
N(O, V2) conditional on A0, with xt independent of u and the private signals.
The correlation between the supply increments x1 and x2 is denoted p.
The stochastic behavior of Pt depends on its functional relationship to
the exogenous variables xt and u. Individuals conjecture that prices are

4See Diamondand Verrecchia(1981) for a discussion of this issue.

5Noise is necessaryfor prices to be less than fully revealing of privateinformation.Following Grossman
and Stiglitz(1980), DiamondandVerrecchia(1981), and Hellwig (1980), we introducenoise via systematic
variationin supply.


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On Technical Analysis

linear functions of the supply increments and aggregate information:

P2 = a2Yo+ 2U - Y2X1 -62X2 (5a)
P1 = alyo + 1u -ylxl (5b)
Conjecturesare identical across individuals and the coefficients are deter-
mined in an equilibrium in which the conjectures are rational. Because
the price conjectures (5) are linear functions of normal variates, they are
normally distributed.

1.1 A linear noisy rational expectations equilibrium

Appendix A derives the system of equations that equates the coefficients
of Equations (5) with the corresponding coefficients in the price func-
tionals satisfying Equations (3), assuming a noisy rational expectations
equilibrium exists. This derivation is sketched below.
Given the price conjectures (5), the risky asset demands planned by
trader i to solve Equations (2) can be written

u - P2
1Po-) (a
Rvar(u I At2)

E(P2 I PI) - P1 I
E(d, Z2)(G12
- G11) (6b)
RG11 G1

Var(uIZ2), G1l,and G12are computed in Appendix A using the prescribed

covariances of the exogenous variables and the coefficients of the price
functions (5). They are constants, identical across investors. Averaging
equations (6) over i and imposing the market-clearing conditions (3)
provides the potential equilibrium price functions:

P2 = 2 - 2Ru(x1 + x2) (7a)


Pi= + (G12- G1) (1 -) - RG11x1 (7b)

where u- lim,_ Z=1 E(uIZt)/I, for t 1, 2

lim1,, YE,=lE(P2 il)/
2 _ fo
var(uI'it), t= 1, 2
Because gt and v are linear functions of yO, u, and xb Equations (7) may
be written as
P2 = g2yo + f%u- - (8a)

P1 = AlYo + J1 - (8b)


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The Review of Financial Studies/ v 2 n 4 1989

where the coefficients (with carats) can be expressed as functions of the

coefficients in Equations (5) (without carats).A rationalexpectations equi-
libriumwith linear price functions exists for the rational-investoreconomy
if there exists a solution to the set of simultaneous equations relating the
coefficients of Equations (8) to their counterpartsin Equations (5).
Existence can be demonstratedfor limiting cases of the rational-investor
economy in which a fully revealing equilibrium price exists at time 2.
Assuming such a price, one finds that f2 = 1, a2 = 72 = 62 = 0, f1 =
(s1R2V2h + h1)/[s1R2V2(h0 + s1) + ho],a, 1 -
1-1, andy1 = s1Rf1represent
an equilibrium. When the time 2 price is fully revealing, the time 1 price
coefficients are identical to those in Hellwig's (1980) single-period model.
Sufficientconditions for the time 2 price to be fully revealing are that
the private signals at time 1 or 2 are noiseless (s1 = 0 or s2 = 0) or that p
--1 and V2= V2. In the first case, u is fully revealed by each investor's
time 2 private information set. In the second, the aggregate supply dis-
turbance is identically zero so P2 is not perturbed by noise. In either case,
the time 2 price is fully revealing regardless of whether or not investors
recall the historical price P1.
Under the following alternativeconditions P2 is not fully revealing, but
P1 and P2 are jointly fully revealing. First, suppose that V2 = 0 and the
other variances are finite and nonzero. This implies that x2 0 and, as
may be seen from the correctly conjectured equilibrium price functionals
(5), P1and P2jointly reveal u and x1.Alternatively,suppose thatthe second-
period supply increment is proportional to the firstperiod's supply incre-
ment: x2 = qx1.Then, as before, P1and P2 jointly reveal u and x1. In either
of these cases, P2 = u to avoid arbitrage.6
In the one-period models of Grossman(1976) and Grossmanand Stiglitz
(1980) without a random per capita supply, equilibrium price reveals a
sufficient statistic for the asset payoff. As is well known, this implies that
each investor'ssignal is redundantso that there is no incentive for investors
to condition their beliefs and demands on their private information. In
our model, if P1 and P2 jointly reveal u, then the absence of arbitrage
implies that P2 u, that is, current price fully reveals the payoff u. Yet
currentprice P2 is fully revealing only because the two prices jointly reveal
u and x1; when historical price is forgotten by every investor, currentprice
is not fully revealing. Thus, there is no incentive for any individual to
expend resources to observe past price (which is public information)
because each investor is conditioning on past price.
Beyond the special cases discussed above, there are no results estab-
lishing existence of an equilibrium in the rational-investoreconomy. For
this reason, we turn to a more simple economy in which investors behave
myopically. General existence conditions are established for this economy.

6 Equilibriumprice coefficientsalso can be derived when there is no time 2 signal (sT' = 0) and there is
no time 2 supply shock (V2 = 0); see Grundyand McNichols (1989) for this result.


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On Technical Analysis

1.2 Equilibrium in a myopic-investor economy

The myopic-investoreconomy is identical to thatpresented in the previous
section except that the first-perioddemands

d (c
Rvar(P2 I

are substituted for the demands (6b) in the determination of the market-
clearing price (8b).7 Note that the primarydifference in demands (6c) and
(6b) is the elimination of a hedging demand that is proportional to the
time 1 expectation of time 2 demand. Subject to this difference, the equi-
librium price coefficients are determined in the myopic-investoreconomy
as they are in the rational-investoreconomy. As others, for example, Sin-
gleton (1985), have found, the elimination of the investors' hedging
demands simplifies the analysis. Indeed, it is possible to prove

Theorem 1. Given that V2, V2, ho, sl, s2, and R are each greater than zero
and that Ip I < 1, a linear, noisy rational expectations equilibrium exists
in the myopic-investor economy, and each of the price coefficients other
than (possibly) ax, and Y2 is nonzero.
Proof. The proof proceeds by deriving expressions for the coefficients a2,
12, Y2,and 62of Equation (5a) as functions of the ratioZ -l#/yl. Substituting
these expressions into fl, and 'j of Equation (8b) provides a fifth-degree
polynomial in Z[defined by Equation (A24) of Appendix B].An equilibrium
exists if and only if there exists a finite zero to this polynomial satisfying
62 # 0. A solution, not necessarily unique, is shown to exist such that a2,
/2, and 62are nonzero. The details are provided in Appendix B. -

1.3 The conditions for technical analysis to have value

Risky asset demands in Equations (6) depend on the contemporaneous
price and conditional moments of u. The linearity of A,, E(u ln) liii
E(u 1 and E(P2 1Z,) as functions of the elements of the information
sets Z,1 and ',1 allows demands to be written as linear functions of those
di2 = I21Yo+ I22Yn + I23Y,2+ '24P1 + '25P2 (9a)
dn = '11Yo+ I12Yil + I13P1 (9b)
These linearformsobtainwhether investorsaremyopic or rational,although
the values of the coefficients differ in the two economies.
TAhas no value in equilibrium if and only if the investor'stime 2 beliefs

7The formalresults in AppendixA are applicableto the myopic-investoreconomy except for the derivation
of the time 1 demands in PropositionA4 and the derivationof the time 1 price coefficients in Proposi-
tion A6.


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The Review of Financial Studies/ v 2 n 4 1989

and demands do not varywith P1after conditioning on the other variables

in Z,,; that is, if and only if I24 = 0. Equation (6a) implies that 24 = ? if
and only if the investor's time 2 expectation of the risky asset payoff A,,
does not varywith P1and, hence, with x. In other words, TA has no value
if and only if cov(u, P1IP2, yn, y,,, 1Z) = 0. Equations (7a) and (8a) imply
that At,does not varywith xl if and only if the time 2 price coefficient on
X1, 72, is equal in value to the coefficient on x2, 62. Thus, the conditions,
(1) '24 = 0, (2) cov(u, Pi IP2, y-2 yn, --) = 0, (3) 72 = 62, and (4) TA has
no value, are equivalent.
Using expressions in Appendix A for f2, 72, and 62 as functions of Z
l1/', it can be shown that Y2 = 62 and that TA has no value if and only if

i2 S2 +51
72 Rs S2
I= (S1 + S2) V1(V1+ p V2) (10b)
'i Rs,s2(I + P Vl V2 + 2)

Condition (lOb) defines a subset of the parameterspace in which TA has

no value, while (lOa) follows from (lOb) and the necessary conditions for
an equilibrium. Conditions (10) permit us to make a strong statement
regarding the value of TA in the myopic-investor economy.

Tbeorem 2. Under the parametric restrictions of Theorem 1, TA has value

in every linear, two-period rational expectations equilibrium of the myopic-
investor economy.
Proof. See Appendix B. -

This result follows from a demonstration that the ratio (lOb) defining Z is
not a zero of the fifth-degree polynomial equilibrium condition.
In the following section is a numerical analysis of the rational-investor
economy equating the coefficients of Equations (8) with those in Equations
(5). The results demonstratethe existence of equilibria in which Equations
(10) do not obtain and TA is of value. The results also quantifythis value
for a range of parametervalues.

2. The Value of Technical Analysis in the Rational-Investor Economy

The value of TA is assessed in two ways. First, the relation between the
optimal time 2 demand for the risky asset by an individual and the time 1
price is examined. Second, the value to an otherwise uninformed investor
of observing the time 1 price is computed. The equilibrium price distri-
butions are held constant as this comparison is made in order to provide
a measure of the private value of technical analysis.


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On Technical Analysis

The base values of the parametersfor the numerical analysis are listed
in Appendix C, Section A. The values for the moments are consistent with
a sample distribution of monthly spot wheat prices taken from the Statis-
tical Annual 1978 Chicago Board of Trade. Appendix C also shows the
coefficients of the equilibrium price functions in Section B, and the coef-
ficients of the demand functions (9) in Section C, implied by the base
parametervalues. Predictably,time 2 demand is a decreasing function of
the contemporaneous price P2.The coefficient of P1 in the time 2 demand
function is -0.06. Thus, a decrease in Pl, like an increase in P2, is "good
news" in the sense of Milgrom (1981); this is confirmed by the negative
dependence of A,, on P1 shown in Section D.8
To better understand this result, note that9

cov(u, PI IY1',Y12, P2,Z0) = 1var(u Iyn, y1, P2,


- yI1 P2, )
'Y cov(u, xI IYn,

In our example, the values of 131, 'Yl, 32, Y2, and Cu. are positive. If the
conditional covariance of u and PI were also positive, then observing a
large value of P1 would be good news and the investor's time 2 risky asset
demand would increase. In our example, however, the conditional covari-
ance is negative given the base parameter values, so that the investor
demands less of the riskyasset at time 2 conditional on a high time 1 price.
A high P1 is viewed as bad news conditional on P2 because yjCu. > l Vu,
which implies that the investor believes a large PI is more likely due to
small supply than to favorableinformationabout u. Hence, because ny2,132
> 0, he revises downwardthe inferences about u initially made conditional
on P2.
Now consider an uninformed,price-takinginvestorarrivingin the market
at time 2 and observing only the current price P2, the prior information
, and, possibly, the historical price, Pl. This investor receives no private
signal and can be considered a "technician,"as opposed to a "fundamental
investor."'0Prices are determined by the infinite number of rational fun-
damental investors described in Section 1.1.
Given constant absolute risk aversion R, the maximum number of units
of the riskless asset the technician will pay to observe the historical price

8Thisresultis similarto one of Admati(1985). She demonstratesin a single-periodframeworkwith multiple

assets that a price increase may be associatedwith "badnews."
9Although u and x1 are unconditionallyuncorrelated,they are correlatedconditional on P2.Providedthat
f2 and -y2arepositive, the equilibriumprice function (5a) implies thata high (low) u mustbe accompanied
by a high (low) x, holding P2and x2constant.The numericalresults demonstratea positive cov(u, x1IYS,
Yi2 P2, l)
0 The informativevalue of P1 is greater than it would be if the technician received private information.
Nonetheless, the previousresults of this section demonstratethat a rationalinvestorwho observesyj and
y,2is willing to pay to observe P1at time 2.


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The Review of Financial Studies/ v 2 n 4 1989

in addition to "4 and P2 (observed costlessly), is"

var(u I P2, 'o) 12

An interpretationof the size of 7ris provided by examination of the cor-

relation of u and P, conditional on P2 and _0.The difference between the
variance of u for the technician conditional on P, and that conditional on
both P1 and P2 can be written

COV(u, 0mo) 2
var(u IP2, 0o) - var(u I Pi P - var(P,Pl1I p2,

Equality (12) and the definition of the correlation coefficient provide

Corr(u, PjIP2 0)2- 1- exp(-2Rxr)
Thus,7r increasesin the absolute level of the conditional correlationbetween
u and PI.
Figures 1, 2, and 4 plot ir as a proportionof E(dr2P2 IZ0),the unconditional
expected value of the technician's time 2 risky asset position. Because 7r
and E(dr2P2 IZ) are proportional to risk aversion and are units of the risk-
free asset, their ratio is independent of R and is unitless. For our base case,
a technician would be willing to spend up to 0.127%of the value of his
expected risky asset investment on TA. If the expected risky asset invest-
ment were $100,000, for example, then the technician would be willing
to spend $127 to observe historical price.
Figure 1 shows that a decrease in the variance of the historical funda-
mental informations, and/or the varianceof the currentfundamentalinfor-
mation s2 leads to an increase in the value of TA over most of the range of
the variances examined. This relationship is reversed, however, for rela-
tively small values of either variance.
When s, (s2) is large relative to its base value, the fundamentalinvestors'
demands place little weight on y1 (ye,) because the signal is relatively
uninformative.Indeed, prices become jointly nearly uninformativeof u as
s, and s2approach infinity.Accordingly, the technician is unwilling to pay
much for past price in these circumstances. As either s, or s2 declines,
fundamental investors' demands place increasing weight on private infor-
mation, and f2 increases while 72 and 62 decrease. An implication of the
decline in 62 is that the current and the historical prices become jointly
more revealing of the asset payoff u and the historical supply increment
xl. A second, opposing effect is that the currentprice alone becomes more
revealing of the asset payoff as f2 becomes large. This implies that the
observance of P, is not very useful when s, or s2 approaches zero; in the

11See equation (3.1) of Admatiand Pfleiderer(1986) and their associated discussion.


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On Technical Analysis



R 0. 07-

a 0.06 t


0.03 \

0.02 -


0. 00 , . . I I I I I . I
0 100 200 300 400
Variance of signal error

Figure 1
The ratio of the value of technical analysis and expected time 2 investment of the technician,
r/E{d,2-P21Z0},shown as a function of the variance of the supply increment, VII.The solid line
representsthe case in which both V2and V22 are varied,the short-dashedline the case in which only V2
is varied,and the long-dashedline the case in which only V22 is varied.

0.20 -


R 1

o 0.08

0.06 -

0.04 -

0.02 " \

0.00, .. . . . ..
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Variance of supply increment
Figure 2
The ratio of the value of technical analysis and expected time 2 investment of the technician,
w/Efd,n-P2IZo, shown as a function of the variance of the noise, s, in private signals, y. The solid
line representsthe case in which both s, and s2 are varied, the short-dashedline the case in which only
s, is varied,and the long-dashedline the case in which only s2 is varied.


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The Review of Financial Studies/ v 2 n 4 1989


r 0.4
r 0.

-0. 1-

n ~-0.2-
-0.3 -.. Id
0 100 200 300 400 500
Variance of the supply increment V2

Figure 3
The conditional correlation of u and P1, corr(u, P1IP2, S0) as a function of Vi, the variance of the
time 1 per capita supply increment x,. The values of the other parametersare set equal to the base
values shown in Section A of Appendix C.

limit, P1 = P2 = u (P2 = u) when s1 = 0 (s2 = 0). It appears from Figure

1 that at moderate to high initial levels of signal variance, the firstof these
two effects dominates and the value of TA increases as s1 or s2 falls. The
second effect dominates for low levels of signal variance so that the value
of TA declines as the precision of the fundamental information increases.
Figure 2 shows changes in the value of TAdue to changes in the variances
of the supply increments, that is, changes in noise. It is evident thatchanges
in the value of TA are directly related to changes in historical noise, V1,
for large V2 and inversely related for very small V2. The relation for the
technician analogous to Equation (11), that is,
cov(u, Pj IP2, _0) = l1 var(uIP2, _0) - y1cov(u, xl IP2, 'O) (1 la)
helps in understanding the relationship between V2 and the value of TA.
For relatively large values of V2, variations in P1 are primarily due to
variations in xl. Hence cov(u, xl IP2, Z0) is relatively large and, as shown
in Figure 3, corr(u, P1IP2, 00) < 0. The technician finds high (low) values
of P1to be bad (good) news. When V, is small the conditional correlation
of u and P1is positive because xl has little influence; high values of P1are
good news. With intermediate values of V2, that is, those near V2 = 45,
the value of TA is small. For values in this range, it is difficultto discrim-
inate between variationsin P1to u and those due to xl conditional on ob-
serving P2.
Unlike variationsin V2,variationsin V2and V2 = V2from the base values


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On Technical Analysis




0.07 |
a 0.06 l

t 0.05-

0.03 /


_ _ _
0.01- r- r

-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Correlation of the supply increments p
Figure 4
The ratio of the value of technical analysis and expected time 2 investment of the technician,
vIE(d, -*P2IZ.), shown as a function of p, the correlation of the supply increments xl and x2. The
solid line representsthe case in which Vi = V2 = 226, the short-dashedline the case in which V2= 113
and V2= 226, and the long-dashed line the case in which Vi = 226 and V! = 113. The values of the
remainingparametersare set equal to the base values shown in Section A of AppendixC.

provide no cases in which corr(u, P1IP2, JO)= 0. As documented by Figure

2, a rise in the currentnoise, V2, decreases the value of TA,independently
of the initial value of V2. When V2 is small, neither the current nor the
historical price is perturbed significantlyby x2 so the prices jointly reveal
the asset payoff and the time 1 supply increment xl with great accuracy.
TA has considerable value. This is to be contrastedwith the limiting case
V2 = 0 in which the current price alone reveals the payoff and TA has no
value. When the noisy variation in P2 due to x2 is large, there is little to
gain from observing P1 because the technical analyststill must infer three
unknowns from only two prices. Furthermore, because the risk-averse
investors' time 1 demands, (6b), are inversely related to the variance of
P2, the sensitivity of P1 to changes in private information is reduced as
V2rises. In the limit, as V2goes to infinity,it is impossible to learn anything
about u from P1 because the investors refuse to act on their private infor-
mation at time 1.
Note that as V2 = V2 declines from relatively low levels, the value of TA
declines. This is to be contrasted with the increase in the value of TA as
either V2 or V2 declines individually. One finds that the current price is
highly correlated with both the asset payoff and the historical price when
both the current and historical noises are small. Hence there is little left
to learn from the historical price once the current price is observed. In


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The Review of Financial Studies / v 2 n 4 1989

the limit, as V2and V2jointly approach zero, P2 alone reveals u, and P1 is

worthless to the technician.
Figure4 illustratesvariationsin the value of TAas p is altered. Forextreme
values of the correlation between the supply shocks, Ip I = 1, per capita
supplies are identified by a single variable,that is, x2= qx, for some constant
q, and current price is perfectly revealing; TA has no value. Nonetheless,
provided that xl + x2 does not approach zero, the value of TA increases
as Ip I approaches 1. This follows from the fact that the three unknowns
u, xl, and x2 are revealed with great accuracy by the joint use of current
and historical price. One sees from Figure 4 that the value of TA does
increase as Ip I approaches 1 when V# # V2 and as p approaches 1 when
V2 = V2. In the case V2 = V2, the time 2 per capita supply goes to zero
(almost surely) as p approaches -1 and P2becomes nearlyperfectly reveal-
ing of u leaving little to be learned from the historical price.
Historical attempts to judge the value of TA generally were based on
examinations of the unconditional moments of asset returns or price
changes. We have shown that, in this model, the value of TA is zero if and
only if the conditional covariancecov(u, P1IP2, X) is zero. It is of interest,
therefore, to examine the relation between this covarianceand the uncon-
ditional moments of the price changes. The definition of covariance and
the law of iterated expectations allows one to write the unconditional
covariance of price changes as
cov(u- P2 -P1 I o) = E[cov(u-P2, P2
P -
P1 F2, Z0) I '0]

+ cov[E(u - P2 IP2, Jo),

E(P2-P1- P2, _0) I-o]

A + B

The normality of the random variables implies A = -cov(u, P1IP2, _0)

Hence, one may examine the unconditional covariance of price changes
to determine whether TA has value only if the covariance of conditional
expected price changes, B, is known.
Figure 5 displays the value of corr(u - P2, P2 - P I `o) as a function of
the correlation between per capita supply increments, p, and it is to be
compared to Figure 4. One finds that, in this equilibrium, B -# 0, a fact
shown by the difference between (1) the value of p at the zero level of the
short-dashedline in Figure 5 (p = -0.16) and (2) the analogous p in Figure
4 (p = -0.42). Furthermore,B varies with p and the other exogenous
parameters.This suggests that empirical studies of the value of TA should
not rely on the assumption that conditional expected price changes are

3. Is the Equilibrium Weak-Form Efficient?

The fact that technical analysis has value in this marketsetting raises the
question, "Is the 'market,'that is, the noisy rational expectations equilib-


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On Technical Analysis


C 0.8


r 0.4 -

0.0-~ ~~~
-__ - -- ___
-- -- - - - L ___ - - ____
-____ ----- ___ -----

t -0.2-

-0 .8- J - f
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Correlation of the supply increments p
Figure 5
The unconditional correlation in price changes corr(P2 - P1, u - P2I )),as a function of p, the
correlation between supply increments xl and x2. The solid line representsthe case in which Vf =
V! = 226, the short-dashedline the case in which Vi = 113 and V! = 226, and the long-dashedline the
case in which V2= 226 and V2 = 113. The values of the remainingparametersare set equal to the base
values shown in Section A of Appendix C.

rium, weak-form efficient?"Not surprisingly, the answer depends on the

definition of efficiency.
Fama (1970, 1976) defines a market as weak-form efficient if current
prices "fullyreflect"historicalmarketstatistics,including past prices. Here,
"fullyreflect"is taken to mean that conditioning on past and currentprices
provides the same set of beliefs as conditioning on only currentprice. The
analysis of Section 2 demonstrates that, in this market, adding historical
price to an investor's informationset generally changes beliefs and invest-
ment policies. Thus, this marketis inefficient in Fama'ssense, even though
the currentprice is determined by investors who rationallyuse past price
in setting their demands.
Rubinstein's (1975) and Beaver's (1980) definitions require that pub-
lishing the informationnot change equilibrium prices. Rubinstein'snotion
allows one to ask only if the market is efficient with respect to all infor-
mation, so it is of little interest to this discussion. Beaver provides a def-
inition of market efficiency with respect to an information set that might
be the informationcontained in historical prices. One finds that the noisy
rational expectations equilibrium discussed here is weak-formefficient in
Beaver'ssense. But this is not surprising.Any perfectly competitive market
in which the individuals have recall of past prices is weak-form efficient
in Beaver's sense. Revelation of past prices does not change the current


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The Review of Financial Studies! v 2 n 4 1989

price or the distribution of future prices because historical prices are, by

assumption, commonly known in equilibrium.12
Verrecchia (1982) defines a market to be efficient if, conditional on
observation of the noise in the market, for example, xl and x2, the price
is no less efficient an estimator of the value of interest, for example, u,
than the estimator available to any single trader.Each of the prices in the
rationalexpectations equilibrium developed here reveals u perfectlywhen
x1 and x2 are known. Hence, this marketis efficient in this sense.
A market is efficient with respect to an information set in the sense of
Latham(1986) if publishing that informationdoes not change either prices
or an individual's optimal policy. Considering the technical analyst of
Section 2, one concludes that the noisy rational expectations equilibrium
is not weak-formefficient in this sense. Adding historical price P1 to this
individual's information set, containing only current price P2 and prior
information 0, alters the optimal demand.
Discussions of weak-form efficiency in modern investment textbooks
often include statements such as the following: "If the market is weak-
form efficient, then currentprices fully reflect the informationin historical
levels of prices and volumes of trade. Technical analysis has no value."'13
Such a statement is, in part,a warning to the reader to be skeptical of those
offering investment advice based solely on naive analysisof historical data.
Given the empirical work examining some (historically) popular forms of
technical analysis, the advice apparentlyis well taken.14
What is not clear from textbook discussions of weak-form efficiency is
whether the statement that "technical analysis has no value" is an impli-
cation, derived by logical reasoning, of the assumption that the marketis
weak-form efficient, or whether it is the defining characteristicof weak-
form efficiency. If the latter is assumed, then the marketdiscussed in this
work is not weak-formefficient. Technical analysis does have value. Alter-
natively,in the case that "technical analysis has no value" is an implication
of market efficiency, this work demonstrates that this inference may be
unwarranted,given a definition under which the noisy rationalexpectations
equilibrium is efficient.

4. Summary and Discussion of a Possible Extension

The noisy rationalexpectations model of Diamond and Verrecchia (1981)
and Hellwig (1980) has been extended to two periods. It has been shown
that TA has value in every myopic-investoreconomy. From the numerical
analysisof the rational-investoreconomy, one finds that the second-period
12An alternativeto the marketstudied here has historicalprices excluded from investors'informationsets.
Such an alternativeis not efficientin Beaver'ssense; the addition of historicalprice informationchanges
13 Examples
of such statementsinclude Jones (1985, p. 433), Reilly (1985, p. 197), and Haugen (1986, p.
See, for example, Alexander (1964), Famaand Blume (1966), Jensen (1967), and Seelenfreund et al.
(1968). A caveatis that these are generally studies of unconditionalmoments;see Section 3.


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On Technical Analysis

price is dominated as an informativesource by a weighted average of the

first-and second-period prices. Investors use the historical price in deter-
mining time 2 demands because the current price does not reveal all
publicly available informationprovided by price histories, that is, investors
use technical analysis to their benefit.
Treynorand Ferguson (1985) study the "dual"of the problem presented
here. The assertedusefulness of their methodology is based on the assump-
tion that a traderknows the exogenously determined effect of a particular
news item on an asset price given that the market has received the infor-
mation. They examine the usefulness of past prices in estimating the time
the news is disseminated. In their setting, a traderreceiving the information
privatelymust decide how to act. If he receives the informationbefore the
market, then he establishes the appropriate position to profit from the
change in price that is forthcoming when the marketbecomes informed.
If he receives the informationafter the market,then he does not act. The
traderuses past prices to assess the probability that he has received infor-
mation before the market.
The dynamicrationalexpectations equilibrium of plans, prices, and price
conjectures studied here assumes that each traderknows the time of the
release of privateinformation (signals) to other tradersbut does not know
the values of the signals. Past price levels, then, enable traders to make
more precise inferences about the signals.
A logical, but not straightforward,extension of the present model allows
the release time of the private information to be stochastic and hetero-
geneous acrossinvestors.Forexample, one might posit a subset of investors
who are, with some positive probability,informed of, say, a firm'searnings
prior to the public announcement of the earnings. In this case, the unin-
formed investors use historical price levels to forecast jointly the timing
of the public announcement and the level of earnings."5In such a model,
unlike that of Treynorand Ferguson, the effect of informationon the price
is endogenous. A caveat regarding the implementation of such a meth-
odology is that the joint statistical behavior of price levels and earnings
levels must be well understood. How well this is possible is, of course, an
empirical question.

Appendix A: The Equilibrium Price and Demand Functions

It is shown in this appendix that the linear price conjectures (5) lead to
1) linear demand functions, Equations (6) or, alternatively,Equations (9)
and 2) linear equilibrium price functions (8). It is also shown that con-
ditions (10) are necessaryfor TAto have no value. Throughout,it is assumed
that h0os1, s2, V1, V2, and R are each greater than zero; that IpI < 1; that
the price coefficients y1and b2 are nonzero; and that the values Gll and G12
(see Proposition A2) exist and are nonzero.
Beaver,Lambertand Morse(1980) propose formingexpectationsregardingaccountingearningsfromstock
price movements.However,they do not consider the possibility of serial correlationin price changes.


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The Review of Financial Studies/ v 2 n 4 1989

Propositon Al. Given the conjectures (5), the coefficients of

,u,-E(u ) = ayo + by, + cP, (Al)

E(xl P
Z,) = eyo + fyti + gP1 (A2)

E(x2 IZ,,) = E(xl A(A3)


Xi-E(P2 I-n) = 0IYo + 02Y0 + 03P1 (A4)

A12 E(ulIS2) = XPAL1

+ X2Yf2 + X3(P2-72i) (A5)

and the quantities VAR[u,yi2, P2)1 vil and U2 var(u Ii2) are constants
conditional on ;

Proposition Al follows from the properties of multivariate normal ran-

dom variables. Computing an individual's time 1 demands in Proposition
A3 below requires knowledge of the first row G1 [Gll, G12] of the matrix
G (2N + W-D)-1, where W VAR[(P2, ,t2) I_n] and where N is de-
fined by

F2 -21
2 O2
N -2
[- a-2 ]

Note that W is invertible whenever s2, V2, and b2 are nonzero.

Proposition A2. Given conjectures (5), G11and G12are constants con-

ditional onm 0

This proposition follows from the definition of N and the properties of

multivariate normal random variables.

Proposition A3. The optimal strategy (di,, diJ for investor i given the
conjectured price functionals is

- P2
d,2 = li2 (A6)

d E(P2 1A'n) - + E(d,2 1

_n)(Gl2- G11) (A7)
RG11 Gl

Proof The representation (A6) is the solution to the end-of-the-horizon

problem [Equation (2a)] and its derivation can be found in Diamond and
Verrecchia [1981, see their equation (10)]. Note that o2 is nonzero when
V1, V2, si, s2, y1, and 62 are nonzero.


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On Technical Analysis

Substituting Equation (A6) into the maximand of Equation (2a), one

finds the time 1 derived utility of time 2 wealth is

f ~~~~~~-
2 -exp -R[no + d,,(P2-Pl)

Define L' (-Rdil, 0), M` (P2, 1,j2), and Q' E(MiI3il). Then, using
knowledge of multinormalvariables,
E(J,2 In) =
E[-exp(-Rno + di1Pl + LEiMi
- MNMi) I-il]

=- IWV?I2N + W-1Ilexp[-RRno + RdilP1 + LiQi -QiNQ,i

+ (1/2)(L' - 2Q'N)(2N + W-1)-1(Li - 2NQi)]
The first-ordercondition with respect to di, is
P, - E(P21IZ) + di1RG11- 2GNQi= 0
Algebra provides

di, = R-1Gi1[E(P, 21Z1) -Pi,] + 2R-lG1T1lG-NQi

Algebra and the definitions of G1,N, and Qi provide Equation (A7). a

Proposition A4. Given conjectures (5), the optimal risky asset demands
di, and di2can be written as linearfunctions:
dil = '11Yo + *12Yil + I13P1
d-2 = *21YO+ '22Yil + "23Yi2 + I24P1 + I25P2
Proposition A4 follows from Propositions Al and A3.

Proposition A5. Given the price conjectures (5) and optimal demands
(6), theprice functions that satisfy the market-clearing conditions (3) are
P2 = a&2Yo
+ 32 -2X1- 62x2
P1 = a1Yo+ f1u - (A9)
where the coefficients (d2, #2, y 62, a2, 1, I) are constants conditional
on MO and are functions of the conjectured parameter values (without
Proof. Given demands (6), which are derived in Proposition A3, market
clearing at time 2 requires that P2 satisfy
X2 + x1 = d2
= (M2 - P2)R1cT2
= [Xlll + X2u + X3(P2 -)-P2]R1cr22 (A10)


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The Review of Financial Studies / v 2 n 4 1989

The second equality follows from Equation (A6) and the definitions of d2
and Mu2.The third equality follows from Equation (A5) and the definitions
of At, Y2, and n. Relations (Al) and (A4) and the definitions of ,u and v
/1 = ayo + bu + cP1 (All)
v1= 01Yo+ 02u + 03P1 (A12)
RearrangingEquation (AlO) as a definition of P2,then substituting for t1,
,1,and P1using Equations (All), (A12) and conjectures (5b), respectively,
provides the constant coefficients of Equation (A8).
Marketclearing at time 1 requires

Xl= d= _ Pi (Al - 17)(G12- G11) (A13)

1RG1 1 RG11 RG11cr2

The second equality follows from Equation (A7) and the definitions of t,1
and ,. Substituting in Equation (A13) for Al and v using Equations (All)
and (A12), respectively, and algebra provides the constant coefficients of
Equation (A9). n

Proposition A6. Technical analysis has value in equilibrium if and only

if82 and y2 are unequal. Furthermore, when 62 and y2 are equal in equi-
librium, the ratios f31y2 and f31y, must satisfy

+ 5,
02 _=
Y2 Rs1s2
fl (sl + sO)Vl(Vl + pV2) (A15)
Yi Rs1s2(V2 + p VV2 + V2)

The expressions for '2 and 62 derived from the market-clearingcon-

dition (AlO) satisfy
72 - 82 = 1(H2C - Y203)(21 - Y2)

where H2 var(P21 | il), Y2= cov(u, P2I1), K2= IVAR(yi2,P2 1)I, and
c and 03 are defined in Equations (Al) and (A4), respectively. Hence in
equilibrium (i.e., when Y2 = 72, etc.),I2 and 62 are unequal if and only if
H2c and Y203are unequal. TA has value if and only if di2varies with P1.
Examinationof the right side of Equation (A6) shows that di2varies with
P1 if and only if K2-ls2H2cand K2-ls2Y203are unequal; to see this result use
Equations (Al), (A4), and (A5). Hence, TA has value if and only if 72 and
62 are unequal.


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On Technical Analysis

Given a ratio Z fl/y, the expressions for the time 2 coefficients

satisfying Equation (A10) provide

a2= 1-2 (A16)

f2D= hoR2sls (V2 + 2pVlV2 + V2) Z2

- 2hoRsls2(s1+ s2)(V1V2p+ V12)Z

+ hoR2(1 - p2)sls2(s1 + s2) V2 V2 + ho(sl + s2)2 V2 (A17)
D2D= hoR2sls22( V V2p + V2))Z

+ h0R3(1 - 2p2)ss V1 V2

- hoRpsls2(sl + s2) Vl V2 (A18)

82D= -hoR2s2ls2(p V1 V2 + V2) Z

+ hOR3(1 - p2)sl2s22V12V2+ hoRs,s2(s1+ s2)V2 (A19)

D hoR2ss2(V12 + 2pV1V2+ v -)Z2-2hoRsls2(sl + s2)(V1V2p+ V21)Z
+ R2(1-p2)s1s2Vl V2[sls2 + ho(s, + s2)] + ho(s, + S2)2V1
Equating Equations (A18) and (A19) provides Equation (A15). Equality
(A15) and the ratio of (A17) and (A18) provides (A14). e

Appendix B. A Myopic-Investor Equilibrium

This appendix shows that an equilibrium exists and that technical analysis
has value in every myopic-investoreconomy. The results of this appendix
rely on the expressions for risky asset demands [Equations(6a) and (6c)].
These expressions are sensible only if var(P21Z,) and 2 are nonzero. The
existence result, Theorem 1, demonstrates that Yl and b2 are each greater
than zero in equilibrium and that this implies var(P21vil) > 0 and cr2 > 0
The results of this appendix also rely on the fact that each of the arguments
of Appendix A is applicable to the myopic-investor economy except for
the derivations of first-perioddemands and price coefficients.

Proof of Theorem 1
Given linear conjectures (5), the derivation of these coefficients of the
price P2 proceeds as it does in Proposition A5. These coefficients must
satisfy Equations (A16) to (A19).
Given demands (6c), market clearing at time 1 requires

x1=d1 R var(P2 n) A


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The Review of Financial Studies / v 2 n 4 1989

Using Equations (A20) and (A4) and the definition of 7, one finds the
coefficients of the time 1 price satisfy
a,1 -
1-1 (A21)

= 1 020 (A22)

1- 03

Thevaluesvar(P2 il) , 02, and03 canbe calculatedasfunctionsof the times

1 and 2 price coefficients;see PropositionAl. The ratio of Equations (A22)
and (A23) implies that the ratio Z fl/1 satisfies
O= hoRs1(82V2 + 282y2pV1V2 + y2V2)Z3 - 2hoRs V22S2pVV2 + y2Vl)Z2
+ [62R(1 - p2)(sl + ho)VlV2 V + 2h pV1V2
Vl + Y2hho0V]Z
+ OR2h1Rs - 2ho I(A24)
A linear rational expectations equilibrium exists if and only if Equation
(A24) obtains for some real number Z and var(P21I ) > 0 and 2o > 0.
From Equations (A17) to (A19), f2, y2, and 62 are seen to be functions of
Z. Upon substitution, Equation (A24) becomes a fifth-degree polynomial
in Z which is hereby labeled F(Z).
PropositionAl implies that the variancesvar(P2IZj) and u2are positive
when yi and 82 are nonzero. Given the definition of Z, yj is nonzero when
Z is finite. Equilibriumexists if and only if a finite Z exists such that F(Z)
= 0 and 62(Z) # 0 where 62(Z) is given by Equation (A19).
We begin to argue the existence of a satisfactoryZ by collecting a few
results. The values f2(Z), Y2(Z), 62(Z), that is, Equations (A17) to (A19),
are each finite when Z = 0. Also 2(0) > 0. Hence F(O) =-02ho V2 < 0.
Let ZOsatisfy 62(Z0) = 0; note that if pV2 + V1= 0, then ZOdoes not exist,
otherwise sign(Z') = sign( V, + p V2).Also, when ZOexists, :2(ZO) = 20Y2(Z)
and, therefore, F(ZO) = 0. Differentiating F(Z), one finds

hoR3(l- p)2(l + p)2s2s2VIV42

*{ho[R2( I + 2pV1V2 + V2) + s1 + 2]

[R2s V2(p-1) - s, - - RI2s2(V1 + pV2)2}

F'(ZO) -

The numeratoris negative so that sign[F'(ZO)] = -sign( VI + pV2). Finally,

lim-_,Of2(Z) = 1 and limI- y72(Z) = limz_, 62(Z) = 0, SO that limz_ F(Z)
= 00.
Because F(Z) is continuous in Z, F(M) < 0 and lim_,,OF(Z) = 00, the
intermediatevalue theorem [Rosenlicht (1968, p. 82)] implies the existence
of 0 < Z* < oo such that F(Z*) = 0. If V, + p1V2< 0, then ZO< 0 and,
using the linearity of 62(Z), 62(Z*) # 0, so an equilibrium exists. If VI +
PV2= 0, then 62(Z) # 0, for all Z, so an equilibrium exists. If VI + PV2 >


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On Tecbnical Analysis

0, then F(ZO) = 0, F'(ZO) < 0, and ZO> 0. Hence, using the intermediate
value theorem and the linearity of 62(Z), there exists 0 < Z* < Z? such
that F(Z*) = 0 and 62(Z*) # 0. It follows that a linear, two-period rational
expectations equilibrium exists when investors are myopic. n

Proof of Theorem 2
Expression (A15) for the ratio Z -31/y must obtain whenever TA has no
value in the myopic-investorequilibrium. The ratio Zmust simultaneously
solve Equation (A24) in an equilibrium. Equality(A24), upon substitution
of Equation (A15) into its right-handside, becomes

h= -p2)(s+) + s2)V[+ s2 + R2s1s2(V2+ 2pV1V2 + V2)]T

S2( V2 + 2pVV2 + V2)2{R2s, s2[s152 + ho(s1 + s2)]
'(Vi2 + 2pV1V2+ V2) + o( s2)2}2 (A25)

where T ho(R2T1+ T2)(R2T3 + T4) + R2T5(R2T6+ T7)

T, }1s2(V1 + 2pV1V2 + V2)
T2 -S1 + 52

T3 }s2 2((V2 + pV1V2)(V2 + 2pV1V2 + V2)

(S1 + S2)[SlV2l + pV1V2(s 2) -2 V2]

T5 }s 5522 (V2 + 2pV1V2 + V2)
T6 }S5S2 (V2 + pVIV2)(V2I + 2pV1V2 + V2)

S1V2 + -2) s2V2

Label as 0 that subset of R7 meeting the parametricrestrictions, that is,
S1, S2, V2, V2, ho, and R each greater than zero and IPI < 1. Note that
Equation (A25) obtains if and only if T = 0. Also note that each of the
values (R2T1 + T2), (R2T3 + T4), R2T5,and (R2T6 + T7) is never zero on
0. Thus, Tis zero on 0 if and only if hois equal to

h -R2T5(R2T6 +T7)
(R2T1+ T2)(R2T3+ T4) (A26)

The value of h is never zero on 0 and, because each of the continuous
on 0, h is continuous on 0. Inspection of h shows its value is negative
whenever V1= V2and s, = s2. Therefore, ho and h cannot be equal and,
consequently, TA has value at all points in 0. n


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The Review of Financial Studies/ v 2 n 4 1989

Appendix C. Numerical Example of Equilibrium in a Two-Period

Rational Expectations Economy
A. Base values of parameters

Risk aversion R= 1.0

Correlation between supply increments P= 0
Prior variance of risky asset payoff = 0.4623
Prior expected value of risky asset
payoff yO= 2.79

Variance of per capita supply Time 1 Time 2

increment V2= 226.0 V2= 226.0
Variance of the private signal error s= 0.2529 s2 = 0.2529

B. Equilibrium price functions

P2= 0.2106yo + 0.7894u - 0.0979x, - 0.1002x2
P1 = 0.5325yo + 0.4675u - 0.3557x1
C. Equilibrium risky asset demand functions
di2= 2.1358yo + 3.9154yi, + 3.9154Yi2
- 0.0638P, - 9.9802P2
dil = 1.4970yo + 1.3142yi, - 2.8112P1
D. The conditional expected payoff
Ail E(ujI,j) = 0.3518yo + 0.6456yi, + 0.0026P,
Ai2 E(uIZ,2) = 0.2079yo + 0.3850yi,
+ 0.3850yi2 - 0.0062P1, + 0.0284P2

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