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WOULD YOU LIKE GOOGLE TO DIRECT MORE In our case, they are looking for
people to your website? Do these two simple things to help your information about insurance
search engine optimization (SEO) efforts: products and services.
92%o of people looking for
HAVE A FREOUENTLY ASKED OUESTIONS (FAO) a local business start with an
PAGE Internet search, and Google
When I ask my workshop attendees why an FAQ page might be a has about an 80%o market share
good idea, I get answers like: among the search engines.
"So we won't need to answer the same questions over and Google has also gotten smarter.
over." Rather than entering just key-
"Some customers don't like to call; they want to find the lr.ords, sealchers realize that Google is non able to recognize their
answers on their own." questior-rs (tl-rrough a process knorvn as semantic search).
Google rvill reward your business u.ith favorable search engine
Which are both good reasons, of course. But remember that on the rar-rkings ifvou provide content that is relevant, authoritative, and
web, we need to cater to two audiences: (1) customers and potential shareable.
customers, and (2) the search engines. \\'ith an FAQ page, ,vou are able to legitimately enter the same
When people do searches on the Internet, they are not looking for irrsurance questions on -vour rvebsite that your insurance prospects
advertisements. They are instead looking for authoritative content. and customers are likelv entering into the search engine!

I July*August 2018 www.plailei.c*m I PIA C*ruruHeTl0ftt

When you are on the Linkedln home page, simply click the "Write
an article" button at the top middle of the page and get started! Then
E*::i+e you could reach multiple audiences.
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@r.br3hg ih6 40s aMk@ry d 66 Ekd of 1ff3.


doa 00jr lneb 0 fk lDJr Similarly, this will allow you to legitimately (in Google's eyes)
"kepvord stuff" on your website.
Make a list of the insurance terms that people normally tlpe into
h.6rd rloro rrjoroa_ d:d rs6 cJ:.q a drr
* {tsuindyorsrr.aop6diErou.*dr.risabrizzad k the search engines that relate to your products and services, and then
npodadroii.i)661Lcdo ady.!c.ir0rhep,Shra*y?!o
provide the definitions on this page. Dont write jargon but words
Just ask yourself, lr,hat are some typical questions about insur your customers and prospects can actually relate to and understand.
ance that m)r customers and prospects ask about, then ansu,er them. With either of these two steps you are not attempting to play
If vou do this in a blog post and attach that blog to your u.ebsite, you tricks with either the search engines or your customers, but instead to
have iust updated your rvebsite! And Google rervards lr.ebsites that are simply provide value.
regularly updated l,ith more favorable search engine rar-rkings. In both cases, Google will reward you with better rankings, your
As an example of ho'w. to do this, check out Larry prospects and customers will become more knowledgeable and could
\lcGl1.nns X,lassachusetts Family L-rsurance blog at reward you with better salesl l*\
. r=l- r:r-:i.i.!i=:f-:::: .:::=.1:i!,::..:.1::-.
Ted Janusz has been honored to contribute articles to all eight annual
In the book, The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social
PIA Agency Marketing Guldes and has conducted multiple webinars
)Iedia, Online \rideo, Mobile Applications, Blogs, N'el,s Releases, and
for PIA on marketing. Because Bab,y Boomers learn about and use
\-iral Nlarketing to Reach Buyers Directly, Larry says:
social media different y {rom other generations, Ted conducts his work
shops for insurance agents and insurance companies who want to use
X{i. blogs are inspired by my customers' questions. social media to produce a bottom- ine impact for their agencies and
Several t eeks prior to the big game, I r.rote 'Super Bo'w.I, companies. Learn more at nuspresentaticns. com.
Super Part,v, Super Liabilityi I talked about the legal
issues around hosting a party,. Keep in mind that friends
can sue friends.
Posts like these generate high search engine rankings MARKETING SUPPORT FROM PIA
and brand me as an expert. For many people, insurance
PIA members have access to a wealth of marketing
is an unfamiliar and intimidating topic.
tips in past and present issues of the annual
\Vhen tl-re time comes to learn about auto, horre, or
PIA Agency Marketing Guide. Read them all at
lif'e insurance, the,v use the Internet to search for ansl'ers
to their questions. If I can provide those ansr'r.ers, ther-r
people n ill see me as an expert, ar-rd it ma,v lead to tl-rern PIA wishes to thank the sponsors of
contacting me for both advice and service. last yeart issue of the PIA Agency
M arketing G ui de: EZLy nx, Prog ressive
Consider this other example. I had a question about replacen-rent Insurance and Smart Choice.
bulbs for my projector. After I t1.ped
ir.r n.r1. question, Google directed
PlNs Agency Marketing Guide
me to an FAQ page that had the exact question that I had tlped AND
is published as part of the
had the ans\\,er.
PIA Branding Program, PlAt
Guess l,hat happened next? Alter I became a better educated
agency marketing program
consumer, I $,ent to another tab on that same site and bought a neil. ( Fundinq for the
projector bulb!
PIA Branding Program is provided in part by PlAt
Thats r.r.hat you want! If you prolide credible content for prospects
Pinnacle Partners: Bankers lnsurance Group,
and customers, they will ultlmatelr. rel.ard you r,vith their business. Encompass Insurance, Erie lnsurance, Motorists
You could even take this a step firrther. If you are a member of lnsurance Group, State Auto lnsurance Companies,
Linkedln, you could provide a link on vour rvebsite to a 500-r'r.ord and Wright Flood.
article that you created using the Linkedln article template.

PIA **n"iruH*Y'ffiN I wrvwpi*n*t.cnm July-August20lB | 17

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