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1 Got It From Agnes (from Tomfoolery ) Infectiously Words and Music by Tom Lehrer Bb F7_No chord Tlove my nf Ab pr _ We're just as close . And they love me, L 1 Gm, cy aswe can be, And just he-cause —_____ _& Dr Gh No chore vbr — evrer we get, 126 © 1952, 1980 & 1981 Toms Letwer Fr Bb BbT E> FT 2 ie : —— + = SS SS gor from Ag - nee, sre got it from got & from Daph - ne, she got it from got it from oF - ith, Who gets it ev - ‘ty fee eee was Jim. We all a= gree it must have been Lou - ‘She ot from her liad - dy, who just Gr Mil - le or Bil-le or Gil-lie or’ Wil - lie, # ae Pane = E = cr FT Bb Fr = ? tse who gave it fim. Now ahe Sot trom Wes iw “the lar Spey stone. WY. ee gare to fives” ner evn = try thing. She” thes fre to Soca — NE mat > ter who. Te night have been st the LN em Ba pibcsian ee =: = == 7 ar ee 2 7 ‘s: $ ca. Rb Bb pt Gm Gbr-s 3 h = = = SS SS = iar wy, Who ~=got it from) Ma - ey ‘And Shei TE Who must have brought it there. He Shei = TEL, whoee span - fel has It pow. ow pat Top at’ “the” club, or tn the oo, And if = er ¥ ——— = = ca nd —— be. ES SS SS f om rte 6 Se SE ev - ‘ry-bod - y knows that = Mn ~ foe trom” Fron - ois” and Jacques, A fen = tist ov - en got it, amd wetre jou wit be 7 omy friend,’ then “L BE FT | : 7 Pete Ft == Luckey Pi - — won-der-ing pgaee Ebmaji/E FM (Mind you, 1 said "might"... crese. poco a poro (looks around audience, finally: chooses someone, grins, points to him or her and sas)

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