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Teacher : we have already learn about two factor that affect reaction rate, the first is

concentration factor and the second is surface area factor. Who can make a conclusion
that have already lear today about two factor that affect of rate reaction?

Dwi Yuni : Me, mam.

Based on the first experiment higher the concentration, accelerate reaction rate and for
the second is the larger of surface area , accelerate the reaction rate

Teacher : That’s good answer, dwi yuni. I’ll give you special point.

Okay student, got it? any difficult about factor that affect reaction rate?

Students : No, mam

Teacher : all of you is smart student.

For the next meeting so please do the task page 25 because tomorrow we will learn
about chemical equilibrium so prepare yourself to study about chemical equilibrium.

I think enough for this lesson, so please muslela lead your friends to pray together.

Pray…….. Ok thank you for today, keep spirit for tomorrow. Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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