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Mein Name ist ... My name is In this unit you wil earn how to: > say what your name is > greet people and say goodbye. » ask people where they come from and where they ive, > use the words Fand you. > understand basic German word order (CEFR: Can introduce onesoif (7); Can ask and answer questions about ‘personal details (A): Can produce simple phrases to describe personal detaits (a) Greetings Germans often shake hands when they meet and when they say Auf Wiedersetien (goodbye). They also often ive only ther Nachname (Gurname) wien they invoduce themselves. The courtesy titles Here and Frau are used eather tke Mr and Msn English, Fraulein (ss) is hay Used any more. Women inespective of whether they are married or not care addressed with Frau. ‘The stondare gretingsin German are Guten Morgen (good morning). Guten Tag (good day), Guten Abend (good evening) and Gute Nacht (00d night). As you can probably see they are quit simiar to English, Tnadaltion there are many regional andless formal ways to greet oF to say {revel In Austra and southern Gernany people often say Grif Got, Which means May God gret you. In Austra Servus is cormmanly sed and ‘can mean good day or goodbye. Swiss people frequently use Grek In less forma situations you wil ako hear Hi (i), Halle (hello) cx Ciao. {QQ What words in the text mean Mrand Mrs? And where would you use GriiB Gott, Servus and Griez!? 4 0701 Listen and read how these people intraduce themselves ‘ond repeat. ‘ _ (C Geten ag, on noite >) Stigler #4 S Vocabulary builder “GREETINGS AND FAREWELLS ato. Mein Name tot Stet Son (Guten Tog. Men Name) ist Gord Baumann) (01.02 Now complete the greetings. Listen to check your answers ‘Then listen and repeat. wo pti. Hato, B ston Morgen. ocd merning. Guten Tog Good dy. Guten Aber enn. ute Nacht Goodnight echbeibe Fomeaied ‘ut Wiedesehen ‘odie The greeting Guten Tag is use from about 10 am until6 pm Note these Iso German equivalent fer Gaod afternoon. ZQ> De you notice thesiferent ways the people gave ther names? Now have 4 go at giving your own name in German. ‘Holo, Mein Name »b Holl. Ieh a 14 Which greetings or farewells go with which? Match the numbers and the pictures. 14. AGuten Morgen, Herr Schneider! B Guten Morgen, Frau Hermann! |5. When would you use the following greetings? Choose the appropriate boxes. INTRODUCTIONS fe zeae the audio. What are the two ways of asking someone's name in German? ‘Wormer + ‘Guten Tag. WiaheBen Sc? Worse 2 Icha Escath Schuhe Man Mee Name Fos Matis, Worman Und ie? We Ben Se? Women Ichi lana Seu Mon 3 ‘on Ta, Ws Nae te? 1 AGute Nacht, Frau Naumann! loend: fod ts 2 01.04 Now complete the translations, Listen to check your somecm contestant 2 Se aoe > ht imate near wae me B Guten Abend! (0105 Listen to the policeman taking down names at the scene ‘ofan accident. Then choose the correct answers to complete the sentences, 4 What isthe name ofthe fist person? TW (Gertud Gruber / Gerda Gruber / Gert Huber). 'b The name of the second person fs (Martin Baumann / Markus Braun Martin Broun) The third person's name Bors Schulz / Boris Schwarz / Moritz ‘chu ‘All nouns begin wth a capital etter in German, Nouns are naming words hich eer to persons, concepts or objects Guten Tag. Guten Morgen. Guten Abend, Gute Nacht, Mein Name ist Claudia. "Note that the polite forms Ste (you) and The (your) also start with a opital etter: Wie helBen Sie? Wie ist Ihr Name? (GPA 2105 Haren Ste zu Listen to these people introducing "HD themselves and read along, Then answer the questions with True or False, {2 Daniele comes from Dijon andes in Hamburg, ——_ 'b Tony Linneker comes fiom Betin but now ves in London. {© Bettina comes forn Austria and lives in Germary Pete ves Germany but comes fom the USA. @ = Ich hee Daniele Bouvier. Ich komme ous Franizeich, aus Dijon. Ich wohne in Harbury. if Mein Name it Tony Linnoker. Ich kemme aus GroBbrtannien, aber ich wohne jet in Bes, Iehyhelfe Bettina Merl Ich komme aus Wien in Osteretch. ch wohne jetzt in Hannover ~ on 5 0107 Now complete the translations. Listen to check your ‘answers. Then listen and repeat. tare oe WD rencacn ee tore net Crt eae “mean sn ines = ba en Mma heres ‘ue yen 5 6 0108 How would you say what your name is, where you come ‘rom and where you live? Try answering the questions in the ‘audio, Then write your answers down, ® ee Mein Nameist..Myniamets. = 7 NEW EXPRESSIONS f INTERVIEW 2 ‘Look atthe expressions that are usen the next interviews. Note their ering ‘icivione at Trstulgensie ase ne tance Ona, in por eaen hw wesions t dn Un cer toenen Daf ich thnen ela poor Fragen stllen? May ask you a few questions? | ‘rhomme ove Sutgat. 5 . | as wer i t aire jeter woe vce se? tine youth? b oho? Were fom? | 2 e109 Now listen tothe audio again and supply the information Veter onien tine yu ome fon? rising om the gid Blom. ty otto lok tthe text Note Donte ert ‘Tete German fr place of bth Geburtsort and for pace of | tetdence Woon Interviews B fomees [fot korme us.) GB" ywaesten toareporter ftom aGerman adiostaionashe | | | Interviews two visitors to Hanover. Then anwer the question. = t | Apart from asking the names, what other two questions does the reporter ask each person? « ——— ike fBienguese discovery + Look atthe sentences from the conversation, Notice the tderned words Which word means you? Which word means 2 We heen sic? B chee Jochen Ke INTERVIEW 1 Erasnddge i te: Gen Yo Rado Daioh en ‘enpaa Fagenstelen? rosent tate Reporter Waban Und woher kommen la? fossa Tenet henton 4 Kdtkomene cus Aachen Reporter Unc wcherteve 2. Look at the interviews to find the words to complete the fonont Iehtonme aus acer sentences, Which verb ending goes with Sle? Which verb ending E peporer Wowie etter goes with eh? roent, savectne tno. @ Und woher kommen si? Reporte Daneschon b Ietkomma———aarSttigan. os € Undwowohnaz Sle? @Ichwohne, Jetzt hier in Hannover. si Moin Name ist. Myhame is. Learn more ‘1 PERSONAL PRONOUNS ‘The personal pronouns (word for /. you, etc) in German are: ten = Me se ra {yew terma ihn ‘you tefoal Ste Joufonra) Sle Sou fora este, testet ie ter So faryouhhave met ich and Ste (he formal you). Nate that Stef written ‘with a capital lett. You willeamn about the athersin the next few units 2 VERB ENDINGS Averb normally expresses an ection or state, In German you need to eam which endings to put on the verb foreach pronoun In this unt you ‘have met the verbs helBen, kommen and wolnen. The form of the vera that you find in a dictionary or glossarys called the infinkve: eg, wohnen (to we) ‘The infinite can be divides into two parts: wehn the stem, en the tending. The endings change according to the subject used the. ich, Sie, etc). For most verbs the endings you ac with teh ond Ste are: 3 BASIC WORD ORDER Ina German sentence the wb fs usualy inthe second postion Wh ‘questions ore questions which in English start with What Who?, Where? ‘ec Hence the name Wh- questions, ven though the question How? also ‘comes into this catagory. In German these question words tend to stat. vith Ws you con see, the verb the second element in bath ofthese structures, 10 a a subjeetve® we in ie Schmit Wie helden sie tomme eus Bom, Wher kommen Sie? en wohne in Kn Wo Wohnen Sie? Practice ‘You are going to ask @ new German colleague a few questions ‘about herself, Can you get your endings right? Guten Tog, Sie bitte? 1b Wohes kemm2n Sie? Undo wohnco Sie ett, bitte? 12 Timo Schmidt is introducing himself. Fil in the missing endings. Halo, ich he = Timo Schmidt. Ich korom 2 aus Homburg, aber ich ohne jetzt n Livespo0 Pronuncation ‘0140 Hiren Sie zu und wiederholen Sie. Listen and repeat. Listen to the German words several times and try to get as close to the sounds as possible. ao CHa DC aX C Guten abenat >) ( eee ‘Mein Nameist..Myndmeis. 11 Listening and writing (Been Sie ze How many afer retings do youhear? What cre they? Make ait, @ Test yourself | Wekche Antwort poss? Which answer fis? 4 4 Giten Morgen Her Liebman z 1 Hallo, wie ist dein Name? f 2 Guten Morgen Fa Minch f 1 Hota moin Nome st ats ie heb a? 1 Teh heb Ber. 2 Ich hetBe Herr Ares ‘Auf Wieerschen und gute Nach Frau Rene. 1 Guten Morgen Her ler 2 Gute Nach Har Bie 2 Wo? Woher? oF Wie? Write inthe missing words. @ Ll heen se? & “ile wotnen Se? € “lgla=tommen Sie? 4 ist I Name? 3 -0,-en7Fillin the missing endings. a Ich hes, ‘Simone Becker Wie helB___sie? b Ichwoha In Ben. Wo woh sie? (€ Ich komm. us GroBritannien, Woher Korn — 2 14 Welche Worte fehlen? Which words are missing? ‘Wie een —? Pea — hie cen Ke, ane, (nd oher omen. —? Homie a Aachen, TCAN... ‘saywhatmy names greet samcone and say goodbye, “Trask people where they come from. sk people where use the words for and you ‘understand basic German word order, 1 Mein Name ist. My name's.

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