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Class Struggle, #126, Spring, 2018

Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018

Any red-blooded worker would hear the death
Briefs threats against Davidson and the death threats
made by Southern against African migrants (they
can drown rather than make an EU landfall) and
Speaking about Freedom want to physically stop them. Rebuilding fighting,
democratic unions is one means of uniting the
Why should Marama Davidson need a media plan to resistance. Because death threats historically are
speak the truth any more than Lauren Southern usually acted upon - look at the hundreds of
does to vilify African boat people? After all free journalists tortured or killed in Syria by Assad's
speech is universal isn't it, and censorship is a fascist regime. Also, historically, those who are
cowardly act. threatened either fight back or flee for refuge,
again as in Syria.
Bomber Bradbury, editor of The Daily Blog, argues
that it is more important for politicians to 'manage' It would be good if we understood that, and started
progress so that the ruling class cannot manipulate now to speak the most basic truths that show us
public opinion and defeat a Labour-led how to prepare for that fight and avoid the
government. otherwise inevitable flight.
Here we have a contradiction that leads to
confusion and defeat. One the one hand free medias-fault-for-covering-the-reclaiming-of-the-
speech is universal, and yet its freedom is limited c-word-fiasco/
to those with the power to distort the truth, while
the freedom of the powerless is subordinated to
economic unfreedom.
In Praise of Revolution
To resolve this contradiction and defend our right There is no inevitability that socialism must end as
to physically resist death threats, means building a bureaucracy and dictatorship like capitalism. This
resistance that can handle both ruling class media does not need a correct reading of Marx to prove,
lies as well as the rise of fascist gangs. A good though it helps to understand that. It needs a study
starting place is to recognize that 'universality' is a of the Russian revolution.
fraud in a class ridden society. It There you will find that the
is not in the class interests of
workers to be subordinated to a Lenin causes of bureaucratization
were not human nature, greed,
fake universality that covers up Bolshevik dictatorship, Lenin’s
basic unfreedoms of wage personality or any other old
labour, unpaid labour, gender, excuse to write off socialism. In
race and national oppression. fact, the revolution was
The only freedom that workers ultimately destroyed by 11
need is that which is won in the capitalist states invading,
class war against the unfreedom isolating, and otherwise
of capitalist exploitation and quarantining the SU, even if it
oppression. Free speech by the took 70 years to complete the
ruling class is paid for by the counter-revolution.
denial of such freedoms in the The Bolshevik revolution was so
working class. Logically that threatening to the capitalists
means recognizing the that they had to destroy it for
contradictory role of 'free fear that they would be next
speech' in class terms. Workers for expropriation. They
assert their democratic rights by stopped it in Germany where
organizing an independent class social democracy(!) conspired with the fascists to
movement against the suppression of democratic kill off the leadership of the Spartacists. A
rights by the ruling class and their political successful revolution would have united Russian
representatives. wheat with German tractors and spurred on the
Preparing for such resistance includes mending world revolution.
divisions in the working class along race, ethnic The failure of the German Revolution and the
and gender lines. Reclaiming "cunt" becomes part invasion and civil war destroyed much of the Soviet
of the currency of such a resistance because it economy forcing it to retreat into a reliance on the
signifies the rejection of reactionary ideas about market to revive the economy.
gender divisions in the working class.

Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
This retreat opened up the forces of capitalist unprofitable production. Making neoliberalism
counter-revolution which included the rise of a hostage to a bastardised neo-Keynesian statism.
bureaucratic layer who took over the party and the
Trump was white ‘middle class’ America’s answer
state destroying workers democracy and the
to neoliberalism gutting their jobs and lives. This
potential for socialism.
puts him at odds with US capital which makes more
Also evident to those who care to read the history, money from offshore plants in China etc than their
Lenin and the other revolutionary Bolsheviks who parent plants in the US. A trade war with China is
fought this degeneration of the revolution with all also a trade war with US investment in China (and
their power. They clearly did not make the victory the EU) which is an economic war against the US
of Stalin easy and most paid with their lives. itself.
So, while NZ was settling into a post-war white So, Trump has bought a fight with a fraction of his
settler paradise of small farmers on stolen Maori own ruling class. He knows this, and the return to
land, Russia was also undergoing a counter- Amerikan national chauvinism in the middle class
revolution based on small farmers hostile to the is his gamble to hold onto power. That is why all
revolution. his isolationist policies are designed to promote
America as a bastion of white civilization.
In both cases it was the European imperialist
powers that ultimately called the tune, nothing to
do with Marxism, or Bolshevism.
In any event, the bourgeois mythology that
capitalism is still the best bet because socialism,
you know, proved to be fatal, will be trampled in
the rush as workers decide for themselves who
rules, and what society, human nature, and
humanity itself needs. It won’t be dying capitalism
destroying everything in its path. It will be a
workers’ state based on workers’ democracy and a
socialist plan that fulfils Marx’s powerful dream.
power-homeless/ Chauvinism is the last refuge of the scoundrel

Marx on Trade Wars Trump is not mad. He is a scoundrel. He is the

Bonapartist figure that stands above the bourgeois
state as the cult leader of the petty bourgeois and
Is neo-liberalism or capitalism the cause of trade lumpenproletariat. As Congress pathetically tries
wars? Most of the liberal/social democratic left to block this or that retreat from globalization, and
blame neo-liberalism. Therefore, Trump must be a therefore the interests of the dominant finance
neo-liberal. We don’t agree. Trump is not the capital fraction of the US ruling class, Trump will
product of neoliberalism. He is one answer to resort increasingly to executive orders to rally his
neoliberalism from the proto fascist far right. support and keep the reactionary momentum for
US going.
Otherwise he would not reject the ‘globalization’
which was neo-liberals big project to export capital All this points to a new war between the US and
to restore profits at home by investing in offshore China/Russia.
production to capture cheap labour and new The question as to what the NZ military needs in
markets. such a war is the wrong question. Right now, we
Because neo-liberalism failed to stop the long-term should be rejecting all military alliances with the
US bloc or Russia/China bloc, and preparing
problem with capitalism which – despite decades of
ourselves for this threat by building strong anti-
austerity (squeezing wages to boost profits) and
fascist bonds with workers in all of these countries
destroying the Soviet Union – has exhausted its whose common interest is not to go to war or
productive capacity to return to profitable growth become nuclear fodder to a tiny ruling class that
in the developed world. will risk global destruction before they surrender
Despite being put onto the drip feed of bailouts, their wealth.
neo-liberal capitalism in the advanced capitalist
world has used the trillions to prop up its own /06/trade-war-and-depression/
falling share prices rather than invest in new

Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
Banks would vanish because who would need them
Kill Capitalism, not Yourself for a loan? A single state bank would supply state
credit without interest as with student loans.
Newsflash! NZ had 668 suicides last year. Another
record. All ages, but mainly young males and Collectives on the land which cooperate in
especially young Maori. The youth rate is the production and equalize the rewards would be the
highest in the world, reflecting mainly the terrible springboard for an Aotearoan socialism, able to
young Maori rate. The rise of suicide stats, double trade with other countries that go down the same
the annual road deaths, and the collective pain of road.
so many thousands of men, women and children The moral? Don't kill yourself. Kill capitalism, and
whose lives are ended in this way, needs a live full lives in harmony with nature and
revolutionary response. humanity.
NZ is a white settler abomination. No better today
than the 1840s when Aotearoa was invaded by land
hungry Brits, escaping the fate of industrialising
What’s left about the ‘left’?
Britain, trying to recreate the yeoman's paradise This video is taking caricature to absurdity. Gaining
with a bit of stolen land to subsist on. insight by going up your own backside.
But escaping the workhouse onto the land was With climate chaos looming, with the global
going backwards to feudalism. It kept alive the economy melting down, with poverty, oppression,
peasant mentality - look down on farm workers and repression and war, as capitalism's daily calling
Maori gang labour, and up to the big white gentry cards, let’s get serious.
homestead on the hill. It gave us our Eurocentric The ‘left’ is a term of abuse for the right, and that
racism, patriarchy and small business includes everyone from liberal to communist, and
is meaningless. Essentially it conflates capitalists
with anti-capitalists. Because liberals are polite
capitalists, while communists are rude anti-
The 'woke' left is even more meaningless. Except
as a dog whistle to label ‘alt-left’ equally as fascist
as the ‘alt right’.
We prefer ‘class consciousness'.
The only red pill that makes one class conscious is
mindlessness. the ‘red’ one of Marxism, and that means avoiding
being bogged down in liberal fetishes about
Fast forward to now. The land is dying because it’s defending bourgeois rights like free speech unless
been stolen, corporatized, capitalized and bought they help to make the billions of working people
up by the giant banks. And everything else is wage- free of the tyranny of the 1%.
slavery, self-employed slavery, work for the dole
slavery, and parasites living off rising land values The capitalists fool us into thinking that their
paid for out of workers unpaid wages. "rights" are universal, so many of us join the rat
race in this hope.
Suicide is a natural response to alienation from
nature, society and ourselves. Because if we The maverick capitalist Trumps shows us how such
cannot hold the real perpetrator of our fate - dying rights are worth to him and worthless to us. Anti-
capitalism - responsible, we are powerless to capitalists have to take those rights from the
change our circumstances and our actions self- capitalists who use them to trap us inside their
implode in interpersonal abuse. In the end those dying system.
who cannot live with using and abusing others, take But that means they cease to be bourgeois rights
the little power they have left, to blame ourselves and become workers’ rights. Like the workers right
and abuse ourselves to death. to a job on a living income, decent affordable
Acknowledge the real perpetrator. Return to health, education and housing, and the right to live
nature, nationalize the land, make the Maori right in a healthy, sustainable environment.
of usage the basis for leaseholds. It you don't use it None of which capitalism can deliver us, but which
sustainably and for the benefits of the collective, the end of capitalism can give as a fighting chance
democratically defined, then risk losing it to those to make for ourselves.
who can. Use it or lose it.

Crime: Labour tries for system reboot
Labour had a plan to repeal the ‘three-strike law’ but couldn’t get coalition support
from the NZ first party to pass it. But it fails to provide any leadership on justice
matters. Instead Labour wants to build support with public meetings and expert
opinion, a “Criminal justice summit”, reports from the chief science advisor, and a
specialist advisory panel. These are the tools the Minister of Justice Andrew Little
is using to try to move public opinion away from the right wing, senseless sentencing
trust ‘tough on crime’ failed approach. It’s not working because the Coalition
Government is frightened of upsetting red-neck voters and the ‘victims’ of crime.
Criminal Justice prisoner statistics that are gathered; more
frequently under-represented by under-resourced
The Criminal Justice Summit has been an exercise
lawyers, and over-represented in convictions and
to soften up public opinion for options and
getting longer sentences. A claim has been taken to
“solutions” to the economic burden of paying for
the Waitangi tribunal on police bias on all the police
prisons and the whole (Orwellian named) “justice”
decisions before court appearance. While Waitangi
and “corrections” services. The Minister of Justice
claims may document the problem and describe the
appointed a specialist advisory panel to develop
current statistics, it will be more difficult to make
Their task: how to reduce a 60% re-offending rate
We would argue that as well as race-based bias,
within 2 years of release from prison. But the
there is a class bias in at all levels of the
problem means also shifting “public opinion” from
policing/justice/corrections system. At the end of
a moral judgement of crime and a reliance on
the day these social structures defend the interests
punishment which sates anger with revenge.
of the capitalist class and so are tools to contain
Already expanded programmes of restorative workers’ struggle. And that is why the majority of
justice and Marae-based justice process are being prisoners are sentenced as unemployed with drug
expanded. “Offenders” meet with the “victims” of habits and associated mental health problems.
crime and face the impact of their actions with
Abolish prisons
opportunities to make restitution.
One measure of how much capitalist society is
The Chief science advisor reports into justice
failing is the large size of prison populations.
system and youth offending are likewise criticisms
Unemployment, casualisation, long hours, end of
of the current approach. It is astounding NZ has got
overtime, weak unions and poverty pay, lack of dry,
itself into the position of sentencing 800yrs worth
affordable housing and adequate health services,
of expected time served each year in 2016 and
and poor health and safety, all point to the real
2017. And that is only the methamphetamine
causes of crime.
related sentencing. Costing over $100,000 per year
per prisoner, this option is clearly unsustainable No wonder that large sections of the working class
from a financial point of view. become becomes frustrated, angry and need to
resort to “crime” to survive, provide for their
And from the point of view of addressing a
family, or take drugs to escape the harshness of
methamphetamine problem it has failed to curtail
capitalist life and work.
the availability of methamphetamine, if anything
price per gram has been dropping. Jail doesn’t work A socialist programme would reduce the working
to reduce “crime” or “offending”. week until full employment is with no reduction in
take home pay; real jobs on living wages with
A trial drug court programme is so limited it is only
enough recreation time. That would eliminate the
for offences under a 2-year limit which doesn’t
incentives to commit property crime or deal in
meet the sentences with a 5-year minimum on
possession of more than 5 grams class A drugs like
methamphetamine which tips automatically into We also need to build real housing solutions – truly
supply. affordable; not double bunked prisons. We call for
workers councils to set the controls on alcohol and
Government under pressure from Maori
drug supply – neither gangs and nor capitalist
Typical of colonised and oppressed peoples, Maori corporations. We oppose capitalist interests in
are over-represented within all criminal and
Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
prisons or corrections programmes – take back Wiri Marijuana; Blacks were blamed (and
Men’s prison from Serco management. imprisoned) for crack cocaine; and poor whites,
“trailer trash”, were blamed (and imprisoned) for
Workers control of drug supply
During the Russian revolution 1918-1920 the
“2001, Portugal became the first country in the
counter-revolutionaries sent train loads of wine to
world to decriminalise possession of all drugs. Users
the red army soldiers in an effort to sabotage their
caught with small amounts of drugs, less than a 10-
ability to fight. The revolutionaries had to empty
day supply, are not arrested or charged, but offered
the wine and some of the rich houses cellars of
treatment. In December Norway's Parliament also
alcohol to avoid the risk of the army getting
voted to decriminalise drugs.” Five Good Reasons…
We say that legislative change to drug laws is still
Support to decriminalise drugs –former cops and
about regulating and controlling the working class.
lawyers see the sense in stopping the “war on
drugs”. Lawyers suggest decriminalising drugs – “Calls to regulate, decriminalise or to legalise
including methamphetamine. Former Prime drugs all rely on parliament to change laws. This
Minister’s see the sense of a change from fails to increase the power of the working class.
punishment towards health and social services. Instead diverts the struggle for freedom from
police oppression (the state) back into the
We say this is a not a war on drugs and never has capitalist state at another level: - parliament and
been. It was and always has been a war on law making. It limits the debate to legal status.”
working class people who use drugs. In the USA, Class Struggle
Mexicans were blamed (and imprisoned) for

Nurses: Sorry Dear, Strikes are Off

Just when the Nurses had mobilized their ranks to stand firm on the demands that
they made to meet their urgent needs, The Daily Blog (TDB) is producing posts
attacking them for failing to strike against National when in government, and for
exposing the Coalition to right wing charges that it cannot control the unions.

Martyn Bradbury and acted as the agents of

Chris Trotter both take the bosses in the union
this line. Trotter is a movement.
long-time defender of
It was the most radical
socialist ‘realism’
unions, such as Martyn
which boils down to
lauds, with strong rank
workers taking only
and file democracy –
what bosses can afford
the miners, Wharfies,
to pay. They both seem
railway workers,
to be suffering from
construction workers
historical amnesia in
etc., that challenged
demanding that Nurses
the union bureaucracy
should settle and wait
and broke with the
for the Council of
state arbitration
Trades Unions (CTU) to organize a deal with the
courts in 1908 to form the Red Federation.
Coalition that benefits all workers. Strikes are off
dear. That led to a showdown at Waihi and the general
strike in 1913 smashed by Massey’s Cossacks
The ranks of all the public sector unions are due (farmers as special cops) and the military. The
massive wage increases to catch up with the deficit infamous Labour Party was formed in 1916 to steer
of the last few decades at least since the 1980s. The the now tamed labour movement onto the
union leadership that holds back workers to serve parliamentary road to avoid future open class
the bosses are the problem, not the workers. warfare.
Throughout modern history the union leadership has

Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
But workers and poor farmers were still a force and This philosophy of state arbitration has underpinned
their protests and struggles during the depression Labour’s approach to industrial relations from the
forced the first Labour Govt in 1936 to enact a start, and every Labour Govt has tried to keep it in
reform program to insulate the economy and place. It required a balancing act between labour
provide social security. Of course, that didn’t stop and capital regulated by the state. It was broken by
Empire-loyalist Labour from turning on the unions National for the first time in 1991 with the ECA
during the war and after the war when workers deregulation of the labour market, and the
fought for better conditions. abolition of compulsory unionism.
Labour’s colours changed from pink to puce The Clark Labour Govt partially restored the key
(dragging the red flag in the mud) with the mood of role of state intervention by amending the ECA with
the bosses. It sent workers to the imperialist war the Employment Relations Act (ERA) in the 2000s to
and subordinated labour to the Cold War falling in shift the balance back slightly toward the unions.
behind the US ‘new world order’. But membership remained voluntary and the unions
never recovered their former influence.
Then it was the wharfies locked out in 1951, and
their allied unions (mostly ex-Red Fed) strike action National jerked that balance back towards the
in support, which forced the Labour Party into a bosses under the Key regime, pushing individual
passive bloc with the National Govt which also used contracts, excluding unions, 90-day fire at will etc.
emergency regulations and the military to smash So while the Nurses who went on strike in 1991
the lockout after 151 days. That split the labour against the NACTs ECA to defend their own pay and
movement with the breakaway Trades Union conditions, when the union movement was in a
Council (TUC) under Jock Barnes outlawed from the much better condition to mobilise for a general
Federation of Labour (FOL) under the sell-out rat FP strike, doing the same against the Key Regime 17
Walsh. years later had many barriers to overcome.
One of the prominent wharfies victimized after the If TDB wants to blame Nurses for their failure to
’51 defeat, Bill Andersen, ended up a leader of the strike then, rather than now, and to stop being
union movement in Auckland. He used to say that selfish and settle, the first to blame is the Labour
after ’51 the unions clung to the Labour Party Party that has used the union bureaucracy to
because it was the only party able to help workers. maintain the historic deal that rewards labor only if
The deal was better conditions for industrial peace. capital can afford it.
So strikes were OK against National but not Labour.
Since this paternalist state regulated approach has
Andersen admitted after 1991, when National repeatedly failed to meet the needs of workers, and
brought in the Employment Contracts Act (ECA) in a prevented any real shift of power in favour of
deal with CTU head Ken Douglas to block a general workers who produce the wealth, putting profits
strike, that he had been mistaken in calling off the first and wages last, why should workers remain
industrial action at Marsden Point in 1984 to help a trapped in that antiquated industrial relations
Labour victory. The union pressure should have system?
been maintained against what turned out to be an
What is being advocating is the same old state
extreme right Labour Govt.
arbitration that serves the interests of capital that
Relying on handouts from Labour by maintaining has been kept alive in some form since 1894. The
industrial peace weakened the unions, and turned Coalition is obviously going to rebore the Act in the
them into beggars not fighters. To rub it in, Douglas’ form of new state conciliation and arbitration
justified his refusal to act on the majority union mechanisms.
vote for a general strike in 1991 to stop the Act,
If the nurses fall for the excuse that the Labour
saying “he could work with both Labour and
Coalition is constrained by fiscal responsibility to
offer no more than the present offer, they may get
Douglas later stated his rationale for the existence something, but the unfair system of industrial
of unions – to increase labour- productivity so that relations will not be challenged.
it could then be fairly shared by labour and capital.
The class collaboration of the Labour Party to pacify
In other words, Douglas was echoing the philosophy
workers in the interests of profits will not be
of Labourism from the time of the Industrial
challenged. The sell-out role of the labour
Conciliation and Arbitration Act (IC&A Act) of 1894,
bureaucracy in bed with the politicians will not be
introduced to conciliate (class collaboration) and
challenged. Fiscal responsibility which is being used
arbitrate (the Court made wage ‘awards’ provided
by the Coalition to ration out spending that does not
the economy and the bosses could afford them)
put pressure on profits will not be challenged.
wages claims and disputes.

Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
Most of all, 100 years after the defeat of the Red to seriously challenge the status quo. A death
Fed, the pacification of the labour movement by sentence for the biosphere and our species.
the formation of the Labour Party, will not be
Such radical change can only come from
challenged. It’s clear that whatever the Coalition
organized labour which has the power to
wants to do it is surrounded by well-established
challenge the death wish of capital. And the
capitalist institutions that will fight to the death
revival of the unions as the economic power
to make workers pay for the failing of their
house of labour is the means.
capitalist system. No more so that climate
change. That will not happen until workers fight for what
they need now by striking for basic social
Climate change ‘changes everything’ as Naomi Klein
reforms, rejecting state labour regulation, and
put it. Sustainable economic growth, renewable
uniting all strikes and struggles into one massive
energy, reversal of climate change is a precondition
workers movement that takes power out of the
of social security. It will not come from any
hands of capitalists and puts it in the hands of
government with both feet in the camp of finance
working people.
capital which speaks out of both corners of its
mouth, while climate change dooms us all.
Moreover, as the global crisis hits and climate
catastrophe comes closer, no capitalist govt is going

Nurses brought to heel for a 3 years term?
The collective agreement won by Nurses is therefore allowing independence of thought.
actually a truce in what is an ongoing class This has exposed the leadership of NZNO and
struggle – a struggle for working nurses to get apologists for Labour Party weak settlement
paid enough to survive; for enough time and and sources of strength to take on that mis-
adequate nursing to patient resources to heal leadership.
effectively the public (working class) who need The next steps:
public health services. Some admit that there
is a two-tier health system, those with • For frontline nurses’ control of the
insurance can jump the queues for public NZNO: replace the sellout bureaucrats!
health services, and access private health • For frontline workers control of Health
providers. & Safety; including actions to close
beds where staffing is inadequate –
The nurses came to the fight this negotiation
such as the PSA members did with
round. By starting with internet-based
Mental health beds at North Shore
communicating both to each other and publicly
Hospital’s mental health unit.
nurses were able to share the reality of
frontline work. And this exposed that the NZNO • Cut the umbilical cord: End the
negotiation team was out of touch with the affiliation to the Labour Party. Labour
needs of frontline nurses. betrayed nurses and all labour by not
providing enough to meet nursing
Nurses were able to document and confirm the needs; and by continuing to allow the
reality of understaffing and the dangerous two-tier health system. Labour
positions it puts working nurses into. And online continue to let private providers
communication among the frontline workers undermine public health services.
and further research has been useful for • For a publicly owned free, universal
developing an analysis of the problems that health system!
need to be solved, and alternative solutions (for • Expropriate private hospitals under
example not CCDM but Patient ratios). health workers control to meet the
Out of the struggle and continued online needs of workers on public waitlists.
communication, nurses have built activist End the queue jumping two-tiered
networks. Those networks are a communication system and expropriate the health
channel outside of official union control, insurer’s profits.

How Marxists fight Fascism in Aotearoa
Today, capitalism is dying and is thrashing about destroying everything it touches.
It deserves to die, but not to take us with it. Fascism is the political response of last
resort against the overthrow of capitalism by the working class. It will not give up
its fight peacefully, logically, rationally, resorting to undemocratic and illegal
actions, wars and genocide. Fascism is back on the agenda with a vengeance. Not
merely because two Canadian ‘alt-right’ activists want to spread their message in
Aotearoa. Of course, ‘alt-right’ is a euphemism for fascism. And when someone
actively attempts to stop refugees from Africa and the Middle East from reaching
Europe by attacking their boats there is no denying fascism as ‘alt-right’.

Today, capitalism is dying and is thrashing about supports fascism in defending capitalism against
destroying everything it touches. It deserves to die, socialist revolution. Since social democracy
but not to take us with it. prefers fascism to communism the Communists
were isolated. Fascists even appealed to workers
Fascism is the political response of last resort
and declassed petty bourgeois as ‘socialist’ to
against the overthrow of capitalism by the
deceive them.
working class. It will not give up its fight
peacefully, logically, rationally, resorting to Fascism is the militant, violent, undemocratic and
undemocratic and illegal actions, wars and unlawful instrument of brutal bourgeois class rule.
genocide. It doesn’t defend bourgeois freedoms even while it
attempts to hide behind them. Its main purpose is
Yet it wants its class enemy to fight peacefully and
to smash the working class as the only class that can
respect bourgeois human rights – including ‘free
overthrow capitalism and build a new society free
speech’. Never mind the right to life of African
from exploitation and oppression.
refugees. It wants fascism to be normalized as just
another ideology that deserves equality before the Therefore, since we must learn from history or die,
law. Meanwhile it builds and organizes a reactionary it is stupid to ignore that lesson and fall for the ploy
social movement against refugee rights, workers’ that fascism is somehow an aberration that is
rights and socialist revolution. equally at home on the ‘alt-right’ and ‘alt- left’
against the law-abiding, pacifist, moderate middle.
The denial of a platform to fascists is a longstanding
That is to separate the symptoms of fascism from
question, first raised with the rise of the fascist
its cause.
movement in Germany in 1920, rapidly followed by
Italy and then Spain. If you look at these movements The only language that fascists understand is that
its clear that they took advantage of the pacifism of force – class force. Either they use that force
and disorganization of the workers to put up against us and win the class war, or we organize
resistance to its armed shock troops. our own class force and defeat fascism in its
embryo before it gains the upper hand.
Remember Visconti’s film, The Leopard, set in Italy
during the 1920s. The communists were a powerful Marxists do not call on the bourgeois state to ban
political force but no match for armed fascist bands fascists because we have learned that historically
that attacked their union halls and murdered labour the state sides with fascism to smash the working
leaders defeating their movement. class. We organize as a class to use every bourgeois
freedom that advances our class interests in
In Germany the same methods were used to
socialism. That is why we do not fetishize ‘freedom
weaken, divide and destroy the labour movement.
of speech’ when it disarms us in the face of the rise
Revolutionary leaders like Rosa Luxemburg and Karl
of fascism.
Liebknecht were assassinated and workers armed
uprisings put down. Those who want to survive capitalism’s decline
The fascists succeeded because workers were and fall need to work out where their class
divided along ideological lines. Social Democracy allegiance lies now before it is too late, and build
was committed to parliamentary socialism and a working class anti-fascist movement to defeat
the rule of law. It looked to the state to protect fascism on the streets.
them from fascists, denying the fact that the state
The Helsinki Deal and the American Empire
There is a lot of confusion about Trump's behavior in Helsinki. Is he crazy, a
traitor, or dupe of Putin? Nah. It's not that hard. As Escobar says, it’s still about
the Great Game for Eurasia. Trump is picking a fight with China which is the
main economic threat to US imperialism. China has said it will ignore the
sanctions on Iran. Trump wants to test the loyalty of Putin to Xi in the hope of
weakening the China/Russia bloc. He wants a new deal.

The confusion is In December 1941, the

compounded by making US reacted to Japan’s
this about Trump-the- attack on Pearl Harbor.
man and not US national But by this time the US
interests. It's not an was the dominant global
oligarch love fest. It’s power and assumed that
not about the world role in framing the post-
conspiracy of White war settlement at
Supremacists or about Yalta.
Trump’s private business
The dominant US
empire. It’s about the
occupied Europe and
future of the US Empire.
Japan setting the terms
But empires are passé of the peace by forming
you might say, thinking about historical examples a military ring around the USSR and soon-to-be
like Ancient Greece or Ancient China. You would be ‘Red’ China. US isolationism was over and the epoch
wrong. Empire today means a capitalist empire of US as the global hegemonic power began. The
which has its own special characteristics that can be mission of the post-WW2 US imperialism was to
summed up as ‘state monopoly capitalism’. defeat the USSR and China and add them to its
global domain.
As the main capitalist nations industrialized in the
19th century, they grew too big for their national Yet despite its steel ring around Eurasia and the
markets and began to evolve strong states to ‘cold war’, which eventually brought the USSR and
aggressively expand at the expense of their rival China to their knees in the 1990s, neither the US nor
empires. They had to export capital to escape its EU and Japanese ‘allies’ succeeded in converting
falling profits at home. The object was to grab them into neo-colonies. On the contrary they re-
global resources and markets from their colonies to entered the global capitalist economy largely on
boost their profits by any means necessary including their own terms.
trade wars and military wars.
Decades of bureaucratic state planning allowed
The template was set early in the 20th century as both Russia and China to develop the centralized
the Great Game between capitalist imperialist state economies able to resist penetration and
Britain and feudal imperialist Russia for control of domination by the Western imperialist powers. The
Eurasia and then the world! It was the rivalry usual methods of imperialist penetration of capital
between the European powers to re-divide the to subordinate weaker powers to Western finance
colonial world that led directly to World War 1. capital came up against well buttressed state
Britain and France had stolen a march on their rivals capitalist regimes. Military domination was
pouring capital into pre-capitalist Russia leaving checkmated by nuclear weapons. Both Russia and
Germany and Japan behind the game. China emerged as new imperialist powers
threatening to limit and even challenge US
World War 1 did not resolve this clash of interests –
the Russian Revolution created the Soviet Union,
and the draconian peace terms imposed on The US responded by doubling down on its
Germany created deep resentments which led aggressive expansionism as the neo-conservatives
ultimately to World War 2. pushed for war with Russia and China to contain the
‘red menace’. From Reagan to Bush Junior, NATO
In both wars the US remained isolationist until its
expanded to the Russian borders, but this together
economic interests were directly threatened. In
with wars against Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran failed
April 1917 the US reacted to the loss of its merchant
to isolate the Russia/China bloc. In the East, the
ships to German submarines, and the threat of
Mexico joining the Axis.
Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
ring of military bases around China from Japan to from military aggression and can realize its national
Guam was reinforced. interests in such a peace pact.
All failed to break down the political and economic Yet this is misreading the nature of imperialism as
barriers to Western imperialist penetration and outlined above and assumes that with good advice
domination. The neo-conservative mission to Trump can join with Putin and Xi Jinping in a new
recover Eurasia had timed out. Obama’s ‘Pacific epoch of world peace. This would mean that the
Pivot’ was largely a propaganda exercise. history of wars over the last two centuries were the
results of bad leadership and that all that is needed
Under Obama, the US Democrats pulled back on
is some good leadership.
expensive military invasions, in preference for
limited special ops adventures, standing by while Here the author indulging in magical thinking in
both Russia and China expanded their imperialist place of the reality that imperialist powers cannot
spheres of influence in Europe, Asia, Africa and survive in rational Kissinger-type ‘win-win’ deals
Latin America. but must defeat their rivals to survive the ‘zero-
sum’ game.
With the neoconservatives seething over the
Ukraine and the Democrats stuck in the swamp of It fails not only to account for the underlying US
unresolved conflicts, neither could halt the erosion economic expansionism that pushed Presidents like
of US hegemony. Along came Donald Trump as a Wilson and Truman from isolation towards
cartoon amalgam of former US presidents both globalism. It also misunderstands Putin’s and Xi’s
isolationist and expansionist to make America Great imperialist interests in promoting their ‘globalist’
Again. His brief was to drop the failed policies of policies.
the neo-conservatives and the globalisation of the
And it misreads Trump’s own ‘strategy’ of seeking
Democrats by balancing the costs and benefits of
new methods of restoring America’s greatness by
imperialist hegemony in a period of global capitalist
penetrating and dominating its rivals. One can only
terminal crisis.
understand his policy moves towards other
As Michael Klare on “Trumps Grand Strategy” imperialist powers and other nations as designed to
points out, this brief fitted with the Russian and reduce the costs and boost the gains of the US
Chinese plan for a tripolar world. Empire.
Klare argues that Trump for all his bizarre behavior So, for Trump it’s about how much of the globe you
is into a serious bid to solve US imperialism’s can still dominate by making weaker states and the
problems by joining the Putin and Xi in a trilateral worlds' workers pay for the declining US economy.
deal between Russia, China and the US. His intervention over Brexit shows he wants the UK
out of EU so he can weaken both. He wants to force
He thinks that there is nothing stopping the US from
a re-alignment of his former 'allies' and 'foes' to see
ending both neo-liberal and Democratic
how US can come out on top.
‘imperialism’ as bad policy options, and that with
the ‘good will’ of Putin and Xi Jinping could Specifically, he is testing Putin on his alliance with
persuade the US to join this deal to end the threat China to see if he can weaken it and play them off
of nuclear war. against each other. Iran is likely to be a big test, as
China is ignoring US sanctions. The EU has caved on
“However ironic it might seem, this is, of course,
US pressure to observe the sanctions. Will Putin
the gist of the Sino-Russian tripolar model as
follow or offer a hand to the EU to evade the
embraced and embellished by Donald Trump. It
sanctions? The latter is most likely as Iran is now
envisions a world of constant military and economic
part of the Security Cooperation Organization- the
contention among three regional power centers,
Eurasian military bloc led by Russia and China.
generating crises of various sorts, but not outright
war. It assumes that the leaders of those three Can they reach agreement on the Middle East? The
centers will cooperate on matters affecting them Syrian revolution has seen a realignment of the
all, such as terrorism, and negotiate as necessary great powers. The US bloc has been reduced to
to prevent minor skirmishes from erupting into Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Russia/China bloc now
major battles.” includes Syria, Turkey, Iran and Qatar. Al Monitor
has a theory that Trump is subcontracting the Syrian
This left-liberal analysis, drawing on Henry war to Russia to allow a US disengagement.
Kissinger, at least gives Trump the credit for having
a geopolitical strategy. But it is limited by its focus “Maxim Sukov reports that “prior to the Helsinki
on geopolitics separated from the laws of capitalist meeting, Russia had been expected to deliver
economics. It does not trace Trump’s ‘strategy’ primarily three things: guarantee Israel’s security
back to the limits of US of post WW2 economic from what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees
expansion and assumes that it has nothing to gain as a growing Iranian presence on the Syrian-Israeli
Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
border, curb Iranian influence in the rest of Syria be no benign tripolar deal that unites Israel and Iran
and open up to some kind of engagement with the any more than their imperialist backers. Facing an
United States and interested European states — all unstable crisis ridden global economy the rival
to ensure America’s own military pullout from imperialisms are inevitably locked into a “zero-
Syria. Hence, the statements and moves Russian sum” game.
officials have made in the few days following the
Today it is between the declining US and a reborn
Helsinki meeting are meant to signal that Moscow
Russian empire, in a bloc with the new Chinese
has been delivering on what appears to have been
empire, with the EU powers pulled in two both
its promises to each party: security for Israel,
directions. The imperialist powers are driven by
cooperation with Iran and engagement with the
falling profits into trade and military wars which
download their crises of falling profits onto the
This may be one part of the new tripolar deal. But backs of their rivals and everywhere onto the backs
what’s in it for the US? Will Kurdistan be traded for of the working people. Workers everywhere must
a united Korea on terms set by Trump? And how will organize internationally to get ahead of the game
the two rival blocs deal with the current threat of a and fight all such imperialist maneuvers.
working class uprising in Iraq? Can that be managed
Protesting Trump is a start, but it will go nowhere
as part of a Tripolar world? Certainly, they will
unless it becomes a global anti-imperialist
collaborate in suppressing any renewed Arab
movement against all imperialist trade wars, hot
revolution as part of the war on terror. But such
wars, genocides, climate collapse, and for a global
regional cooperation cannot survive any real test of
socialist revolution. And for that to happen we all
the core interests of the rival great powers.
need to wake up and realise that for humanity to
This, as ever, is the Great Game between the great live, capitalism and all of its destruction to lives and
powers. It cannot be a “win-win” game. There can planet, must die.

Brazil: Elections 2018: a critical vote in the PSTU

For workers' committees that stand candidates against the Popular Front!
Brazil is heading for the most unstable and their living conditions. Today, after 14 years of PT
unpredictable elections since the country's re- government that has faithfully applied the neo-
democratization and the candidates are beginning liberal policies of imperialism, the PT continues
to campaign for victory in October. with its reformist policy and popularist Front of
alliances with the bourgeoisie, as shown by the
Brazil is experiencing its greatest economic,
party's alliances with the "colonel" of politics, Renan
political and social crisis, showing that the current
Calheiros, and several other examples from Brazil.
global crisis of capitalism has hit the country and
that it was not a "marolinha" as Lula said, but a The polarity between the traditional right
tsunami. The end of the international economic represented by the PSDB and the left by the PT of
boom, of selling commodities to China and bountiful the last 24 years may be coming to an end, the
credit, is over. The PT could no longer keep growth of Bonapartism through Bolsonaro's
concessions for the working class and the Dilma candidacy and fascism with those who defend a
government was hit directly by the crisis and the military coup is a sign. The crisis that we live affirms
popular discontent it generated. This weariness the necessity of independent organization of the
continues in the Temer government. Dilma and the working class for a revolutionary and socialist
PT denied the existence of the global crisis of outcome.
capitalism and ended up taking a "blow" from their
The left is also divided for these elections. PSOL
own bourgeois allies who said that the cause of the
presents itself with the candidacy of Boulos and an
crisis was the PT. The bourgeoisie today is divided
openly reformist program and Popular Front; the
and affected by popular discontent and
platform "VAMOS", built in a Front with several
denunciations of corruption, immersed in a political
bourgeois parties, such as PDT. Boulos and PSOL
crisis and the need to attack the working class as a
present themselves as the great saviors and
way to "solve" the crisis.
reformers of the rotten capitalism in its terminal
After the dictatorship, the PT spent 20 years crisis. Boulos / PSOL are today one of the greatest
deceiving the working class that a solution to the defenders of the PT and the Popular Front, that is,
bourgeois elections, electing Lula president, would of the alliance with "progressive" sectors of the
be the solution for the working class to improve bourgeoisie, as a form of struggle against fascism.
Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
The Popular Front is not able to fight against The reformist left, such as the PSOL replaces the
fascism and a coup d'état in the country, on the working-class independent power with bourgeois
contrary, it divides the workers and opens the democracy and positions in parliament. In place of
way for fascism. Lula's defense and the narrative the direct and independent struggle of the class the
that there was a coup d'état in Brazil, disarms the PSTU substitutes support for the union bureaucracy.
class for the fight against a real coup. Therefore, it is only hypocrisy when the PSTU
criticizes the union bureaucracy of the plants and
The PSTU launched Vera's candidacy, without
joins them in bureaucratic blocs with the
coalitions. The PSTU did not campaign strongly for
justification that these are necessary as a "stage" of
a Left Front as it had in previous elections in which
the workers' struggle. This genuine People's Front
it had been an important element in raising
among bureaucracies is not a necessary stage, but
awareness of left-wing activists and activists in
an obstacle to the independent and democratic
Brazil that no alliances with the bourgeoisie should
organization of the workers: committees for
be made. The PSTU says that it is against alliances
workplaces, self-defense committees, the Single
with the bourgeoisie in the elections, and we agree.
Front and the General Strike.
But in the union movement and in the workers'
struggles they defend any kind of alliances with the The Brazilian working class is tired, cannot stand
union bureaucracy and the bourgeoisie, which they the terrible conditions of life and work. Despite the
justify as not being a Front but as a "unity of action". great popular discontent with the government and
parliament, and the growing discredit in the
For us, the reason for not having the left front with
elections, they still do not see an alternative
the PSOL is not because of the principle of class
outside bourgeois democracy. But anyone who wins
independence or the fact that PSOL is defending a
the election will need to deepen attacks on the
Popular Front program, but because of PSTU
working class as an "exit" from the capitalist crisis.
sectarianism with PSOL and because of electoral
The Social Security Reform, cuts in public spending,
opportunism. The PSTU electoral program calls for
privatizations and ruling class exploitation are the
a "rebellion", not a revolution anymore.
main and real agenda of the parties there.
In 2013, when radical youth rebelled against the
That is why we defend the Critical Vote for the
increase in public transport fares and led to the
PSTU, which is a bourgeois workers’ party that is not
great demonstrations known as the "June Days",
allied with any sector of the bourgeoisie. Why
the PSTU published the infamous "No More Black
critical? Precisely because despite presenting a
Blocs!" Note that they actually criminalized rebel
candidacy without alliances with the bourgeoisie,
youth, which the media and the government
its program starts to defend a "rebellion" and not
called "vandals."
the necessary socialist Revolution. Their methods
It was in the heat of the Days of June 2013 that the are not the independent organization of the class
PSTU inaugurated the bureaucratic block between with committees by workplace, committees of self-
the directions of the trade union centrals, which defense and the General Revolutionary Strike, but
still exists today. From the Days in 2013 to the fight bureaucratic methods of alliance with the
against the World Cup in 2014 there were numerous opportunist leaderships of the trade union
strikes by all sectors of the working class and the movement.
clamor for a General Strike was strong. This
pressure for the general strike was what led to the • For the nationalization of banks and large
formation of the bureaucratic bloc between the companies, without compensation and
union leaderships at the power plants that until with workers control!
today derails the general strike in favor of a • For non-payment of public debt and a
"National Day of Mobilizations". public works plan that meets the needs of
workers and poor people!
The true Single Front that was formed in the course • In the 2018 elections, support for workers'
of the struggles, such as the Block of Fights in Porto committees that launch their candidates
Alegre, the Fight Forum in RJ, the single front of as tribunes of program against the Popular
students occupying schools in 2016 or the fronts Front!
during the workers' strikes were destroyed by the • For a Congress of Workers elected by rank-
opportunist leaderships and supported by the PSTU, and-file committees to discuss and decide
which, while it boycotted the united front and the course of the fight!
independent organization in the battles, it also • For a revolutionary party to organize the
joined the bureaucratic blocs where the direction vanguard of the workers!
of the movement was decided between four walls. • For a government of Workers' Councils!
For a Socialist Brazil!

Review of Mieville: The Story of October.
Part 5: Conclusion: October Today
At the time Lenin wrote Our Revolution, January … When things have reached the point of armed
1923, the situation was difficult but not ‘hopeless’. insurrection, events are to be measured not by the
Capitalism in its imperialist ‘final stage’ had long yardstick of politics, but b6 the short yardstick
exhausted its ‘historic mission’ to prepare the way of war. To lose several weeks, several days, and
for socialism and was destroying the forces of sometimes a single day, is tantamount under
production including the lives of millions of certain conditions to the surrender of the
workers. The war had mobilized armed workers in revolution, to capitulation. Had Lenin not sounded
the struggle to re-partition the world but this had the alarm, had there not been all this pressure and
created the objective conditions for proletarian criticism on his part, had it not been for his intense
revolution. and passionate revolutionary mistrust, the party
would probably have failed to align its front at the
All that was needed to turn this revolutionary
decisive moment, for the opposition among the
situation into victorious revolution was the class-
party leaders was very strong, and the staff plays a
conscious proletariat and a vanguard party to lead
major role in all wars, including civil wars.”
it. The German revolution had been betrayed by
social democracy, yet failed ultimately because Miéville’s ‘strange story’ is well told, but his
there was no Bolshevik-type mass party capable of interpretation of events is limited by his inclination
leading it to victory. The result was that the to attribute “failures and crimes” to the Bolsheviks
European proletariat was now confronted with a (and in particular Lenin) who took responsibility for
rising fascist movement. that revolution, rather than those global players
who worked to destroy it, and sought to excuse
The Russian Revolution survived the civil war but at
their own marginal or counter-revolutionary role.
a huge cost. The revolutionary proletariat was
weakened, Lenin was on his sickbed, and Stalin was Yet as we have argued here, the Bolsheviks could
moving to concentrate power in the bureaucracy. not be ‘blamed’ for the ‘one-party’ state without
But there was not the slightest suggestion that Lenin putting bourgeois democracy ahead of proletarian
was viewing the situation in Russia as more than a democracy. For that ‘one party’ was the only one
‘tactical retreat’ (NEP) necessary to construct the that represented the ‘historical’ and ‘international’
socialist order, nor did he doubt the upwards interests of the revolutionary class – the proletariat.
trajectory of the international revolution.
The construction of socialism in Russia always
Towards the end of his life, Lenin began to turn to depended on a victorious German revolution,
the East for new revolutions that would follow betrayed by the petty bourgeois ‘culture’ of social-
Russia’s lead. In his ‘Last Will and Testament’ he democracy in league with fascists. ‘State
called on Trotsky to remove Stalin and the capitalism’ was not a betrayal of the revolution but
bureaucracy from power and re-arm the revolution a Marxist grasp on the reality that a Workers State
in the cause of international revolution. in a backward country must take advantage of the
latest technical developments of capitalist
Against all his detractors, who paint Lenin as an
production to create the pre-conditions for
authoritarian, or ‘dictator’, who substitutes his
socialism. The Bolsheviks were not to blame for the
‘will’ for that of the proletariat, the party even,
'mistakes and shortcomings' of the revolution. We
Trotsky, in Lessons of October, sums up Lenin’s role
put that blame where it belongs, on the bourgeois
in forcing the pace of revolution with his constant
and petty-bourgeois counter-revolutionaries.
interventions, in particular the letters from exile
with which he bombards the Central Committee: Without the Bolsheviks, and without Lenin, there
would have been no socialist revolution. Russia
“All these letters, every sentence of which was
would have become a semi-colony of France and
forged on the anvil of revolution, are of
Britain, and there would be no ‘lessons of the
exceptional value in that they serve both to
October’ to inspire and guide revolutionaries for
characterize Lenin and to provide an estimate of
another century onwards towards the only solution
the situation at the time. The basic and all-
for the survival of our civilization, the international
pervasive thought expressed in them is – anger,
socialist revolution. The main lesson that we must
protest, and indignation against a fatalistic,
take from October, today, is to promote Marxism
temporizing, social democratic, Menshevik attitude
and build the Bolshevik party and program as our
to revolution, as if the latter were an endless film
guide in making that global revolution.
Reclaiming Marx: Part Two – Marxism after Marx
For Marx, even the best theory, without the Party testing it in the class struggle,
was worthless dogma. The fusing of theory and practice demands a program that is
tested by the Communist Party in the class struggle. In his lifetime, the revolutions
of 1848 and the Paris Commune of 1871 were the most important practical tests
that produced lessons requiring revisions of the program. By 1850, the proletariat
had succeeded the now reactionary bourgeoisie as the revolutionary class. The
bourgeois revolution could be advanced only by the proletarian revolution – the
permanent revolution.
The Commune put this to the test. Its defeat Not only did this show that workers wage
strengthened the bourgeois counter-revolution and demands did not cause crises, rather it exposed
the impact of reformism on the workers’ the fact that capital could not exploit workers
movement. It proved that the bourgeois state had enough to prevent recurring crises.
to be smashed and replaced by a workers’ state.
Therefore, workers had to understand Marx to
Failure to learn these lessons frustrated Marx and
recognize that capitalist crises cannot end
his Critique of the Gotha Program in 1875 was a
capitalism; it has to be overthrown. Engels’
declaration of his Marxism against those who
determination to make Marxism comprehensible to
revised it by succumbing to bourgeois reforms.
ordinary workers, has seen him belittled as a
This statement made a few months before his death ‘popularizer’ of Marx. Was not Marx a popularizer in
in 1883, that if the reformists called themselves the Communist Manifesto and in his serializing of
Marxist then he “was not a Marxist”, leaves no Volume 1 in the French Edition making it accessible
doubt as to what his Marxism was right up to the to workers?
end. His friend and political collaborator, Engels,
To further illustrate this point, after their critique
continued the fight to defend Marx’s Marxism from
of the Gotha Program, Marx and Engels intervened
all sides in the struggle to keep it alive in the face
in the debate against Herr Duhring, a minor
of the opportunist, reformist tendencies in the
academic who launched a reformist socialist
Second International.
program, attacking Marx among others. Engels’
Engels, friend and collaborator book Anti-Duhring was serialized in 1877/78 as a
response to this attack. It explodes Duhring’s
After Marx’s death, Engels, his lifelong collaborator
“bumptious pseudo-science” as “sublime
continued the fight to resolve this crisis. He was
nonsense”. Marx contributed the chapter “From the
faithful to Marx’s Marxism, completing and
Critical History” in which he takes his opponent
publishing three of the unfinished volumes of
apart as an “ignorant plagiarist”.
Capital (Vols 2,3 and 4 – or Theories of Surplus
Value), in which Marx had fleshed out the Engels’ pamphlet Socialism: Utopian and Scientific,
foundations of his scientific theory so they could be published in 1880 was a re-write of some sections of
understood and applied in practice to developing Anti-Duhring “suitable for immediate popular
the Communist program. The importance of propaganda”. Marx clearly approved of these joint
publishing these 3 volumes were that they efforts since he wrote the Introduction to the
demonstrated Marx’s method of moving from the French Edition praising it as “…an introduction to
abstract to the concrete. scientific socialism”. It proved very popular, selling
20,000 of the four German editions despite being
Moving from the Vol 1. analysis of value which was
banned under the Anti-Socialist Law, and was
‘abstracted’ from the struggle over wages, prices
translated into 10 languages.
and profits etc; Marx in Vol 2, showed how the
production of value underlay the struggle over the After Marx’s death Engels continued to intervene as
distribution of value between Labour and Capital; the authority on Marx’s work in the debates that
and to Vol 3 to show how crises that appeared on took place in the Second International. First, his
the surface of capitalist society as unstable ‘chaos’, Introduction to a new edition of Marx’s The Civil
were determined by the TPRF. Engel’s major War in France (1891) restated the lessons of the
contribution was therefore to show how falling Commune. Second, his ‘Foreword’ to the first
profits, not falling wages, explained the ‘chaos’ of publication of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha
capitalism. Program, (1891) aimed at the German Social
Democratic Party leadership which tried to suppress
the publication of Marx’s Critique because it
Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
exposed their break from Marxism. Third, Engels’ arms to overthrow of the French regime, out of
‘science of socialism’ popularized Capital Vol 3 to respect for parliamentary compromises. However,
explain crises, imperialism, colonialism, ‘bourgeois it is notable that their critique of Kautsky did not
workers’, and the material roots of ‘social become urgent until the shock betrayal of the 2nd
chauvinism’ in the Second International. International in 1914.
When Engels published Vol 3 in 1894 it was clear That betrayal proved beyond doubt that even the
that the imperialism in the 1880s was the result of most revolutionary Marxists were taken by surprise
crises cause by the TRPF forcing the export of by the power of the labour bureaucracy in the
capital to restore profits. This accounted for super- imperialist countries that sided with its own ruling
profits extracted from the colonies that raised living classes and called on workers to pay for the war and
standards for the working class, creating a give their lives fighting other workers. In their
privileged labour aristocracy made up of “bourgeois defence, the three leaders were in exile in Europe,
workers” as Engels called them. in the US, or in jail, and isolated from the European
sections of the International.
Colonial super-profits explained the material roots
of the labour bureaucracy and social democracy – The death of Marx had created the first crisis in
the political expression of a layer relatively Marxism; the betrayal of the 2nd International was a
privileged worker-officials in the trades unions and second crisis that nearly claimed the life of Marxism
in parliament. Lenin labelled the labour aristocracy itself. Joining with the exploiting class to kill one’s
as “social chauvinist” and “social imperialist”, fellow workers was a total rejection of Marxism. It
promoting “parliamentary socialism at home and was putting bourgeois national chauvinism ahead of
imperialism abroad”. Clearly, it was colonial super- international working-class solidarity. It was junking
profits that paid for ‘democracy’ in the imperialist every lesson learned in the history of class
countries. struggles, that declare to the world that the
proletariat and bourgeoisie have nothing in
These interventions were to lay the foundations for
common. There could be no argument to justify
the next generation of Marxists whose task was to
going to war in the interests of the bourgeoisie.
in effect to write Marx’s last three planned volumes
There was only one course open to save Marxism and
– on The State, Foreign Trade, and the World
that was to declare the 2nd International dead and
Market and Crises – which accounted for the uneven
begin the task of building a new one.
and crisis-ridden expansion of world capitalism.
They explain why the 2nd International degenerated Zimmerwald Left
into opportunism after Gotha and evolved into a
Those on the anti-war left of the International met
reformist party with a bourgeois program. This
at Zimmerwald in Switzerland in September 1915.
opportunism was to lay the ground for what was to
The majority opposed the war but took a
be the second crisis of Marxism, the betrayal of the
subjective, pacifist line in talking against the evils
proletariat by the majority of the Second
of war while voting for it in the Reichstag.They were
International leadership on August 4, 1914.
now reformists having succumbed to social
Love Marxism, Love Leninism imperialism - the view that imperialism abroad
could be reformed by parliamentary socialism at
After the death of Engels in 1895, the task of
home. The minority, the Zimmerwald Left, around
keeping Marxism alive fell to the next generation
Lenin, Luxemburg and Liebknecht, argued to turn
born in the late 19th century – notably Lenin, Trotsky
imperialist war into class war in which workers
and Luxemburg. To do that they had to develop
would refuse to fight one another and turn their
Marxist theory as a guide to the class struggle in the
guns on their own ruling class. The 2nd International
new epoch of imperialism recognized by Marx and
was pronounced dead and a commitment to building
Engels. Marxism can only live when it is tested as a
a new international made. They all agreed that the
program of action by a Marxist party immersed in
betrayal of Social Democracy resulted from the
the struggles of the day. So, those who took over
creation of labour aristocracies (Engels’ ‘bourgeois
the leadership of the movement from Marx and
workers’) bought off by colonial super-profits to
Engels have to be evaluated as leaders who were
promote social chauvinism at home in support of
capable of this task.
imperialist war. What to do?
As mentioned above, we first have to see if they
The “three L’s” called for workers to mutiny and
agreed with with Marx and Engels on the major
organise armed uprisings against the ruling classes
challenges to Marxism in their time – the Commune,
in every imperialist country. Trotsky called for
and the Gotha Program. Lenin, Trotsky and
workers to refuse to fight but did not think that
Luxemburg took a Marxist stand on these questions,
workers were ready for armed insurrection. They
and condemned the anti-Marxist position of Kautsky
disagreed on other aspects of Marxism too.
and others who opposed the Communards’ taking up
Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
Luxemburg and Trotsky, from right and left (Trotsky as conciliator; Luxemburg as spontaneist
positions, rejected the Bolshevik Party as and underconsumptionist) and hostile class enemies
substituting for the proletariat. (Social Democracy), by re-asserting its premises, re-
reading Hegel, re-affirming the dialectical method,
Trotsky on the right saw the split between
and applying the theory of Capital vol 2 and 3 to
Bolsheviks and Mensheviks as unnecessary. He was
analyze the ‘concrete’ conditions in Russia (he read
known as a ‘conciliationist’ for advocating a united
Marx on Sismondi to expose the petty bourgeois
party. Yet at the same time Trotsky agreed with
program of the Narodniks). He developed the theory
Lenin in rejecting the Menshevik two-stage theory,
of crisis in Vol 3 to explain the state of the world
that the bourgeois revolution had to be completed
economy embedded in imperialism and war
by a class alliance with the bourgeoisie, before the
(Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism); the
socialist revolution was possible in Russia.
reactionary role of Social Democracy and Kautsky’s
They both agreed with Marx, that since 1850 the vacillating centrism (Renegade Kautsky); the class
bourgeoisie was now a reactionary class. Therefore, character of the State (State and Revolution); AND
the bourgeois revolution against the Tsar would applied it to a Transitional Program put into
have to be led by the proletariat as the practice by the democratic centralist Bolshevik
revolutionary class and completed as the socialist Party.
revolution i.e., the uninterrupted, or permanent
Lenin was true to Marx because he fused theory and
practice in the democratic centralist party in which
Luxemburg from the left objected to Bolshevik objective and subjective reality was united. He
democratic centralism as substituting for the used Marx’s dialectic method to defeat the
spontaneous revolutionary consciousness of the objectivists and subjectivists who pushed old
masses. But from the right, however, her idealist formulae instead of the ‘art’ of revolution.
underconsumptionist theory of capitalist crisis He routed the objectivists who treated the
ignored Marx’s theory of “the tendency of the Rate proletariat as a passive rather than active
of Profit to Fall” (TRPF) in Capital Vol 3 published participant in revolution. These petty bourgeois
by Engels in 1894. Since for her falling profits were upstarts took over from the proletariat in deciding
caused by underconsumption due to low wages, the when the workers would be ready for revolution.
spontaneous struggle for higher wages would bring
Lenin also denounced the subjectivists (anarchists
about revolutionary class consciousness and the
and left communists) who argued spontaneous
overthrow of capitalism.
proletarian class consciousness was sufficient to
Therefore, on the central question of the Party, make the revolution, and that democratic
both in their own way took one-sided views of centralism must lead to the Party substituting itself
democratic centralism against Lenin’s dialectical for workers democracy.
position which weighed-up all sides of the question.
It follows that without Lenin in the leadership of a
The Party is the subjective factor in the revolution,
democratic centralist party there would have been
not the spontaneous mass “trade union”
no socialist revolution in Russia. It would have
consciousness – which is an objective barrier to
collapsed into objectivism or subjectivism; nor
revolutionary consciousness that can only be
would Marxism have survived as a living political
transcended by the Party. Nor can the Party be
force. In February 1917, the Bolshevik leadership
united around a broad program for an objective,
was tied to the old dogma of Plekhanov etc., that
inevitable march from reform to revolution without
Russia must have a bourgeois revolution to prepare
the subjective vanguard party intervening to know
the conditions for socialism. This was based on a
when to advance and retreat.
doctrinaire application of Marx’s slogan that
Not until the Russian revolution proved them wrong capitalism cannot be overthrown until it has
did Trotsky and Luxemburg come around to Lenin’s completed its historic task and is no longer capable
position. Trotsky joined Lenin in July 1917 and of developing the forces of production. Yet since
became one of the main leaders of the Russian 1850 Marx understood that the bourgeoisie was no
revolution. Luxemburg withdrew her objection to longer the revolutionary class and had to be
the Bolshevik type party and formed the Spartacist displaced by the proletariat as the new
Party but was betrayed by Social Democracy in revolutionary class. So, if the pre-conditions for
Germany and assassinated in 1919, cutting short the socialism still had to be created, that could only be
life of a true revolutionary, and contributing to the done by the proletariat in power.
defeat of the German Revolution.
When it came to the concrete conditions in Russia
The October Revolutions in Russia and Germany the idealist dogma was clearly out of touch with
Lenin, as the leading revolutionary Marxist, reality. The bourgeoisie was not strong enough to
advanced Marxism, against all backsliding comrades overthrow the Tsar and complete the bourgeois
Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
revolution. It was women textile workers that began necessary labour-time, and making the building of
the strikes in February 1917 that led to the socialism possible.
overthrow of the Tsar. Only the industrial workers,
The record of the Bolshevik Leninists from 1923 to
combined with the poor peasants and soldiers could
1933 was of a life and death struggle to reverse the
advance the revolution by overthrowing capitalism.
Stalinists regimes break from ‘Leninism’. Stalin
Lenin challenged the doctrinaire leadership by
subordinated world revolution to popular fronts
going to the Bolshevik masses and convincing them
with the bourgeoisie around a Menshevik program
that a socialist revolution was necessary to
for ‘national roads’ to socialism in defence of
complete the bourgeois revolution even in
‘socialism in one country.’ From the betrayal of the
backward Russia. In Russia 1917, the same mistake
German Revolution in 1923, to the Chinese
that saw the German bourgeoisie join forces with
Revolution, 1924/1927, the challenge of the LO was
the feudal Junkers in 1848, had to be avoided at all
met with repression, exile and execution of its
costs. So like Marx in 1850, Lenin was affirming
militants. Among them was Trotsky expelled and
the validity of permanent revolution as the only
exiled in 1917.
way to take the bourgeois revolution forward to
socialism in one continuous movement. The Left Opposition became an International Left
Opposition (ILO) as an internal opposition inside the
Permanent revolution was also tested by the failure
Comintern. It fought to restore workers democracy
of the German revolution. The first uprising in 1919
against the bureaucratic regime until 1933 when
failed because of the Menshevik SPD formed a
Stalin’s policy to appease fascism in Germany
government with the ‘democratic’, ‘progressive’,
helped the Nazi’s come to power. This betrayal of
but still warmongering, bourgeoisie! Then in 1921
the international communism was of the same order
the Communist Party (KPD) took part in a premature
as the 4th of August 1914 had been for the 2nd
putsch that was easily suppressed. By 1923 a
revolutionary situation had returned. The KPD was
better prepared, but its leadership vacillated and From 1933 the ILO was committed to building a new
failed to size up the situation and prepare for revolutionary international to take the leadership of
insurrection on time, and the moment was lost. the world revolution, fighting for political
Having failed to make the revolution, the revolution to overthrow the bureaucracy in the
responsibility for the rise of fascism in Germany fell Soviet Union, and for socialist revolutions based on
on the KPD leadership, mainly because it had not workers’ and peasants’ soviet governments
learned the lessons of the Bolshevik revolution and everywhere. The Fourth International was formed
built a strong, democratic-centralist party in time. in 1938 based upon its Transitional Program
dedicated to the unconditional defence of the
Left Opposition and Fourth International
Soviet Union, the political revolution and the
With the failure of the German revolution, the most international revolution.
important condition for the success of the Russian
Conclusion: The Short 20th Century
revolution disappeared. The industrialization of the
Soviet Union was held back by the backwardness For Marxism after Marx, it is the onset of the epoch
and war devastation in both industry and of imperialism that explains the inevitability of
agriculture. The Bolsheviks had to keep the recurring crises, revolutions, counter-revolutions
revolution alive in an isolated, under-developed and wars. Arising out of WW1 the rise and fall of the
country without international support. The only way Russian revolution became the ultimate test of the
out was to fight for a democratic-centralized plan power of revolutionary Marxism. The British
for industry and agriculture to develop the forces of historian Eric Hobsbawn, talks of the “Short 20th
production and survive until revolutions succeeded Century” from the Russian revolution of 1917 to the
in Europe or Asia. For the Bolsheviks there was restoration of capitalism in 1991, as shaping the
never the possibility of socialism being built in one fate of the modern world. Indeed, there is some
country. truth in this. The October revolution proved that
Marxism could keep the 19th century theory of Marx
After the death of Lenin in 1924, the battle to claim
alive in the form of a revolution led by a Marxist
his legacy was the key to the life and death struggle
party. Its success proved that a dying capitalism
between the growing bureaucratization of the party
could be replaced by a socialist revolution. But was
and state apparatus under Stalin that appeased the
this the end of the road for Marxism?
petty bourgeoisie and surviving bourgeoisie, and the
Left Opposition (LO) led by Trotsky, which insisted No. The degeneration of the revolution also proved
that workers democratic control of the soviets and the validity of living Marxism. Neither the revolution
of the Party regime were pre-conditions for nor the counter-revolution can be understood
planning production in industry and agriculture, except as a partial and incomplete realization of
allowing the forces of production to grow, reducing the permanent revolution Marx spoke of in 1850.
Class Struggle # 126 September/November 2018
The proletariat made the revolution along with the the exploiting and oppressing classes. It meant that
poor peasants, against the counter-revolution of the revolution could not be realized fully without
world capitalism and the united exploiting classes. the victory of the international revolution, and
While we can talk about the Russian revolution without the victory of world socialism and the
succumbing to counter-revolution as the prospect of a future communist, classless, and
culmination of the Short 20th century, it is only part stateless, society. Not until then, will the Manifesto
of the larger historic dynamic of permanent of the Communist Party, and permanent revolution,
revolution from the mid-19th century to today, and end up in the museum of class struggle. Until then,
beyond. it is the daily task of Marxists to continue the fight
for permanent revolution.
For Marx permanent revolution did not mean only
that the working class must to lead the exploited To be continued: Part 3: Marx Today.
and oppressed classes to the revolution against all

Workers Democracy
Communists are for workers' democracy, which far exceeds phony capitalist 'democracy' subordinated
to profits. It is based on workers councils which vote on what is needed in a plan, which is then
referred to regional and then national councils, federated internationally, made of up elected
delegates, both accountable and immediately recallable by those they represent, and paid no more
than the average workers' wage. Such a concept of 'democratic planning' was first advanced in the
Paris Commune of 1871.
This process allows the democratic representation of the working masses to be integrated nationally
and internationally into a coordinated plan. This is a centralization process but not one dictated by a
central body isolated from the mass base as became the case under the Stalinist bureaucracy.
You can see this democratic model in operation during the early years of the Russian revolution where
workers, peasants’ and soldiers’ soviets elected delegates to local, regional and national soviets. It
was during the second national congress of soviets in October 1917 that the popular insurrection was
organized and carried out with very little resistance.
Workers democracy came under immediate attack with imperialist invasions and the defeat of the
German revolution. The result was that, isolated and forced to fight a destructive civil war from 1918
to 1921, a centralized reconstruction only took until 1924 for Russia to recover its 1913 GDP. And
despite the destruction and concessions forced on Russia, state planning was able to outstrip economic
growth in the depressed capitalist West and avoid the fate of a Western colony.
But this could never have been sustained, as socialism cannot be built in one backward isolated
economy. As a result, the influence of capitalism externally and internally to destroy the revolution
and restore capitalism, produced a bureaucracy fostering the enrichment of the capitalist owners at
the expense of the workers' democracy and living standards.
The best account of the fight inside the Communist Party to stop Stalin's machine is that of the Left
Opposition - a strong minority led by Trotsky - that fought the bureaucracy to return to workers
democracy in the state, and a democratic plan to boost growth and equality. Despite the execution of
most of the oppositionists, the Left Opposition fought on into the 1930s when a new communist
international was formed to fight for socialist revolution.
In other words, Marxism that is not based on a genuine workers democracy, is not Marxism. The same
applies to the terms "socialism" and "communism". These both had specific meaning for Marx.
Socialism was collective ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange based on
workers' democracy. The SU or USSR, was never going to reach socialism without a world revolution.
So it never make the transition to communism, Marx’s classless, stateless, society of the future.
That is why humanity faces an existential choice, socialism, understood as a future democratic,
egalitarian society, versus capitalism, dying on its feet and right now actually destroying most living

Class Struggle #126 September/October 2018

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